XML web service running on Ubuntu - web-services

VS Studio 2005
I have developed an application that will need to access a web service.
I will be developing the web service. However, the platform will be Ubuntu running Apache Tomcat server.
I have 2 questions:
1) Can I deploy a MS XML web service to run on a Ubuntu Server?
2) If I can't. I will have to develop a Java Web Service. However, my application that is written in VS C# 2005 will need to access it will be a windows application. How can my application access a Java Web Service?
Many thanks for any advice,

If you want cross-platform compatibility, you can only deploy .net code that runs under Mono. The best way to check this is to actually develop the code under Mono and use Mono to test it. So, don't use Visual Studio. Sorry.
There is no problem with interfacing pieces of code written in two different languages. You can use XMLRPC, a RESTful API, or a proprietary protocol. I'm sure there are other ways for the two to "talk", as well.


How to correctly do unit testing with this configuration

I've got a WPF solution that interacts with Webservices in order to retrieve data.
My application is divided in modules for manteinability and there's a 1:1 correnspondency between WPF modules and Web service's part. I use ServiceStack as layer to perform web service call and my WPF modules use repository pattern to isolate calls.
WPF assemblies are compiled with FW 4.0 (since it has to bee used on XP also) meanwhile Web are FW 4.5.2
I was wondering what's the best solution to debug such repositories without the need to have a Web server configured for this purpose. In my mind if I've the possibility to run both on 4.5.2 I would set up a self-hosted webservice that loads the web module and performs call without having the need to have a web server configured for that... any suggestion/proposal on that?

Need Suggestion on How to get data from SharePoint Online for Windows 8.1 App

I recently working on a Windows 8.1 App, which was developed with C# and XAML. SharePoint Online is used for Data store.
I searched and found that Wictor solution can be used for Authentication. but the problem is that we can not use Wictor solution [http://www.wictorwilen.se/Post/How-to-do-active-authentication-to-Office-365-and-SharePoint-Online.aspx] directly as it is built upon .Net framework and Metro Apps are built upon .NetCore.
One possible option is to use WCF service and have whole Wictor solution in WCF service then call WCF service from Windows App. I tested it and it is working fine.
However, I wanted to know what would be the best approach available if I don't want to deploy this WCF separately. In future I have to publish this Win App on Windows store.
Any help will be appreciated.

webservice with different Os

I created webservice in my system and
need to diploy it in a server which
contain OS other than windows,say
Mac or any others,so that those
working on Java or any other
technologies can acees my
webservice.Is there any possible solution
other than visual studio IDE is
there any utility for creating
webservice.i Heard about wsdlgen.exe
something like that .Is this useful
in this type of situation whoich i
explained above
A web service can be used (if written right) from many OS, however - when you say deploy - if you mean the actual service executable - you don't need to deploy it (probably you can't even) on mac or linux in order for other tech to access it.
you need to deploy it on the framework that you used to develope it (like win server for WCF / other dot net or c++ based server) and make sure it can be accessed by other technologies - by it's contracts / endpoints ect.
They will access it through tcp/ip probably http, using a common language that they can both talk.
** it doesn't matter if you deploy on IIS or as a service, or as a console application - as long as it implement the right standard other OS based client can access it.
Webservices are a platform independent setup. A webservice is a standardized way of communicating structured data. The language of the webservice is XML, thus it can be interpreted by most languages, and platforms (I haven't heard of webservices being used on DOS 3 yet. )
Your implementation of the webservice must be deployed to the compatible server. If you used a .NET language that is most likely on IIS (mono on its respected mod_net). If its in Java then on Tomcat, JBoss, etc.
Once you have deployed your webservice any client can access your webservice. The output of the webservice is [typically] contained in an HTTP message. Your client is not required to be written in the same language as the service its self, nor is it require the same platform that it is hosted on. I've heard of FPGA's using webservces, and I've been consumed a web service (written in java) from a Nokia N800 (using gSoap as the client).

Blackberry what SDK and language are used

I am new in Blackberry. Can anyone help me out for following queries?
Which SDK is used in Blackberry?
In what language are Blackberry applications developed?
Can we call webservices through Blackberry applications?
Blackberry applications are written in Java. They support Java ME as well as some additional blackberry specific APIs. Check out http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/javaappdev/overview.jsp
As for calling a web service, yes you can do that as well. Check out the Rapid Application development tutorial at: http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/rapidappdev/
As heavyd said you can use the Rapid Application Development for accessing web services.
I've used the Visual Studio plugin before but this doesn't allow you as much access to the API as using the standard JDE plugin for Eclipse or the Blackberrys Java Development Environment (at least when I used it). It all depends on what you want to do, whether it's whip up a quick app or create a fully customised sweet looking application that'll take a little longer.
If you don't decide to go down the RAD route you can use a 3rd party library like KSOAP2, or, the way I do it, is use the Sun Wireless Toolkit (WTK) to create Stubs for you're web service methods which you can then call in your application. I've used this method for a .NET web service and it's pretty straightforward.

How to build stand-alone SOAP web services using Delphi?

How can I build a stand-alone SOAP-based Web Services using Delphi? Must work with Delphi 2009, but it'd be nice if it worked with older ones too.
The built-in WebBroker Web Services creates CGI or ISAPI. It would be nice to create a stand-alone executable that I can control from bottom to top, especially during development.
RemObjects SDK for Delphi (RO/Delphi).
Different messaging formats are
provided, including our own highly
efficient binary BinMessage format, as
well as support for SOAP, XML-RPC and
- new - JSON encoding, in case you want to make your servers accessible
to clients not using RO, or write
clients to access Web Services
provided by others.
Dave Nottage wrote Building a stand-alone Web service with Indy (source code).
This article explains how to fit Indy
into Delphi 6's Web services (SOAP)
According to the comment on the page, it works with Delphi 2009 with some modification.
Edit: People in Indy 10 and IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge with CBuilder 2009 posted modified version. For example, IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.pas is by Jochanan van der Niet.
It should be possible to build a web service with VCL for the Web (formerly: Intraweb). It has an option of creating a standalone executable that contains both: web server and web application
In D7 I used IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge (Indy 9). But i don't know if it is still available in D2009.
There are a series of SOAP articles on Dr. Bob's website and specifically there is RAD Studio 2007 XML, SOAP and Web Services Development manual, but it's 99 Euro.
Something I used in the past was idRunner which is an extension to the indy library and it allows you to develop ISAPI dll's which your application then runs. The advantage of this approach, is you can deploy a standalone application to run your soap service, that can easily be deployed via IIS at a later date.
For debugging, I strongly suggest the idDebugger on the same page. It makes debugging ISAPI applications very easy.
Here is a step-by-step solution "Delphi 7 Indy Standalone Web Services/SOAP Server" which looks like it can be useful for Delphi 2009 too:
this solutions uses IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge, it can be used in Delphi 2009 with minor changes.