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How to build a sitemap using Sitecore
(2 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
I need to generate a sitemap xml for our sitecore project. I have seen it's done with Nicam example. How can I do this?
(I have asked the same question in a previous post, sorry about the duplicate quesiton, I have removed that. That was a mistake)
This is a duplicate question. The same question has been asked yesterday also ;)
If you're after a sitemap page to list the pages on your site you should try the Shared Source module 'Sitemap'.
However, if you're after a sitemap for search engine optimization, use Sitemap XML.
See the original post/answer
There is a module available in the Sitecore Marketplace called SitemapXML. It's downloadable from You can also write your own custom logic to create an sitemap xml defined by your customer's needs.
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What's the difference between Static Website and Dynamic Website? [closed]
(3 answers)
Closed 11 months ago.
I understand Github Pages and what they are but don't understand what they mean by them saying they are static. Does it mean you cant get any animations on it?
The term 'static' refers to how the website is delivered. So for GitHub pages, (in general) you create HTML files that are served 'statically', which means as they are. They can still include CSS files with animations, or JavaScript files that manipulate the page.
This is different compared to a system that serves dynamic webpages, which can create and serve pieces of the website page as required from the server end.
For a more thorough explanation, see here:
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Most complete c++ facebook library [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking to create a desktop app in C/C++, most likely with Qt, that has the ability to connect (read/post) to Facebook. Which got me thinking, how exactly would you go about doing such a task? I know many desktop apps written in C++, such as Spotify, have the ability to do it. Are there any good libraries available? What's the common way to do it? Will I have to parse Javascript or PHP in C++? I know there's a C# API, which I've used, and it worked fine. Anything similar for C++? Thanks!
If you can get a C++ json interpreter you can use the Graph API. You make queries over HTTPs and get a response in JSON that you can use however you want.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is it possible to built my "Learning Management System (LMS)", on TOP of Content Management Systems like Mezzanine or Django-CMS ?
I'm building a product for a private school, and I found that the patterns are so close to a CMS, except for having my own models (Course, Subjects, etc.)...
There should be some learning curve to get the best result of a CMS, of course.
what do you recommend ??
Mezzanine has its own implementation of a page tree rather than using mptt, and it's quite solid. It's also designed for you to add your own Django models to the tree. From what you've said (which granted isn't much) it sounds quite suitable. Have a read over the relevant docs section here:
I've not used mezzanine, but doing something like this would certainly be possible on top of django_cms.
It's quite straightforward to write custom plugins for a CMS, so you could build new widgets (assessments, polls etc) which can be dropped into cms-based pages. The menu's can also be extended , with new menus build based on objects in your models (e.g. courses, modules)... one gotcha with this is that the menus get cached, so the app either needs to be restarted to rebuild menus or you would have to add a hook to rebuild them manually. There are pretty good docs on this here:
and on building custom apps, which can be hooked up to CMS urls:
Overall, I quite like django_cms, although the breakage with successive versions (and also versions of MPTT on which it depends) has been quite a pain. It looks like they are trying to clean up this sort of thing in forthcoming releases though, and contrib.staticfiles is now supported which is nice.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I maintain a small library project written in C++.
I'd like to use Sphinx to maintain the library website + user documentation per release version. I have found [similar question asked How to manage many versions? on the sphinx-dev mailing list which I have bumped but without extensive follow-up.
How to manage many versions?
I think of basic structure like this:
mylib/ <- website root
mylib/doc <- list of documentation per release version
I'm trying to figure out best practical configuration for this structure.
I have root configuration mylib/ where I control the website structure and content.
I could put .rst files into mylib/doc/1.0.0 and mylib/doc/2.0.0 build them using the root But then it seems tricky to control toctree for website and for docs.
So, I think it may be more practical to separate website config/build from per release documentation config/builds:
but I'd like the main documents in mylib/doc/X.Y.Z/ to use the same layout is the root documents in mylib/, so I can have consistent look, e.g. links in page header, etc.
This way I can easily achieve consistent toctree per documentation release.
It should be easy to walk the directories and perform builds for website and for each doc version separately.
Regarding searching the documentation, I don't mind the search engine to scan all versions of documentation per single query as well as I don't mind to have search engine specific to particular version (search box is displayed in the same place, but depending what is being read, it scans index of current version only).
Is there any better way to achieve that?
I've found similar question asked in sphinx for multiple, separate documents and I'm wondering if the Intersphinx plugin is a good idea here.
2017-04-10: SO answer pointing to an interesting Sphinx extension: sphinxcobtrib-versioning
2011-10-21: Following olt's question in comments, mylib/ is not how I mean to structure project in VCS. So, I don't want to maintain multiple versions of documentation in VCS. The mylib/ is just structure for easier visualisation. It can be also working directory where I put Sphinx sources together (e.g. pull from version branches, etc.) and where I launch Sphinx to build the output.
In my opinion, the documentation should stay with the code in the same repository. Otherwise you would need to manage the documentation source manually, for example when you backport a feature from version B to A. With a single repository, you just check out that version and re-build the documentation.
You should look at SQLAlchemy project, they have multiple versions of their documentation available on the same site. The documentation is in the same repository and they copy the output of each version into their static homepage folders.
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Best way to read/edit/add to the googlecode wiki offline
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I finally after too much of pondering started my project on googlecode. One of the best features I liked about googlecode was the revision control for wiki, where I can add/edit the wiki pages locally offline and then commit/push later.
I have pulled the wiki to my local repository, is there any good googlecode-wiki-toolbar-attached editor for googlecode wiki, as from my knowledge evey wiki has its own syntax for writing.
Or if someone is also using a local repository for, what practice are they following for writing the document for online collaborations.
The Google Code Wiki uses a syntax similar to MoinMoin. Hence, any offline editor with MoinMoin support should get you started. For instance syntax highlighting is available for Vim, Eclipse, Emacs, ... search for moinmoin FOOEDIT if FOOEDIT is your favorite editor.