how to extract last two digits from a number using bitwise operator and also remove them from number in short work of %100 and /100 but in bitwise - bit-manipulation

I have to create an array using uint8_t type from uint64_t type given value in big endian format .
I am trying to extract last two digits again and again , and fix in array but use of modulo and division operator forbidden only bitwise operator can be used.


How do multiply an array of ints to result in a single number?

So I have a single int broken up into an array of smaller ints. For example, int num = 136928 becomes int num[3] = {13,69,28}. I need to multiply the array by a certain number. The normal operation would be 136928 * 2 == 273856. But I need to do [13,69,28] * 2 to give the same answer as 136928 * 2 would in the form of an array again - the result should be
for(int i : arr) {
i *= 2;
//Should multiply everything in the array
//so that arr now equals {27,38,56}
Any help would be appreciated on how to do this (also needs to work with multiplying floating numbers) e.g. arr * 0.5 should half everything in the array.
For those wondering, the number has to be split up into an array because it is too large to store in any standard type (64 bytes). Specifically I am trying to perform a mathematical operation on the result of a sha256 hash. The hash returns an array of the hash as uint8_t[64].
Consider using Boost.Multiprecision instead. Specifically, the cpp_int type, which is a representation of an arbitrary-sized integer value.
//In your includes...
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
//In your relevant code:
bool is_little_endian = /*...*/;//Might need to flip this
uint8_t values[64];
boost::multiprecision::cpp_int value;
//easy arithmetic to perform
value *= 2;
//values now contains the properly multiplied result
Theoretically this should work with the properly sized type uint512_t, found in the same namespace as cpp_int, but I don't have a C++ compiler to test with right now, so I can't verify. If it does work, you should prefer uint512_t, since it'll probably be faster than an arbitrarily-sized integer.
If you just need multiplying with / dividing by two (2) then you can simply shift the bits in each byte that makes up the value.
So for multiplication you start at the left (I'm assuming big endian here). Then you take the most significant bit of the byte and store it in a temp var (a possible carry bit). Then you shift the other bits to the left. The stored bit will be the least significant bit of the next byte, after shifting. Repeat this until you processed all bytes. You may be left with a single carry bit which you can toss away if you're performing operations modulo 2^512 (64 bytes).
Division is similar, but you start at the right and you carry the least significant bit of each byte. If you remove the rightmost bit then you calculate the "floor" of the calculation (i.e. three divided by two will be one, not one-and-a-half or two).
This is useful if
you don't want to copy the bytes or
if you just need bit operations otherwise and you don't want to include a multi-precision / big integer library.
Using a big integer library would be recommended for maintainability.

Is using bit wise makes the code unreadable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Which is better option to use for dividing an integer number by 2?
(22 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have encountered many occasions when I have to use between division operator(divide by 2) or the right shift operator(>>) but I tend to use the division operator assuming that use of bit wise operator will make my code less readable. Is my assumption true?
Is it good practice to use left shift operator and right shift operator in production code instead of multiply by 2 or divide by 2.
Using the bitwise operators for multiplication or division by 2 is utter madness.
The behaviour of << is undefined for negative signed types.
<< and >> have lower precedence than addition and subtraction so it messes up your expressions.
It's unnecessarily obfuscating.
Trust a modern compiler to optimise appropriately.
Integer division by constants is routinely optimized to bit shifts (if by powers of two), multiplication by the "integral reciprocal" and all kind of tricks, so performance should not be a concern.
What matters is to clearly express intent. If you are operating on integers "as numbers" and you divide by something that just happens to be a power of 2 use the division operator.
int mean(int a, int b) {
return (a+b)/2; // yes overflow blah blah
If instead you are operating on integers as bitfields - for example, you are unpacking a nibble and you need to right shift by 4 to move it in "low" position, or you need to explicitly set some bit -, then use bitwise operators.
void hex_byte(unsigned char byte, char *out) {
unsigned set_bit(unsigned in, unsigned n) {
return in | (1<<n);
In general, most often you'll use division on signed integers, bitwise operators on unsigned ones.

