Google Contacts API - Regarding Deprecation of Contacts API and Remove API's - google-people-api

We have come across the update that Contacts API is getting deprecated but the old APIs are still working fine. Can you please let us know when will the old API's remove?
enter image description here

According the Google docs the Contacts API was shut down on January 19, 2022.
See here:
Are you sure it's still working for you?
If so, I wouldn't count on it as it might break for you any day now.


"Does your app use an advertising ID?" for Expo

I can't seem to find a clear answer as to how to answer this in the Google Play console.
Browsing the net I've found some answers related to advertising IDs
"How Expo Is Fooling Everyone" has a comment from James Ide saying "If you are using the managed workflow, the standalone apps will contain the Google and Facebook SDKs."
and another stackoverflow post on the IDFA.
My app doesn't use any specific type of advertising. But I think because I'm using Expo, I need to say yes to using an advertising ID because of the bundled Facebook SDK?
The form looks like this...
Does anyone know exactly how to fill out this form for an Expo app that has no advertising functionality added by the dev?
The article How Expo Is Fooling Everyone states that "all Expo applications collect the Advertising ID from users" which is true for Expo SDKs up to version 45. This meant that in the past you had to select that an Advertising ID was used in both your Apple App Store and Google Play Store submissions.
However, as of SDK 46 both the Facebook and FacbookAds packages have been deprecated in favour of Expo's newer EAS build service and these packages now need to be included specifically by users if they want to include the functionality of Facebook's login or advertising platform.
The contentious issue with Expo has always been the inclusion of the Facebook package which is why, as the article referenced, all Expo apps prior to 46 needed the Advertising ID disclosure in app store submissions.
While I cannot find any conclusive confirmation from Expo's documentation, I no longer disclose any Advertising ID collection in my apps using Expo's SDK 46+. I recommend that most developers migrate to the newer SDKs (SDK 47 as at time of writing this) to benefit from the EAS Build, updated React Native framework, and importantly, the removal of the default Facebook package included in every app.

Google Places SDK for iOS equivalent of Google Places API call

I am building an IOS app using SwiftUI and I have decided to use Google Places as it returns better results than MapKit. I am running into some trouble figuring out the use of Places API and. Places SDK for IOS.
I would like to know what is the Places SDK for iOS equivalent of the following Places API text search call which I am using to find all "sports clubs" near me:
var urlString = "\(query)&key=\(googleApiKey)"
SDK Current Place only returns places nearby, and SDK Autocomplete only returns 5 results.
Thank you
Looking at their official documentation, that feature is not yet available on Places SDK for iOS. So making that Text Search web request is your only option.
There is however an existing feature request to add that functionality in that SDK. If you are interested in this issue, visit the Issue Tracker at the link below, and star the issue. This will subscribe you to receive technical updates on the issue. Starring the issue also provides them with valuable feedback on the importance of the issue to their customers, and increases the issue's priority with their product engineering team.
You can view, and star the issue here:

Facebook developer / user_events

I've seen the Facebook announcement this morning. I've also seen that there is a 3.0 API and that old apps need to be reviewed and that new apps can now be reviewed. I'm trying to finish a new app but 'me/events/not_replied' still doesn't seem to work and returns an empty array whether using API 3.0 or API 2.12.
Is it working for you ?
Thank you
GET /events — You can no longer get the following edges:
It is not possible anymore, not with any API version.

Why is Facebook claiming that my facebook app 'is still calling Graph API v1.0' if I specified v2.2 version in koala?

We have recently received two alerts regarding our facebook app.
Your app is still calling Graph API v1.0 which will be
deprecated on April 30, 2015. You must upgrade this app to v2.0 or
greater before that date.
To help you experience the potential effects of this migration,
starting tomorrow at 12pm PST, the admins, developers, testers and
Test Users associated with this app will be upgraded to use API v2.0
by default. This change won't affect your public users until April 30,
You'll be able to temporarily opt-out of this behavior in the
Migrations tab of your app's dashboard - but the migration will be
automatically re-enabled every two weeks until April 30, 2015.
For more information, please read our upgrade guide and login review
The second one is very similar and starts with:
We have detected that your app is still calling Graph
API v1.0 which will be deprecated on April 30, 2015. You must upgrade
this app to v2.0 or greater before that date.
However, we have been using Graph API v2.2 for serveral months now by specifying api version in koala config (we always use koala to call GraphAPI):
Koala.config.api_version = "v2.2"
Since we need the subscribed_apps endpoint, we are using v2.2. Switching to v1.0 results in OAuthException, code: 12, message: (#12) Requires version v2.2 or higher [HTTP 400] in case of subscribed_app calls.
I know that not specyfing a version at all results in choosing the oldest available one but we have specified the version in koala, so it's not the point in our case.
Is it possible to find out what caused the alert from Facebook?
I have found an answer to my problem and would like to present all the facts.
For older applications you will see a different message, for example that your app upgrade is completed in 98%.
For applications created quite recently (mine was created in July 2014) that are already version v2.0 or higher you might receive an alert but the message you can check at says:
You do not need to upgrade any apps.
I also received a piece of advice from Facebook:
If you're confident your app is upgraded, you can go into the
Migrations tab of the Settings section of the App Dashboard - and flip
the "Use Graph API v2.0 by default" switch to "On" - then you can be
sure you're API migration is ready for April 30th.
If you don't see that setting then you're already using v2.0 or
greater, so you have nothing to worry about.
If you are sure that neither your server-side calls nor your client-side logins use version v1.0 or you chose option "Use Graph API v2.0 by default", you can assume that your app is ready for April 30th and ignore the alerts.
Here you can find some information about the bug that probably causes these alerts: This issue won't be fixed.

What is the most recommended django/oauth package for Facebook and Twitter integration?

I'm looking for a django/oauth project which would allow for open authentication to at least Twitter and Facebook (other services would be a bonus). It appears there was a thread started by TIMEX in Febuary 2010 with a few different package recommendations.
Since it has been approximately a year and a half since the originator first posed the question, I'd like to ask again, hoping that time may have given to some more robust packages.
Some packages mentioned from the previous thread: - Last updated July 18, 2010 - Last updated Jan 12, 2010 - Last updated July 5, 2010
I think django-socialregistration is the most widely used. Check djangopackages for a more detailed overview of what is available.
I have to go with It's the best maintained and easiest to set up. is going to that for authentication shortly. Why Because it rocks.
Yeah, I'm one of the people behind :)
Django Facebook is the most mature for Facebook authentication, it only does facebook though, none of the other systems.
If you are looking for additional platforms (and don't require additional facebook integration) than socialauth would work for you