Visual Studio c++ dll not found - c++

I am trying to link my .exe file to a .dll in visual studio but I don't understand how (I am using VS2019).
I have looked at this question here but it only provides half the solution. I went to project properties->debugging->Environment and added PATH=LOCATION_OF_MY_DLL and this works when I run the program in the IDE, but when I manually run the .exe it gives the same error that the dll was not found (it is only fixed if I copy the dll to the exe location).
In addition, I am managing the entire project using premake so is there a way to add these setting in there as well?


MyProject.dll is not a valid win32 application

I have copied a C++ solution folder written with visual studio 2013 to my Pc and tried to run it (I mean VS Debugging) with VS 2022. the solution Contains 5 projects but I just target one of them so unloaded the rest and set the one as Startup project and this error happened.
Error Image
Solution file is working well on first pc and project is not a win32 project its x64 (I don't know much from win32 or x64).
Unable to start program. [VALUE].dll is not a valid Win32 application error in Visual Studio 2017
According to this question I tried selecting project, setting as startup, repairing VS, installing vcredist_x64 but non helped.
After Running, VS make Debug folder in solution Directory not the project "LP_Dll\x64\Debug" (LP_Dll is the solution name) without any .exe file, and the error path is exactly this folder, can it be from that?
Project properties the "Configuration Type" was mistakenly changed to .dll.

Visual Studio 2019, trying to debug, MSVCP140_APP.dll not found

I have created a Visual Studio 2019 solution under Windows 10, which contains 2 C++ projects. The first builds a dll, the second - an executable which, amongst others, uses the dll created by the first project.
I fail to start the executable with the error
"The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140_APP.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."
Both trying to debug using Visual Studio and trying to start an exe from the file browser fail.
Both Debug and Release modes fail.
Obviously I've tried to search for the solution and obviously I did not find it. Quite often UWP pops up but I have no idea why should I even know what it is if I have created the solution with the complete code from scratch...
Note: both projects use some external packages and everything worked fine under one project, before I did the split (in a different solution). After the split, the dll links to embree, and the exe to glfw and glew.

Visual Studio 2017 C++ built executable refuses to launch on another PC

I have a C++ project in Visual Studio 2017, which I built an executable file from, using the answer from this question found on MSDN , the .exe was built successfully, but when I copy this file to another PC and try to launch it, it returns me an error message, which says that launching of this app is impossible, because libcurl.dll is absent, what should be done, for avoiding this problem ?
Here's the preset which I'm using for .exe creation
If it is of any help, when I created the project, I've chosen Empty Visual C++ Project.

MSVC2013 - Entry Point Not Found

I recently installed the Qt add-inn for visual studio 2013. When I build a project in either Qt Creator or Visual Studio using MSVC2013 it builds without errors, but can only be run from inside the IDE. If I try to run it by clicking the .exe, it gives an error: "The procedure entry point ?qt_metacast#QMenuBar##UAEPAXPBD#Z could not be located in the dynamic link library".
From the research I have done online, I found that it could be something to do about adding the correct .dll files in my .exe directory. Which .dll files do I need or is there something else I'm doing wrong?
I installed the Visual Studio Add-in 1.2.4 for Qt5 from the Qt website.
DLLs for this kind of libraries use to be unnecessarily big. You should make a Qt static compilation so that your needed functions are embed into your *.exe.

My Qt5 executable does not run outside of Visual Studio 2010

I have done a big project with Qt5 and visual Studio 2010. Everything is well inside of visual studio using the run button.
But my goal is of course to release it to other persons, without visual studio.
My problem is: I can't get the .exe run outside of visual studio. I was asked for several dll's at first, I found them all in the Qt5 bin folder.
But know I got rid of those messages, when I wan't to open my exe, nothing happens.
Just nothing.....
I cannot even find my exe in the windows task manager.
Does someone here know an answer to that issue?
There are dll files that are loaded during runtime and don't give you any error, warning or whatsoever when not present (also totally transparent to dependency walker). Such is the platforms\qwindows.dll - note that it must be in a platforms\ subfolder relative to the executable. You might also be missing libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll.
Dependency Walker is not very useful in this case as it shows very strange dll files missing: API-MS-WIN-CORE-PRIVATEPROFILE-L1-1-1.DLL etc.
You can use Qt5.x cmd prompt ( 5.x is the version that you are using) and run windeployqt.exe from your build directory. It will automatically find and copy all necessary dll files to your output directory.