Represent Integers with 2000 or more digits [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Handling large numbers in C++?
(10 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I would like to write a program, which could compute integers having more then 2000 or 20000 digits (for Pi's decimals). I would like to do in C++, without any libraries! (No big integer, boost,...). Can anyone suggest a way of doing it? Here are my thoughts:
using const char*, for holding the integer's digits;
representing the number like
( (1 * 10 + x) * 10 + x )...
The obvious answer works along these lines:
class integer {
bool negative;
std::vector<std::uint64_t> data;
Where the number is represented as a sign bit and a (unsigned) base 2**64 value.
This means the absolute value of your number is:
data[0] + (data[1] << 64) + (data[2] << 128) + ....
Or, in other terms you represent your number as a little-endian bitstring with words as large as your target machine can reasonably work with. I chose 64 bit integers, as you can minimize the number of individual word operations this way (on a x64 machine).
To implement Addition, you use a concept you have learned in elementary school:
a b
+ x y
(a+x+carry) (b+y reduced to one digit length)
The reduction (modulo 2**64) happens automatically, and the carry can only ever be either zero or one. All that remains is to detect a carry, which is simple:
bool next_carry = false;
if(x += y < y) next_carry = true;
if(prev_carry && !++x) next_carry = true;
Subtraction can be implemented similarly using a borrow instead.
Note that getting anywhere close to the performance of e.g. libgmp is... unlikely.
A long integer is usually represented by a sequence of digits (see positional notation). For convenience, use little endian convention: A[0] is the lowest digit, A[n-1] is the highest one. In general case your number is equal to sum(A[i] * base^i) for some value of base.
The simplest value for base is ten, but it is not efficient. If you want to print your answer to user often, you'd better use power-of-ten as base. For instance, you can use base = 10^9 and store all digits in int32 type. If you want maximal speed, then better use power-of-two bases. For instance, base = 2^32 is the best possible base for 32-bit compiler (however, you'll need assembly to make it work optimally).
There are two ways to represent negative integers, The first one is to store integer as sign + digits sequence. In this case you'll have to handle all cases with different signs yourself. The other option is to use complement form. It can be used for both power-of-two and power-of-ten bases.
Since the length of the sequence may be different, you'd better store digit sequence in std::vector. Do not forget to remove leading zeroes in this case. An alternative solution would be to store fixed number of digits always (fixed-size array).
The operations are implemented in pretty straightforward way: just as you did them in school =)
P.S. Alternatively, each integer (of bounded length) can be represented by its reminders for a set of different prime modules, thanks to CRT. Such a representation supports only limited set of operations, and requires nontrivial convertion if you want to print it.

Bitwise operations between an integer and an array of bits

Suppose I have a c++ array of bits, ones and zeros, and I want to have it bitwise XORed with an integer number, and get the result as an integer. What is the fastest way to do so?
Assuming that you mean a std::bitset and assuming that it would fit into an unsigned long, then unsigned long result = your_bits.to_ulong() ^ your_int;

What does ~0 mean in this code?

What's the meaning of ~0 in this code?
Can somebody analyze this code for me?
unsigned int Order(unsigned int maxPeriod = ~0) const
Point r = *this;
unsigned int n = 0;
while( r.x_ != 0 && r.y_ != 0 )
r += *this;
if ( n > maxPeriod ) break;
return n;
~0 is the bitwise complement of 0, which is a number with all bits filled. For an unsigned 32-bit int, that's 0xffffffff. The exact number of fs will depend on the size of the value that you assign ~0 to.
It's the one complement, which inverts all bits.
~ 0101 => 1010
~ 0000 => 1111
~ 1111 => 0000
As others have mentioned, the ~ operator performs bitwise complement. However, the result of performing the operation on a signed value is not defined by the standard.
In particular, the value of ~0 need not be -1, which is probably the value intended. Setting the default argument to
unsigned int maxPeriod = -1
would make maxPeriod contain the highest possible value (signed to unsigned conversion is defined as an assignment modulo 2**n, where n is a characteristic number of the given unsigned type (the number of bits of representation)).
Also note that default arguments are not valid in C.
It's a binary complement function.
Basically it means flip each bit.
It is the bitwise complement of 0 which would be, in this example, an int with all the bits set to 1. If sizeof(int) is 4, then the number is 0xffffffff.
Basically, it's saying that maxPeriod has a default value of UINT_MAX. Rather than writing it as UINT_MAX, the author used his knowledge of complements to calculate the value.
If you want to make the code a bit more readable in the future, include
#include <limits>
and change the call to read
unsigned int Order(unsigned int maxPeriod = UINT_MAX) const
Now to explain why ~0 is UINT_MAX. Since we are dealing with an int, in which 0 is represented with all zero bits (00000000). Adding one would give (00000001), adding one more would give (00000010), and one more would give (00000011). Finally one more addition would give (00000100) because the 1's carry.
For unsigned ints, if you repeat the process ad-infiniteum, eventually you have all one bits (11111111), and adding another one will overflow the buffer setting all the bits back to zero. This means that all one bits in an unsigned number is the maximum that data type (int in your case) can hold.
The "~" operation flips all bits from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0, flipping a zero integer (which has all zero bits) effectively gives you UINT_MAX. So he basically the previous coded opted to computer UINT_MAX instead of using the system defined copy located in #include <limits.h>
In the example it is probably an attempt to generate the UINT_MAX value. The technique is possibly flawed for reasons already stated.
The expression does however does have legitimate use to generate a bit mask with all bits set using a literal constant that is type-width independent; but that is not how it is being used in your example.
As others have said, ~ is the bitwise complement operator (sometimes also referred to as bitwise not). It's a unary operator which means that it takes a single input.
Bitwise operators treat the input as a bit pattern and perform their respective operations on each individual bit then return the resulting pattern. Applying the ~ operator to the bit pattern will negate each bit (each zero becomes a one, each one becomes a zero).
In the example you gave, the bit representation of the integer 0 is all zeros. Thus, ~0 will produce a bit pattern of all ones. Even though 0 is an int, it is the bit pattern ~0 that is assigned to maxPeriod (not the int value that would be represented by said bit pattern). Since maxPeriod is an unsigned int, it is assigned the unsigned int value represented by ~0 (a pattern of all ones), which is in fact the highest value that an unsigned int can store before wrapping around back to 0.