Building regular expression ending with either one word or other - regex

I would like some help in building a regular expression. The conditions are as follows
The expression must start with #
Then it should contain atleast one or more groups of alphanumeric characters separated by -
Each group contains atleast one alphanumeric character
The expression should end either with -apples or -bananas
Some test cases
#hshg1h2-hd212df-7632jhsd-bananas (Match)
#jhkj31j-jkh213j-jjkhjj324-apples (Match)
hjsdjjhsd-jhsshdjs-jdshdsj-apples (No Match)
#---apples (No Match)
#jhkj31j-jkh213j-jjkhjj324 (No Match)
#jhkj31j-jkh213j-jjkhjj324-apples-bananas (No Match)
I created the following expression
^#([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}-){1,}(apples|bananas)$. For most of the test cases, it provides the correct result. However it also matches the test case 6 which it should not.
The test cases simulate product-ids for the two products apples and
bananas. Those ids always contains as the last group -bananas or -apples. Thus -apples-bananas or vice versa is suppose be invalid product id.
Could anyone please show me how can I do this?

You can use lookaheads and alteration:
And it is always good to use word boundary assertions:
Alternatively, here is a modified version of the regex in comments (that is pretty good!)


Regex to match words in good order

I want to program an alert system by checking if several lists of keywords are present in one address.
This is my two variables in PHP :
$MyAdress = "210, street Cardinal Avenue, Canada"; (to testing)
$SearchAdress = "210 Cardinal Avenue"; (from my list of possible keywords to find)
I want to test if my SearchAddress is present in my address and check if words are in the good position, how is it possible ?
With Regex ? (It's always been gobbledegook to me)
By example "210 Cardinal Avenue" return TRUE
but "210 Avenue Cardinal" must to return FALSE.
This code PHP check if two keywords occur in String is interesting, but the order is not respected.
Also I resolved problem to transform text in lower and replace foreign characters in a String.
Just wrap the words into \b word boundaries and concatenate them with .+?
See this demo at regex101 or a PHP demo at (used i flag for ignorecase)
This would match the words in sequence with one or more of any characters in between.
To also match 210CardinalAvenue drop word boundaries between and use .*? (demo).

Regex capture into group everything from string except part of string

I'm trying to create a regex, which will capture everything from a string, except for specific parts of the string. The he best place to start seems to be using groups.
For example, I want to capture everything except for "production" and "public" from a string.
Sample input:
Would give output
On I can extract the strings I don't want with
But how to capture the things I want instead?
The following will kind of get me the word from between production and public, but not anything before or after :
Flipping it and going for \s\S actually gives me what I need in two separate subgroups (group2 in both matches) :
But how to combine the results? Ideally I would like to extract them as a separate named group , this is where I've gotten to :
But this breaks the group2 matchings and gets me empty strings. What else should I try?
Edit: This question boils down to this: How to merge regex group matches?
Which seems to be impossible to solve in regex.
A regexp match is always a continuous range of the sample string. Thus, the anwswer is "No, you cannot write a regexp which matches a series of concatenated substrings as described in the question".
But, this popular kind of task is being solved very easily by replacing unnecessary words by empty strings. Like
(Or an equivalent in a language you're using)
Note. Provided that \b is supported, it would be more correct to spell it as
(to avoid matching words like 'subproduction' or 'publication')
Your regex is nearly there:
But this results in multiple matches
Match 1
Full match 0-17 `california-public`
Group 1. 0-11 `california-`
Match 2
Full match 17-39 `-local-card-production`
Group 1. 17-29 `-local-card-`
So You have to match multiple times to retrieve the result.

How to exclude a certain word in regex?

