Capture OpenGL output of child process? - c++

Is there any possibility of capturing opengl output of child process?
Child should not have a different window. Output should be captured and displayed by parent instead.
I know that i can create a layer that my child could use to create opengl callbacks in my parent application. And send data by socket or pipe.
I write main and child applications.

OK, here's a rundown of how I think this can be done. This is totally untested, so YMMV.
Create your window in the parent process. According to this page, you need to create it with the CS_OWNDC style, which means it has the same HDC permanently associated with it.
Launch your child process. You can pass the HWND to it as a command line parameter, converted to hex-ascii, say, or you can devise some other method.
In the child process, call GetDC to retrieve the HDC of the parent's window and pass it to wglCreateContext (I imagine you know all about doing that sort of thing).
In the child process, draw, draw, draw.
Before exiting the child process, make sure you call ReleaseDC to free up any resources allocated by GetDC.
This ought to work. I know that Chrome uses a separate process for each browser tab, for example (so that if the code rendering into any particular tab should crash, it affects that tab only).
Also, if you're thinking of jumping through all these hoops just because you want to reload some (different) DLLs, maybe you're looking for LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress instead. Hmmm, maybe I didn't need to write all that :)


C++ Passing a window to a new exe

So my question is targeted currently at Windows, but knowing the information for OSX would still be useful just to know later incase you have the answer for that.
How my program(s) function:
An initial EXE will run and create a window, this EXE will check and perform updates for the main program and take some user input. After the user input this EXE will start a new EXE (the main program), passing the details from the window so that this new EXE can claim the window and use it. The first program will terminate and the window should not close.
What I need help with:
I know how to create the window, and passing the required arguments through the exe is not something I know, but I dont think I will struggle to find and use that information. My main question is how do I stop the Window from closing when the first EXE terminates because likely the OS will automatically start cleaning things up.
Its not a super big deal, I can always start a new program and recreate a window, but I think it would just be a nice aesthetic touch to not have to close the window at all, staying alive and being handled by different programs(potentially at the same time).
I am under the impression that an EXE cannot update itself while running even if the needed files/information/compiled code are not being used so if this is wrong please let me know.
What you're trying to do cannot be done. You cannot transfer ownership of a window to a different thread. This can be inferred from the documentation of DestroyWindows:
A thread cannot use DestroyWindow to destroy a window created by a different thread.
Raymond Chen expands on this as he explains in his blog entry titled Thread affinity of user interface objects, part 1: Window handles:
The thread that creates a window is the one with which the window has an inseparable relationship. Informally, one says that the thread “owns” the window. Messages are dispatched to a window procedure only on the thread that owns it, and generally speaking, modifications to a window should be made only from the thread that owns it.
As far as the OS is concerned, nothing survives the end of a process. This is literally the end. If you need to keep a window around, you cannot terminate the process that owns its owning thread.

Create a child window inside another application

I'm trying to write a bot in C++ for a PC game using the windows API. I've managed to find the process HANDLE, its ID and finally its HWNDwith EnumWindows. I've managed also to send messages to its window (using SendMessage) in order to simulate keystrokes. Since the game runs full screen I'd like to create a child window inside it with custom controls to switch on/off the bot easily but i'm having problems with it. I've tried to register a window class and create a window with the game's HWND as a parent but I can't see anything. This is the code I've used to create the child window (not working):
// ... Window class registering etc...
HWND hChild = CreateWindowEx(0,
0, 0, 100, 100,
NULL); // Parent is a valid window handle from another process
Honestly I'm not a skilled windows API programmer, this whole thing is new to me. I'm not even sure if this is the right way to do such thing.
[Edit.] When i minimize/maximize the game my window shows correctly for a second or two. It seems that the game's rendering is happening after the rendering of my window. Any idea? And what about messages? Should i manage them or not? Is the game going to forward messages to my window?
You are not going to have much success by running the code from a different process. Cross process parent/child relationships seldom work. Especially if the other process is not expecting it. This is not something you take on lightly. The capability only exists as a compatibility sop to 16 bit Windows. No place for that technique today.
It seems plausible to me that you don't need to parent the window in this way. If you don't need it to be a child of a window in the other process, don't do that.
If you do need it to be a child of the other process then you might be in trouble. Perhaps you could inject a DLL into the other process and create the window there. Also not without difficulties.
Windows have thread affinity. This means that the thread that creates the window will be processing the messages for that window. Furthermore, all windows in a parent-child chain should be processed by the same thread. Otherwise, bad things happen.
So - how is your code being run? If it's a separate executable, you're going to be much better off leaving your window as a top-level window, and simply monitoring the target window for move events (using UI Automation, for example) and having your window move appropriately.
Otherwise, you're going to need to inject your code into the game executable, and have it create the windows on the appropriate thread. I wouldn't recommend that.

