Visual Studio 2017 C++ built executable refuses to launch on another PC - c++

I have a C++ project in Visual Studio 2017, which I built an executable file from, using the answer from this question found on MSDN , the .exe was built successfully, but when I copy this file to another PC and try to launch it, it returns me an error message, which says that launching of this app is impossible, because libcurl.dll is absent, what should be done, for avoiding this problem ?
Here's the preset which I'm using for .exe creation
If it is of any help, when I created the project, I've chosen Empty Visual C++ Project.


MyProject.dll is not a valid win32 application

I have copied a C++ solution folder written with visual studio 2013 to my Pc and tried to run it (I mean VS Debugging) with VS 2022. the solution Contains 5 projects but I just target one of them so unloaded the rest and set the one as Startup project and this error happened.
Error Image
Solution file is working well on first pc and project is not a win32 project its x64 (I don't know much from win32 or x64).
Unable to start program. [VALUE].dll is not a valid Win32 application error in Visual Studio 2017
According to this question I tried selecting project, setting as startup, repairing VS, installing vcredist_x64 but non helped.
After Running, VS make Debug folder in solution Directory not the project "LP_Dll\x64\Debug" (LP_Dll is the solution name) without any .exe file, and the error path is exactly this folder, can it be from that?
Project properties the "Configuration Type" was mistakenly changed to .dll.

Visual Studio c++ dll not found

I am trying to link my .exe file to a .dll in visual studio but I don't understand how (I am using VS2019).
I have looked at this question here but it only provides half the solution. I went to project properties->debugging->Environment and added PATH=LOCATION_OF_MY_DLL and this works when I run the program in the IDE, but when I manually run the .exe it gives the same error that the dll was not found (it is only fixed if I copy the dll to the exe location).
In addition, I am managing the entire project using premake so is there a way to add these setting in there as well?

Exe file from a console project in Visual Studio?

I want to execute a C++ program in a second machine without any IDE.
I tried to launch the .exe file which is located in the debug folder of the project and to generate a .exe file following this guide.
Both .exe gave me the same errors (launched manually and from a prompt):
The program can’t start because
- MSVCP140D.dll
- VCRUNTIME140_1D.dll
- ucrtbased.dll
is missing from your computer. [...]
So i try to uninstall and reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable per Visual Studio 2015, 2017 e 2019 from there, but still the same errors.
What am I missing? How can I run it without install the whole Visual Studio IDE? Thanks for your time.
You need to compile your program to a Release exe file. Compiling your program using Debug will never work on any device unless it has Visual Studio installed on it.
Why this happens?
If you select debugging, before the program runs it loads some DLL files for debugging in visual studio. Now, on other machines visual studio may not be installed, so it couldn't find the DLL files so it will just not start. But Release, it is like its name, when you want to send your program to a friend or use it on another computer or share it on the internet, use Release. But if you are testing bugs and still working on the program, use Debug.

Error loading visual studio 2015 C++ project, how to debug

I have a VS 2015 C++ project on a remote directory that I want to share between 2 computers. On one computer it loads fine (it has Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.01055) on the other computer it fails to load (it also has Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3 Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.01055). When it fails to load I get the (not very informative message)
TargetImager.vcxproj: The application which this project type is based on
was not found. Please try this link for further information
[The link is completely useless!]
I opened the project file in the solution (can't remember how I managed to do this) and it presents a number of warnings eg.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'PlatformToolSet' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'Property, VisualStudioVersion, MinimumVisualStudioVersion, AdditionalFileItemNames, AllowUnsafeBlocks, AppConfigForCompiler, ApplicationIcon, ApplicationRevision, ApplicationVersion, AppDesignerFolder, AspNetConfiguration, AssemblyKeyContainerName, AssemblyKeyProviderName, AssemblyName, AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile, AssemblyOriginatorKeyFileType, AssemblyOriginatorKeyMode, AssemblyType, AutoGenerateBindingRedirects, AutorunEnabled, BaseAddress, BootstrapperComponentsLocation, BootstrapperComponentsUrl, BootstrapperEnabled, CharacterSet, CheckForOverflowUnderflow, CLRSupport, UseDebugLibraries, CodePage, Configuration, ConfigurationName, ConfigurationOverrideFile, CreateDesktopShortcut, CreateWebPageOnPublish, CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents, DebugSecurityZoneURL, DebugSymbols, DebugType, DefaultClientScript, DefaultHTMLPageLayout, DefaultTargetSchema, DefineConstants, DefineDebug, DefineTrace, DelaySign, DisableLangXtns, DisallowUrlActivation, CodeAnalysisAdditionalOptions, CodeAnalysisApplyLogFileXsl, .... Miscellaneous Files H:\CodeProjects\QTProjects\TargetImager\TargetImager.vcxproj 20
Here is the section of the project file XML
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'" Label="Configuration">
It doesn't like this PlatformToolSet setting for instance. I don't get it because it is a setting in the property pages on VS2015 that can be selected. I anyway changed this property clicked apply then changed it back clicked apply. It is still there in the project file as before with same error message, I also changed the setting to v140_xp just to verify that it was seeing the new property which it was.
The story is that I was working on one computer with VS 2015, then I wanted to run something on another remote computer, however by then VS 2015 was replaced with VS 2017 and I installed VS 2017 on the remote. I built the project on VS2017 but then went back to the local PC with VS2015 to do some QT stuff (QT plugin is not yet available on VS2017). This was OK but then it refused to load on the remote VS2017 PC. So I uninstalled VS2017 and replaced it with VS2015, the project still doesn't load on the remote PC with VS2015.
Maybe somehow I have a VS 2017 project that for some reason loads on one computer with VS2015 and not the other, hence the settings that VS 2015 doesn't like.
So I try to create a new QT GUI project (I installed QtVsTools extension) on the remote machine that has problems with my project file. And now I get an error (the same error also occurs with a new win32 console application)
.../TarImager.vcxproj cannot be opened because its project type (.vcxproj) is not
supported by this version of the application.
To open it please use a version of the project that supports it.
As far as I know .vcxproj has been supported since MS VS 2010
Any idea how I can debug this?
The visual studio install had become corrupted, I repaired the installation then was able to create projects again. If you get weird project loading errors, then maybe your VS install is messed up.

Visual Studio - lib is not a valid Win32-Application

I want to run the opensource C++ library "VRPH" on VS 2015 (
I successfully perfomed the "make" command using cygwin/g++. Doing so leads to some more folders in the VRPH directory.
As described in the install.txt I openend the file VRPH.sln with Visual Studio.
Now VS does the "migration-process" and fires an UpgradeLog.htm with lots of warnings in it (mainly because of the software was created on a 2008 VS-Version), but no errors!
If I now click on "Local-Windows-Debug", the Debug-Window informs about serveral compile processes and the main project "VRPH" creates a VRPH.lib in the Debug-folder.
Having done that the Debugger says: "VRPH.lib is not a valid Win32-Application"
Any idea what to do?
Thank you so much for help!!