I'm using this expression and it's perfect for what I need:
It returns any word/phrase/sentence/etc. with the letters 'cq' or the word 'conquest' in it. However, from those matches I want to exclude all that contain the term 'conquest power'.
some conquest here (should match)
another cq with some conquest here (should match)
too much cq or conquest power is bad (should not match)
How can I do that to the regex above? It has to be only one regex otherwise the program that I'm using (Advanced Combat Tracker) will create two different tabs.
If you want to match any string which contains "conquest" or "cq", but not if the string contains "conquest power", then the regex is
^(?!.*conquest power).*?(?:cq|conquest).*
The above will attempt to match from the start of the string to the end of the line, if you want to match from the start of each line, switch on multiline mode if available - adding (?m) to the start of the regex may do that.
If you want to match across newlines change . to [\s\S], or switch on singleline mode if available.
You have confused people by stating "I want to match 'cq' or 'conquest'" but also "I want the regex to extract that line".
I assume you don't really want to match just "cq" or "conquest", you want to match strings/lines (?) containing "cq" or "conquest".
From your original question I got that you want to match all strings which contain "cq" or "conquest" but do not contain "power". For this case the following regexp works:

Can I shorten this regular expression?

I have the need to check whether strings adhere to a particular ID format.
The format of the ID is as follows:
A sequence of five blocks of five letters upper case or lower case, separated by one dash.
I have the following regular expression that works:
string idFormat = "[a-zA-Z]{5}[-]{1}[a-zA-Z]{5}[-]{1}[a-zA-Z]{5}[-]{1}[a-zA-Z]{5}[-]{1}[a-zA-Z]{5}";
Note that there is no trailing dash, but the all of the blocks within the ID follow the same format. Therefore, I would like to be able to represent this sequence of four blocks with a trailing dash inside the regular expression and avoid the duplication.
I tried the following, but it doesn't work:
string idFormat = "[[a-zA-Z]{5}[-]{1}]{4}[a-zA-Z]{5}";
How do I shorten this regular expression and get rid of the duplicated parts?
What is the best way to ensure that each block does also not contain any numbers?
Thanks for the replies, I now understand the grouping in regular expressions.
I'm running a few tests against the regular expression, the following are relevant:
Test 1: aBcDe-fghIj-KLmno-pQRsT-uVWxy
Test 2: abcde-fghij-klmno-pqrst-uvwxy
With the following regular expression, both tests pass:
With the next regular expression, test 1 fails:
Several answers have said that it is OK to omit the A-Z when using a-z, but in this case it doesn't seem to be working.
You can try:
and make it case insensitive.
If you can set regex options to be case insensitive, you could replace all [a-zA-Z] with just plain [a-z]. Furthermore, [-]{1} can be written as -.
Your grouping should be done with (, ), not with [, ] (although you're correctly using the latter in specifying character sets.
Depending on context, you probably want to throw in ^...$ which matches start and end of string, respectively, to verify that the entire string is a match (i.e. that there are no extra characters).
In javascript, something like this:
This works for me, though you might want to check it:
(One group of five letters, followed by [dash+group of five letters] four times)
string idFormat = "([a-zA-Z]{5}[-]{1}){4}[a-zA-Z]{5}";
I.e. you basically replace your brackets by parentheses. Brackets are not meant for grouping but for defining a class of accepted characters.
However, be aware that with shortened versions, you can use the expression for validating the string, but not for analyzing it. If you want to process the 5 groups of characters, you will want to put them in 5 groups:
string idFormat =
so you can address each group and process it.

