Cannot get gfwl source package to work in vscode - c++

I wanted to learn OpenGl because I was just getting into c++ and I thought it would be cool to learn but now I'm stuck and I don't know what to do.
So basically I am not using the microsoft version of VScode, I am using your basic VScode application.
I install MinGw and added it to the path.
and i created a folder, in that file i created a main.cpp file and downloaded the source folder (source package) of gfwl from the main page
and I tried different ways of including it into my cpp file
i tried
the path of gfwl from the system
the files directory to gfwl3.h
and none of them seem to work, I either get a "directory or file path invalid" or errors on it failing to import its functions like gfwlinit
how could i make this work?

Make sure to add it to the path and use a MakeFile to compile and to connect everything!


VSCode Intellisense "cannot open source file ...... " error C++

I am a new to programming in C++, it has been 1 month since I started. I use VSCode has my main IDE and made many projects with it. But each time I move a project in a different folder or pull one from a Github repository, the intellisense tells me that it cannot open source files in every header file or source file.
example of highlighting issue
Compiling is fine, the issue is I cannot see any basic writing mistakes and correct them directly.
(Using Windows 10, Mingw32, Makefile or CMake to compile)
I tried to add the path of library include folders in the c_cpp_properties.json (as seen in many tutorials) but it doesn't work. I also tried to change the intellisense mode in the settings but with no results.
Include path example
Several solutions from other forums have been tried but nothing works.
Do you have any idea how I can solve this ?

Codelite not recognizing ns-3 files

I'm pretty new with C++ development, and I wanted to use an IDE. I downloaded codelite, and everything was working fine.
The issue
Recently I started development an App for the NetworkSimulator3 or Ns3, that runs with Waf( Using the codelite just for my app, and doing the build&Run on the terminal with waf seems wrong.
In the end, codelite is not recognizing a butch of files of ns3, and keep pointing errors.
What I tried to do
I tried adding all Ns3 files in a single workspace, together with my app files, in hopes that everything would work. Instead I still got a bunch of "No such file or directory" errors, although these files exist and are added on the IDE
On the import, Ns3 demands us to call it like this:
#import <ns3/packet.h>
Although the .h is inside another folder:
There are a few wscripts files that probably work on these bindings, although I'm not 100% sure.
So I also tried:
Adding the .h in the same folder of my app
Creating a new virtual folder called ns3, and adding the headers there
Including the folder with the headers in the compiler's include paths
Including the folder with the headers in the linker like it was a library
Nothing worked so far
I just wanted to open the Ns3 on an IDE so I could work without several errors showing. Maybe even with some autocomplete?
Could you guys help me figure this out?
I also added a "Custom build", so I can execute and build my project using waf, but the IDE errors didn't disappear
On the import, Ns3 demands us to call it like this: #import <ns3/packet.h> Although the .h is inside another folder: src/network/model/packet.h
Headers imported with <ns3/header.h> are copied from src/module/(model/helper) to build/ns3 when you build ns-3. You need to add build/ as an include folder (e.g. -I/path/to/ns-3-dev/build), which will make <ns3/header.h> work correctly.
Not sure on the other issues, since I've never tried CodeLite.
I just wanted to open the Ns3 on an IDE so I could work without several errors showing. Maybe even with some autocomplete?
If I may recommend, try the CMake buildsystem. Clone the code and create a cmake cache folder (e.g. mkdir cmake_cache), then generate the CodeLite project (e.g. cd cmake_cache && cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 -G "CodeLite - Ninja" .., or -G "CodeLite - Unix Makefiles") and then open the project in cmake_cache with CodeLite. :)
Update: just read on their blog that exporting compile commands is required for code completion when using cmake.

