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What's the difference between Static Website and Dynamic Website? [closed]
(3 answers)
Closed 11 months ago.
I understand Github Pages and what they are but don't understand what they mean by them saying they are static. Does it mean you cant get any animations on it?
The term 'static' refers to how the website is delivered. So for GitHub pages, (in general) you create HTML files that are served 'statically', which means as they are. They can still include CSS files with animations, or JavaScript files that manipulate the page.
This is different compared to a system that serves dynamic webpages, which can create and serve pieces of the website page as required from the server end.
For a more thorough explanation, see here:
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How can I add workspaces (tabs groups) to PhpStorm?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I frequently work with logical groupings of files in JetBrains WebStorm, and I'm looking for a way to close/reopen those same files quickly, and ideally with names and descriptions. For instance, if I need to work on the login page, including .js, .html, .css, etc. files, having a menu of task-named file groupings that I can refer to with a keystroke would be very handy.
Does anyone know of a built-in way or a plugin to accomplish this? Having to use ctrl-e and hunt through my open file history is tedious.
Note: I am not looking to group files by dot extension in the project explorer as Visual Studio does.
LazyOne's duplicate reference yielded some information that led me to an answer. It turns out the functionality I want is wrapped inside the "Tasks and Contexts" tool. This allows you to swap IDE states based on a named task, including which files you have open, and, I presume, other parts of the IDE. This is well-integrated into the UI, having a drop-down with task names in the tool bar.
This can also be integrated with issue tracking systems, but since I'm being forced to use TFS (ick), this is irrelevant to me. I'm much more concerned with logical- over issue-grouping.
Here's some good documentation on the feature:
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Most complete c++ facebook library [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking to create a desktop app in C/C++, most likely with Qt, that has the ability to connect (read/post) to Facebook. Which got me thinking, how exactly would you go about doing such a task? I know many desktop apps written in C++, such as Spotify, have the ability to do it. Are there any good libraries available? What's the common way to do it? Will I have to parse Javascript or PHP in C++? I know there's a C# API, which I've used, and it worked fine. Anything similar for C++? Thanks!
If you can get a C++ json interpreter you can use the Graph API. You make queries over HTTPs and get a response in JSON that you can use however you want.
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How to build a sitemap using Sitecore
(2 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
I need to generate a sitemap xml for our sitecore project. I have seen it's done with Nicam example. How can I do this?
(I have asked the same question in a previous post, sorry about the duplicate quesiton, I have removed that. That was a mistake)
This is a duplicate question. The same question has been asked yesterday also ;)
If you're after a sitemap page to list the pages on your site you should try the Shared Source module 'Sitemap'.
However, if you're after a sitemap for search engine optimization, use Sitemap XML.
See the original post/answer
There is a module available in the Sitecore Marketplace called SitemapXML. It's downloadable from You can also write your own custom logic to create an sitemap xml defined by your customer's needs.
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Best way to read/edit/add to the googlecode wiki offline
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I finally after too much of pondering started my project on googlecode. One of the best features I liked about googlecode was the revision control for wiki, where I can add/edit the wiki pages locally offline and then commit/push later.
I have pulled the wiki to my local repository, is there any good googlecode-wiki-toolbar-attached editor for googlecode wiki, as from my knowledge evey wiki has its own syntax for writing.
Or if someone is also using a local repository for, what practice are they following for writing the document for online collaborations.
The Google Code Wiki uses a syntax similar to MoinMoin. Hence, any offline editor with MoinMoin support should get you started. For instance syntax highlighting is available for Vim, Eclipse, Emacs, ... search for moinmoin FOOEDIT if FOOEDIT is your favorite editor.
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm pretty handy with django and python but I'm terrible at the "visual" aspect of the web-design. Even after quite a bit of google-ing I haven't been able to find any sort of resource that has download-able templates complete with css, images, etc. that could be used to set up a basic website easily.
I'm looking for examples beyond the 5-line examples that you find in most tutorials ... I'm looking for something with the general nav-bar across the top, various content-blocks to over-ride through subclassing, footers, etc.
I've worked with others on django projects but always on the "coding side". I want to do my own project. I've set up all of the views, models, "business logic", I just cant get off the ground with the design section.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Just to be a little more clear. I'm looking for designs (open licensed) ... akin to Wordpress themes. If you have a resource of just themes I can probably mung them into a django template but if you know of something that already provides them as templates I'd prefer that.
I've had some luck in the past with sites like OpenDesigns and FreeCSSTemplates -- they offer (mostly) CC-licensed HTML templates; you'll have to add the Django template stuff yourself. As James pointed out though, most of them will get you up and running, but you almost always want to take things a step further.
My advice: build up a small library of re-usable templates (using stuff from the above sites), get real comfortable editing HTML and CSS (because you will edit HTML and CSS), then find some kickass designers (preferably local) and get real friendly with them. Perhaps you can trade favors; you do some coding work for them, for free, and in return they do some design work for you. I've found that even if you have to pay, a good designer is well worth the money (seriously, who wants to spend their time testing sites in IE6?).
Good luck with your search though -- I, for one, would love to see your findings.
It seems like this is an area that is completely lacking. I've been looking for a django project, perhaps a meta-django project is a good way to go ;).
Maybe if designers could upload a set of templates against a simple and well defined set of models. They could upload a "main.html", "object_list.html", "object_detail.html", a css file and a few images. This would be something akin to the CSS Zen Garden project.
I've setup a github repository here: Feel free to log into the project and modify the wiki with requests.
The idea being to give newbies a starting point and a few examples for making their django website.
I suspect this has got nothing to do with django templates, your question sounds more of a design and markup. There are couple of css framework like Blueprint, 960, YAML.
I don't think you're going to be able to find what you're looking for unfortunately - I have the same problem.
Wordpress templates can assume a fairly well-known data model - every Wordpress installation uses the same predictable table names, every (say) blog page has a well-defined set of data that will be passed to the template - and even the plugins have only a limited number of plugin points to add extra data.
By contrast, your Django app could contain anything. I could provide you a pretty template, but unless the data I use in the template exactly matches your data model, it's not going to be useful. I could make the template very very generic - eg, just have it display the variable called 'form' if it's present, iterate over 'messages' if any are present at the top of the page, display a 'footer' at the bottom etc - but it will take you about 20 seconds before you want to customise the display of that form, and then you're back editing your own templates.
I think that the closest thing you're going to find are UI libraries like jQuery or YUI which can handle a lot of the work of making your UI look snazzy.
I'd like to be proven wrong though, it would save me going through the same trial as you're going through now.
Update: On re-reading this, it occurred to me that you're looking for a CMS, which Django is not. Two seconds of work with Google revealed django CMS. I haven't tried it, but maybe that's closer to what you're looking for? The django wiki has a comparison table of various django-based CMS solutions