Is there any way to delete the index of only one row in solr using solrj - solrj

I have made a java apllication which can index my last row (which is what I wabt)
But now I ask Is there any wa yo deete the index of this role! Can you give me directions how to do that or maybe simple code to change my code?
public class indexSolr {
private Connection conn = null;
private static HttpSolrServer server;
private Collection docs = new ArrayList();
private int _totalSql = 0;
private long _start = System.currentTimeMillis();
public static void main(String[] args) throws SolrServerException, IOException, SQLException
{ String url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/db";
indexSolr idxer = new indexSolr(url);
private void doSqlDocuments() throws SQLException {
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"postgres", "pos");
java.sql.Statement st = null;
st = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from pl_biz order by id DESC LIMIT 1");
while ( {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
Integer id = rs.getInt("id");
String name = rs.getString("name");
String midname = rs.getString("midname");
String lastname = rs.getString("lastname");
String frlsname = rs.getString("frlsname");
String biz_subject = rs.getString("biz_subject");
String company_type = rs.getString("company_type");
String obshtina = rs.getString("obshtina");
String main_office_town = rs.getString("main_office_town");
String address = rs.getString("address");
String role = rs.getString("role");
String country = rs.getString("country");
String nace_code = rs.getString("nace_code");
String nace_text = rs.getString("nace_text");
String zip_code = rs.getString("zip_code");
String phone = rs.getString("phone");
String fax = rs.getString("fax");
String email = rs.getString("email");
String web = rs.getString("web");
String location = rs.getString("location");
String geohash = rs.getString("geohash");
Integer popularity = rs.getInt("popularity");
doc.addField("id", id);
doc.addField("name", name);
doc.addField("midname", midname);
doc.addField("lastname", lastname);
doc.addField("frlsname", frlsname);
doc.addField("biz_subject", biz_subject);
doc.addField("company_type", company_type);
doc.addField("obshtina", obshtina);
doc.addField("main_office_town", main_office_town);
doc.addField("address", address);
doc.addField("role", role);
doc.addField("country", country);
doc.addField("nace_code", nace_code);
doc.addField("nace_text", nace_text);
doc.addField("zip_code", zip_code);
doc.addField("phone", phone);
doc.addField("fax", fax);
doc.addField("email", email);
doc.addField("web", web);
doc.addField("location", location);
doc.addField("geohash", geohash);
doc.addField("popularity", popularity);
if (docs.size() > 1) {
// Commit within 5 minutes.
UpdateResponse resp = server.add(docs);
System.out.println (resp);
if (resp.getStatus() != 0) {
log("Some horrible error has occurred, status is: " +
catch (Exception ex)
finally {
if (conn != null) {
private void endIndexing() throws IOException, SolrServerException {
if (docs.size() > 0) { // Are there any documents left over?
server.add(docs, 300000); // Commit within 5 minutes
catch (Exception ex)
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("Total Time Taken: " + (endTime - _start) +
" milliseconds to index " + _totalSql +
" SQL rows" );
private indexSolr(String url) throws IOException, SolrServerException {
// Create a multi-threaded communications channel to the Solr server.
try {
server = new HttpSolrServer(url);
server.setSoTimeout(1000); // socket read timeout
catch (Exception ex)

That's all you need to do to delete the index of a row with id for example 30682 from solr
SolrServer solrServer;
String url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/db";
solrServer = new HttpSolrServer(url);
System.out.println("index deleted");
I Hope it helps someone