Linking libjpeg to an xCode project for iOS dev

Good evening,
I have been working on a C++ project from someone of my University which I had to improve for my Bachelor thesis. It basically uses the library libjpeg to do some computation resulting in a steganographic process in order to embed a message into a given image.
Now that the C++ code works smoothly, I'd like to create a little iOS app allowing the user to encrypt whatever message he'd like into an image of his choice. So I created an xCode project following this procedure: using c++ in an iOS app
I also found the following file: libjpeg for iOS which allowed me to compile libjpeg for iOS. Since I'm not so sure how to use the framework freshly created and couldn't find anything sufficiently convincing on the internet, I put all the files (.c and .h) of the libjpeg library into my "include" folder where I have my own .hpp.
xCode only throws me the following error:
xCode error
From what I could gather on several posts, I have to modify the build options of my xCode project to link manually the library, so I tried the following:
Other linking flags
Library search path
This wasn't enough to do the trick and I'm still struggling with the same error xCode throws at me. Any help would be very appreciated on how to proceed!
Thanks a lot,
Do not add the .c files to your project, add the libjpeg.a file produced by your build to your project. Add the .h files as you are already doing, or edit the project settings to include their containing folder in the search path.

VS Code unable to detect Standard C++ Libraries

I started using VS Code, and after messing around with it I kind of managed to make it detect Windows and Direct3D SDK's with the c_cpp_properties.json, but I'm failing to make the Standard Library work. So, if I do:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
It throws me an error just like this:
//Include file not found in include path
I've searched all over the web and didn't find any clue, so here I am! Strangely enough, if I just create a new .cpp file in an empty window/editor, it works. But the moment I 'load' the folder that file is in, then it fails. So, this is really driving me crazy.
I'm using Windows 10, with .NET 4.6.2, the 2015 Visual C++ Redist, and the Windows 10 SDK, all blazing new installs from today. My ultimate goal is to port a project I made in VS2013 to GNU/Linux, so I'm trying to make things work step by step.
Thanks a lot beforehand!
EDIT: Compiling with g++ works just fine, even though VS Code complains. This is what happens.
VS Code need to locate the include libraries.
First of all locate where g++ is located. You mentioned that it works fine. It's an .exe file (windows). So you may find g++ directory in path settings. view path variables.
Now after getting g++.exe directory you may easily find a file names string in nearby folders or parent folders. After successfully locating it copy its full path.
Now back in VS Code put cursor over green underline and you should see a bulb. Click it and in the options you will see option Edit "includePath" setting or Update "browse.path" setting. Select it and a file will open named c_cpp_properties.json
Now in that file locate "name": "win32". In the include path option paste the directory name of string file like this and you are good to go.
In vscode go to file>preferences>settings then select edit in settings.json (This can be hard to find, certain settings have this option by them, others do not. There is probably a better way to access this file, but I don't know it)
This will open up the settings.json file, where you can add the line:
"C_Cpp.default.includePath": ["C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\include"]
(or whatever your include path is) This will add that include path for all projects, or only the current workspace depending on if you open the settings.json file for "User Settings" or for "Workspace Settings"

Dev-C++ include file paths FLTK(Fast Light Toolkit)

When I compile and run programs in Bloodshed I save everything into a a folder labeled C++ in my username folder. When I downloaded FLTK, extracted it to the C++ folder, then tried to run a program using header files from FLTK, it was unable to find the files. My guess is that when the compiler looks for the header files it's only looking in the C++ folder, and the FLTK header files are embedded in folders that are inside of the C++ folder.
I googled around for a way to somehow have file paths that include looks into when it looks for the specified header file, but I couldn't find anything. Does anyone with experience using Bloodshed know how to do this?
Most people here probably don't use DevC++, having been warned off it by people like me. DevC++ has lots of problems and is no longer being developed. You should consider
switching to Code::Blocks, which is better in just about every way.
If you have installed FLTK properly, you should now have a program called "fltk-config". That program needs to be in your PATH. You need to edit your project's settings so that the output of "fltk-config --cflags" is added to your list of compiler flags and so that the output of "fltk-config --ldflags" is added to your list of linker flags.