Bukkit Player check achievements - bukkit

I don't know what I should put into player.getAdvancementProgress(Here).
if (player.getAdvancementProgress().isDone()) {
Maybe someone knows something?

You should use an Advancement object, specially the advancement that you are looking for informations.
You can get it with Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey.fromString("advancement/name")) where advancement/name can be nether/all_potions for example. You can get all here (column: "Resource location). If you are getting it from command, I suggest you to add tab complete.
Example of TAB that show only not-done success :
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] arg) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if(!(sender instanceof Player))
return list;
Player p = (Player) sender;
String prefix = arg[arg.length - 1].toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); // the begin of the searched advancement
Bukkit.advancementIterator().forEachRemaining((a) -> {
AdvancementProgress ap = p.getAdvancementProgress(a);
if((prefix.isEmpty() || a.getKey().getKey().toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) && !ap.isDone() && !a.getKey().getKey().startsWith("recipes"))
return list;
Then, in the command you can do like that:
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] arg) {
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) // not allowed for no-player
return false;
Player p = (Player) sender;
// firstly: try to get advancement
Advancement a = Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey.fromString(arg[0]));
if(a == null)
a = Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey.minecraft(arg[0]));
if(a == null) // can't find it
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Failed to find success " + arg[0]);
else { // founded :
AdvancementProgress ap = p.getAdvancementProgress(a);
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Achivement " + a.getKey().getKey() + " stay: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + String.join(", ", ap.getRemainingCriteria().stream().map(this::getCleaned).collect(Collectors.toList())));
return false;
private String getCleaned(String s) { // this method is only to make content easier to read
String[] args = s.split("/");
return args[args.length - 1].replace(".png", "").replace(".jpg", "").replace("minecraft:", "").replace("_", " ");
Else, if you want to get all advancements, you should use Bukkit.advancementIterator().


Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Current is null when invoked through a pipeline

I need to redirect based on the country location the user is trying to access. For example when user trying to access http://www.example.com/ from china my site should as http://www.example.com/zh. I am checking using the sitecore tracker in pipeline process to get the country code using the below method.
public void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
if (HttpContext.Current == null
|| Context.Site == null
////TODO: || Sitecore.Context.PageMode...
|| Context.Database == null || Context.Site.Name == "shell" || !this._sites.Contains(Context.Site.Name))
// contains path including language and query string
// (not anchor name), but not hostname.
// We can use this to add the language back into the path.
string rawPath = Sitecore.Context.RawUrl;
if (!rawPath.StartsWith("/sitecore") && !rawPath.StartsWith("/" + Sitecore.Context.Language.Name + "/") && !rawPath.StartsWith("/" + Sitecore.Context.Language.Name) && !rawPath.StartsWith("/default.aspx"))
string langCode = "";
string country = GeoIPUtils.GetUserGeoIP();;
if (country.Trim().ToUpper() == "China".ToUpper())
langCode = "zh";
else if (country.Trim().ToUpper() == "Japan".ToUpper())
langCode = "jp";
else if (country.Trim().ToUpper() == "Thailand".ToUpper())
langCode = "th";
langCode = "en";
langCode = "en";
langCode = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["avc#lang"].Value.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(langCode))
Language language = null;
if (Language.TryParse(langCode, out language))
//then try to get the language item id from the language or two letter iso code
ID langID = LanguageManager.GetLanguageItemId(language, Sitecore.Context.Database);
if (!ID.IsNullOrEmpty(langID))
//sometimes the language found is slightly different than official language item used in SC
language = LanguageManager.GetLanguage(language.CultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName);
if (Context.Item != null)
List<string> availableLangs = LanguagesWithContent(Context.Item);
if (availableLangs != null && availableLangs.Count > 0 && !availableLangs.Contains(language.CultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.ToString()))
langCode = availableLangs.FirstOrDefault().ToString();
langCode = "en";
langCode = "en";
HttpContext.Current.Response.RedirectPermanent("/" + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(langCode) ? Sitecore.Context.Language.Name : langCode) + rawPath);
Below is the GetUserGeoIP function
public static string GetUserGeoIP()
string countryCode = "";
countryCode = Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Current.Interaction.GeoData.Country;
catch(Exception ex)
Log.Error("GetUserGeoIP Error: " + ex.Message + " Source: " + ex.Source + " Stack Trace :" + ex.StackTrace + " Inner Ex : " + ex.InnerException, ex);
countryCode = "GB";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countryCode))
var countryItem = ISO3166.FromAlpha2(countryCode);
if (countryItem != null)
return countryItem.Name;
return "Other";
But I am getting an below exception
7904 10:43:25 ERROR Cannot create tracker.
Exception: System.InvalidOperationException
Message: session is not initialized
Source: Sitecore.Analytics
at Sitecore.Analytics.Data.HttpSessionContextManager.GetSession()
at Sitecore.Analytics.Pipelines.EnsureSessionContext.EnsureContext.Process(InitializeTrackerArgs args)
at (Object , Object[] )
at Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(PipelineArgs args)
at Sitecore.Analytics.DefaultTracker.EnsureSessionContext()
at Sitecore.Analytics.Pipelines.CreateTracker.GetTracker.Process(CreateTrackerArgs args)
at (Object , Object[] )
at Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(PipelineArgs args)
at Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Initialize()
Note: The same GetUserGeoIP method is used in API which gets the correct countryName. I am using Sitecore.NET 8.0 (rev. 151127) version
Any help on this highly appreciated
Your processor is probably too soon in the pipeline(s). You can find an overview of the request pipelines here: http://sitecoreskills.blogspot.be/2015/02/a-sitecore-8-request-from-beginning-to.html
You should put your processor after the tracker has been initialized and the geo data has been fetched. I did something similar a while ago and placed my processor in the startAnalytics pipeline.
Fetching the geo data is async so that might (will) give issues when doing this in the first request pipeline. Read this article to tackle that issue by calling UpdateGeoIpData with a timespan.

