AWS CodeBuild Branch filter option removed - amazon-web-services

We are using AWS CodeBuild Branch filter option to trigger a build only when a PUSH to Master is made. However, The 'Branch filter' option has been apparently removed recently and 'Webhook event filter group' are added. They should provide more functionality I expect, but I cannot see how to make the 'Branch filter'.
Can someone help?

I couldn't see this change flagged anywhere, but it worked for me setting Event Type as PUSH and HEAD_REF to be
as per

You need to use filter groups, instead of branch_filters.
Example in terraform (0.12+);
For feature branches ;
resource "aws_codebuild_webhook" "feature" {
project_name =
filter_group {
filter {
type = "EVENT"
filter {
type = "HEAD_REF"
pattern = "^(?!^/refs/heads/master$).*"
exclude_matched_pattern = false
For master branch.
resource "aws_codebuild_webhook" "master" {
project_name =
filter_group {
filter {
type = "EVENT"
pattern = "PUSH"
filter {
type = "HEAD_REF"
pattern = "^refs/heads/master$"
exclude_matched_pattern = false
So they both requires an aws_codebuild_project per each. Thus you will have 2 CodeBuild projects per repository.
branch_filter does not work in CodeBuild, although it is still configurable via UI or API. filter_groups are the one that has the required logic.


Add environment based Multiple Notification Channel to GCP Alert Policy with Terraform Lookup

I'm trying to add multiple notification channels to a GCP Alert policy with terraform.
My issue is that I need to add different notification channels based on the production environment where they are deployed.
As long as I keep the notification channel unique, I can easily deploy in the following way.
Here is my file:
locals {
notification_channel = {
DEV = "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/notificationChannels/[CHANNEL_ID]"
PRD = "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/notificationChannels/[CHANNEL_ID]"
Here is my file:
resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "alert_policy" {
display_name = "My Alert Policy"
combiner = "OR"
conditions {
display_name = "test condition"
condition_threshold {
filter = "metric.type=\"\" AND resource.type=\"gce_instance\""
duration = "60s"
comparison = "COMPARISON_GT"
aggregations {
alignment_period = "60s"
per_series_aligner = "ALIGN_RATE"
user_labels = {
foo = "bar"
notification_channels = [lookup(local.notification_channel, terraform.workspace)]
My issue here happens when I try to map multiple notification channels instead of one per environment.
Something like:
locals {
notification_channel = {
DEV = ["projects/[PROJECT_ID]/notificationChannels/[CHANNEL_ID]", "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/notificationChannels/[CHANNEL_ID]" ]...
However, if I try this way, system tells me that Inappropriate value for attribute "notification_channels": element 0: string.
Here's documentation of:
Terraform Lookup function Terraform
GCP Alert Policy
Could you help?
If I understood your question, you actually need only to remove the square brackets:
notification_channels = lookup(local.notification_channel, terraform.workspace)
Since the local variable notification_channel is already a list, you only need to use lookup to fetch the value based on the workspace you are currently in.

how to set log retention days for Cloudfront function in terraform?

I have an example Cloudfront function:
resource "aws_cloudfront_function" "cool_function" {
name = "cool-function"
runtime = "cloudfront-js-1.0"
comment = "The cool function"
publish = true
code = <<EOT
function handler(event) {
var headers = event.request.headers;
if (
typeof headers.coolheader === "undefined" ||
headers.coolheader.value !== "That_is_cool_bro"
) {
console.log("That is not cool bro!")
return event.request;
When I create this function, Cloudwatch /aws/cloudfront/function/cool-function log group will be created automatically
But log group retention policy is Never Expire
And I can't see any parameters in terraform that allow to set retention days
So the question is:
is it possible to automatically import aws_cloudwatch_log_group every time when Cloudfront function creating and change retention_in_days for this resource?
Quite a few AWS services create their log groups implicitly on first use. To prevent that you need to explicitly create the group before the service has a chance to do it.
For that you need to define the aws_cloudwatch_log_group with the given name yourself, specify the correct retention and then create an explicit depends_on relation between the function and the log group to ensure the log group is created first. For migration purposes you now would need to import already created log groups into your terraform state.
resource "aws_cloudfront_function" "cool_function" {
name = "cool-function"
depends_on = [
resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "logs" {
name = "/aws/cloudfront/function/cool-function"
retention_in_days = 123

AWS CodeBuild webhook trigers when it shoudn't start

I have the following setup of codebuild's webhook:
resource "aws_codebuild_webhook" "apply" {
project_name =
build_type = "BUILD"
filter_group {
filter {
type = "EVENT"
pattern = "PUSH"
filter {
type = "FILE_PATH"
pattern = "environments/test/*"
filter {
type = "HEAD_REF"
pattern = "master"
Purpose is to run it only when changes on master branch are done.
Currently this webhook starts buildspec when changes are done in environments/test/ on every branch not only master branch.
What is wrong and how to setup it correctly?
according to the right format for the pattern of your filter of type HEAD_REF is ^refs/heads/master$.
I only now realized, that you use terraform. Can you try with
filter {
type = "HEAD_REF"
pattern = "refs/heads/master"

