How i can find error details from thread id in lucee? - coldfusion

I want to know about error details against Thread id showing in "siteFolder\WEB-INF\lucee\logs" folder and exception.log file.
have a look error log screenshot below.


How to give link for users to Download the Csv Template in Apex

I have an requirement to give link to users in Apex Application to download the csv template.
I have created a link and created an process code as below for the users to download the csv file, But its showing some json error,
-- Set the MIME type
owa_util.mime_header( 'application/octet', FALSE );
-- Set the name of the file
htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test.csv"');
-- Close the HTTP Header
-- Loop through all rows in EMP
-- Print out a portion of a row,
-- separated by commas and ended by a CR
htp.prn(x.WORKSPACE ||','|| x.GROUPNAME ||','||x.MEMBERS|| chr(13));
end loop;
-- Send an error code so that the
-- rest of the HTML does not render
htmldb_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
Even i code the process code to on load process, then its working the excel is creating but other than that no buttons or process code not working on the same page.
First, saying you're getting "some json error" is not helpful. It helps to put the exact error message you're getting in your question.
Second, you probably have this process running at the Process step. Apex is submitting the page via Ajax, your process runs, returns an error to the page and you're getting your message.
Change your process to run at the Before Header point and change it so it has a server side condition of "Request = Value" and make the value "DOWNLOAD".
Change your button's action to Redirect to Page In This Application, and set the link to your page number with a request of "DOWNLOAD" (that's under the advanced section).

How to change error message in apex5.0

In apex5.0, I have a page Item Ref_no define as number and a dynamic action associated with it that fill other Page Items.
when entered an incorrect ID getting below error message:
Ajax call returned server error ORA-01403: no data found for Execute PL/SQL Code.
Is there a way to customise this error to 'Enter Correct Reference'
It's hard to say without seeing the pl/sql, or log, but it seems as though you need to add some error handling within that code.
l_temp number;
INTO l_temp
FROM dual
WHERE 1 = 0;
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Enter Correct Reference');
Oracle doc on error handling
On the process you have Error section when you can put text if operation fail. In case you try to put data in report you have section No Data Found in region atributes.

wso2am-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT modify subscription tier save error

I run wso2 apim 2.0.1 snapshot on windows, and when i modify subscription tier and save, it report below exception, and although the bill plan changed , but the API still display FREE label.
[2016-08-12 15:30:02,504] ERROR - EventProcessorAdminService Error while deleting the execution plan file
org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.exception.ExecutionPlanConfigurationException: Error while deleting the execution plan file
at org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.util.EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.delete(
Caused by: java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: /D:/emman/PROJECT/AA/apimgmt/wso2am-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT/repository/deployment/server/\executionplans
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.normalize(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.getPath(
at java.nio.file.Paths.get(
at org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.util.EventProcessorUtil.validateFilePath(
at org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.util.EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.delete(EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.j
... 65 more
[2016-08-12 15:30:02,539] ERROR - ThrottlePolicyDeploymentManager Error while deploying policy to global policy server.Error while deleting the execution plan file
[2016-08-12 15:30:02,541] INFO - subscription-policy-edit:jag SubscriptionPolicy [policyName=Gold, description=Allows 5000 requests per minute, defaultQuotaPolicy=QuotaPolicy [type=requestCount, limit=RequestCountLimit [requestCount=5000,
toString()=Limit [timeUnit=min, unitTime=1]]]rateLimitCount=-1, tenantId=-1234,ratelimitTimeUnit=NA]
As per your logs, error happens due to invalid file path below.
I had a look at code. It reads the first part of this path from <RepositoryLocation> tag of carbon.xml file. By default, it should look like this.
Please verify if you have the same in carbon.xml. If you are getting this error with the same config, please change it to the absolute path like below and try again.
To make your path more linux-like I used this trick.
Share your carbon home folder. Change carbon.xml setting RepositoryLocation in //machinenaam/share.

What is the exact criteria to get Facebook API Error Code: 100 Error Message: Viewer cannot message specified recipients?

when I try to send message using facebook api to a certain user, I get the following error: Error Code: 100 Error Message: Viewer cannot message specified recipients.
I thought I get this error when 1:I'm not a friend of the recipient and 2:he set his "who can contact me" setting to "friends of friends" or 3:set his "whose message do I want filtered into my inbox?" setting to "strict filtering".
However, I was able to send a message who satisfies all the 3 conditions above. So my guess seems to be wrong.
Does anybody know exactly when we get the Error Code: 100 Error Message: Viewer cannot message specified recipients?
Maybe you are using a parameter valid for another method (feed, post), but not for send. Check the valid parameters in the send dialog reference:

Debug Assertion Failed Expression: GetInterface()!=0 error when writing to database table

Im working on a MFC project which communicates specific table on my SQL Server. But when I try to make delete query I get Debug Assertion Failed error message at runtime and also nothing is deleted when I check my table.
This is the code where I think the error is:
<pre> HRESULT hr;
MessageBox(NULL,"Connection Failed\n","",MB_OK);
CString strString;
CString strParam;
hr=this->Open(m_session,strString); <code>
The same also happens with Update and Insert Query but the table records are updated.
Can anyone tell me where is my mistake?
Thank you. :)
I can not see from what base class you derive you class. I assume you have a Command object.
So what happens is that you already performed an operation with an Open call. But after an open you need a Close operation before you can use the command again with a new statement and Open operation.
Look at the m_spCommand member.