React Native JSI: How to expose a native object to javascript code - c++

I use RN 0.66.3 and want to make direct sync calls from javascript to native code in my iOS React Native project to share data without using the React Native Bridge for performance purposes so that I need to have a shared global object and access to its properties and methods from javascript.
I know that is possible with JSI (JavaScript Interface) but there are no docs and few tutorials about so what the simple steps or sample code to implement this?

To expose your object to javascript over React Native JSI you should make next steps:
Make your c++ class inherited from HostObject
Override get and set methods to implement access to its properties and methods.
Install your object globally on React Native runtime.
Look at NativeStorage sample that can store key/value pairs persistently to NSUserDefaults across launches of your app:
NativeStorage class
#include <jsi/jsi.h>
#import <React/RCTBridge+Private.h>
using namespace facebook::jsi;
using namespace std;
// Store key-value pairs persistently across launches of your app.
class NativeStorage : public HostObject {
/// Stored property
int expirationTime = 60 * 60 * 24; // 1 day
// Helper function
static NSString* stringValue(Runtime &runtime, const Value &value) {
return value.isString()
? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:value.getString(runtime).utf8(runtime).c_str()]
: nil;
Value get(Runtime &runtime, const PropNameID &name) override {
auto methodName = name.utf8(runtime);
// `expirationTime` property getter
if (methodName == "expirationTime") {
return this->expirationTime;
// `setObject` method
else if (methodName == "setObject") {
return Function::createFromHostFunction(runtime, PropNameID::forAscii(runtime, "setObject"), 2,
[](Runtime &runtime, const Value &thisValue,const Value *arguments, size_t count) -> Value {
NSString* key = stringValue(runtime, arguments[0]);
NSString* value = stringValue(runtime, arguments[1]);
if (key.length && value.length) {
[NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults setObject:value forKey:key];
return true;
return false;
// `object` method
else if (methodName == "object") {
return Function::createFromHostFunction(runtime, PropNameID::forAscii(runtime, "object"), 1,
[](Runtime &runtime, const Value &thisValue,const Value *arguments, size_t count) -> Value {
NSString* key = stringValue(runtime, arguments[0]);
NSString* value = [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults stringForKey:key];
return value.length
? Value(runtime, String::createFromUtf8(runtime, value.UTF8String))
: Value::undefined();
return Value::undefined();
void set(Runtime& runtime, const PropNameID& name, const Value& value) override {
auto methodName = name.utf8(runtime);
// ExpirationTime property setter
if (methodName == "expirationTime") {
if (value.isNumber()) {
this->expirationTime = value.asNumber();
// Install `nativeStorage` globally to the runtime
static void install(Runtime& runtime) {
NativeStorage nativeStorage;
shared_ptr<NativeStorage> binding = make_shared<NativeStorage>(move(nativeStorage));
auto object = Object::createFromHostObject(runtime, binding);, "nativeStorage", object);
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
// Runtime notification
[NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserverForName:RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification object:nil queue:nil
usingBlock:^(NSNotification* notification) {
RCTCxxBridge* cxxbridge = (RCTCxxBridge*)notification.userInfo[#"bridge"];
if (cxxbridge.runtime) {
return YES;
nativeStorage.expirationTime = 1000;
const key = "greeting";
nativeStorage.setObject(key, "Hello JSI!");
const text = nativeStorage.object(key);
Hello JSI!
Future React Native's TurboModules & CodeGen makes all of this cleaner & easier but it's the low level JSI implementation of the native module that can be called directly from JavaScript without going through the React Native Bridge.
Note: Since the sample uses JSI for synchronous native methods access, remote debugging (e.g. with Chrome) is no longer possible. Instead, you should use Flipper for debugging your JS code.


How to simulate a CRM plugin sandbox isolation mode in unit tests?

