AWS CodeBuild webhook trigers when it shoudn't start - amazon-web-services

I have the following setup of codebuild's webhook:
resource "aws_codebuild_webhook" "apply" {
project_name =
build_type = "BUILD"
filter_group {
filter {
type = "EVENT"
pattern = "PUSH"
filter {
type = "FILE_PATH"
pattern = "environments/test/*"
filter {
type = "HEAD_REF"
pattern = "master"
Purpose is to run it only when changes on master branch are done.
Currently this webhook starts buildspec when changes are done in environments/test/ on every branch not only master branch.
What is wrong and how to setup it correctly?

according to the right format for the pattern of your filter of type HEAD_REF is ^refs/heads/master$.
I only now realized, that you use terraform. Can you try with
filter {
type = "HEAD_REF"
pattern = "refs/heads/master"


Add environment based Multiple Notification Channel to GCP Alert Policy with Terraform Lookup

I'm trying to add multiple notification channels to a GCP Alert policy with terraform.
My issue is that I need to add different notification channels based on the production environment where they are deployed.
As long as I keep the notification channel unique, I can easily deploy in the following way.
Here is my file:
locals {
notification_channel = {
DEV = "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/notificationChannels/[CHANNEL_ID]"
PRD = "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/notificationChannels/[CHANNEL_ID]"
Here is my file:
resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "alert_policy" {
display_name = "My Alert Policy"
combiner = "OR"
conditions {
display_name = "test condition"
condition_threshold {
filter = "metric.type=\"\" AND resource.type=\"gce_instance\""
duration = "60s"
comparison = "COMPARISON_GT"
aggregations {
alignment_period = "60s"
per_series_aligner = "ALIGN_RATE"
user_labels = {
foo = "bar"
notification_channels = [lookup(local.notification_channel, terraform.workspace)]
My issue here happens when I try to map multiple notification channels instead of one per environment.
Something like:
locals {
notification_channel = {
DEV = ["projects/[PROJECT_ID]/notificationChannels/[CHANNEL_ID]", "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/notificationChannels/[CHANNEL_ID]" ]...
However, if I try this way, system tells me that Inappropriate value for attribute "notification_channels": element 0: string.
Here's documentation of:
Terraform Lookup function Terraform
GCP Alert Policy
Could you help?
If I understood your question, you actually need only to remove the square brackets:
notification_channels = lookup(local.notification_channel, terraform.workspace)
Since the local variable notification_channel is already a list, you only need to use lookup to fetch the value based on the workspace you are currently in.

GCP Alerting Policy to Alert on KMS Key Deletion Using Terraform

I am trying to alert on KMS Key deletions using terraform.
I have a log based metric, a policy and a notification channel to PagerDuty.
This all works, however, following the alert triggering it soon clears and there seems to be nothing I can do to stop this.
Here is my code:
resource "google_logging_metric" "logging_metric" {
name = "kms-key-pending-deletion"
description = "Logging metric used to alert on scheduled deletions of KMS keys"
filter = "resource.type=cloudkms_cryptokeyversion AND protoPayload.methodName=DestroyCryptoKeyVersion"
metric_descriptor {
metric_kind = "DELTA"
value_type = "INT64"
unit = "1"
display_name = "kms-key-pending-deletion-metric-descriptor"
resource "google_monitoring_notification_channel" "pagerduty_alerts" {
display_name = "pagerduty-notification-channel"
type = "pagerduty"
sensitive_labels {
service_key = var.token
resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "kms_key_deletion_alert_policy" {
display_name = "kms-key-deletion-alert-policy"
combiner = "OR"
notification_channels = []
conditions {
display_name = "kms-key-deletion-alert-policy-conditions"
condition_threshold {
comparison = "COMPARISON_GT"
duration = "300s"
filter = "metric.type=\"\" AND resource.type=\"global\""
threshold_value = "0"
documentation {
content = "Runbook: https://blah"
In the GCP GUI I can disable the option "Notify on incident closure" in the policy and it stops the alert from clearing.
However I cannot set this via terraform.
I have tried setting alert_strategy.auto_close to null and 0s but this did not work:
alert_strategy {
auto_close = "0s"
# auto_close = null
How do I keep the alert active and stop it from clearing when building the policy in terraform?
Am I using the correct resource type? - Should I be using cloudkms.cryptoKey.state that are in "DESTROY_SCHEDULED" state somehow?
For others wanting to find the answer to this:
The need to keep an alert open and not allow it to automatically close is missing in the API.
The issue is tracked here:

