Will my django web app also work on linux? - django

So I am building a simple crud webapp using django on frontend I am using typescript no frontend frameworks or libraries whatsoever. And currently I am doing this on windows 10 but if I switch to linux Ubuntu completely and continue building this on linux, Will it have any problems when building it even if I use the same version of django and python that was on windows 10.
I am asking this because of problems in past that it works on one machine but not on different so then vm's and container technologies came out.
Appreciate any help.

No, I don't think you will encounter any issues doing so. Most of the developers develop Django applications on Windows machines and deploy them to Linux servers. so you will find plenty of documentation to get it running on Linux.


How to check whether code will work on CF9 server while working on CF10 server?

I have installed CF10 server installed on my local machine. We are migrating from CF9 to CF10. We use CFWheels framework for development. There are certain projects which are still on CF9. I would like to know, is there any way to check whether my code will work on CF9 server as well while working on CF10 server.
The only way is to run the applications in development on the correct versions of ColdFusion.
I have projects that use different versions of ColdFusion and I simply have multiple versions installed on my development machine and start up whatever version I need based on which project I am working on. This ensures that the code I am writing will work with the version I need.

WAMP servers... why just for web development

What is to stop you using a WAMP server (or similar) to run single-user business database applications day-to-day?
I read everywhere that WAMP and the like are intended for the development of web apps, but why can't they be used to deploy desktop apps - what're the downsides?
Personally I think WAMP/MAMP/LAMP are great applications that CAN be used for production servers.
I have started doing this myself as I do not have the complete knowledge in server administration on the linux end and my PHP applications are not compatible with IIS.
If you are a small operation than it should save you time then go for it.
If your business grows and you can afford to put on staff to manage dedicated servers with the Apache, PHP ect all installed separately then I also recommend this.
The main difference I can see is that WAMP probably wont be as scalable as the preferred setup. The binaries are all integrated and sometimes I have had issues trying to figure out which php.ini file the system is using.
WAMP is just as secure as any other server as long as you know how to do so, is provides a UI layer which cost CPU time but like I said if you are only serving small web sites/apps than this should be just fine.
My other recommendation is to install it on a Server (Windows 2008 RS or 20012) Windows servers are more reliable and powerful than the Windows User version. Just remember to turn off IIS and any other roles not used by the Windows Server.
Make sure you your WAMP folder backed up regularly!
Good luck
I haven't found one yet. I guess the speed won't be as good as a 'pure' setup, but it sounds like that isn't an issue.
I run an epos web app for a photo studio no problem at all!
WAMP usually stands for Windows, Apache, Mysql, PHP or whatever your particular choice for P is. It describes a stack meant for specifically for deploying/developing web applications and is a rough equivalent to LAMP. Most things that would be considered desktop applications wouldn't use a webserver and more than likely would not be written in PHP.
The issue is not so much one of downsides as it is Apples and Oranges: Desktop applications are usually built with a less web centric stack.
Actually i used with wamp for many purposes; I used it with VB.NET apps, PHP, etc...but I think if you want to use it for deployment, you should start by configuring it to do so.
For example, for PHP deactivation errors display in php.ini, start listening on all allow all in httpd.conf, activating safe mode, setting a password for MySQL; and many other options that have to be configured.
I personally prefer because it is a quick and lightweight tool.

XML web service running on Ubuntu

VS Studio 2005
I have developed an application that will need to access a web service.
I will be developing the web service. However, the platform will be Ubuntu running Apache Tomcat server.
I have 2 questions:
1) Can I deploy a MS XML web service to run on a Ubuntu Server?
2) If I can't. I will have to develop a Java Web Service. However, my application that is written in VS C# 2005 will need to access it will be a windows application. How can my application access a Java Web Service?
Many thanks for any advice,
If you want cross-platform compatibility, you can only deploy .net code that runs under Mono. The best way to check this is to actually develop the code under Mono and use Mono to test it. So, don't use Visual Studio. Sorry.
There is no problem with interfacing pieces of code written in two different languages. You can use XMLRPC, a RESTful API, or a proprietary protocol. I'm sure there are other ways for the two to "talk", as well.

Django Projects as Desktop applications : how to?

How to make Django projects packaged as desktop applications?
I found some tutorials, but is there any solution as DjangoKit , for Linux and Windows?
List of related tutorials :
Deploying a Django app on the desktop
Django application as a stand-alone desktop application
This project started when I needed to
distribute a self contained user
installable Windows demo of a Django
Edit: Another alternative is Super Zippy, it takes a Python package and its pure Python dependencies and transforms them all into a single executable file.
You might want to look into Appcelerator's (link) Titanium Desktop for developing web apps on the desktop.
It's fully cross platform, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows.
It's supports running Python, Ruby, and JavaScript code in your application all concurrently interacting with one anther in one application. It's pretty sweet.
(Full disclosure, I'm the founder of ToDesktop. I think this is a helpful answer though)
If your Django app is already deployed as a web app then you can wrap the web app in Electron.
If the web app does not need to be distributed to users (i.e.. you don't need an installer or code signing) then Nativefier is great for that. It's free and open-source. I made a Nativefier guide here.
If you're distributing to users then you'll probably want an installer and code signing and auto-updates for Electron. ToDesktop will do all that for you without any coding or configuration.
There's a comparison of the two here.

Minimal production Django server on Windows

I need to deploy a small Django app to be used in a small intranet. Concurrency and speed are non issues because there will be, at most, 10 users (and I bet that there will be almost no concurrency).
There is already a MySQL server. The problem is with the Django app. What is the most lightwieght server I can install under a WinXP environment ? The Apache + mod_python approach seems a little overkill. The cherrypy server seems more suitable.
Any suggestions ? Someone with similar experiences ?
You could use IIS with PyISAPIe.
I outline my Django on Windows deployment here and also more info on PyISAPIe with Python 2.6 here.
As I'm not a big fan of IIS, I'd still use Apache + mod_wsgi. mod_wsgi is officially recommended way of deploying django apps, according to http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/modwsgi/
We're currently deploying a small intranet Django app to complement a closed source app on IIS to an audience of about 300-400, but low use.
We opted for cherrypy by means of django-wsgiserver, but go for the bitbucket version if you don't use the admin, there's a bug in the 0.6.10 version that's on pypi.
We have IIS as a reverse proxy in front of it, and use media from the existing app. Don't know yet if it's stable, but I like the fact that it's conceptually the same as the Apache+gunicorn setup that I use on the *nix box.
Since this question dates from 2 years, I'm very curious about your experience.
The Windows port of lighttpd also bears mention.