Regex with exception of particular words

I have problem with regex.
I need to make regex with an exception of a set of specified words, for example: apple, orange, juice.
and given these words, it will match everything except those words above.
applejuice (match)
yummyjuice (match)
yummy-apple-juice (match)
orangeapplejuice (match)
orange-apple-juice (match)
apple-orange-aple (match)
juice-juice-juice (match)
orange-juice (match)
apple (should not match)
orange (should not match)
juice (should not match)
If you really want to do this with a single regular expression, you might find lookaround helpful (especially negative lookahead in this example). Regex written for Ruby (some implementations have different syntax for lookarounds):
rx = /^(?!apple$|orange$|juice$)/
I noticed that apple-juice should match according to your parameters, but what about apple juice? I'm assuming that if you are validating apple juice you still want it to fail.
So - lets build a set of characters that count as a "boundary":
/[^-a-z0-9A-Z_]/ // Will match any character that is <NOT> - _ or
// between a-z 0-9 A-Z
/(?:^|[^-a-z0-9A-Z_])/ // Matches the beginning of the string, or one of those
// non-word characters.
/(?:[^-a-z0-9A-Z_]|$)/ // Matches a non-word or the end of string
// This should >match< apple/orange/juice ONLY when not preceded/followed by another
// 'non-word' character just negate the result of the test to obtain your desired
// result.
In most regexp flavors \b counts as a "word boundary" but the standard list of "word characters" doesn't include - so you need to create a custom one. It could match with /\b(apple|orange|juice)\b/ if you weren't trying to catch - as well...
If you are only testing 'single word' tests you can go with a much simpler:
/^(apple|orange|juice)$/ // and take the negation of this...
This gets some of the way there:
will match an entire string unless it only consists of one of the forbidden words.
Alternatively, if you're not using Ruby or you're sure that your strings contain no line breaks or you have set the option that ^ and $ do not match on beginnings/ends of lines
will also work.
Here's some easy copy-paste code that works for more than just exact-words exceptions.
Copy/Paste Code:
In the following regex, ONLY replace the all-caps sections with your regex.
Python regex
pattern = r"REGEX_BEFORE(?>(?P<exceptions_group_1>EXCEPTION_PATTERN)|YOUR_NORMAL_PATTERN)(?(exceptions_group_1)always(?<=fail)|)REGEX_AFTER"
Ruby regex
pattern = /REGEX_BEFORE(?>(?<exceptions_group_1>EXCEPTION_PATTERN)|YOUR_NORMAL_PATTERN)(?(<exceptions_group_1>)always(?<=fail)|)REGEX_AFTER/
PCRE regex
Impossible as of 6/17/2020, and probably won't be possible in the near future.
Full Examples
EXCEPTION_PATTERN = (apple|orange|juice)
Python regex
pattern = r"\b(?>(?P<exceptions_group_1>(apple|orange|juice))|\w+)(?(exceptions_group_1)always(?<=fail)|)"
Ruby regex
pattern = /\b(?>(?<exceptions_group_1>(apple|orange|juice))|\w+)(?(<exceptions_group_1>)always(?<=fail)|)/
PCRE regex
How does it work?
This uses decently complicated regex, namely Atomic Groups, Conditionals, Lookbehinds, and Named Groups.
The (?> is the start of an atomic group, which means its not allowed to backtrack: which means, If that group matches once, but then later gets invalidated because a lookbehind failed, then the whole group will fail to match. (We want this behavior in this case).
The (?<exceptions_group_1> creates a named capture group. Its just easier than using numbers. Note that the pattern first tries to find the exception, and then falls back on the normal pattern if it couldn't find the exception.
Note that the atomic pattern first tries to find the exception, and then falls back on the normal pattern if it couldn't find the exception.
The real magic is in the (?(exceptions_group_1). This is a conditional asking whether or not exceptions_group_1 was successfully matched. If it was, then it tries to find always(?<=fail). That pattern (as it says) will always fail, because its looking for the word "always" and then it checks 'does "ways"=="fail"', which it never will.
Because the conditional fails, this means the atomic group fails, and because it's atomic that means its not allowed to backtrack (to try to look for the normal pattern) because it already matched the exception.
This is definitely not how these tools were intended to be used, but it should work reliably and efficiently.
Exact answer to the original question in Ruby
Unlike other methods, this one can be modified to reject any pattern such as any word not containing the sub-string "apple","orange", or "juice".
Something like (PHP)
$input = "The orange apple gave juice";
if(preg_match("your regex for validating") && !preg_match("/apple|orange|juice/", $input))
// it's ok;
//throw validation error