Bukkit Player check achievements

I don't know what I should put into player.getAdvancementProgress(Here).
if (player.getAdvancementProgress().isDone()) {
Maybe someone knows something?
You should use an Advancement object, specially the advancement that you are looking for informations.
You can get it with Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey.fromString("advancement/name")) where advancement/name can be nether/all_potions for example. You can get all here (column: "Resource location). If you are getting it from command, I suggest you to add tab complete.
Example of TAB that show only not-done success :
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] arg) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if(!(sender instanceof Player))
return list;
Player p = (Player) sender;
String prefix = arg[arg.length - 1].toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); // the begin of the searched advancement
Bukkit.advancementIterator().forEachRemaining((a) -> {
AdvancementProgress ap = p.getAdvancementProgress(a);
if((prefix.isEmpty() || a.getKey().getKey().toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) && !ap.isDone() && !a.getKey().getKey().startsWith("recipes"))
return list;
Then, in the command you can do like that:
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] arg) {
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) // not allowed for no-player
return false;
Player p = (Player) sender;
// firstly: try to get advancement
Advancement a = Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey.fromString(arg[0]));
if(a == null)
a = Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey.minecraft(arg[0]));
if(a == null) // can't find it
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Failed to find success " + arg[0]);
else { // founded :
AdvancementProgress ap = p.getAdvancementProgress(a);
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Achivement " + a.getKey().getKey() + " stay: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + String.join(", ", ap.getRemainingCriteria().stream().map(this::getCleaned).collect(Collectors.toList())));
return false;
private String getCleaned(String s) { // this method is only to make content easier to read
String[] args = s.split("/");
return args[args.length - 1].replace(".png", "").replace(".jpg", "").replace("minecraft:", "").replace("_", " ");
Else, if you want to get all advancements, you should use Bukkit.advancementIterator().

How to do multiple layer of query in corda , from one schema to another

So i want to query 3 states in corda but i will only get one query criteria from user. so i will query 1st state from the query criteria , now i will query 2nd state with a specific value from 1st state result and in the last i will query the 3rd state from a specific result from the 2nd state.
and in the last i will feats a specific value from the 3rd state
so can any one explain me how to do it. I have tried it but it is returning null value
here is my code
public APIResponse<List<String>> getPledgeData(#RequestParam("pledgeIdFromUser") String pledgeIdFromUser){
//from the user i have taken the PledgeId and using it as a query criteria
try {
FieldInfo pledgeId1 = null;
try {
pledgeId1 = getField("pledgeId", PledgeSchema.PersistentPledge.class);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
QueryCriteria allDataRelatedToPledgeIdInPledgeState = new QueryCriteria.VaultCustomQueryCriteria
(Builder.equal(pledgeId1, pledgeIdFromUser));
List<StateAndRef<PledgeState>> results1 = activeParty.vaultQueryByCriteria
( allDataRelatedToPledgeIdInPledgeState, PledgeState.class).getStates();
// so i have retrieved all the branchId from PledgeState using pledge id
List<String> allBranchIds -> stateStateAndRef.getState().getData().getBranchId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
// now i want to iterate all the branchID to find the winner in PledgeUpdateState
