wso2am-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT modify subscription tier save error - wso2

I run wso2 apim 2.0.1 snapshot on windows, and when i modify subscription tier and save, it report below exception, and although the bill plan changed , but the API still display FREE label.
[2016-08-12 15:30:02,504] ERROR - EventProcessorAdminService Error while deleting the execution plan file
org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.exception.ExecutionPlanConfigurationException: Error while deleting the execution plan file
at org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.util.EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.delete(
Caused by: java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: /D:/emman/PROJECT/AA/apimgmt/wso2am-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT/repository/deployment/server/\executionplans
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.normalize(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.getPath(
at java.nio.file.Paths.get(
at org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.util.EventProcessorUtil.validateFilePath(
at org.wso2.carbon.event.processor.core.internal.util.EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.delete(EventProcessorConfigurationFilesystemInvoker.j
... 65 more
[2016-08-12 15:30:02,539] ERROR - ThrottlePolicyDeploymentManager Error while deploying policy to global policy server.Error while deleting the execution plan file
[2016-08-12 15:30:02,541] INFO - subscription-policy-edit:jag SubscriptionPolicy [policyName=Gold, description=Allows 5000 requests per minute, defaultQuotaPolicy=QuotaPolicy [type=requestCount, limit=RequestCountLimit [requestCount=5000,
toString()=Limit [timeUnit=min, unitTime=1]]]rateLimitCount=-1, tenantId=-1234,ratelimitTimeUnit=NA]

As per your logs, error happens due to invalid file path below.
I had a look at code. It reads the first part of this path from <RepositoryLocation> tag of carbon.xml file. By default, it should look like this.
Please verify if you have the same in carbon.xml. If you are getting this error with the same config, please change it to the absolute path like below and try again.

To make your path more linux-like I used this trick.
Share your carbon home folder. Change carbon.xml setting RepositoryLocation in //machinenaam/share.


WSO2 APIM custom error messages removed after restart

I added some custom error messages to the APIM according to documentation - I created custom file in
<API-M_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/sequences and added references to that file in some of the default files in that directory (so that it is called to transform error message).
Everything seemed to be working just fine until the restart of WSO2 - after that, changes made to default files were present, but the custom file was removed, so that custom error message handling didn't work.
I resolved this by adding non-removable attribute (chattr +i) to the file, but I wonder is there other, more elegant way to prevent the file from being deleted every time restart is being made?
There are 'template' files placed in: <API-M_HOME>/repository/resources/apim-synapse-config. Maybe, those files are overriding files in the ../synapse-configs/default/ location.
Second thing, which came on my mind, is using specific High Avability scenario. Where artifacts are shared files in system as the content synchronization mechanism, it can override local changes.
At the startup gateway removes these files. You can add the following configuration to the deployment.toml and place the file in the sequence directory.
Sample Config:
apis = ["api1.xml","api2.xml"]
endpoints = ["endpoint1.xml"]
sequences = ["post_with_nobody.xml"]
local-entries = ["file.xml"]
For your case:
sequences = ["name_of_the_file.xml"]
Refer -

Wso2 LDAP: error code 65 - no structural object class provided

So i am using Wso2 and when i try to create i get this error
[LDAP: error code 65 - no structural object class provided]
I also got some other mapping errors before that but after mapping correctly the Wso2 attributes to LDAP attributes they went away but now i am stuck on this error. From searching around i found that this error means that the operation that i am trying to do is violating the object class rules for the entry.
How can i get more about what the violation is about so that i can do something about it ?
You can try enabling debug logs for user.core component. In <product_home>/repository/conf/ file, uncomment the following entry and restart the server. Then add a user again and check the wso2carbon.log file.

Timeout error when listing S3 buckets using erlcloud

I'm trying to use the erlcloud library for S3 uploads in my app. As a test, I'm trying to get it to list buckets via an iex console:
iex(4)> s3 ="KEY_ID", "SECRET_KEY")
iex(5)> :erlcloud_s3.list_buckets(s3)
** (ErlangError) erlang error: {:aws_error, {:socket_error, :timeout}}
(erlcloud) src/erlcloud_s3.erl:909: :erlcloud_s3.s3_request/8
(erlcloud) src/erlcloud_s3.erl:893: :erlcloud_s3.s3_xml_request/8
(erlcloud) src/erlcloud_s3.erl:238: :erlcloud_s3.list_buckets/1
I've checked that inets, ssl, and erlcoud are all started, and I know the credentials work fine, because I've tested them in a similar fashion with a Ruby library in irb.
I've tried configuring it with a longer timeout, but no matter how high I set it I still get this error.
Any ideas? Or approaches I could take to debug this?
I could simulate the same error, and could resolve it by replacing double-quote with single-quote.
> iex(4)> s3 ='KEY_ID', 'SECRET_KEY')
> iex(5)> :erlcloud_s3.list_buckets(s3)
Assuming the double-quote was used, it may be caused by a type mismatch between string and char-list.

magento Not valid template file /page/1column.phtml

I had my site running fine on the devp. server. After I migrated the app to my production server. Everything worked until I added an extension and enabled it. The site still works but the product view page doesn't show up. Everytime I click on the product view page, this error is appended to my log file...
CRIT (2): Not valid template file:frontend/base/default/template/page/1column.phtml
I have checked the file it is alright, just same as the one working on the development server. I've tried disabling the only plugin (custom menu) that I have and still the problem persists. I've tried increasing memory_limit but it doesn't help either.
Please help, I am stuck in the middle of nothing.
A common cause of this error is the use of symlinks without enabling this in the admin area…
System > configuration > developer > Template Settings
The error gets triggered in app\code\core\Mage\Core\Block\Template.php around line 243 ( see here ) - so if its not an issue with symlinks then this would be a good place to start debugging.
If you are not using xDebug then where the exception gets caught around line 250 you should either log or var_dump the values of:
Then make sure they both exist (paying attention to the case)
Failing that you might want to look at permissions.
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '1' WHERE path = 'dev/template/allow_symlink';
INSERT INTO core_config_data (scope, scope_id, path, value) VALUES ('default', 0, 'dev/template/allow_symlink', '1');

Firing up a cluster using whirr

I'm new to whirr and AWS so apologies in advance if I'm asking something silly.
I'm following the directions here to set up whirr and
bin/whirr launch-cluster --config
fails with the following:
[~/src/cloudera/whirr-0.1.0+23]$ bin/whirr version rvm:ruby-1.8.7-p299
Apache Whirr 0.1.0+23
[~/src/cloudera/whirr-0.1.0+23]$ bin/whirr launch-cluster --config rvm:ruby-1.8.7-p299
Launching myhadoopcluster cluster
Exception in thread "main" Guice creation errors:
1) No implementation for java.lang.String annotated with was bound.
while locating java.lang.String annotated with
for parameter 2 at<init>(
1 error
at org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContextBuilder.buildInjector(
at org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContextBuilder.buildComputeServiceContext(
at org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContextFactory.buildContextUnwrappingExceptions(
at org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContextFactory.createContext(
at org.apache.whirr.service.hadoop.HadoopService.launchCluster(
at org.apache.whirr.service.hadoop.HadoopService.launchCluster(
at org.apache.whirr.cli.Main.main(
My file has an AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key.
Any pointers on what I might have done wrong and what I need to do to fix this?
Okay so this appears to be a problem with the syntax in my file. In the process of copying my keys across from the AWS management console, "Whirr.credential" got truncated to "Whirr.cred."
A classic face palm moment!
Anyway, leaving this up so that anyone googling for this error message knows to go triple check their file!