How can I delete a droplet provisioned by salt-stack - digital-ocean

I have a training environment that I use salt-stack to deploy lab machines. Is there a way to destroy using a salt command or will I have to use the do api cli for that?
I deployed using the salt-cloud configuration as outlined in the digital ocean community guides.

Thank you for answering that you created the instances through salt-cloud. when you issued salt-cloud you most likely used either -p or -m. -p being profile and -m being map. both can be reversed with -d for destroy. for the map you also have to pass the map again. but when instances were created with -p you only need to use the instance name.
see for more info on destroy.
not shown is deleting maps which would be salt-cloud -d -m <mapfile> if you use the cloud runner there is also cloud.destroy runner function
there is also
all of these options will delete the instance through the cloud system. and remove the key from the salt master


Migrate Secrets from SecretManager in GCP

Hi I have my secrets in Secretmanager in one project and want to know how to copy them or migrate them to other project.
Is there a mechanism to do it smoothly.
As of today there is no way to have GCP move the Secret between projects for you.
It's a good feature request that you can file here:
edited according to John Hanley's comment
I just had to deal with something similar myself, and came up with a simple bash script that does what I need. I run Linux.
there are some prerequisites:
download the gcloud cli for your OS.
get the list of secrets you want to migrate (you can do it by setting up the gcloud with the source project gcloud config set project [SOURCE_PROJECT], and then running gcloud secrets list)
then once you have the list, convert it textually to a list in
format "secret_a" "secret_b" ...
the last version of each secret is taken, so it must not be in a "disabled" state, or it won't be able to move it.
then you can run:
$(gcloud config set project [SOURCE_PROJECT])
declare -a secret_array=("secret_a" "secret_b" ...)
for i in "${secret_array[#]}"
SECRET_VALUE=$(gcloud secrets versions access "latest" --secret=${SECRET_NAME})
echo $SECRET_VALUE > secret_migrate
$(gcloud secrets create ${SECRET_NAME} --project [TARGET_PROJECT] --data-file=secret_migrate)
rm secret_migrate
what this script does, is set the project to the source one, then get the secrets, and one by one save it to file, and upload it to the target project.
the file is rewritten for each secret and deleted at the end.
you need to replace the secrets array (secret_array), and the project names ([SOURCE_PROJECT], [TARGET_PROJECT]) with your own data.
I used this version below, which also sets a different name, and labels according to the secret name:
$(gcloud config set project [SOURCE_PROJECT])
declare -a secret_array=("secret_a" "secret_b" ...)
for i in "${secret_array[#]}"
SECRET_VALUE=$(gcloud secrets versions access "latest" --secret=${SECRET_NAME})
echo $SECRET_VALUE > secret_migrate
$(gcloud secrets create ${SECRET_NAME} --project [TARGET_PROJECT] --data-file=secret_migrate --labels=environment=test,service="${i}")
rm secret_migrate
All "secrets" MUST be decrypted and compiled in order to be processed by a CPU as hardware decryption isn't practical for commercial use. Because of this getting your passwords/configuration (in PLAIN TEXT) is as simple as logging into one of your deployments that has the so called "secrets" (plain text secrets...) and typing 'env' a command used to list all environment variables on most Linux systems.
If your secret is a text file just use the program 'cat' to read the file. I haven't found a way to read these tools from GCP directly because "security" is paramount.
GCP has methods of exec'ing into a running container but you could also look into kubectl commands for this too. I believe the "PLAIN TEXT" secrets are encrypted on googles servers then decrypted when they're put into your cluser/pod.

Appwrite environment variables ignored

I'm using Appwrite on AWS (started with the pre-canned Appwrite marketplace and upgraded to
In order to allow certificate generation, I need to update _APP_DOMAIN and _APP_DOMAIN_TARGET. however, no matter which value I put there, it is not "ingested" by the app (container restart and reboot of the server did not make any difference)
I also tried to read the values from the docker instance itself - but again - no value was read.
You need to restart the Docker containers :)
Just run a docker compose up -d in your appwrite directory.