//so here my input will be branchID
List<String> allWinner = null;
for(String allBranchId:allBranchIds ){
FieldInfo branchId = null;
try {
branchId = getField("branchId", PledgeResultSchema.PersistentPledge1.class);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
QueryCriteria allDataRelatedToPledgeIdInPledgeUpdateState = new
QueryCriteria.VaultCustomQueryCriteria(Builder.equal(branchId, allBranchId));
List<StateAndRef<PledgeUpdateState>> results2 = activeParty.vaultQueryByCriteria
( allDataRelatedToPledgeIdInPledgeUpdateState, PledgeUpdateState.class).getStates();
allWinner = -> stateStateAndRef.getState().getData()
// now here i want to return all the winner in the PledgeUpdateState
return APIResponse.success(allWinner);
}catch (Exception e){
return APIResponse.error(e.getMessage());
I think you are overwriting your allWinner variable in each iteration of the branchId. The last one found probably doesn't have any winners, hence null.
I think a better approach would be to use a native query since you are already having a schema for your states. See the example below, you could very well use a join-statement.
String nativeQuery = "SELECT * FROM HOUSE_DETAIL";
try {
List<PersistentHouse> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
ResultSet rs = getServiceHub().jdbcSession().prepareStatement(nativeQuery).executeQuery();
while ({
PersistentHouse house = new PersistentHouse(rs.getString(3), rs.getInt(4),
rs.getInt(5), rs.getInt(7),
return resultList;
}catch (SQLException se){
throw new FlowException(se.getCause());
Note: Flows also has support for JPA, you could use serviceHub.withEntityManager
public APIResponse getAllPledgeId(#RequestParam("userIdFromUser") String userIdFromUser) {
try {
FieldInfo userId1 =null;
try {
userId1 = getField("userName", BidStateSchemas.PersistentBid.class);
}catch (NoSuchFieldException e){
QueryCriteria allDataRelatedToUserIdInBidState = new QueryCriteria.VaultCustomQueryCriteria
(Builder.equal(userId1, userIdFromUser));
List<StateAndRef<BidState>> results1 = activeParty.vaultQueryByCriteria
( allDataRelatedToUserIdInBidState, BidState.class).getStates();
ArrayList allPledgeIds = (ArrayList) -> stateStateAndRef.getState().getData()
ArrayList allBranchName = new ArrayList();
ArrayList allAuctionDate =new ArrayList();
List allPledgeStatus = new ArrayList();
ArrayList allBranchIds = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < allPledgeIds.size(); i++) {
FieldInfo PledgeId = null;
try {
PledgeId = getField("pledgeId", PledgeSchema.PersistentPledge.class);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
QueryCriteria allDataRelatedToPledgeIdInPledgeUpdateState = new QueryCriteria.VaultCustomQueryCriteria
(Builder.equal(PledgeId, allPledgeIds.get(i)));
List<StateAndRef<PledgeState>> results2 = activeParty.vaultQueryByCriteria
( allDataRelatedToPledgeIdInPledgeUpdateState, PledgeState.class).getStates();
allBranchIds.add( -> stateStateAndRef.getState()
.getData().getBranchId()).collect(Collectors.toList())) ;
allPledgeStatus.add( -> stateStateAndRef.getState()
.getData().getPledgeStatus()).collect(Collectors.toList())) ;
for(int j = 0;j < allBranchIds.size(); j++){
FieldInfo branchId = null;
try {
branchId = getField("branchId", StartAuctionSchema.PersistentAuction.class);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
QueryCriteria allDataRelatedToBranchIdInStartAuctionState = new QueryCriteria.VaultCustomQueryCriteria
(Builder.equal(branchId, allBranchIds.get(j)));
List<StateAndRef<StartAuctionState>> results3 = activeParty.vaultQueryByCriteria
( allDataRelatedToBranchIdInStartAuctionState, StartAuctionState.class).getStates();
allBranchName.add( -> stateStateAndRef.getState()
allAuctionDate.add( -> stateStateAndRef.getState()
.getData().getAuctionDate()).collect(Collectors.toList())) ;
ArrayList allData= new ArrayList();
return APIResponse.success(allData);
}catch (Exception e){
return APIResponse.error(e.getMessage());

