cloning a visual studio project from GitHub - c++

I'm trying to use Visual Studio with GitHub, so I created a remote repo from Visual Studio, and pushed my solution there (it's a C++ project).
Now I simply want to clone that repo from GitHub and run the code on another machine, but if I clone the repo I only get a .sln file. If I click on the solution file Visual Studio complains that there's no project file, so the project cannot be loaded.
What am I missing?


Unable to run a program in Visual studio 2019, Selecting Local Windows Debugger gives me error Access denied

Currently, I am working on cloning the Cilantro github repository. I did using Cmake and also downloaded the required dependencies. The issue is I cannot run any files inside the project as well as newly created .cpp files for testing.
When I build the project it does builds successfully. but Whenever, I try to run by clicking in Local windows debugger I keep getting error unable to start program access denied.
snapshot of my current error
Things, I have done but not helped
uninstall MC*** antivirus
disabled the Real-time protection in systems virus security
rebuild the project and it build successfully
snapshot successfull Rebuild
also tried making cilantro as my set as project but than I am getting following error.
cilantro, set as project
I need help to run the project and remove the following error. Also,is there an easier way to clone and run the project in visual studios without using CMAKE GUI?
IDE: Visual Studios; Trying to run C++ program
Used CMAKE gui to build this project Cilantro
Github which I am trying to run is :
make you project as set as startup project
Solution Explorer > cilantro (Right click) > set as startup project
official doc

ZIP file replaces .VSIX from Visual Studio Marketplace

I'm using Visual Studio 2017. Our organization is blocking Visual Studio Marketplace (403 HostBrowserBlocked). Therefore, the way we normally download and install extensions is failing.
When we find a useful extension on the Visual Studio Marketplace, they want us to download a ZIP file.
What are the instructions for using this ZIP file properly? Apparently this is common knowledge because it isn't clear on the download page.
I have downloaded the ZIP file and looked for the missing VSIX file. I have copied the extracted ZIP file to "Extensions" folder of the Visual Studio installation and still failures.
It is Internet Explorer renames .vsix to .zip. You can use other web browser to download as .vsix.
Have you tried to just replace manually the file extension of the downloaded file from zip to vsix?

The docker-compose project hasn't been creating on Visual Studio 2017

I created a new webApi project (.Net Core) with Docker Support option enabled. However, the Visual Studio 2017 Community created only DockerFile. According some articles that I have read it should create also docker-compose project with the files: and docker-compose.override? Does anybody know what I have to do to solve this issue? Thanks a lot.

Visual Studio 2017 do not display grunt tasks in task runner explorer

Visual Studio 2017 can open any folder instead of a .NET project.
So I opened a folder in a .NET Web Project using file->open->open folder. And the root level of that folder has Gruntfile.js, package.json and node_modules has all required node modules. However, task runner explorer does not show grunt tasks at all.
If I open the website project, e.g. file->open project/solution then grunt tasks will show up in the task runner explorer.

CSX output directory does not exist error

Today I suddenly started getting errors when I try to run/debug my Azure cloud project from Visual Studio. I'm running Visual Studio version 15.7.3 and Azure SDK version 2.9.6. The error message says:
Failed to debug the Microsoft Azure Cloud Service project. The output
directory '\csx\Debug' does not exist.
Yesterday it worked fine, but during the night Windows Update installed some updates and rebooted my machine.
I have tried the following things without success:
Created the folder myself
Set full permissions for everyone on the csx folder
Set full permissions for everyone on the parent folder to the csx folder
Uninstalled one of the updates which was installed during the night
The strange thing is that if msbuild creates the csx folder without problems, using this command:
C:\src\services2>msbuild <cloudproject>.ccproj /p:configuration=debug /maxcpucount /p:outdir="c:\OutDir" /p:overwritereadonlyfiles=true /p:targetprofile="Cloud" /target:Clean;Publish
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
After struggling with this problem for a long time, I concluded that it was a problem with Visual Studio, since msbuild worked without problems.
After running a "Repair" on Visual Studio, it now works again :-)
You run the repair by selecting Visual Studio from Settings/Apps & features and clicking "Modify":
In the Visual Studio installer, you then select "Repair":