Why can't I generate a solution for the C++ project (.cryproject)? - c++

I am a beginner and follow the lessons from the c++ CryEngine documentation. But the problem is that I can't go any further until I generate a solution for the c++ project
I don't even have an icon for the corresponding buttons in the menu
I can provide a couple of screenshots
I tried different versions of the engine to solve the problem with generating the solution for the project, but all in vain

Open up Visual Studio Installer and make sure you have the latest Windows SDK installed, besides the one required by Cryengine.
For me it was Windows 11 SDK (10.0.22621.0).


Add WIN32 Console Project Template To Visual Studio Community 2017 15.5.2?

I recently installed Visual Studio Community 2017 15.5.2 version for C++ basically and I am unable to find the option of Win32 Console Application.
I have already read many post to fix it but can't. Yes, I have installed C++ in VS. I have installed the following workloads:
Desktop development with C++ and
.NET desktop development.
I have tried to install packages through VS command prompt but it didn't fix my issue. I have tried reinstalling it and repairing it but didn't find anything. I tried to find it in File -> New -> Project -> Visual C++ -> Windows Desktop -> Windows Desktop Wizard -> ... but there was no option.
I want to develop simple games in C++ so i need Win32 console application option in VS. I have installed similar packages in the VS installer but it didn't help!
I have looked for it in many options but didn't got what i wanted! I have also read many posts and forums to fix it but cannot. I almost tried everything they said in those forums!
If someone knows the solution please explain it briefly and tell me which packages to install or what to do?
Also tell me possible reasons for the cause so i can fix it on my own. And if not possible tell me an alternative to it.
seems that your not alone. The problem is know well, and already asked in Microsoft forum.
From their side they say not change has been apply in last updates, just few re-implement.
You may see same question here: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/93159/cant-find-win32-console-application-for-new-projec.html
In that case, what i would suggest you, is to install VS 2015 that still working well.
Good luck body.

No console application in Visual Studio 2015?

I know this might sound extremely dumb, but I can't find the console application template in visual studio 2015. When installed I clicked on custom and selected everything so I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of adding files later on so of course I have visual c++ installed. But for some reason there's no console application template.
Any ideas?
I'm using the community edition.
It's located under Templates->Visual C++->Win32->Win32 Console Application.
If you cannot find it there, it probably means you did not install the Windows SDK. Go to the Control Panel->Programs and Features, select Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015, right click on it and select Change.
The SDK is hidden quite well in the list of installable features. You can find it under Windows and Web Development->Universal Windows App Development Tools. Make sure the Windows 10 SDK is selected. By default it's not and I tend to forget to check it when installing VS2015 because it's so damn well hidden.
it is generally with windows 10 or xp
so when you go to visual c++ there is option of install windows support for ...
and let it download
next time you can see it there
install these two
after installation
I have same problem. This is the way of show before i fix it.
then check you have proper internet connection. net double click and install both. now you can create c++ project.
This is new appearance..
thank you.
Unable to download using VS2015 installer. Even when set to download from internet it will fail
Better download winsdksetup.exe at https://developer.microsoft.com/es-es/windows/downloads/sdk-archive/

setting up Visual Studio for Windows beginner tutorial

I am trying to learn Windows and c++ basics, and have downloaded Visual Studio for the first time, however I can't seem to figure out the proper setup for my needs.
I am trying to simply copy and paste the Windows beginner tutorial series(create window, open dialog box) from here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/sv-se/library/ff381399(en-us,VS.85).aspx
I simply can't figure out the proper project type, I'm expecting .cpp-s as .h-s and getting these windows markup .xaml-s and .cs-s.
Can somebody please drive me through in a couple lines what setup (mainly project type) should I use?
For the tutorial that you referenced the Project type you select at the File, New, Project menu command must be Visual C++, Win32, Win32 Project.

Integrate QT and OpenCV in Visual Studio

Sorry If you feel that this is an already asked question. But I googled for more than 2 days any tried lots of solution which given through stackoverflow and referred lots of tutorials. But I couldn't get a proper idea.
I am already working in a project which use c++(visual studio) with opencv which I am developing as my university project. I have developing this for last 2 months. But now I want to add a better UI.(Previously I considered only on the functionality) So I decided to move into QT. I'm new to QT. So I did some google search.
I know that I can do this with the QT creator. But I want to do this in visual studio as the functionality of my project is bit complex. What I already know is I have to build opencv with Qt using cmake. I followed few tutorials. But most of the tutorials use mingw and QT creator.
Accoring to above tutorial I generated a visual studio project using cmake. But when I tried to open that solution file my visual studio becomes not-responding. I can't figure out the reason.
I tried two days and I couldn't find a proper tutorial which describes integration of QT and opencv in visual studio. So can someone give me the instruction to integrate QT and Opencv in visual studio.
Qt Visual Studio Add-In is what you need to get this done. You can download it from https://qt-project.org/downloads.
Then follow the instruction here : http://doc.qt.digia.com/vs-add-in-1.1.7/index.html
I got it to work after just reading the first section.
I also tried the other way, using OpenCV in Qt-creator. It's really painful and I couldn't get it to work. It is much easier to do this in Visual Studio.

Gtkmm and cairomm with visual studio 11 (for the first time)?

I am learning c++ and wish to draw geometry to better enjoy the process and test my scripts.
I searched for a library to draw vectors in c++ and found Cairo came highly recommended on this site. I went ahead and downloaded Gtkmm that comes with Cairomm and installed it. I so far used this aweomse tutorial:
I followed the steps but I think this tutorial might be outdated or there may be an issue with one of the steps on MSVC 2012 with gtkmm-vc100-d-2_4.props (that is perhaps only supported on MSVC 2010).
In general I really want to get started but I am new to this and very confused atm.
It seems the current latest Project property file is not supported with Visual Studio 11 (2012).
I should have known that with the file name being, 'gtkmm-vc100-2_4'.
It works perfectly with VC10 so I reverted to using that for the time being.
I compiled gtkmm3 on Widnows 7 x64 (including cairo and others) for Visual Studio, see this
I have a CMake based project to build gtkmm on top of MSYS2 (it used to use OBS). It can be used with any version of Visual Studio supported by CMake as well as plain makefiles and jom makefiles.