Missing CONCRT140D.dll on Windows - c++

When I run my C++ application I get an error message says CONCRT140D.dll was not found.
I thought it is a more frequent problem but I was wrong. I found only some useful links. I have some questions:
What is the difference between with D postfix or without it?
How Windows knows the missing library is this (if it is missing)?
It is probably part of the Visual Studio redistributable, so why is it so hard to know what it contains? And how to fix it.
Install/update VC++ redistributable doesn't solve the problem (or installing many other magic Microsoft things). Anyway, how I can deliver application
It seems me an easy problem to fix it, but I still struggle these questions.


0xc000007b Error?

here is some information to understand my situation better.
OS: windows 8.1
IDE: Visual Studio 2008 Pro
Language: C++
i have just my Firefox reinstalled and after this(maybe it was not the reason),
my visual studio Project compiled only with 9.0.30729.6161 VC++ Runtime DLL.
Until yesterday it always compiled with 9.0.30729.8387 VC++ Runtime DLL.
Because of this (or maybe other reason), now i cannot start my Project.exe.
Nothing is changed in source-code. Project-Property and all other things are also unchanged.
I just get the error number 0xc000007b suddenly.
How can i fix this?
It was because of an 32bit DLL, which should not be loaded for my 64bit Project.exe.
I have found this with Process Monitor.
I don't know why, but anyway is the "path" is changed and the 32bit DLL(which has the same name with 64bit DLL) is loaded..
If you have the same Problem, check whether there is a problem between your application and its dependencies using dependency walker.
Entered the answer in another place, but figure it could be helpful for folks who badly need some help:
It has been mentioned in other answers that using dependency walker is the way to go, in my case (my application keeps failing with the error code), dependency walker showed a few dll that are NOT relevant!
Finally figured out that I can run profiling by going to "profile" menu and it will run the application and stop at the exact dll that's cause the problem! I found out a 32bit dll was picked because of path and fixed it.
-Turn off your antivirus software before starting the installation.
-Accept any additional software offered during installation process, since it may be crucial for running your application properly. You can skip things such as search bars, antivirus scanners, registry cleaners and the other software which isn’t directly related to the application.
-Install an application to the system partition (C:). Although this shouldn’t matter, it’s been proven that some apps may return an error if installed on a logical partition.
There is more than one way to solve it. This link might also be helpful.

VC C++ 2008 redistributable error

Okay so I have read a few responses about this topic and can't seem to find someone having the same issue.
Why installing vcredist_x86.exe doesn't fix SideBySide error when I develop an EXE on one machine and run it on another one?
background: I work on Fortran code that use a few c++ libs that I don't have access to the code of. These were apparently built using VS2008, and this error has only started to occur since my machine had to be rebooted and I asked IT not to install VS2008 in addition to VS2012. I know that installing VS2008 will fix the problem, but that is not a good soultion.
The error is: unable to start program 'C:\blah\blah\blah.exe'. This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Review the manifest file for possible errors. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. For more details, please see the application event log. The application event log tells me the same things listed in the first link posted.
Originally I was getting the problem so I looked up these articles and I went and installed the correct version of the VC C++ redist package (it is version 9.0.21022.8 for x86 source:the manifest file for the project). I originally installed the 64 bit, quickly determined I needed the 32 bit version and then installed that one.
I have the folders and files within for
The related manifest files also seem to be there.
The program still doesn't run even though the files are there. What am I missing?

visual studio 2010: error code -2146232576 (0x80131700)

I have to convert a C++ project from visual studio 2008 running on Windows XP to 2010 running on Seven. Compilation seems to run perfectly but during the debugging I have an error: "The program 'App.exe : Native' has exited with code -2146232576 (0x80131700)."
After a few researches on the internet I found out that the issue is in relation with .NET.
I tried to update my windows with hidden updates, check what the .NET version target is 4 and a few more things that doesn't work...
Has anyone ever encountered this issue ?
Thanks a lot.
EDIT: it is a managed C++ project
It is a low-level .NET initialization error, the CLR cannot get loaded. That's pretty hard to explain since you can run VS2010 without a problem and it already uses .NET version 4. The only decent guess is that you are actually using a C++ project (not a C++/CLI one) and that it loads the CLR itself. And asks for and old version, like 1.1, one that isn't installed on the machine. Search the code for "CorBindToRuntime".
Have you installed all Windows updates lately? If not, do so - seems to be some general .NET related error - see:
You are running native code I presume? Are you?
If that is a case this error is caused by something else.
If you are using managed C++ than you have a problem related to the .Net framework.
Remember that some error numbers returned may (and they do) indicate different causes, depending who return an error.
Giving more information about what is your application doing and what language it is written would definitely help isolation problem.

Problem starting old programs created in VS6

I have some old programs that I created 7-8 years ago in C++ in Visual Studio 6.0.
I tried to start them today, but I had no luck. When starting up the program (or any other program I created at the time), I get the following error message:
I can see at least that MFC42D.DLL and MSVCP60D.DLL is present in the program folder, but honestly I do not remember what is required to start these programs any more, and I obviously do not have VS6 installed on my current machine.
Do anyone know what this error message mean, and what I can do to resolve it? I would love to start up these old programs again to see what they look like :)
I got a step further now, after I put a new DLL, but now the problem is that Direct X 8 is not getting set up properly. I thought DirectX was backwards compatible, but do I have to install DX8 as well? Will it work having two DirectX versions installed at the same time?
You need a program like dependencywalker, that would show you all the DLLs that your programs need. Then you would have to find all those DLLs.
Another option is to find a copy of VisualStudio 6 and install in on your machine.
A third option is to get a more recent version of Visual Studio, and to try to recompile your code.

Checking if DWM/Aero is enabled, and having that code live in the same binary for 2000/XP/Vista/7

I know the title makes little sense, mostly because it's hard to explain in just one line. So here's the situation:
I have a program who's binary is targeted at Windows 2000 and newer. Now, I went ahead and added some code to check if the user is running under Vista/7, and if so then check if Aero/DWM is enabled. Based on this I'll disable some stuff that isn't relevant to that particular platform, and enable some other features. My main problem is that in order to call DwmIsCompositionEnabled from Visual C++ 2008 I have to add the dwmapi.lib file and compile against it. Running the binary in anything other than Vista or 7 gives the "Unable to locate component. The application failed to start because dwmapi.dll was not found" error. This, of course, is expected to happen since DWM is new and not available for older platforms.
My question is then: will it be possible for me to somehow manage to pull this off? One binary for all OS versions AND include that DWM check code? This program was written under Visual Studio 2008, Visual C++ using MFC.
Turns out I can just tell the linker to delayload the dwmapi.dll.
I'd like to thank ewanm89 because something he said sort of resonated and led me down the path to finding the actual answer.
The normal solution is to use LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress(). Both can be done after your program started. But still +1 for the DelayLoad solution, which does the same for you behind the scenes.