Hooking window creation; hooks not being triggered

Essentially I'm inside a process' memory via an injected DLL and I want to stop window creation. I've tried hooking the following:
Unfortunately, the creation of the window I want to destroy is not triggering any of my hooks. There are several IE controls within the aforementioned window and the CreateWindowExW calls are being hit for them; but not the actual window I want. It's a simple popup box, and does show up in Spy++/Window Hack so I'm certain it's an actual window.
Any ideas?
You need to try all the possible variations of the functions you are trying to hook CreateWindowExA, CreateWindowW, CreateWindowA, etc. They aren't necessarily just wrappers around the main *W one.

Globally intercept window movement

I am having trouble getting a global system hook to work. I want to be notified whenever a window is moving, as early as possible, and change the window size. This means the CBT hook HCBT_MOVESIZE won't cut it, it only happens after the window has been moved. I want to hook the actual movement of the window, and be able to change the window size during the move.
The hooks are set from a DLL, and the callback function is within that DLL. This is what I've tried.
WH_CALLWNDPROC. It does alert me when a window is moved (WM_MOVING is received for windows from other applications), but I cannot change the contents of the message.
CBT hook HCBT_MOVESIZE. Event happens to late.
WH_GETMESSAGE. Never receive WM_MOVE, WM_MOVING or WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING. This hook would allow me to change the messages.
Update: Windows event hooks seem to allow me to capture it:
However, this creates a different problem: changing the size of the window using SetWindowPos() does not work (it changes size alright, but immediately changes back to its previous size), even though I use SWP_NOSENDCHANGING. Ideas?
Update 2: Subclassing seems to work, however Visual Studio crashes after each program run (so does a lot of other windows). It works well if I place breakpoints and walk through the "unsubclassing", but not when I let the program run by itself. Ideas?
I have a CBT hook (it was there from earlier), and whenever HCBT_ACTIVATE is sent for a new window, I remove any previous subclassing using SetWindowLongPtr() (this has to run on 64-bit as well), and then subclass the new window. If I put a breakpoint anywhere, and immediately resume the session when it breaks, everything works fine. However, when I do not have any breakpoints, Visual Studio crashes when the program exits.
Hm, I would've thought that HCBT_MOVESIZE is precisely what you want, given that the MSDN says this about CBT hooks:
The system calls this function before activating, creating, destroying,
minimizing, maximizing, moving, or sizing a window.
and in particular:
A window is about to be moved or sized.
(these quotes were taken from I'd have thought that you get the HCBT_MOVESIZE call in time. The hook function which handles HCBT_MOVESIZE is also allowed to return an integer so that the system can determine whether the operation is allowed or should be prevented. Hence, given that the HCBT_MOVESIZE hook should get an option to prevent the operation, I'd say it's called before the move event occurred.
Are you really sure the hook function is called after the move event? If you do a GetWindowRect call on the particular handle within your hook function, does the returned rect equal the rectangle which is passed to the hook function?
Hooks are pretty heavy. You only want to use them when you absolutely have to.
That said, you could use one of the basic hooks simply as a way to get into the process. Once in the process, you could subclass the window you're interested in and handle the sizing messages in your subclass proc rather than trying to catch everything at the hook level.
Depending on what you want to do in response to the resize, you might need some interprocess communication.

How do I get the PowerBuilder graphicobject for a given HWND handle?

In my (PowerBuilder) application, I'd like to be able to determine the graphicobject object which corresponds to a given window handle.
Simply iterating over the Control[] array and comparing the value returned by the Handle() function for each of the child controls doesn't work, since not all objects in my application are children of the main window (consider of login dialogs).
Any PowerScript or C/C++ solution would be acceptable.
Is there maybe some window message I could send to window handles, and this message is only understood by PowerBuilder windows, which would the respond with their internal object name, or the like?
Is it a requirement to determine the object from the handle, or do you just want to identify an object, for example to know where the code you need to modify is? I made a tool that does the latter, but it uses object focus, rather than window handles.
(added 2010-06-21) For windows that aren't children of the main window you could explicitly check each of these window class names with isValid(). Then for each valid window, dig through looking for the handle. This should work as long as you only open one instance of the window class at a time. If you open multiple instances, I think you'll need to add a registration mechanism to the open of those windows so the application has a way to access them.