React Native - Swipe to Reply - react-native-gesture-handler

I am recently working on messaging app and I was trying to implement swipe-to-reply action. I am wondering how can I archived this effects by using GestureHandler?
Is there any tutorial or guide for me?
Thanks is advanced!

There is a repo where you can take a look at the example. Pretty much what you want I guess


How to add an image file as a header to every print job programmatically in C/C++/C#?

So basically, I have no idea where to start since I'm not actually a desktop developer.
I'm a web dev but we need this functionality in our current project with a client but sadly we don't have background knowledge for this and we have been searching for ways how to do it and so far we are convinced that we need C/C++/C# for this.
But the problem is how or in where do we start? The use case for this is very few and thus too little Documentation is available especially in forums.
We would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

Integrating Forums in Django

I am pretty new to the coding world and django, I am pretty far along within a site and I would like to add a forum function
does anyone have suggestions, I am currently using 1.8.2
I was able to get spirit working on its own, but could not figure out how to integrate it. I also tried djangobb, but the same as spirit.
any help would be great
You should check Pybbm. It is fully documented and easy to customize.

How to use django-discussion application?

I recently learned about django-discussion. I don't know it may be a great application but I couldn't find any documentation, no example anywhere on the web.
Can somebody please guide me to the right direction? How can I integrate it with other application?
According to the lists of django forum applications here and here, there are better alternatives like django-threadedcomments, djangobb or pybbm - take a look.
Plus, django-discussion is not actively developed now.
Hope that helps.

Which UI toolkit are you using with your Ember.js apps?

I just started using Ember.js recently and I love the functionality. I'm wondering which UI toolkit you might be using to tie into design side of your applications.
For Bootstrap integration with Ember, take a look at this project I started two days ago:
It really fun and easy to use and lightly integrate bootstrap and ember components altogether.
Personaly, I am using Twitter's bootstrap library, which is quite low level, but pretty clean.
Twitter Bootstrap is my preffered choice when it comes to UI especially when prototyping something quickly, recently i have started to use EmberJS and have looked into this as well. So far i have found
I will update this as my search continues.
Hope this helps with your project!
Twitter bootstrap is a great UI frameworks no doubts but I feel it is too mainstream these days. Hence my personal preference is Metro UI CSS, it's sleek and great for developing mobile applications using HTML5
I am just starting with emberjs also. Actually I use JQMobile. But I have some issues with it. As I want have a Mobile look and feel, I will try more.
But even if have not use bootstrap with EmberJs I think it will be easier to use as it's only css.
With a UI toolkit that use JavaScript and is owns attributs(exemple : data-role="List"... with JQuery Mobile) you can have rendering issues. I think this is because that Metamorphose/Handlebars and JQuery Mobile both modify the DOM on the fly and it can be tricky to get all work right.
But I am not a EmberJs or JQ Mobile Guru :-)
Sorry for my english, it isn't my mother tongue.
Just one Question .. what is a OSS framework and do you have the links on GitUb
This maybe old but I've used this addon on over 5 projects so far with great success. The project is well maintained and flexible. The maintainer is active and takes pull requests efficiently.
Disclaimer: I am not officiated with this project beyond that of an end consumer.
You could have a look at Ember Paper if you like Google Material:

Good Site Builder

I am currently working on a website and i kinda need something like a cms/site builder to be integrated int the site, but not very complicated.
for example let's say i have a few templates and the users can modify them as they please(add a picture, some text, etc)
Please help.
Thank you!
look at N2 if you are working in .Net
try joomla, drupal, or wordpress. There are also some basic wiki sites that are easy to setup and use like TWiki.
If you want to keep things very basic then SnippetMaster is an option. Your users can edit odd bits of text and even add pictures. It works best for sites with only a few pages to update. For a large site you may want to look at something more advanced.
You can build a site these days with WordPress. Actually I recommend this even if you have more complicated stuff. There are a lot of plugins and themes and over all support. If you want something simple you can have it in minutes.
You could use Joomla (PHP) or Windows SharePoint Services (.NET), but it depends what kind of thing you are really after...
Also, you could use something like VS Web Developer 2008 Express edition which'll create a basic template for you.
Here's an awesome link that I just happened to have someone send me yesterday:
Top 10 free content management systems for web site designers