If function DAX - if-statement

I currently have several columns in powerbi:
'Dates réelles'[Promesses réelles]
'Dates recalées'[date agrement obtenu recalées]
'Dates recalées'[date signature de os recalées]
'Dates recalées'[date reception operation recalées]
and i want to obtain this:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
which is approximately :
formule 1 = IF [Promesse réelles] > Today; 1 ; 0
formule 2 = IF formule 1= 0 and date agrément obtenu recalées > Today ; 1 ; 0
formule 3 = IF formule 2 = 0 and date signature de os recalées > Today ; 1 ; 0
formule 4 = IF formule 3 = 0 and date reception opérations recalées > Today ; 1 ; 0
There is a lot of blank cells so i have to considerate it
But i can't figure how to create my If function
I tried:
formule 1 =
IF(NOT(ISBLANK([Promesses réelles])>TODAY()),1,0
but i have some error messages and its not working, i obtain :
" Comparison dax formulas do not support comparing values ​​of type true/false with values ​​of type Date. Use the value or Format function to convert one of the values"
Do you have an idea?
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/fzUZD.png

As the error message states, by writing ISBLANK([Promesses réelles])>TODAY() you're trying to compare the true/false value (ISBLANK([Promesses réelles] is an evaluation on its own and will return true or false) with a date value (TODAY()).
If you simply want to exclude blanks from your logic you can try this:
NOT(ISBLANK([Promesses réelles])),
[Promesses réelles]>TODAY(),
If [Promesses réelles] is blank this formula will also return blank, if [Promesses réelles] is not blank and [Promesses réelles] > TODAY(), the formula will return 1. Will return 0 if [Promesses réelles] not blank and [Promesses réelles] <= TODAY().


Calculate the amount of the cost of tickets finalized per material divided by the total amount of the tickets finalized

I have the following need :
Calculate the ratio between the sum of the amounts of tickets with status finalized for each material and the sum of the total amounts of the tickets finalized.
My fact table is like below :
TicketID StatusID MaterialID CategoryID Amount FKDATE
123 3 45 9 150 12/03/2021
124 5 50 4 569 11/03/2021
125 3 78 78 556 14/03/2021
126 -1 -1 -1 -1 12/03/2021
My dimension Status is like below :
StatusID Status
1 Open
2 In Process
3 Finalized
My dimension Material is like below :
MaterialID MaterielLabel
1 Bikes
.. ..
I want to exclude the TicketID with MaterialID = -1.
Try the following :
VAR AmountFinalizedByMaterialGroup =
Status[Status] = "Finalized" ,
yourFactTable[MaterialID] <> -1)
VAR TotalAmountFinalized =
Status[Status] = "Finalized" ,

How to distinguish between BLANK and 0 in a PowerBI Measure?

I have 2 tables like this:
Serial# Good
Serial# Enrollment#
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
I have a measure that calculates the number of Good for TRUE:
Count of Good for True =
CALCULATE(COUNTA('PM_History2'[Good]), 'PM_History2'[Good] IN { TRUE })
I then have a measure that calculates the percentage of TRUEs for Good.
PM Score = 'PM_History2'[Count of Good for True]/COUNTROWS(PM_History2)
When I create a table visualization to show all the Serial# and their PM Score I get this:
Serial# PM Score
A .67
C 1.00
What can I do to get what should be a zero to come in as 0 and what should be blank to be blank. Like this:
Serial# PM Score
A .67
B 0
C 1.00
Thank you in advance!
Try this:
PM Score = DIVIDE ( [Count of Good for True] + 0, COUNTROWS ( PM_History2 ) )
Adding + 0 makes the numerator nonblank but the DIVIDE function still returns a blank when the denominator is blank, thus distinguishing the results for B and D.

Big query analytical function not giving expected results

I am trying to write a sql in bigquery and I have a requirement to filter records based on a group by column and another column in the table
what I mean is I want to check if the group by column(column name:mnt) has more than one row then I have to check if col2 (col name: zel) value, then I have to apply a filter saying col2 ='X' and only pass that record else pass i.e dont filter the records if the col1 has only distinct one value per group
So I have written a sql to do this I have used row_number as well as rank , dense rank function but I noticed the value of rank and dense rank and row number functions return same value for a group
Please see the below code
with t1 as (SELECT mnt,
case when rank() over (partition by ltrim(rtrim(mnt)) order by
ltrim(rtrim(mnt)) asc) >1 then 'Y' else 'N' end
as flag,
rank() over (partition by mnt order by mnt) as rn,
dense_rank() over (partition by mnt order by mnt) as drn, FROM
t2 as ( SELECT
lokez FROM projectname.datasetname.tablename2
t3 as (SELECT
par FROM `projectname.datasetname.tablename3`)
,t4 as (SELECT rcv FROM `projectname.datasetname.tablename4` WHERE mes
= 'PRO')
select * from (
SELECT t1.mnt as mnt,
t2.rel as zel,
t2.lokez as ZLOEKZ,
t4.rcv as Zrcv
FROM t1 left join t2 on replace(t1.mnt, '00000000', '') =
REPLACE(t2.mnt, '00000000', '') AND t1.lif = t2.lif and t2.lts <> ""
case when t1.flag = 'Y' and t2.rel ='X' then 1
when (t1.flag ='N' and t2.rel=t2.rel) or (t1.flag ='N' and t2.rel
is null) then 1
when t1.flag = 'Y' and t2.rel <>'X' then 2
else 3
end = 1
left join t3 ON t1.lif = t3.lif AND t2.lts = t3.lts AND
t3.par = 'BA' left join t4 on t4.rcv = t3.lifn and t2.lokez is null )
where ZLOEKZ is null order by mnt
As you can see I am using a case statement and even it seems to be not working fine. I am pasting the case condition below again
case when t1.flag = 'Y' and t2.rel ='X' then 1
when (t1.flag ='N' and t2.rel=t2.rel) or (t1.flag ='N' and
is null) then 1
when t1.flag = 'Y' and t2.rel <>'X' then 2
else 3
end = 1
But the expected record count did not match so I added the above sql lines to see if my analytical functions were giving me result I wanted
rank() over (partition by mnt order by mnt) as rn,
dense_rank() over (partition by mnt order by mnt) as drn
strangely for same mnt number the rank , dense rank and row_number function are assigning the same value what am i doing wrong here.
mnt flag rn drn rel lokez rcv
100 N 1 1 X abc 123
100 N 1 1 null xyz 123
100 N 1 1 null def 234
This is my output
I mean as per my code for same mnt number I am seeing flag set to N instead of Y and for the rank and dense rank are giving me same number for all 3 mnt it is generating 1 instead of 123 (note for rank function I understand) but dense rank should not do that
I tried to convey the issue as efficiently as I could please let me know if there is any clarifications I can provide.
any help appreciated
) WHERE ct=1 or zel='X'
This is the code snippet for the problem you mentioned. Use this in your code according to the logic.

