Dragon programming language on termux - termux

Recently i checked out the Dragon programming language. I dont have pc.then i want to install it on termux.
But the process which is shown on their site which is too old
" https://dragon-language-projects.github.io/android-installation/ "
Thats why its not installing its shell file. Its installing its html file of site whenever i tried this
wget https://dragon-lang.org/installdragon && bash installdragon
Can anybody solve it.

I don't see any updates of Dragon language for Termux. Maybe the Termux version is discontinued. I rather suggest you to use Dragonoid app. It's an Android Compiler for Dragon programming language.


SwiftUI absolute beginner on 10.14.6

I installed XCode and opened a new project using SwiftUI but for the following reason it is impossible to run the builded application. I did use the default code and press run.
I get the following message : "minimum deployment target. Change your project’s minimum deployment target or upgrade MacBook ...".
I tried to change the deployement target but immediately I have several Swift Compiler Error like this one : "'some' return types are only available in macOS 10.15.0 or newer"
I'm running a MacBook Pro with 10.14.6. Is there a way to find the source code for a buildable SwiftUI application on my computer ?
I cannot update to 10.15.0 so I'm looking for other advice or explanation. Maybe for some sourcecode I could use on my MacBook compatible with the Swift Compiler I have.
Thanks for your answers. I cannot update my OS and XCode won't build anything if I don't install Catalina first. I was hopping for an other solution, your answers helped me to focus on the right directions so I searched the web a little bit more and read articles on Mac OS X GUI Programming.
I'm now looking at Python : https://wiki.python.org/moin/GuiProgramming
I'm a little bit disappointed because I wanted to start something new with Swift. But, there is a good lesson here, and I'll do with what is possible given what I have :) Back in the days, for GUIs, I've used Web UI, Java and Qt and I was hoping for something new. I guess that I'll pursue my search to create nice and awesome native Mac OS X application both later and on the side.

Python graphics window not interactive with mouse

I am using the graphics.py library from the book "Python Programming" by John Zelle. For some reason on my mac, the mouse does not interact with the graphics window using this command: "win.getMouse()". When typed in the Python interpreter, the prompt ">>>" does not return and the command has to be killed with CNTRL-C. The specific problem is "triangle.py" from chapter 5.
Is there a way to fix this or use an alternative python graphics system more friendly on a mac.
thanks for any suggestions.
Answer from Prof. Zelle. Download the current graphics.py file from http://mcsp.wartburg.edu/zelle/python/ and rerun program. It works fine now.

cfBuilder - working with javascript, CSS, HTML etc

I moved from Dreamweaver to cfBuilder about 12 months ago, and now work almost exclusively in cfBuilder. On the whole, I find it very good.
One thing I don't like though is that it isn't very good for editing Javascript, CSS and HTML (great for CFML though). I remember when reviewing Eclipse some time ago that you can setup Eclipse (using plugins ??) too work with different languages, such as CSS, HTML, SQL, Java, PHP .. whatever..
I assume this can be done with cfBuilder as well... how do I setup these different eclipse environments in cfbuilder?
Many Thanks in advance
EDIT: for example.. can I load this eclipse IDE into cfBuilder?. http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-javascript-web-developers/indigosr1
That to me looks like a complete Eclipse install with embedded plug-ins, rather than just a plug-in. So it would be to Eclipse what CFBuilder is to Eclipse; so you'd install it as well / instead of CFB, not as a plug-in within it.
Your question probably needs retagging: it's nothing to do with ColdFusion (which is the server end of things), and more to do with just "Eclipse" than "ColdFusion Builder", because the question is more "how does the Eclipse plug-in architecture work".
Perhaps the best way to start understanding how Eclipse plug-ins work would ebt o take a step back and have a look at vanilla Eclipse, and have a look at how CFEclipse installs (instructions here: http://trac.cfeclipse.org/wiki/InstallingCfeclipse). This'll give you an idea about how Eclipse plug-ins work, and they work exactly the same way if your Eclipse install happens to have CFB wrapped around it.
I'm not sure if that suggestion is any help, but it is how I would approach solving this problem if I had it.

