setting up Visual Studio for Windows beginner tutorial - c++

I am trying to learn Windows and c++ basics, and have downloaded Visual Studio for the first time, however I can't seem to figure out the proper setup for my needs.
I am trying to simply copy and paste the Windows beginner tutorial series(create window, open dialog box) from here:,VS.85).aspx
I simply can't figure out the proper project type, I'm expecting .cpp-s as .h-s and getting these windows markup .xaml-s and .cs-s.
Can somebody please drive me through in a couple lines what setup (mainly project type) should I use?

For the tutorial that you referenced the Project type you select at the File, New, Project menu command must be Visual C++, Win32, Win32 Project.


Why can't I generate a solution for the C++ project (.cryproject)?

I am a beginner and follow the lessons from the c++ CryEngine documentation. But the problem is that I can't go any further until I generate a solution for the c++ project
I don't even have an icon for the corresponding buttons in the menu
I can provide a couple of screenshots
I tried different versions of the engine to solve the problem with generating the solution for the project, but all in vain
Open up Visual Studio Installer and make sure you have the latest Windows SDK installed, besides the one required by Cryengine.
For me it was Windows 11 SDK (10.0.22621.0).

How to properly open a Visual Studio project?

I have a problem that will be very simple to solve but I don't know how to do it.
Scenario: I want to run an emulator coded in C++ by a YT (javidx9) in Visual Studio. The project is here: and the folder is "Part#2 - CPU"
Problem: I never use Visual Studio, so its something new for me, and my problem is that I don't know how to run the project (emulator). And I can't find any post or article on the internet about my problem. (I tried to create an empty project in VS and then copy the emulator files to the folder of my empty project and then run it, but it sent me an error that the files were not found (and its because that isn't the correct way to run the program and I don't know how to do it)).
My request: I would be very grateful if someone could explain to me how to open and run this project (the emulator) correctly in Visual Studio.
Your project does not have. sln file. You need to create new project in visual studio. Last file has main function as below. You need to run this main file(olcNes_Video1_6502.cpp)
You may need to check path of headers included from other projects.

Visual Studio Failing to Create C++ Console Project

I have a problem where Visual Studio will not create a new C++ Console Application project. I can input the project name and location, but when I hit the create button it simply closes the project creator window and reopens it without creating anything. It will do this with both types of the standard C++ Win32 project templates. Everything else works and will load without this error, but for whatever reason Visual Studio will not create Win32 C++ project types. I have previously been able to create such projects in the past; the problem I am encountering is recent.
My version of Windows 10 has recently been updated to the most recent version, but I do not think this will have effected the program. I have tried to run the repair tool included with Visual Studio and running it as an administrator, but nothing has helped. Can you please tell me why Visual Studio might be refusing to create Win32 Projects and how to fix it?
Fixed it. I completely uninstalled Visual Studio and it worked fine after that. Rebooting didn't help; the reinstall did the trick.

Visual Studio 2010 C++ native debug mode resources

I am very desperate now...
I have project in Visual C++ 2010 using Qt and OpenCV. I got to phase I need to load XML file using openCV. But, I have no idea where is the working directory of my project, when run thru VS (F5). I mean, I read all config, copied desired file almost everywhere in my project folders, but it still is not seen by my EXE (OpenCV)...
What Am I doing wrong? Thanks.
right click on your project click on properties/Configuration Properties/debugging you start in whatever working directory is set to.

No MFC templates available for a new C++ project - Visual C++ Express

i've been googling before posting this but i havent been able to find anything on the topic.. yet i dont think its a very tricky one so please forgive for posting :o).
for a new job i am getting into C++, and following some tutorials. in particular one is about MFC, it shows how to create a project , selecting MFC application and so on. So, i installed Visual C++ Express 2010 on both a vista and a Win 7, and both time i had the same issue: when i go to new project , I have no "MFC" menu . some screenshots from that tutorial , and from some other on Visual C++ 2010 clearly show that it can be there. to be more specific, on corner left I have "installed templates" , then "Visual C++" and "CLR", Win32" and "General" , no MFC.
as these are "installed templates", i guess i should have to install it, but i found no clear indication on the topic; from what i found it should more or less be there from the beginning ... i also found a way to add MFC DLL through creating a Win32 application, but it doesnt seem its exactly the same thing .. I spent also some time on the menus of Visual C++ but did not find any clear way to add new templates like in Eclipse...
Well, I hope I made myself clear, i think this is pretty basic but if anyone could give me a hand on that one i'd greatly appreciate.
Visual Studio C++ Express does not support creating MFC applications.
If you don`t mind the leaking of unicode support, you can downlaod the visual studio 2013 express for desktop and install the free mfc mbcs supportfrom