GCP terraform - alerts module based on log metrics

As per subject, I have set up log based metrics for a platform in gcp i.e. firewall, audit, route etc. monitoring.
enter image description here
Now I need to setup alert policies tied to these log based metrics, which is easy enough to do manually in gcp.
enter image description here
However, I need to do it via terraform thus using this module:
I might be missing something very simple but finding it hard to understand this as the alert strategy is apparently required but yet does not seem to be supported?
I am also a bit confused on which kind of condition I should be using to match my already setup log based metric?
This is my module so far, PS. I have tried using the same filter as I did for setting up the log based metric as well as the name of the log based filter:
resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "alert_policy" {
display_name = var.display_name
combiner = "OR"
conditions {
display_name = var.display_name
condition_matched_log {
filter = var.filter
#duration = "600s"
#comparison = "COMPARISON_GT"
#threshold_value = 1
user_labels = {
foo = "bar"
var filter is:
resource.type="gce_route" AND (protoPayload.methodName:"compute.routes.delete" OR protoPayload.methodName:"compute.routes.insert")
Got this resolved in the end.
Turns out common issue:
Had to add this to the filter parameter in my terraform module after the metric name - AND resource.type="global"

AWS Glue pipeline with Terraform

We are working with AWS Glue as a pipeline tool for ETL at my company. So far, the pipelines were created manually via the console and I am now moving to Terraform for future pipelines as I believe IaC is the way to go.
I have been trying to work on a module (or modules) that I can reuse as I know that we will be making several more pipelines for various projects. The difficulty I am having is in creating a good level of abstraction with the module. AWS Glue has several components/resources to it, including a Glue connection, databases, crawlers, jobs, job triggers and workflows. The problem is that the number of databases, jobs, crawlers and/or triggers and their interractions (i.e. some triggers might be conditional while others might simply be scheduled) can vary depending on the project, and I am having a hard time abstracting this complexity via modules.
I am having to create a lot of for_each "loops" and dynamic blocks within resources to try to render the module as generic as possible (e.g. so that I can create N number of jobs and/or triggers from the root module and define their interractions).
I understand that modules should actually be quite opinionated and specific, and be good at one task so to speak, which means my problem might simply be conceptual. The fact that these pipelines vary significantly from project to project make them a poor use case for modules.
On a side note, I have not been able to find any robust examples of modules online for AWS Glue so this might be another indicator that it is indeed not the best use case.
Any thoughts here would be greatly appreciated.
As requested, here is some of my code from my root module:
module "glue_data_catalog" {
source = "../../modules/aws-glue/data-catalog"
# Connection
create_connection = true
conn_name = "SAMPLE"
conn_description = "SAMPLE."
conn_type = "JDBC"
conn_url = "jdbc:sqlserver:"
conn_sg_ids = ["sampleid"]
conn_subnet_id = "sampleid"
conn_az = "eu-west-1a"
conn_user = var.conn_user
conn_pass = var.conn_pass
# Databases
db_names = [
# Crawlers
crawler_settings = {
Crawler_raw = {
database_name = "raw"
s3_path = "bucket-path"
jdbc_paths = []
Crawler_cleaned = {
database_name = "cleaned"
s3_path = "bucket-path"
jdbc_paths = []
crawl_role = "SampleRole"
Glue data catalog module:
# Glue Connection
resource "aws_glue_connection" "this" {
count = var.create_connection ? 1 : 0
name = var.conn_name
description = var.conn_description
connection_type = var.conn_type
connection_properties = {
JDBC_CONNECTION_URL = var.conn_url
USERNAME = var.conn_user
PASSWORD = var.conn_pass
catalog_id = var.conn_catalog_id
match_criteria = var.conn_criteria
physical_connection_requirements {
security_group_id_list = var.conn_sg_ids
subnet_id = var.conn_subnet_id
availability_zone = var.conn_az
# Glue Database Catalog
resource "aws_glue_catalog_database" "this" {
for_each = var.db_names
name = each.key
description = var.db_description
catalog_id = var.db_catalog_id
location_uri = var.db_location_uri
parameters = var.db_params
# Glue Crawlers
resource "aws_glue_crawler" "this" {
for_each = var.crawler_settings
name = each.key
database_name = each.value.database_name
description = var.crawl_description
role = var.crawl_role
configuration = var.crawl_configuration
s3_target {
connection_name = var.crawl_s3_connection
path = each.value.s3_path
exclusions = var.crawl_s3_exclusions
dynamic "jdbc_target" {
for_each = each.value.jdbc_paths
content {
connection_name = var.crawl_jdbc_connection
path = jdbc_target.value
exclusions = var.crawl_jdbc_exclusions
recrawl_policy {
recrawl_behavior = var.crawl_recrawl_behavior
schedule = var.crawl_schedule
table_prefix = var.crawl_table_prefix
tags = var.crawl_tags
It seems to me that I'm not actually providing any abstraction in this way but simply overcomplicating things.
I think I found a good solution to the problem, though it happened "by accident". We decided to divide the pipelines into two distinct projects:
ETL on source data
BI jobs to compute various KPIs
I then noticed that I could group resources together for both projects and standardize the way we have them interact (e.g. one connection, n tables, n crawlers, n etl jobs, one trigger). I was then able to create a module for the ETL process and a module for the BI/KPIs process which provided enough abstraction to actually be useful.