Elastic Kubernetes Service AWS Deployment process to avoid down time

Its been a month I have started working on EKS AWS and up till now successfully deployed by code.
The steps which I follow for deployment are given below:
Create image from docker terminal.
Tag and push to ECR AWS.
Create the deployment "project.json" and service file "project-svc.json".
Save the above file in "kubectl/bin" path and deploy it with following commands below.
"kubectl apply -f projectname.json" and "kubectl apply -f projectname-svc.json".
So if I want to deployment the same project again with change, I push the new image on ECR and delete the existing deployment by using "kubectl delete -f projectname.json" without deleting the existing service and deploy it again using command "kubectl apply -f projectname.json" again.
Now, I'm in confusing that after I delete the existing deployment there is a downtime until I apply or create the deployment again. So, how to avoid this ? Because I don't want the downtime actually that is the reason why I started to use the EKS.
And one more thing is the process of deployment is a bit long too. I know I'm missing something can anybody guide me properly please?
The project is on .NET Core and if there is any simplified way to do deployment using Visual Studio please guide me for that also.
Thank You in advance!
There is actually no need to delete your deployment. Just need to update the desired state (the deployment configuration) and let K8s do its magic and apply the needed changes, like deploying a new version of your container.
If you have a single instance of your container, you will experience a short down time while changes are applied. If your application supports multiple replicas (HA), you can enjoy the rolling upgrade feature.
Start by reading the official Kubernetes documentation of a Performing a Rolling Update.
You only need to use the delete/apply if you are changing (And if you have) the ConfigMap attached to the Deployment.
Is the only change you do is the "image" of the deployment - you must use the "set-image" command.
Kubectl let you change the actual deployment image and it does the Rolling Updates all by itself and with 3+ pods you have the minimum chance for downtime.
Even more, if you use the --record flag, you can "rollback" to your previous image with no effort because it keep track of the changes.
You also have the possibility to specify the "Context" too, with no need to jump from contexts.
You can go like this:
kubectl set image deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME DEPLOYMENT_NAME=IMAGE_NAME --record -n NAMESPACE
OR Specifying the Cluster
As an Eg:
kubectl set image deployment nginx-dep nginx-dep=ecr12345/nginx:latest -n nginx --cluster eu-central-123-prod --user eu-central-123-prod --record
The --record is what let you track all the changes, if you want to rollback just do:
kubectl rollout undo deployment.v1.apps/nginx-dep
More documentations about it here:
Updating a deployment
Roll Back Deployment

chef-client failing as node_name not present in client.rb

I followed a tutorial here to bootstrap and register a node to chef server. The instance is in autoscaling group which is why I opted this method for bootstrapping.
Scenario is - I am using client.rb, validation.pem, trusted_certs from s3 to newly launched instance via userdata.
log_location STDOUT
chef_server_url ""
validation_client_name "org-validator"
# Using default node name (fqdn)
trusted_certs_dir "/etc/chef/trusted_certs"
After downloading required files following command get executed to run chef-client with $INSTANCE_ID as node_name.
chef-client -N $INSTANCE_ID -j /etc/chef/first-boot.json
The initial bootstrapping is successful and the node gets registered to chef-server with instance-id as node-name but when running subsequent chef-client, it fails with the error:
ERROR: 401 "Unauthorized"
This is due to the node_name not present in client.rb.
How can I make the entry of node_name in client.rb during the very first chef-client run?
This is generally handled in the userdata script or config, a la echo "node_name '$HOSTNAME'" >>/etc/chef/client.rb. The specifics can vary depending on your naming scheme, sometimes you'll make some string edits to $HOSTNAME or use a different name entirely. This isn't strictly required, but without a name in the config file, Chef uses whatever the current FQDN of the system is, and it sounds like something in the initial Chef run changes the FQDN. Another option is to just not do that.

ec2-register Client.null: null

I am trying to resgister an amazon image, and I keep getting the error Client.null: null.
I am able to browse to the URL and see the xml file.
The command I execute is:
ec2-register output.raw.manifest.xml -U <URL>
Client.null: null
any idea what could be the problem?
Keep in mind that this command is used to register instance store images rather than EBS back images.
Usually the xml file with a series of 10GB files are uploaded to S3 prior to registering the AMI. Are you sure the bundle is in one of your S3 buckets?
Did you run something like this from the instance you want to create the image from?:
ec2-bundle-vol -d /<someplace-where-you-have-a-lot-of-space> -k YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY -c YOUR_CERTIFICATE -u YOUR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER
ec2-upload-bundle -b YOUR_BUCKET_NAME -m output.raw.manifest.xml -a YOUR_ACCESS_KEY -s YOUR_SECRET_KEY
Then you can run:
ec2-register output.raw.manifest.xml
You can also register your image from the AWS console once you have created the bundle like shown here:
There are several blogs that talk about how to do this too. For example:
Finally, if you are registering and EBS backed AMI you can just simply use:
ec2-create-image <instance id>