How Can I implement MSAA on DX12? - c++

I Searched many other questions and samples, but I still can't understand what I must do.
What I know about this process is
Create a Render Target for msaa. - Different from SwapChain's Backbuffer.
Draw everything (like meshes) on msaa render target.
Copy the contents of the msaa Render Target to the current BackBuffer using the ResolveSubresource function.
Is this the right process? Or is there a part that I left out?

These samples demonstrate using MSAA with DirectX12:
I also cover this (among other topics) in this blog series.
Per the comments, you can also find MSAA covered in the DirectX Tool Kit for DX12 tutorials.


Amortize rendering of Direct2D UI overlay for DirectX12

My experience with D3D11on12 and Direct2D hasn't been that good. Infrequently I get
D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12Device::RemoveDevice: Device removal has been triggered for the following reason (DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: The application attempted to use a resource it does not access to. This could be, for example, rendering to a texture while only having read access.). [ EXECUTION ERROR #232: DEVICE_REMOVAL_PROCESS_AT_FAULT]
when I render to the swap chain backbuffer. There are lag spikes as well. And on top of all
this, I think amortizing the "UI" will be needed when I try to push the frame rate.
Synchronization between the UI and the actual scene doesn't really matter, so I can happily just use whatever UI Direct2D has most recently finished rendering.
So I would like to use Direct2D to render the UI on a transparent D3D11on12 bitmap (i.e. one created by using CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface with the ID3D11Resource from ID3D11On12Device::CreateWrappedResource). And then render this overlay this to the swapchain backbuffer.
The problem is I don't really know anything about the 3D pipeline, as I do everything with compute shaders/DirectML + CopyTextureRegion or Direct2D. I suppose this is a pretty simple question about how to do alpha blending.
I suppose to do alpha blending you have to use the 3D pipeline. Luckily enough directXTK12 seems to do a tutorial that is reasonable trivial on this topic

what is multisample per pixel in directx11 DXGI_SAMPLE_DECS

I was reading documentation about DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC and i came across with DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC
Type: UINT
The number of multisamples per pixel.
now what exactly is multisamples per pixel?
DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC as you surmised is for specifying Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA).
That said, you should be aware that the SwapChain support for MSAA is not something you should use anymore. As such, just always set DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC.SampleDesc.Count = 1; and DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;.
Instead, to use MSAA you should explicitly create your own MSAA render target and explicitly resolve the result yourself as part of your presentation of the results to the single-sample SwapChain. For details on why and how, see this blog post series.
Note that you can use MSAA SwapChains for DirectX 11 with the older DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_DISCARD and DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_SEQUENTIAL flip-effects, and the DirectX 11 runtime will do the resolve automatically. Per the blog post, this is NOT supported for DirectX 12 or the use of modern DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD or DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL swap effects. This is really a 'toy' setup as any production rendering will do additional processing after the resolve from multi-sample to single-sample before putting it into the swapchain for display.
As you are likely new to DirectX 11, you may want to look at DirectX Tool Kit. I have a tutorial that covers MSAA.
ok it is anti-aliasing (my bad i didn't know that)
Anti-aliasing is a technique used by users to get rid of jaggies that form on the screen. Since pixels are rectangular, they form small jagged edges when used to display round edges. Anti-aliasing tries to smooth out the shape and produce perfect round edges.

DirectX11 Non-Solid wireframe

I'm attempting to draw a 100x100 grid in DirectX11 using C++, but the following issue happens:
The image above shows a grid I am drawing in wireframe, using a rasterizer with its fillmode set to 'D3D11_FILL_WIREFRAME' and a 'D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINELIST' topology. The lines of the wireframe appear staggered rather than straight, with some parts of the wireframe missing.
As I'm not sure what this issue is referred to as, I'm not entirely sure what I should be looking for and as such, any help is appreciated.
This is a classic problem of 'aliasing'.
With Direct3D 11, you can use either MSAA which is a general anti-aliasing option, or use a specific line algorithm if you are not using MSAA. See D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC AntialiasedLineEnable and MultisampleEnable.
See Aliasing and Multisample anti-aliasing
UPDATE: I've added MSAA and the AA mode to the DirectX Tool Kit tutorial.
I stumbled across the solution to this and it wasn't what I expected at all. Since the window I created had outline bars, the windows client area was being misrepresented. So when I was creating my graphics device, I was initializing it with the windows size, rather than the windows client size. Somehow, this caused the issue above.
I fixed this by implementing a 'GetClientSize' method for the window, using 'GetWindowRect'.

QT and OpenGL how to integrate properly and display a texture

I have a few questions about using them both. At the moment I have a preexisting renderer I'm trying to use with QT and OpenGL.
A few questions are:
How can I get my results to draw in a QGraphicsScene? Is that even the right output to attempt to be using.
With OpenGL I want to be able to load textures and then be displayed in a window? Do I need to coordinate where to draw the texture or can I just say in the centre of a QWidget?
What paramenter would I usually need, I persume I need a Gluint for the texture, and then parameters for the size?
At the moment my results are quite poor, it seems to render something but basically not either in the correct window or not in the window of choice and basically it seems to 'hide' text e.g. hello, I can only see e. Odd I think.
I'm pretty sure this link will help you code with Qt and OpenGL:
I used this and the NeHe tutorial to code a small Qt/OpenGL application, so all information you need is contained in both tutorials.

Alpha blending sprites in Nintendo DS Homebrew

I'm trying to alpha blend sprites and backgrounds with devkitPro (including libnds, libarm, etc).
Does anyone know how to do this?
As a generic reference, i once wrote a small blog entry about that issue. Basically, you first have to define which layer is alpha-blended against which other layer(s). Afaik,
the source layer(s) must be over destination layer(s) to have some blending displayed. that means the priority of source layers should be numerically lower than the the priority of destination layers.
the source layer is what is going to be translucent, the destination(s) is what is going to be seen through (and yes, i find this rather confusing).
For the sprites, specifically, you then have 3 ways to achieve alpha-blending depending on what you need and what you're "ready to pay" for it:
You can make all the sprites have some alpha-blending by turning on BLEND_SRC_SPRITE in REG_BLDCNT[_SUB] ... not that useful.
You can selectively turn on blending of some sprites by using ATTR0_TYPE_BLENDED. The blending level will be the same for all sprites (and layers)
bitmap-type sprites use direct colors (bypassing the palettes), so the ATTR2_PALETTE() field of GBA sprites is useless and has been recycled into ATTR2_ALPHA.
Sprites on the DS can be alpha blended using the blend control registers. TONC gives the necessary information for getting blending working on the main screen because the register locations are the same. Alpha blending on the subscreen uses the same process with different registers at a 1000h offset.
The registers you'll be looking at are REG_BLDMOD, REG_COLV, and REG_COLY for the main screen and REG_BLDMOD_SUB, REG_COLV_SUB, and REG_COLY_SUB for the sub screen.
Also remember that you'll have to change the sprite's graphic mode to enable blending per sprite.
It's been a long time since I've done any GBA programming, but as I recall, the DS supports most (if not all) of the stuff that GBA supports. This link has a section on how to do alpha blending for GBA (section 13.2). I don't know if there's a DS-specific way of doing it, but this should work for you.