How can we model time progress in linear programming? - linear-programming

I am trying to solve a scheduling problem with linear programming. I have N disks that each have a capacity of constant C. At each time interval t_i, a set of write requests with different sizes arrive that we need to store their data on the disks. Each disk has a different write speed. we can delay writes, but after writing data to disk, we need to keep data in the disk during the t_i -> t_i+1 interval and after that, we might drop it. If we keep the data on disk we can save time if another write request with the same data arrives in the future. The goal is to minimize the writing time.
My question is how to keep track of time and disk contents? How can I model:
content_disk_j_t = sum(content_disk_j_t-1 - dropped_data, new data) for all t for all j


How flink checkpointing time is related to buffer alignment size or alignment time?

My streaming flink job has checkpointing time of 2-3s(15-20% of time) and 3-4 mins(8-12% of time) and 2 mins on an average. We have two operators which are stateful. First is kafka consumer as source(FlinkKafkaConsumer010) and another is hdfs sink(CustomBucketingSink). This two makes state of around 1-1.5Gb for savepoints and 800mb-6Gb(3gb average) for checkpoint. We have 30sec of tumbling processing window. Checkpointing duration and minimum pause between two checkpoiting is 3 mins. My job consumes around 3 millions of records per minute on an average and around 20 millions/min records on peak time. There is more than enough cpu and memory for flink.
Now here are my doubts :
1) Even when few checkpointing state sizes are less(70-80% less) as compare to other checkpointing state, it takes minutes(15-20% of time) as compare to other one which takes 5-10 secs.
2) Buffer alignment size sometimes increases to 7-8gb as compare to 800mb-1gb average but checkpointing time is not affected by this. I guess it should take more time as it should wait for checkpoint barrier.
3) Will checkponting time be affected if we increase tumbling window size. I am considering it shouldn't affect neither savepoint time and nor checkpoint time.
4) Few of the sub-tasks which sinks into hdfs takes 2-3 mins (5-10% time). So while 98% of subtasks are completed in 30-50 secs. 1-2(95% of time, it's only one) subtasks takes 2-3 mins. Which delays the whole checkpointing time. Problem is not with the node on which this sub-tasks are running because it happens sometimes to some node and sometimes to another node.
5) We are getting one exception once every 6-8 hour which restarts the job. TimerException{java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException} at org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.SystemProcessingTimeService$
6) How to minimize the alignment buffer time.
7) Savepoint time increases or decreases with increase and decrease of rate of input or state size but checkpointing time doesn't hold the same. Checkpointing time sometimes shows inverse relation with state size or we can saw it's not affected with the state size.
8) Whenever we restart the job, all sub-tasks take uniform time for 2-3 days on all nodes but afterwards 1-2 sub-tasks takes 2-3 minutes as compare to other which are taking 15-30 secs. I might be wrong on this behaviour but as far i have observed, this is also a case.
Note that windows are stateful, and unless you are doing incremental aggregation, longer windows have more state, which will in turn affect checkpoint sizes and durations.
It would be helpful to know which state backend you are using, and whether or not you are using incremental checkpointing.
I would start by trying to find the cause of the slow sink subtask(s) causing the backpressure, which is in turn causing the painful checkpointing. Could be data skew, or resource starvation, for example. Some common causes include insufficient CPU, network, or disk bandwidth, or AWS (or other API) rate limits. It may seem that you have plenty of CPU, for example, but one hot key can put way too much load on one thread, and thereby hold back the entire cluster.
If you find a way to correct the imbalance at the sink, then the checkpoint alignment problems should calm down. (Note that if you can tolerate duplicate results, you could disable checkpoint barrier alignment by choosing CheckpointingMode.AT_LEAST_ONCE.)

Buffering to the hard disk

I am receiving a large quantity of data at a fixed rate. I need to do some processing on this data on a different thread, but this may run slower than the data is coming in, so I need to buffer the data. Due to the quantity of data coming in the available RAM would be quickly exhausted, so it needs to overflow onto the hard disk. What I could do with is something like a filesystem-backed pipe, so the writer could be blocked by the filesystem, but not by the reader running too slowly.
Here's a rough set of requirements:
Writing should not be blocked by the reader running too slowly.
If data is read slow enough that the available RAM is exhausted it should overflow to the filesystem. It's ok for writes to the disk to block.
Reading should block if no data is available unless the stream has been closed by the writer.
If the reader is able to keep up with the data then it should never hit the hard disk as the RAM buffer would be sufficient (nice but not essential).
Disk space should be recovered as the data is consumed (or soon after).
Does such a mechanism exist in Windows?
This looks like a classic message queue. Did you consider MSMQ or similar? MSMQ has all the properties you are asking for. You may want to use direct addressing to avoid Active Directory and use local or TCP/IP queue address.
Use an actual file. Write to the file as the data is received, and in another process read the data from the file and process it.
You even get the added benefits of no multithreading.