I would like to write some unit tests against classes what will be utilized by CRM 2016 CodeActivity and Plugin classes. The final assembly will be registered in sandbox isolation mode.
I want to be sure if a test case is green when running unit tests, it will not be more restricted in sandbox isolation security restrictions when registered and run in CRM.
Is there any way to simulate the sandbox isolation when running unit tests?
That's a really good question. You can maybe simulate running the plugin assemblies and code activities in a sandbox based on this Sandbox example.
With that example you could run the codeactivity with a limited set of permissions.
Now, what are the exact limitations of CRM online? Found this article. There is a Sandbox Limitations sections with some of them. If you find another one please let me know. Cause I'd be keen on adding this feature to FakeXrmEasy
I found this today:
Which I used to turn into this:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Core.DLaB.Xrm.Tests.Sandbox
public static class SandboxWrapper
public static T Instantiate<T>(object[] constructorArguments = null)
return new SandboxWrapper<T>().Instantiate(constructorArguments);
public static T InstantiatePlugin<T>(string unsecureConfig = null, string secureConfig = null)
object[] args = null;
if (secureConfig == null)
if (unsecureConfig != null)
args = new object[] {unsecureConfig};
args = new object[]{unsecureConfig, secureConfig};
return new SandboxWrapper<T>().Instantiate(args);
public class SandboxWrapper<T> : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable
private const string DomainSuffix = "Sandbox";
/// <summary>
/// The Sandbox AppDomain to execute the plugin
/// </summary>
public AppDomain SandboxedAppDomain { get; private set; }
public T Instantiate(object[] constructorArguments = null)
* Sandboxed plug-ins and custom workflow activities can access the network through the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. This capability provides
support for accessing popular web resources like social sites, news feeds, web services, and more. The following web access restrictions
apply to this sandbox capability.
* Only the HTTP and HTTPS protocols are allowed.
* Access to localhost (loopback) is not permitted.
* IP addresses cannot be used. You must use a named web address that requires DNS name resolution.
* Anonymous authentication is supported and recommended. There is no provision for prompting the
on user for credentials or saving those credentials.
constructorArguments = constructorArguments ?? new object[] { };
var type = typeof(T);
var source = type.Assembly.Location;
var sourceAssembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(source);
var setup = new AppDomainSetup
ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,
ApplicationName = $"{sourceAssembly.GetName().Name}{DomainSuffix}",
DisallowBindingRedirects = true,
DisallowCodeDownload = true,
DisallowPublisherPolicy = true
var ps = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
ps.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter));
ps.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution));
ps.AddPermission(new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None));
ps.AddPermission(new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.RestrictedMemberAccess));
//RegEx pattern taken from:
ps.AddPermission(new WebPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect,
new Regex(
// We don't need to add these, but it is important to note that there is no access to the following
ps.AddPermission(new NetworkInformationPermission(NetworkInformationAccess.None));
ps.AddPermission(new EnvironmentPermission(PermissionState.None));
ps.AddPermission(new RegistryPermission(PermissionState.None));
ps.AddPermission(new EventLogPermission(PermissionState.None));
SandboxedAppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(DomainSuffix, null, setup, ps, null);
return Create(constructorArguments);
private T Create(object[] constructorArguments)
var type = typeof(T);
return (T)Activator.CreateInstanceFrom(
// ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
type.FullName, false, BindingFlags.CreateInstance,
null, constructorArguments,
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, null
#region IDisposable Support
//Implementing IDisposable Pattern:
private bool _disposed; // To detect redundant calls
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed) return;
if (disposing)
if (SandboxedAppDomain != null)
SandboxedAppDomain = null;
_disposed = true;
// This code added to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
void IDisposable.Dispose()
// Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
Which can be used as such:
SandboxWrapper.InstantiatePlugin<YourPluginType>(unsecureString, secureString)
Not sure how much of it is valid or not, but it worked for handling my testing of xml and JSON serialization correctly.