MapReduce Hadoop - mapside joining the 2 data sets using customInputFormat

I am learning hadoop mapreduce framework ,i am trying to join 2 data sets have first record(Text) in the line as the Key , i tried to search in stackoverflow previous posts but nothing worked out.Here i am trying to customize the InputFormat and trying to join with the ID which is first record in the each line of data set.
My input file1:
cdd8dde3-0349-4f0d-b97a-7ae84b687f9c,Esther,Garner,4071 Haven Lane,Okemos,MI
81a43486-07e1-4b92-b92b-03d0caa87b5f,Timothy,Duncan,753 Stadium Drive,Taunton,MA
File2 :
**Driver class:**
String strJoinStmt = CompositeInputFormat.compose("inner",
KeyValueLongInputFormat.class, dirEmployeesData, dirSalaryData);
conf.set("mapred.join.expr", strJoinStmt);
TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, dirOutput);
**Custom RecordReader class:**
public class KeyValueLongLineRecordReader implements
RecordReader<Text, Text> {
private final LineRecordReader lineRecordReader;
private byte separator = (byte) ',';
private LongWritable dummyKey;
private Text innerValue;
public Class getKeyClass() {
return Text.class;
public Text createKey() {
return new Text("");
public Text createValue() {
return new Text();
public KeyValueLongLineRecordReader(Configuration job, FileSplit split)
throws IOException {
lineRecordReader = new LineRecordReader(job, split);
dummyKey = lineRecordReader.createKey();
innerValue = lineRecordReader.createValue();
String sepStr = job.get("", ",");
this.separator = (byte) sepStr.charAt(0);
public static int findSeparator(byte[] utf, int start, int length, byte sep) {
for (int i = start; i < (start + length); i++) {
if (utf[i] == sep) {
return i;
return -1;
/** Read key/value pair in a line. */
public synchronized boolean next(Text key, Text value)
throws IOException {
Text tKey = key;
Text tValue = value;
byte[] line = null;
int lineLen = -1;
if (!, innerValue)) {
return false;
line = innerValue.getBytes();
lineLen = innerValue.getLength();
if (line == null)
return false;
int pos = findSeparator(line, 0, lineLen, this.separator);
if (pos == -1) {
tKey.set(new String(line, 0, lineLen));
} else {
int keyLen = pos;
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[keyLen];
System.arraycopy(line, 0, keyBytes, 0, keyLen);
int valLen = lineLen - keyLen - 1;
byte[] valBytes = new byte[valLen];
System.arraycopy(line, pos + 1, valBytes, 0, valLen);
tKey.set(new String(keyBytes));
return true;
**InputFormat class:**
public class KeyValueLongInputFormat extends
FileInputFormat<Text, Text> implements JobConfigurable {
private CompressionCodecFactory compressionCodecs = null;
public void configure(JobConf conf) {
compressionCodecs = new CompressionCodecFactory(conf);
protected boolean isSplitable(FileSystem fs, Path file) {
return compressionCodecs.getCodec(file) == null;
public RecordReader<Text, Text> getRecordReader(
InputSplit genericSplit, JobConf job, Reporter reporter)
throws IOException {
return new KeyValueLongLineRecordReader(job, (FileSplit) genericSplit);
**Finally Mapper class:**
enter code here
public class MapperMapSideJoinLargeDatasets extends MapReduceBase implements
Mapper<Text, TupleWritable, Text, Text> {
Text txtKey = new Text("");
Text txtValue = new Text("");
public void map(Text key, TupleWritable value,
OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter)
throws IOException {
if (value.toString().length() > 0) {
String arrEmpAttributes[] = value.get(0).toString().split(",");
String arrDeptAttributes[] = value.get(1).toString().split(",");
txtValue.set(arrEmpAttributes[1].toString() + "\t"
+ arrEmpAttributes[2].toString() + "\t"
+ arrDeptAttributes[0].toString());
output.collect(txtKey, txtValue);
In the logs Map input records is 0.No output can be seen on hdfs .Someone please help me to understand this issue. Thanks
The problem lies in the Driver class where in InputFormat mentioned as KeyValueLongInputFormat.class in the strJoinStmt property which actually works for LongWritable key and Text value. Instead KeyValueTextInputFormat.class can be used when both the key and value are of Text type.As the input is comma separated file, also specify a custom delimiter as comma by setting a property in the job's configuration object as follows in the Driver class.conf.set("",",");
For Complete details please check the below example:

How to custom a classloader

I'm trying to implementing this function with a customer classloader: I have some class files in a alternatives.jar file, they provide different implementation than normal implementation. i.e., each class in this jar, has another version which in other jar file -- also get loaded in the classpath.
I know it's better to use instrument API to achieve same purpose. But now my concern is I need to understand why I'm failing.
So this is my method:
1. define a, in this file, I override findClass method. So if the class name can be found from alternatives.jar, then use the version from alternatives.jar.
2. in constructor, I have called super(null) so all these class loading work will be performed by my classloader, rather that system's.
3. This (seems to be true) also requires me to load other classes (if they're not system one). So I have to parse classpath, find all classes which indicated by the classpath.
My problem is, I can load my alternative class, everything seems to be fine...However, I'm using slf4j which yells the following error:
Failed to auto configure default logger context
Reported exception:
ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.JoranException: Parser configuration error occurred
Failed to instantiate [ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext]
Reported exception:
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getLoader(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
I doubt this is caused by my bad classloader implementation. Would somebody help me out? Many thanks!
This is my classloader:
public class AlternativeClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
private static final String ALTERNATIVE_JAR_PROPERTY = "alternativejar";
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory
private Map<String, Class<?>> clzCache = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
private Map<String, String> others = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Set<String> alternativesRegistry;
private JarFile altjar;
public AlternativeClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) {
* pass null so I can incept all class loading except system's. By doing
* this you'll need to override findClass
* This method will parse classpath and get all non-system class name, and
* build classname - jar_file_path/file_system_path mappings
private void registerOthers() {
String[] paths = System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(":");
URL[] urls = new URL[paths.length];
for (String path : paths) {
if (path.endsWith("*.jar")) {
registerClass(path, others);
} else {
File f = new File(path);
if (!f.isDirectory())
File[] classFiles = f.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File arg0) {
if (arg0.getName().endsWith(".class")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
for (File file : classFiles) {
String fileName = file.getName();
String className = fileName.substring(0,
others.put(className, file.getPath());
"Me will also be responsible for loading the following classes:",
private void registerClass(String path, Map<String, String> registry) {
try {
JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(path));
for (JarEntry entry = jis.getNextJarEntry(); entry != null; entry = jis
.getNextJarEntry()) {
if (entry.getName().endsWith(".class") && !entry.isDirectory()) {
StringBuilder className = new StringBuilder();
for (String part : entry.getName().split("/")) {
if (className.length() != 0)
if (part.endsWith(".class"))
- ".class".length());
registry.put(className.toString(), path);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Failed when read/parse jar {}. Your class file may not been replaced by alternative implementation",
path, e);
* Try to find alternative class implementation from jar file specified by
* ALTERNATIVE_JAR_PROPERTY. If it's not specified, then use same jar file
* where this classloader is loaded.
private void registerAlternatives() {
String jarFilePath = System.getProperty(ALTERNATIVE_JAR_PROPERTY);
if (jarFilePath == null || jarFilePath.isEmpty()) {
URL url = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource()
System.out.println(url + ":" + url.toString());
jarFilePath = url.getPath();
try {
altjar = new JarFile(jarFilePath);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("cannot read jar {}", jarFilePath);
Map<String, String> registry = new HashMap<String, String>();
registerClass(jarFilePath, registry);
alternativesRegistry = registry.keySet();
showRegistry("===Found the following alternative class:===", registry);
private void showRegistry(String string, Map<String, String> registry) {
for (String clzName : registry.keySet()) {
System.out.printf("Class:%30s ->%s\n", clzName,
private Class<?> myLoadClass(String name) throws IOException,
ClassFormatError {
logger.debug("myload class {}", name);
System.out.printf("myload class %s\n", name);
if (alternativesRegistry.contains(name) && altjar != null) {
JarEntry entry = altjar.getJarEntry(name + ".class");
InputStream is = altjar.getInputStream(entry);
return readClassData(name, is);
String path = others.get(name);
if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (path.endsWith(".jar")) {
JarFile jar = new JarFile(path);
JarEntry entry = jar.getJarEntry(name + ".class");
InputStream is = jar.getInputStream(entry);
return readClassData(name, is);
} else {// it's a folder, need to read clz from .class file
System.out.printf("file path for %s is %s\n", name, path);
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(path));
return readClassData(name, is);
private Class<?> readClassData(String name, InputStream is)
throws IOException, ClassFormatError {
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(buffer.length);
int len =;
while (len > 0) {
out.write(buffer, 0, len);
len =;
Class<?> clz = defineClass(name, out.toByteArray(), 0, out.size());
if (clz != null) {
System.out.printf("loaded %s by me\n", name);
clzCache.put(name, clz);
return clz;
protected Class<?> findCachedClass(String name)
throws ClassNotFoundException {
Class<?> clz = clzCache.get(name);
if (clz == null) {
clz = findLoadedClass(name);
return clz;
protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
System.out.println("findClass: " + name);
Class<?> cls = findCachedClass(name);
if (cls == null) {
try {
cls = myLoadClass(name);
} catch (ClassFormatError | IOException e) {
logger.error("failed to load class {}", name, e);
System.out.printf("failed to load class %s\n", name);
return cls;
I have tried to override findResource(), but it's never called.
This is how I put my classloader into use:
java -Djava.system.class.loader=AlternativeClassLoader -classpath=.:./alternatives.jar:./slf4j-xxx.jar Test
OK, I solved the problem. The tricky is:
Never use any package other than java.*. Otherwise, it will cause recursively loading ...IllegalState error.
In your classloader constructor, load all the alternative class and cache them.
In your constructor, call super(parent) other than super(null), then you don't need to do all the class loading stuff, the parent classloader can do it for you.
in override findClass(), if the class can be found from cache (means they have alternative implementation), then return it, otherwise let super.findClass do the rest for you.
so the following is the source code:
public class AlternativeClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
private static final String ALTERNATIVE_JAR_PROPERTY = "alternativejar";
private Map<String, Class<?>> clzCache = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
public AlternativeClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) {
private void loadAlternativeClasses() {
String jarFilePath = System.getProperty(ALTERNATIVE_JAR_PROPERTY);
if (jarFilePath == null || jarFilePath.isEmpty()){
URL url = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
System.out.println(url + ":" + url.toString());
jarFilePath = url.getPath();
JarInputStream jis;
try {
jis = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jarFilePath));
JarEntry entry;
while ((entry = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null){
String className = entry.getName();
className = className.substring(0, className.length() - ".class".length());
System.out.printf("loading class from %s: %s\n", jarFilePath, className);
readClassData(className, jis);
} catch (IOException e) {
} private Class<?> readClassData(String name, InputStream is) throws IOException,
ClassFormatError {
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(buffer.length);
int len =;
while (len > 0) {
out.write(buffer, 0, len);
len =;
Class<?> clz = defineClass(name, out.toByteArray(), 0, out.size());
if (clz != null) {
System.out.printf("loaded %s by myself\n", name);
clzCache.put(name, clz);
return clz;
protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
System.out.println("findClass: " + name);
Class<?> cls = clzCache.get(name);
if (cls == null)
cls = super.findClass(name);
return cls;