Replaying stored data at a fixed rate

I am working on a problem where I want to replayed data stored in a file at a specified rate.
For Eg: 25,000 records/second.
The file is in ascii format. Currently, I read each line of the file and apply a regex to
extract the data. 2- 4 lines make up a record. I timed this operation and it takes close to
15 microseconds for generating each record.
The time taken to publish each record is 6 microseconds.
If I perform the reading and writing sequentially, then I would end up with 21 microseconds to publish each record. So effectively, this means my upper bound is ~47K records per second.
If I decide to multi thread the reading and writing then I will be able to send out a packet every 9 microsecond ( neglecting the locking penalty since reader and writer share the same Q ) which gives a throughput of 110K ticks per second.
Is my previous design correct ?
What kind of Queue and locking construct has minimum penalty when a single producer and consumer share a queue ?
If I would like to scale beyond this what's the best approach ?
My application is in C++
If it takes 15uS to read/prepare a record then your maximum throughput will be about 1sec/15uSec = 67k/sec. You can ignore the 6uSec part as the single thread reading the file cannot generate more records than that. (try it, change the program to only read/process and discard the output) not sure how you got 9uS.
To make this fly beyond 67k/sec ...
A) estimate the maximum records per second you can read from the disk to be formatted. While this depends on hardware a lot, a figure of 20Mb/sec is typical for an average laptop. This number will give you the upper bound to aim for, and as you get close you can ease off trying.
B) create a single thread just to read the file and incur the IO delay. This thread should write to large preallocated buffers, say 4Mb each. See for a way of managing these. You are looking to hold maybe 1000 records per buffer (guess, but not just 8 ish records!) pseudo code:
while not EOF
Allocate big buffer
While not EOF and not buffer full
Read file using fgets() or whatever
Apply only very small preprocessing, ideally none
Save into buffer
Release buffer for other threads
C) create another thread ( or several if the order of records is not important) to process a ring buffer when it is full, your regex step. This thread in turn writes to another set of output ring buffers (tip, keep the ring buffer control structures apart in memory)
While run-program
Wait/get an input buffer to process, semaphores/mutex/whatever you prefer
Allocate output buffer
Process records from input buffer,
Place result in output buffer
Release output buffer for next thread
Release input buffer for reading thread
D) create you final thread to consume the data. It isn't clear if this output is being written to disk or network, so this might affect the disk reading thread.
Wait/get input buffer from processed records pool
Output records to wherever
Return buffer to processed records pool
Preallocate all buffers and pass them back to where they came from. Eg you might have 4 buffers between file reading thread and processing threads, when all 4 are infuse, the file reader waits for one to be free, it doesn't just allocate new buffers.
Try not to memset() buffers if you can avoid it, waste of memory bandwidth.
You won't need many buffers, 6? Per ring buffer?
The system will auto tune to slowest thread ( ) so if you can read and prepare data faster than you want to output it, all the buffers will fill up and everything will pause except the output.
As the threads are passing reasonable amounts of data each sync point, the overhead of this will not matter too much.
The above design is how some of my code reads CSV files as quick as possible, basically it all comes to to input IO bandwidth as limiting factor.

How to handle 100 Mbps input stream when my program can process data only at 1 Mbps rate

I am working on a project where we can have input data stream with 100 Mbps.
My program can be used overnight for capturing these data and thus will generate huge data file. My program logic which interpret these data is complex and can process only 1 Mb data per second.
We also dump the bytes to some log file after getting processed. We do not want to loose any incoming data and at the same time want my program to work in real time.So; we are maintaining a circular buffer which acts like a cache.
Right now only way to save incoming data from getting lost is to increase size of this buffer.
Please suggest better way to do this and also what are the alternate way of caching I can try?
Stream the input to a file. Really, there is no other choice. It comes in faster than you can process it.
You could create one file per second of input data. That way you can directly start processing old files while new files are being streamed on the disk.

MySQL++, storing realtime data

Firstly I'm an engineer, not a computer scientist, so please be gentle.
I currently have a C++ program which uses MySQL++. The program also incorporates the NI Visa runtime. One of the interrupt handlers receives data (1 byte) from a USB device about 200 times a second. I would like to store this data with a time stamp on each sample on a remote server. Is this feasible? Can anyone recommend a good approach?
I think that performing 200 transactions/second against a remote server is asking a lot, especially when you consider that these transactions would be occurring in the context of an interrupt handler which has to do its job and get done quickly. I think it would be better to decouple your interrupt handler from your database access - perhaps have the interrupt handler store the incoming data and timestamp into some sort of in-memory data structure (array, circular linked list, or whatever, with appropriate synchronization) and have a separate thread that waits until data is available in the data structure and then pumps it to the database. I'd want to keep that interrupt handler as lean and deterministic as possible, and I'm concerned that database access across the network to a remote server would be too slow - or worse, would be OK most of the time, but sometimes would go to h*ll for no obvious reason.
This, of course, raises the question/problem of data overrun, where data comes in faster than it can be pumped to the database and the in-memory storage structure fills up. This could cause data loss. How bad a thing is it if you drop some samples?
I don't think you'll be able to maintain that speed with 1 separate insert per value, but if you batched them up into large enough batches you could send it all as one query and it should be fine.
INSERT INTO records(timestamp, value)
VALUES(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), [...], (399, 400);
Just push the timestamp and value onto a buffer, and when the buffer hits 200 in size (or some other arbitrary figure), generate the SQL and send the whole lot off. Building this string up with sprintf shouldn't be too slow. Just beware of reading from a data structure that your interrupt routine might be writing to at the same time.
If you find that this SQL generation is too slow for some reason, and there's no quicker method using the API (eg. stored procedures), then you might want to run this concurrently with the data collection. Simplest is probably to stream the data across a socket or pipe to another process that performs the SQL generation. There are also multithreading approaches but they are more complex and error-prone.
In my opinion, you should do two things: 1. buffer the data and 2. one time stamp per buffer. The USB protocol is not byte based and more message based. If you are tracking messages, then time stamp the messages.
Also, databases would rather receive blocks or chunks of data than one byte at a time. There is overhead in the database with each transaction. To measure the efficiency, divide the overhead by the number of bytes in the transaction. You'll see that large blocks are more efficient than lots of little transactions.
Another option is to store the data into a file, then use the MySQL LOADFILE function to load the data into the the database. Also, there is storing the data into a buffer then using the MySQL C++ connector stream to load the data into the database.
multi-threading doesn't guarantee being any faster than apartment even if you cached it correctly on server side unless there was some strange cpu priority preference. What about using shaders and letting the pass by reference value in windows.h be the time stamp