Issue with a WS verifier method when migrating from Play 2.4 to Play 2.5

I have a method I need to refactor, as F.Promise has been deprecated in Play 2.5. It's pretty readable actually. It sends a request and authenticates via a custom security token and returns true if the response is 200.
public boolean verify(final String xSassToken){
WSRequest request = WS.url(mdVerifyXSassTokenURL)
.setHeader("X-SASS", xSassToken)
final F.Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = request.execute();
try {
final WSResponse response = responsePromise.get(10000);
int status = response.getStatus();
if(status == 200 ) { //ok
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return false;
First thing I had to do was change this line:
final F.Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = request.execute();
To this:
final CompletionStage<WSResponse> responsePromise = request.execute();
However, CompletionStage(T) doesn't have an equivalent get() method so I'm not sure the quickest and easiest way to get a WSResponse that I can verify the status of.
Yes, it does not. At least not directly.
What you are doing is "wrong" in the context of PlayFramework. get is a blocking call and you should avoid blocking as much as possible. That is why WS offers a non blocking API and a way to handle asynchronous results. So, first, you should probably rewrite your verify code to be async:
public CompletionStage<Boolean> verify(final String xSassToken) {
return WS.url(mdVerifyXSassTokenURL)
.setHeader("X-SASS", xSassToken)
.thenApply(response -> response.getStatus() == Http.Status.OK);
Notice how I'm using thenApply to return a new a java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage instead of a plain boolean. That means that the code calling verify can also do the same. Per instance, an action at your controller can do something like this:
public class MyController extends Controller {
public CompletionStage<Result> action() {
return verify("whatever").thenApply(success -> {
if (success) return ok("successful request");
else return badRequest("xSassToken was not valid");
public CompletionStage<Boolean> verify(final String xSassToken) { ... }
This way your application will be able to handle a bigger workload without hanging.
Since you have to maintain compatibility, this is what I would do to both evolve the design and also to keep code compatible while migrating:
* #param xSassToken the token to be validated
* #return if the token is valid or not
* #deprecated Will be removed. Use {#link #verifyToken(String)} instead since it is non blocking.
public boolean verify(final String xSassToken) {
try {
return verifyToken(xSassToken).toCompletableFuture().get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public CompletionStage<Boolean> verifyToken(final String xSassToken) {
return WS.url(mdVerifyXSassTokenURL)
.setHeader("X-SASS", xSassToken)
.thenApply(response -> response.getStatus() == Http.Status.OK);
Basically, deprecate the old verify method and suggest users to migrate to new one.

Using Persistent Flash Message Library for ColdFusion

I am trying to use a library for showing Flash Messages But I am having trouble getting it working correctly. The documentation isn't that great and I am new to ColdFusion. I want to have the ability to have persistent error messages across pages. Specifically during checkout so when the user needs to go back or a validation error occurs the message will appear. According to the documentation:
The FlashMessage.cfc needs three parameters to work:
A reference to your flash storage object. This object will need
get(key) and put(key, value) methods. A config object with the
following properties: A unique flashKey name to avoid naming
conflicts. A reference to your containerTemplatePath. This is the view
that surrounds each of the individual messages. It will have
references to a flashMessages array and your messageTemplatePath. A
reference to your messageTemplatePath. This is the view that
represents a single message in FlashMessage. It will have a reference
to a single flash message. The name is chosen by you in your container
template. Create your object with your two parameters and then use it
as normal.
I am getting the error
the function getMessages has an invalid return value , can't cast null value to value of type [array]
I had this script somewhat working at one point but it seems very finicky. I believe it is my implementation of it. I am hoping someone here can help me figure out where I went wrong. Or give me some pointers because I am not sure I am even implementing it correctly.
This is What I have in my testing script:
alertStorage = createObject("component", 'alert');
config = {
flashKey = "myCustomFlashKey",
containerTemplatePath = "/flashmessage/views/_templates/FlashMessageContainer.cfm",
messageTemplatePath = "/flashmessage/views/_templates/FlashMessage.cfm"
flash = new flashmessage.models.FlashMessage(alertStorage, config);
And inside of alert.cfc I have:
component {
public any function get(key) {
for(var i = 1; i < ArrayLen(session[key]); i++) {
return session[key][i];
public any function put(key, value) {
ArrayAppend(session.myCustomFlashKey, value);
return true;
public any function exists() {
if(structKeyExists(session,"myCustomFlashKey")) {
return true;
} else {
session.myCustomFlashKey = ArrayNew();
return false;
The Flash Message Component looks like this:
component name="FlashMessage" singleton {
* #flashStorage.inject coldbox:flash
* #config.inject coldbox:setting:flashmessage
public FlashMessage function init(any flashStorage, any config) {
instance.flashKey = arguments.config.flashKey;
singleton.flashStorage = arguments.flashStorage;
instance.containerTemplatePath = arguments.config.containerTemplatePath;
instance.messageTemplatePath = arguments.config.messageTemplatePath;
// Initialize our flash messages to an empty array if it hasn't ever been created
if (! singleton.flashStorage.exists(instance.flashKey)) {
return this;
public void function message(required string text, string type = "default") {
appendMessage({ message: arguments.text, type = arguments.type });
public any function onMissingMethod(required string methodName, required struct methodArgs) {
message(methodArgs[1], methodName);
public any function render() {
var flashMessages = getMessages();
var flashMessageTemplatePath = instance.messageTemplatePath;
savecontent variable="messagesHTML" {
include "#instance.containerTemplatePath#";
return messagesHTML;
public array function getMessages() {
return singleton.flashStorage.get(instance.flashKey, []);
private void function setMessages(required array messages) {
name = instance.flashKey,
value = arguments.messages
private void function appendMessage(required struct message) {
var currentMessages = getMessages();
ArrayAppend(currentMessages, arguments.message);

Glass Mapper V4 Language Item Fallback, how to make it work with Autofac?