CommandExecutor not registering command with multiple args?

I have a plugin that works with different commands throughout different classes. However, in this case when I have an argument length of 2, the command just doesn't seem to register.
public class FinalFrontierAdminCmds implements CommandExecutor{
FinalFrontier get;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String cmdLabel,
String[] args) {
Player p = (Player) sender;
if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("ff")){
// Check if only /ff is typed
if (args.length == 0){
p.sendMessage("This will display help menu");
return true;
if (args.length == 2){
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("create")){
if(args[1] != null){
get.getConfig().set("Maps." + args[1] + ".world", p.getLocation().getWorld());
get.getConfig().set("Maps." + args[1] + ".x", p.getLocation().getBlockX());
get.getConfig().set("Maps." + args[1] + ".y", p.getLocation().getBlockY());
get.getConfig().set("Maps." + args[1] + ".z", p.getLocation().getBlockZ());
get.getConfig().set("Maps." + args[1] + ".isSet", false);
p.sendMessage(get.ffMsg + "You have succesfully created map " + ChatColor.GREEN + args[1] + ChatColor.YELLOW + "!");
return true;
return true;
return false;
Main class with onEnable and onDisable:
public class FinalFrontier extends JavaPlugin{
String ffMsg = ChatColor.GREEN + "[" + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Final Frontier" + ChatColor.GREEN + "]" + ChatColor.YELLOW + ": ";
public void onEnable(){
getConfig().addDefault("Maps.", "");
this.getCommand("ff").setExecutor(new FinalFrontierAdminCmds());
public void onDisable(){
This is the first time this happens to me. I usually do it like this, unless something has changed? Thanks
The line getConfig().addDefault("Maps.", ""); throws an IllegalArgumentException error because you are trying to set an empty path (the empty path being the non-existent string after the "."). If you remove the period it will create that section correctly.
I didn't see any code in your command executor class that initializes the get variable. I would add the constructor (if you haven't already done so),
public FinalFrontierAdminCmds(FinalFrontier plugin) {
this.get = plugin;
and update the instantiation of the object in your onEnable() method to reflect this change (this.getCommand("ff").setExecutor(new FinalFrontierAdminCmds(this))), otherwise your command executor class will throw an NPE when trying to add the values.
Last but not least I would also save the world's name (p.getLocation().getWorld().getName()) and not pass the world object itself to the set method, otherwise the config file will look something like this:
world: !!org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftWorld
PVP: true
ambientSpawnLimit: 15
animalSpawnLimit: 15
autoSave: true
difficulty: PEACEFUL
environment: NORMAL
fullTime: 1100
keepSpawnInMemory: true
monsterSpawnLimit: 70
thunderDuration: 32301
thundering: false
time: 1100
waterAnimalSpawnLimit: 5
weatherDuration: 56712
//more values down here
With these fixes your code should work as expected.