Cloud Asset Organization feed for deleted/created resource

I am creating a asset feed for the deleted/created resource. The code below and the link is showing the expression only for when the resources are getting created, but I want another feed when resources are getting deleted only. Reference link -
I just want to receive the notification ONLY for create and delete no UPDATE.
resource "google_cloud_asset_organization_feed" "organization_feed" {
billing_project = "my-project-name"
org_id = "123456789"
feed_id = "network-updates"
content_type = "RESOURCE"
asset_types = [
feed_output_config {
pubsub_destination {
topic =
condition {
expression = <<-EOT
!temporal_asset.deleted &&
temporal_asset.prior_asset_state ==
title = "created"
description = "Send notifications on creation events"
To create a deleted asset feed change the condition to:
condition {
expression = temporal_asset.deleted
title = "deleted"
description = "Send notifications on deletion events"
Monitoring asset changes with conditions

Triggering a google_cloudbuild_trigger from terraform to create a google_storage_bucket_object

I have the following setup:
A google_cloudbuild_trigger that runs on the latest github code and builds and uploads the build to a dataflow flex artifact location (on google storage)
A dataflex template job that depends on the artifact being present.
I want to configure terraform so that if the artifact is not present, then automatically trigger the google_cloudbuild_trigger and wait for it to complete. If the artifact is present, then just continue using it.
Is this even possible in terraform ?
Snippets of my terraform script:
The following is the cloudbuild trigger:
resource "google_cloudbuild_trigger" "build_pipeline" {
name = "build_pipeline"
github {
owner = "my-org"
name = "my-project"
push {
branch = "^my-branch$"
filename = "path/cloudbuild.yaml"
substitutions = {
_PROJECT_ID = var.google_project_id
The following is the dataflow flex template job:
resource "google_dataflow_flex_template_job" "dataflow_job" {
provider = google-beta
name = "dataflow_job"
container_spec_gcs_path = "${google_storage_bucket.project_store.url}/path/to/flex/template.json"
project = var.google_project_id
depends_on = [google_bigquery_table.tables]
parameters = { ... }
I have tried creating a simple "data" resource like:
data "google_storage_bucket_object" "picture" {
name = "path/to/flex/template.json"
bucket =
But I cannot figure out how to change this into something that triggers the google_cloudbuild_trigger.build_pipeline if the data resource doesn't exist.
Something like:
data "google_storage_bucket_object" "picture" {
name = "path/to/flex/template.json"
bucket =
if_does_not_exist_trigger = google_cloudbuild_trigger.build_pipeline

AWS CodeBuild Branch filter option removed

We are using AWS CodeBuild Branch filter option to trigger a build only when a PUSH to Master is made. However, The 'Branch filter' option has been apparently removed recently and 'Webhook event filter group' are added. They should provide more functionality I expect, but I cannot see how to make the 'Branch filter'.
Can someone help?
I couldn't see this change flagged anywhere, but it worked for me setting Event Type as PUSH and HEAD_REF to be
as per
You need to use filter groups, instead of branch_filters.
Example in terraform (0.12+);
For feature branches ;
resource "aws_codebuild_webhook" "feature" {
project_name =
filter_group {
filter {
type = "EVENT"
filter {
type = "HEAD_REF"
pattern = "^(?!^/refs/heads/master$).*"
exclude_matched_pattern = false
For master branch.
resource "aws_codebuild_webhook" "master" {
project_name =
filter_group {
filter {
type = "EVENT"
pattern = "PUSH"
filter {
type = "HEAD_REF"
pattern = "^refs/heads/master$"
exclude_matched_pattern = false
So they both requires an aws_codebuild_project per each. Thus you will have 2 CodeBuild projects per repository.
branch_filter does not work in CodeBuild, although it is still configurable via UI or API. filter_groups are the one that has the required logic.