I am using Glass Mapper v4 with Autofac and cant figure out how to make it work with the Language Item Fall back module. There are examples of creating a class that implements IObjectConstructionTask (see below)
public class FallbackCheckTask : IObjectConstructionTask
public void Execute(ObjectConstructionArgs args)
if (args.Result == null)
var scContext = args.AbstractTypeCreationContext as SitecoreTypeCreationContext;
// if the item itself is null, regardless of version, abort
if (scContext.Item == null)
// we could be trying to convert rendering parameters to a glass model, and if so, just return.
if (String.Compare(scContext.Item.Paths.FullPath, "[orphan]/renderingParameters", true) == 0)
// the default glassmapper code would simply abort pipeline if the context items version count for the current langauge was 0
// but this does not take item fallback into account
// added here a check on the fallback extension method GetFallbackItem, recursively (for chained fallback)
// and then if that fallback item is null or it's version count is 0 (and only then) would you go ahead and abort the pipeline
if (scContext.Item.Versions.Count == 0)
var fallBackItem = CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(scContext.Item);
if (fallBackItem == null)
else if (fallBackItem.Versions.Count == 0)
// in the case of chained fallback, eg fr-CA -> en-CA -> en
// could be that the middle languages don't have versions either, but DO have a fallback item
// therefore, must check back further until either a version is found, or there are no more fallback items
private Item CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(Item thisItem)
var fallBackItem = thisItem.GetFallbackItem();
if (fallBackItem != null)
if (fallBackItem.Versions.Count == 0)
fallBackItem = CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(fallBackItem);
return fallBackItem;
Then you register (with Castle Windsor)
public static void CastleConfig(IWindsorContainer container){
var config = new Config();
// config.EnableCaching = false;
container.Install(new SitecoreInstaller(config));
I am using Autofac and do not know how to perform the same action as above and assure it happens in the right order. I am registering my types the typical way (See below) but it doesn't seem to be hooking my FallbackCheckTask class.
public static void Register()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// register our types
// build and set the resolver
var container = builder.Build();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(container));
I also have the Language Item Fallback wired up and working as expected if glass is not involved in fetching the items values. I understand why Glass is not mapping the data out of the box, I just cant seem to get the fix working. Any thoughts?
EDIT 2015-05-21 19:00
I edited GlassMapperScCustom.cs as follows:
public static IDependencyResolver CreateResolver(){
var config = new Glass.Mapper.Sc.Config();
var resolver = new DependencyResolver(config);
resolver.ObjectConstructionFactory.Add(() => new FallbackCheckTask());
return resolver;
And now its calling the Execute method of the the FallbackCheckTask only if there is a version of the item, if there is no version its not calling the method. Also, no matter what I do if I enable this Task my test query items always come back as NULL:
var test = SitecoreContext.QuerySingle<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}");
var test1 = SitecoreContext.Query<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}").ToList();
var test2 = SitecoreContext.GetCurrentItem<Item>();
var test3 = SitecoreContext.GetItem<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}");
So to sum it up, I am a little better off now then I was before but when the task class is registered queries come back as null for all items no matter if they have a version or not. As mentioned before, any help is appreciated.
I know you mentioned that you were using the VersionCountDisabler but does it look like this:
using(new VersionCountDisabler()){
var test = SitecoreContext.QuerySingle<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}");
var test1 = SitecoreContext.Query<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}").ToList();
var test2 = SitecoreContext.GetCurrentItem<Item>();
var test3 = SitecoreContext.GetItem<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}");
Or are you disabling it in some other manner?
I also notice that your fallback code doesn't seem to update the scContent.Item property. I think you need to update it to the following:
public class FallbackCheckTask : IObjectConstructionTask
public void Execute(ObjectConstructionArgs args)
if (args.Result == null)
var scContext = args.AbstractTypeCreationContext as SitecoreTypeCreationContext;
// if the item itself is null, regardless of version, abort
if (scContext.Item == null)
// we could be trying to convert rendering parameters to a glass model, and if so, just return.
if (String.Compare(scContext.Item.Paths.FullPath, "[orphan]/renderingParameters", true) == 0)
// the default glassmapper code would simply abort pipeline if the context items version count for the current langauge was 0
// but this does not take item fallback into account
// added here a check on the fallback extension method GetFallbackItem, recursively (for chained fallback)
// and then if that fallback item is null or it's version count is 0 (and only then) would you go ahead and abort the pipeline
if (scContext.Item.Versions.Count == 0)
var fallBackItem = CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(scContext.Item);
if (fallBackItem == null)
else if (fallBackItem.Versions.Count == 0)
//don't just return but update the scContext.Item to the fallback item
scContext.Item = fallbackItem;
// in the case of chained fallback, eg fr-CA -> en-CA -> en
// could be that the middle languages don't have versions either, but DO have a fallback item
// therefore, must check back further until either a version is found, or there are no more fallback items
private Item CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(Item thisItem)
var fallBackItem = thisItem.GetFallbackItem();
if (fallBackItem != null)
if (fallBackItem.Versions.Count == 0)
fallBackItem = CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(fallBackItem);
return fallBackItem;