MapReduce Hadoop - mapside joining the 2 data sets using customInputFormat

I am learning hadoop mapreduce framework ,i am trying to join 2 data sets have first record(Text) in the line as the Key , i tried to search in stackoverflow previous posts but nothing worked out.Here i am trying to customize the InputFormat and trying to join with the ID which is first record in the each line of data set.
My input file1:
cdd8dde3-0349-4f0d-b97a-7ae84b687f9c,Esther,Garner,4071 Haven Lane,Okemos,MI
81a43486-07e1-4b92-b92b-03d0caa87b5f,Timothy,Duncan,753 Stadium Drive,Taunton,MA
File2 :
**Driver class:**
String strJoinStmt = CompositeInputFormat.compose("inner",
KeyValueLongInputFormat.class, dirEmployeesData, dirSalaryData);
conf.set("mapred.join.expr", strJoinStmt);
TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, dirOutput);
**Custom RecordReader class:**
public class KeyValueLongLineRecordReader implements
RecordReader<Text, Text> {
private final LineRecordReader lineRecordReader;
private byte separator = (byte) ',';
private LongWritable dummyKey;
private Text innerValue;
public Class getKeyClass() {
return Text.class;
public Text createKey() {
return new Text("");
public Text createValue() {
return new Text();
public KeyValueLongLineRecordReader(Configuration job, FileSplit split)
throws IOException {
lineRecordReader = new LineRecordReader(job, split);
dummyKey = lineRecordReader.createKey();
innerValue = lineRecordReader.createValue();
String sepStr = job.get("key.value.separator.in.input.line", ",");
this.separator = (byte) sepStr.charAt(0);
public static int findSeparator(byte[] utf, int start, int length, byte sep) {
for (int i = start; i < (start + length); i++) {
if (utf[i] == sep) {
return i;
return -1;
/** Read key/value pair in a line. */
public synchronized boolean next(Text key, Text value)
throws IOException {
Text tKey = key;
Text tValue = value;
byte[] line = null;
int lineLen = -1;
if (!lineRecordReader.next(dummyKey, innerValue)) {
return false;
line = innerValue.getBytes();
lineLen = innerValue.getLength();
if (line == null)
return false;
int pos = findSeparator(line, 0, lineLen, this.separator);
if (pos == -1) {
tKey.set(new String(line, 0, lineLen));
} else {
int keyLen = pos;
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[keyLen];
System.arraycopy(line, 0, keyBytes, 0, keyLen);
int valLen = lineLen - keyLen - 1;
byte[] valBytes = new byte[valLen];
System.arraycopy(line, pos + 1, valBytes, 0, valLen);
tKey.set(new String(keyBytes));
return true;
**InputFormat class:**
public class KeyValueLongInputFormat extends
FileInputFormat<Text, Text> implements JobConfigurable {
private CompressionCodecFactory compressionCodecs = null;
public void configure(JobConf conf) {
compressionCodecs = new CompressionCodecFactory(conf);
protected boolean isSplitable(FileSystem fs, Path file) {
return compressionCodecs.getCodec(file) == null;
public RecordReader<Text, Text> getRecordReader(
InputSplit genericSplit, JobConf job, Reporter reporter)
throws IOException {
return new KeyValueLongLineRecordReader(job, (FileSplit) genericSplit);
**Finally Mapper class:**
enter code here
public class MapperMapSideJoinLargeDatasets extends MapReduceBase implements
Mapper<Text, TupleWritable, Text, Text> {
Text txtKey = new Text("");
Text txtValue = new Text("");
public void map(Text key, TupleWritable value,
OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter)
throws IOException {
if (value.toString().length() > 0) {
String arrEmpAttributes[] = value.get(0).toString().split(",");
String arrDeptAttributes[] = value.get(1).toString().split(",");
txtValue.set(arrEmpAttributes[1].toString() + "\t"
+ arrEmpAttributes[2].toString() + "\t"
+ arrDeptAttributes[0].toString());
output.collect(txtKey, txtValue);
In the logs Map input records is 0.No output can be seen on hdfs .Someone please help me to understand this issue. Thanks
The problem lies in the Driver class where in InputFormat mentioned as KeyValueLongInputFormat.class in the strJoinStmt property which actually works for LongWritable key and Text value. Instead KeyValueTextInputFormat.class can be used when both the key and value are of Text type.As the input is comma separated file, also specify a custom delimiter as comma by setting a property in the job's configuration object as follows in the Driver class.conf.set("key.value.separator.in.input.line",",");
For Complete details please check the below example:

Detect USB devices event

I made a console application which detects plugin and plugout events for all type of usb devices. but I wanted some filteration in it like I wanted to detect only webcams . This was done by using GUID class. The class for webcam is 'Image' class with GUID "{6bdd1fc5-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}" .The problem is that this 'Image' class is also used for scanners and I dont want to detect scanners.The code is given below:
static void Main(string[] args)
WqlEventQuery weqQuery = new WqlEventQuery();
weqQuery.EventClassName = "__InstanceOperationEvent";
weqQuery.WithinInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3);
weqQuery.Condition = #"TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_PnPEntity'";
ManagementEventWatcher m_mewWatcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(weqQuery);
m_mewWatcher.EventArrived += new EventArrivedEventHandler(m_mewWatcher_EventArrived);
static void m_mewWatcher_EventArrived(object sender, EventArrivedEventArgs e)
bool bUSBEvent = false;
string deviceCaption = "";
string deviceType = "";
foreach (PropertyData pdData in e.NewEvent.Properties)
ManagementBaseObject mbo = (ManagementBaseObject)pdData.Value;
if (mbo != null)
foreach (PropertyData pdDataSub in mbo.Properties)
Console.WriteLine(pdDataSub.Name + " = " + pdDataSub.Value);
if (pdDataSub.Name == "Caption")
deviceCaption = pdDataSub.Value.ToString();
if (pdDataSub.Name == "ClassGuid" && pdDataSub.Value.ToString() == "{6bdd1fc5-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}")
bUSBEvent = true;
deviceType = "Image";
if (bUSBEvent)
if (e.NewEvent.ClassPath.ClassName == "__InstanceCreationEvent")
Console.WriteLine("A " + deviceType + " device " + deviceCaption + " was plugged in at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
else if (e.NewEvent.ClassPath.ClassName == "__InstanceDeletionEvent")
Console.WriteLine("A " + deviceType + " device " + deviceCaption + " was plugged out at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
for references check this link
I waited but no body answered this question so, after seeing all properties of ManagementBaseObject I found that there is a property named Service which is different for scanners. In scanners the value of Service property is usbscan while in cameras it is usbvideo.
you can do something like this
if (mbo.Properties["Service"].Value.ToString() == "usbscan")
//then it means it is a scanner
//then it means it is a camera
note: The main question was that how can we differentiate between a scanner and a webcam because they both use same GUID.

Is there any way to delete the index of only one row in solr using solrj

I have made a java apllication which can index my last row (which is what I wabt)
But now I ask Is there any wa yo deete the index of this role! Can you give me directions how to do that or maybe simple code to change my code?
public class indexSolr {
private Connection conn = null;
private static HttpSolrServer server;
private Collection docs = new ArrayList();
private int _totalSql = 0;
private long _start = System.currentTimeMillis();
public static void main(String[] args) throws SolrServerException, IOException, SQLException
{ String url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/db";
indexSolr idxer = new indexSolr(url);
private void doSqlDocuments() throws SQLException {
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"postgres", "pos");
java.sql.Statement st = null;
st = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from pl_biz order by id DESC LIMIT 1");
while (rs.next()) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
Integer id = rs.getInt("id");
String name = rs.getString("name");
String midname = rs.getString("midname");
String lastname = rs.getString("lastname");
String frlsname = rs.getString("frlsname");
String biz_subject = rs.getString("biz_subject");
String company_type = rs.getString("company_type");
String obshtina = rs.getString("obshtina");
String main_office_town = rs.getString("main_office_town");
String address = rs.getString("address");
String role = rs.getString("role");
String country = rs.getString("country");
String nace_code = rs.getString("nace_code");
String nace_text = rs.getString("nace_text");
String zip_code = rs.getString("zip_code");
String phone = rs.getString("phone");
String fax = rs.getString("fax");
String email = rs.getString("email");
String web = rs.getString("web");
String location = rs.getString("location");
String geohash = rs.getString("geohash");
Integer popularity = rs.getInt("popularity");
doc.addField("id", id);
doc.addField("name", name);
doc.addField("midname", midname);
doc.addField("lastname", lastname);
doc.addField("frlsname", frlsname);
doc.addField("biz_subject", biz_subject);
doc.addField("company_type", company_type);
doc.addField("obshtina", obshtina);
doc.addField("main_office_town", main_office_town);
doc.addField("address", address);
doc.addField("role", role);
doc.addField("country", country);
doc.addField("nace_code", nace_code);
doc.addField("nace_text", nace_text);
doc.addField("zip_code", zip_code);
doc.addField("phone", phone);
doc.addField("fax", fax);
doc.addField("email", email);
doc.addField("web", web);
doc.addField("location", location);
doc.addField("geohash", geohash);
doc.addField("popularity", popularity);
if (docs.size() > 1) {
// Commit within 5 minutes.
UpdateResponse resp = server.add(docs);
System.out.println (resp);
if (resp.getStatus() != 0) {
log("Some horrible error has occurred, status is: " +
catch (Exception ex)
finally {
if (conn != null) {
private void endIndexing() throws IOException, SolrServerException {
if (docs.size() > 0) { // Are there any documents left over?
server.add(docs, 300000); // Commit within 5 minutes
catch (Exception ex)
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("Total Time Taken: " + (endTime - _start) +
" milliseconds to index " + _totalSql +
" SQL rows" );
private indexSolr(String url) throws IOException, SolrServerException {
// Create a multi-threaded communications channel to the Solr server.
try {
server = new HttpSolrServer(url);
server.setSoTimeout(1000); // socket read timeout
catch (Exception ex)
That's all you need to do to delete the index of a row with id for example 30682 from solr
SolrServer solrServer;
String url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/db";
solrServer = new HttpSolrServer(url);
System.out.println("index deleted");
I Hope it helps someone