Software control program

I'm a college student majoring in computer engineering. I'm doing a c++ project in my comp sci class with 3 other people. Instead of zipping up our code and sending it to each other, what's the best software I can use for version control. I live on campus so setting up a server might be a problem (have to use university wifi). I've heard git and svn but I'm not super computer savy so command line things might confuse me.
Use a free online source repository, such as unfuddle.com, github.com, beanstalk.com. It'll let you use either SVN or git. Some force you to have an open source project (github), others let you make it private. Also,
both of these programs (SVN or git) have GUI front-ends, you don't have to use the command line.
I would still recommend git, simply because of the number of people working on the project, and because its good practice. But you don't have to work from the command line. There are graphical user interfaces to Git for both windows and linux.
numerous others, search in your distro's package repository
I like Mercurial, which is similar in many ways to Git.
It has a GUI TortoiseHg, though I have never used it.
It has free hosting at BitBucket.
Plus, in a pinch, you can just run hg serve to share your code over the network, which can be handy.
Gotta counterbalance all those "Use Git" answers (:
I'm sorry to say this but if you're majoring in computer engineering and you're not computer savvy or command line things tend to confuse you, you may have chosen the wrong career path.
Edit: OK, so I guess... I use Unfuddle. Free Subversion hosting and you can use TortoiseSVN or some other similar GUI tool.
Failing that you can use a service like Dropbox or box.net to share the code in zip files or something...
Good luck.

is it possible to have a C/C++ GUI application in linux bare-bone server?

I am very disappointed with my school linux server when doing the homework on it.
The reason is: my homework requires to make GUI application.
All the tool that I have is:
- ssh from my local machine to school machine
- gcc/g++ in my school machine
I have been thinking and tried out different solutions for a week.
I still can't be able to figure out how to bring GUI to my application.
Here is some solutions I tried:
- Install some graphical library (sdl,ncurses...) but school computer does not allow to install because i'm not the root user
- Try to compile with /X11/ to produce X-GUI application. Then running it throgh ssh (tunneling). This does not work either because school computer does not have headers file located in X11.
So, What CAN I DO? Anybody has suggestion?
I will thank you million times if you could help for a solution.
Thanks you much.
It should be possible to install most things, like ncurses or even X11, in user space (in your home directory), if you install them from source. With a Gnu package, you just use --prefix= as an argument to configure, like this:
./configure --prefix=/name/of/directory/to/install/into
I'm not sure about the other packages.
Without a GUI library to link against, you won't be able to develop a C/C++ app on that server. It seems to me that you have a few options:
1) Develop this GUI app someplace else. If it has to be in Linux, and you're a Windows/Mac user, you can install Ubuntu (or some other Linux Distro) on a Virtual Machine and get a full featured environment.
2) Contact the Linux administrator to explain the homework assignment and convince them to install a GUI package for you. (It may help to have your professor also contact the Linux Administrator) (If you don't know who the linux admin is, try emailing root#linuxbox
3) Bend the rules on what a "GUI" environment is. For example, can your C/C++ app output HTML files for a GUI-like experience through a web-browser?
4) Try to install some sort of GUI package inside your account on the server. This will likely fail unless you are very, very good at administering a linux box, and you've hand-built packages before.
Could do it with ncurses
Perhaps you could ditch the school server and use Virtualbox to run a linux VM locally on your machine and develop on that. It's free.
From "INSTALL" file in ncurses source archive:
The package gets installed beneath the --prefix directory as follows:
In $(prefix)/bin: tic, infocmp, captoinfo, tset,
reset, clear, tput, toe
In $(prefix)/lib: libncurses*.* libcurses.a
In $(prefix)/share/terminfo: compiled terminal descriptions
In $(prefix)/include: C header files
Under $(prefix)/man: the manual pages
Note that the configure script attempts to locate previous
installation of
ncurses, and will set the default prefix according to where it finds the
ncurses headers.
Do not use commands such as
make install prefix=XXX
to change the prefix after configuration, since the prefix value
is used
for some absolute pathnames such as TERMINFO. Instead do this
make install DESTDIR=XXX
So I'd recommend using "make install DESTDIR=XXX" where XXX is the location where you have write persmissions.