How do I invoke Multiple Startup Projects when running a unit tests in Debug Mode

This seems like a simple thing to do but I can't seem to find any info anywhere! I've got a solution that has a service that we run in 'Console Mode' when debugging. I want it to be started and 'attached' when I run my unit test from Visual Studio.
I'm using Resharper as the unit test runner.
Not a direct answer to your question, BUT
We faced a similar problem recently and eventually settled on a solution using AppDomain
As your solution is already running as a Console project it would be little work to make it boot in a new AppDomain. Furthermore, you could run Assertions on this project as well as part of unit testing. (if required)
Consider the following static class Sandbox which you can use to boot multiple app domains.
The Execute method requires a Type which is-a SandboxAction. (class definition also included below)
You would first extend this class and provide any bootup actions for running your console project.
public class ConsoleRunnerProjectSandbox : SandboxAction
protected override void OnRun()
Bootstrapper.Start(); //this code will be run on the newly create app domain
Now to get your app domain running you simply call
Sandbox.Execute<ConsoleRunnerProjectSandbox>("AppDomainName", configFile)
Note you can pass this call a config file so you can bootup your project in the same fashion as if you were running it via the console
Any more questions please ask.
public static class Sandbox
private static readonly List<Tuple<AppDomain, SandboxAction>> _sandboxes = new List<Tuple<AppDomain, SandboxAction>>();
public static T Execute<T>(string friendlyName, string configFile, params object[] args)
where T : SandboxAction
Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Sandboxing {0}: {1}", typeof (T).Name, configFile));
AppDomain sandbox = CreateDomain(friendlyName, configFile);
var objectHandle = sandbox.CreateInstance(typeof(T).Assembly.FullName, typeof(T).FullName, true, BindingFlags.Default, null, args, null, null, null);
T sandBoxAction = objectHandle.Unwrap() as T;
Tuple<AppDomain, SandboxAction> box = new Tuple<AppDomain, SandboxAction>(sandbox, sandBoxAction);
return sandBoxAction;
private static AppDomain CreateDomain(string name, string customConfigFile)
FileInfo info = customConfigFile != null ? new FileInfo(customConfigFile) : null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customConfigFile) && !info.Exists)
throw new ArgumentException("customConfigFile not found using " + customConfigFile + " at " + info.FullName);
var appsetup = new AppDomainSetup();
//appsetup.ApplicationBase = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Sandbox).Assembly.Location);
appsetup.ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase;
if (customConfigFile==null)
customConfigFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile;
appsetup.ConfigurationFile = customConfigFile;
var sandbox = AppDomain.CreateDomain(
return sandbox;
public static void DestroyAppDomainForSandbox(SandboxAction action)
foreach(var tuple in _sandboxes)
if(tuple.Second == action)
Console.WriteLine("Unloaded sandbox ");
public abstract class SandboxAction : MarshalByRefObject
public override object InitializeLifetimeService()
return null;
public void Run()
string name = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;
Log.Info("Executing {0} in AppDomain:{1} thread:{2}", name, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Id, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "Exception in app domain {0}", name);
protected abstract void OnRun();
public virtual void Stop()