Cannot connect AWS EC2 NodeRed to AWS RDS - amazon-web-services

Guys I have deployed my NodeRed in ubuntu EC2 and also create a RDS MySQL,In locally everything is fine but when i try to connect the node mysql with my RDS on AWS cloud it show an error
"ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR". Do i need some configulation? I have also try to set inbound and outbound rules to all traffic but it still not work.
For more infomation:
I have deployed my NodeJS app in the same EC2 server that nodered has deployed,it can connect with the same RDS perfectly.
In Nodered flow it has node mqtt that seems cannot conenct with mqtt broker too.(in locally,it can connect normally).

I solved this problem now by adding a new user of My RDS Mysql, instead of using root, and changing the credential with new user and it's working! But I still dont know the root problem yet. If anyone knows, please tell me.


EC2 instances connecting to lambda result in ConnectFailure

I'm trying to access lambda functions from a Windows VM I have created in EC2 for dev purposes but even a simple 'list functions' command fails to connect
I have tried using the AWS CLI through PowerShell, the dotnet sdk and the VS AWS Toolkit but each of these times out after a long waiting period. I can, however, list other services such as my databases and S3 buckets.
aws cli failure message
VS toolkit failure message
I have tried creating a new VM with the same results. I've disabled windows firewall altogether, allowed all traffic through the security group and have VPC endpoints for my subnet (ssm, ec2messages, lambda, ec2).
I have no trouble connecting to the lambda service through my own computer. On the VM, I have modified the .aws/credentials file to match the one on my computer for both the admin and current user but I still can't connect. This tells me that the problem isn't related to my access key credentials.
I'm reaching the end of the troubleshooting options I can think of so any help would be very much appreciated!
Update: using telnet, I cannot connect to lambda.ap-southeast-2 but I can connect to s3.ap-southeast-2 and lambda.ap-southeast-1. It seems lambda.ap-southeast-2 is being blocked somewhere but it isn't windows firewall because it's off and the same problem happens on Ubuntu VMs.
In the VPC Management Console, I haven't set up any firewalls under network or dns filewalls and my network ACL allows all traffic.

Unable to Connect AWS RDS from SQL Developer

I just need help here,
I'm just getting started into AWS RDS, I have web application and I have deployed into AWS Through AWS EBS
and now I wanted to connect my DB, for that I attached RDS to my application in beanstalk. When testing the connection, I am Getting this error
This is my ENDPOINT:
Here are my RDS DB Configuration:
and SID is:
please help me sort this, I got stuck here from 2 days.
Thank You.... :)
Please, in your connection setup in SQL Developer, in the Hostname field, just remove the literal :3306 at the end of your hostname string: this value is in fact the port in which the database is listening.
In order to complete your connection setup, enter the value 3306 in the Port field instead of the 1521 you indicated in your image.

VPN connection to Amazon RDS with openvpn suddenly fails

I set AWS Client VPN Endpoint, and downloaded opvn file, configured it to refer to cert/key files and connected to AWS RDS.
It used to success connecting yesterday, but today, after re-installing ESET security app
It shows the following error when I trying connecting with MySQL client app:
ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host '' (0)
I am not sure how to detect the cause of the error. If I configured RDS settings to pubilc, the error above not shown and just waiting for minutes...
(maybe I guess some DNS settings overriden by ESET? )
You can easily debug the problem:
AWS Client VPN Endpoint, You can see the active connection. See if you are connected to it or not.
Do you restarted or reinstall RDS also, Because it will change the URL to connect.
Is username/password of DB is changed.
If RDS is in public setting you don't even need a VPN connection.
Also as suggested above check VPN to RDS VPC Route.
here are some troubleshooting steps.
When you connect your VPN:
Check if it's pushing the DNS server address via DHCP configuration
Check if new routes are added to your route table. you can do "route print" in the windows command line
Hope this helps.

AWS unable to connect to Java springboot API endpoints

I am trying to run my springboot API on AWS however when i try to connect to the endpoint the error Site cannot be reached IP refused to connect. This my first time working with AWS.
I created a linux instance and connected to it using filezilla. Afterwards i added my jar to a folder which i created on the linux instance using filezilla. I started the springboot project and its running but the problem is that i cannt seem to connect to the endpoints. Am i missing something, how do i connect to my endpoints.
The other thing to note is that i enabled https on my API and added swagger also.
You need to enable relevant ports in the instances' Security Group.
Look at this to create a new Inbound rule for the specific port.
You can go to the aws console, (here I am assuming you have deployed to us-east-1 if its something else, go to the relevant region.
Open up the relevant security group, and then click edit Inbound roles.

AWS Data Pipeline Cannot Connect with RDS Mysql (connection time out)

I am stuck on making a AWS Data Pipeline which takes data from RDS Mysql to s3.
I ahve tried Template but failed alot. Then I made this self configured pipeline but still no success. Can anyone point out the problem by seeing the architect?
Here are the RDS MySQL Details -> NOTE <- that username in picture is different because I am using a separate user and the username in picture is administrator
This is the Data Pile Line Architect
Below are the settings of first block i.e Configuration
Below are the settings of RDS MySQL DataBase
Below are settings of EC2 Machine
Below are the Settings of SQL Data node - which i guess gets data from RDS
Below are the Settings of Copy Activity
Below are the settings of S3 Data Node - which i guess puts data on S3
Here is the ERROR LOG
I read that it could be an error due to VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) permissions but I am not sure how to add these settings as the server is a Production Server and I am afraid to perform this test. Can any one provide a solid solution please?
As previously mentioned, your ec2 instance is not able to contact the Database endpoint. Please use the link to configure the security groups correctly
To test this, spin up a ec2 instance in the subnet and telnet to the database endpoint to ensure the connection is fine. You can then resume the activation of your pipeline.
sudo yum install telnet
telnet hostname port