Blackberry soap response

I am trying to consume .net webservices, and I can establish the connection. However this is the response I am getting:
[0.0] anyType{NewDataSet=anyType{Table=anyType{Card_ID_PK=2243; PAN=63369610009001016; Expiry_Date[0.0] =15/06/2015; Embossed_Name=IDL IG scheme;
I want them to split and display it as a table. I searched in google and I found some methods like split() but that can only delimit single character and also I need the way to remove the characters and use them as key value pair which is used for .
Here is my code for soap:
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (DeviceInfo.isSimulator()) {
URL = URL + ";deviceSide=true";
SoapObject rpc = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME); //soap object to open the namespace and method name
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
envelope.bodyOut = rpc;
System.out.println("envelope response"+envelope.bodyOut.toString());
envelope.dotNet = true;
envelope.encodingStyle = SoapSerializationEnvelope.XSD;
System.out.println("in soap");
HttpTransport ht = new HttpTransport(URL);
ht.debug = true;
try {
System.out.println("int try");, envelope);
System.out.println("int try");
SoapObject resultProperties = (SoapObject) envelope.getResponse();
System.out.println("IN TRY");
String res=resultProperties.getProperty(1).toString();
String[] pattern={"{","}","anytype","Table",";"};
String replacement="";
String array=replaceall(res,pattern,replacement);
System.out.println(" array element:"+array[i]);
replace all method :
public String replaceall(String str, String[] pattern, String replacement)
return "";
StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
int index=-1;
String workingSource = str;
for(int i=0;i<pattern.length;i++)
while ((index = workingSource.indexOf(pattern[i])) != -1)
sb.append(workingSource.substring(0, index));
sb.append(workingSource.substring(index + pattern[i].length()));
workingSource = sb.toString();
sb.delete(0, sb.length());
return workingSource;