Pandas calculating column based on inter-dependent lagged values

I have a dataframe that looks like the following. The rightmost two columns are my desired columns:
Open Close open_to_close close_to_next_open open_desired close_desired
0 0 0 3 0 0
0 0 4 8 3 7
0 0 1 1 15 16
The calculations are as the following:
open_desired = close_desired(prior row) + close_to_next_open(prior row)
close_desired = open_desired + open_to_close
How do I implement the following in a loop manner? I am trying to do this until the last row.
df = pd.DataFrame({'open': [0,0,0], 'close': [0,0,0], 'open_to_close': [0,4,1], 'close_to_next_open': [3,8,1]})
df['close_desired'] = 0
df['open_desired'] = 0
##First step is to create open_desired in current row which is dependent on close_desired in previous row
df['open_desired'] = df['close_desired'].shift() + df['close_to_next_open'].shift()
##second step is to create close_desired in current row which is dependent on open_desired in current row
df['close_desired'] = df['open_desired'] + df['open_to_close']
The only way I can think of doing this is with iterrows()
for row, v in df.iterrows():
if row>0:
df.loc[row,'open_desired'] = df.shift(1).loc[row, 'close_desired'] + df.shift(1).loc[row, 'close_to_next_open']
df.loc[row,'close_desired'] = df.loc[row, 'open_desired'] + df.loc[row, 'open_to_close']

load multiple csv files into Dataframe: columns names issue

I have multiple csv files with the same format (14 rows 4 columns).
I tried to load all of them into a single dataFrame, and use file's name to rename the values of the first column (1-14)
1 500 0 0
2 350 0 1
3 500 1 0
13 600 0 0
14 800 0 0
I tried the following code but I am not getting what I am expecting:
filenames = os.listdir('Threshold/')
Y = pd.DataFrame () #empty df
# file name are in the following foramt "subx_ICA_thre.csv"
# need to get x (subject number to be used later for renaming columns values)
for filename in filenames:
s= int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, filename)))
S_Sub_list= sorted(Sub_list)
for x in S_Sub_list: # get the file according to the subject number
temp = pd.read_csv('sub' +str(x)+'_ICA_thre.csv' )
df = pd.concat([Y, temp]) # concat the obtained frame with the empty frame
df.columns = ['id', 'data', 'isEB', 'isEM']
# replace the column values using subject id
for sub in range(1,15):
df['id'].replace(sub, 'sub' +str(x)+'_ICA_'+str(sub) ,inplace=True)
print (df)
id data isEB isEM
0 sub1_ICA_2 200 0 0
1 sub1_ICA_3 275 0 0
2 sub1_ICA_4 500 1 0
11 sub1_ICA_13 275 0 0
12 sub1_ICA_14 300 0 0
id data isEB isEM
0 sub2_ICA_2 275 0 0
1 sub2_ICA_3 500 0 0
2 sub2_ICA_4 400 0 0
11 sub2_ICA_13 300 0 0
12 sub2_ICA_14 450 0 0
First, it seems that the code makes different dataFrame not a single one.Second, the first row is removed (sub1_ICA_1 is missing, may be replaced with column names).
I couldn't find the problem in the loop that I am using
I think you need create list of DataFrames first, then concat with parameter keys for new values by range in MultiIndex, then modify column id and last remove MultiIndex by reset_index:
Also was added parameter names to read_csv for custom columns names.
Y = []
for x in S_Sub_list:
n = ['id', 'data', 'isEB', 'isEM']
temp = pd.read_csv('sub' + str(x) +'_ICA_thre.csv', names = n)
#list comprehension alternative
#n = ['id', 'data', 'isEB', 'isEM']
#Y = [pd.read_csv('sub' + str(x) +'_ICA_thre.csv', names = n) for x in S_Sub_list]
df = pd.concat(Y, keys=range(1,len(S_Sub_list) + 1))
df['id'] = 'sub' + df.index.get_level_values(0).astype(str) +'_ICA_'+ df['id'].astype(str)
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)