Which UI toolkit are you using with your Ember.js apps? - ember.js

I just started using Ember.js recently and I love the functionality. I'm wondering which UI toolkit you might be using to tie into design side of your applications.

For Bootstrap integration with Ember, take a look at this project I started two days ago:
It really fun and easy to use and lightly integrate bootstrap and ember components altogether.

Personaly, I am using Twitter's bootstrap library, which is quite low level, but pretty clean.

Twitter Bootstrap is my preffered choice when it comes to UI especially when prototyping something quickly, recently i have started to use EmberJS and have looked into this as well. So far i have found https://github.com/emberjs-addons/ember-bootstrap
I will update this as my search continues.
Hope this helps with your project!

Twitter bootstrap is a great UI frameworks no doubts but I feel it is too mainstream these days. Hence my personal preference is Metro UI CSS, it's sleek and great for developing mobile applications using HTML5

I am just starting with emberjs also. Actually I use JQMobile. But I have some issues with it. As I want have a Mobile look and feel, I will try more.
But even if have not use bootstrap with EmberJs I think it will be easier to use as it's only css.
With a UI toolkit that use JavaScript and is owns attributs(exemple : data-role="List"... with JQuery Mobile) you can have rendering issues. I think this is because that Metamorphose/Handlebars and JQuery Mobile both modify the DOM on the fly and it can be tricky to get all work right.
But I am not a EmberJs or JQ Mobile Guru :-)
Sorry for my english, it isn't my mother tongue.
Just one Question .. what is a OSS framework and do you have the links on GitUb

This maybe old but I've used this addon on over 5 projects so far with great success. The project is well maintained and flexible. The maintainer is active and takes pull requests efficiently.
Disclaimer: I am not officiated with this project beyond that of an end consumer.

You could have a look at Ember Paper if you like Google Material:


Is it possible to use bootstrap themes on a Mezzanine/Cartridge website?

I am a newbie web developer tasked with creating a website for a client in the art industry. I've decided to roll with Mezzanine + Cartridge for the project as it seems like an accessible way to get started. I now have the server up and running with no issues, but obviously can't use the default Mezzanine theme for such a project.
I'm finding that theres a highly limited amount of themes available online for Mezzanine, and that there are a lot more Bootstrap themes available floating around. Is there a way I could use the two together? Ie the UI/front end being a Bootstrap theme while still maintaining the functionality of Mezz/Cartridge?
If so, how would I go about doing this? Not expecting a step by step guide, but any advice/guidance would be highly appreciated. Like I said, I'm incredibly new to this (first website ever!) so if I'm misunderstanding something, please let me know. Thank you for your time.
You'll override the base template as the starting point for customizing the look of everything. In there you'll find the stylesheets for bootstrap used, which you can modify/replace/etc.

Can I easily use GSAP with ember.js?

I am a .net programmer who is about to start a new project and would like to venture out into the world of open source software. After all my research I had settled for Angular.js and GSAP. But after reading how Angular.js 2.0 is going to be radically different from 1.3, I am beginning to lean towards ember.js. I've tried figuring this out myself, but I noticed that there isn't as much material out there for ember.js as there are for Angular.js. So my question is...
Would I be able to easily integrate GSAP into an ember.js project? Do they play well together? Thanks!
Ps. The stacks I am planning on using is ember.js/Angular.js, GSAP, node.js.
There’s nothing preventing you from using typical Javascript libraries in an Ember application. Depending what you’re trying to do with GSAP, you could look at Liquid Fire, which is an Ember-centric animation addon for ember-cli.

Where I can find some good UI templates to style my application?

I'm developing a GWT application and I'd like to make it look good.
Since I'm not a graphic designer I think I'm going to look for a user interface template and replicate it in GWT using CSS.
For example I like the theme of ExtJS/ExtGWT a lot, but I don't think I can replicate the graphics due to licence restrictions.
Anyone has any idea where to look for some themes I can use without getting in trouble?
P.S.: I don't like built-in GWT themes.
You can look at Twitter Bootstrap. There are 2 existing port in GWT :

How to write modular Ember.js apps

Is there any guidance on how to write modular Ember.js apps? I have seen Tom Dale's position on AMD here so I am not going to force fit AMD on to the framework (as some have attempted here). It appears that Ember internally uses bpm/spade. Is that a reasonable approach to modularize Ember apps too? Any samples using this approach?
P.S. The getbpm.org site seems to be down which makes it difficult to learn about it. There is a github page but it refers to the site for install instructions.
BPM in it's current form is no longer supported by the core team, but is community supported. The only build tools they are officially providing support for is rake-pipeline. However, BPM does still work and it works well (I still use it with my projects). For info on how to use it see this: https://github.com/ud3323/bpm/wiki/Using-BPM-with-Ember. You may want to use my fork of bpm too. I've merged in Joe West's support for a proxy middleware.
There is also community build tools for node.js called ember-runner which looks promising as well.
As for using rake-pipeline. Look at the AssetFile on the emberjs projects to see how must be configured using rake-pipeline and rake-pipeline-web-filters. Also, take a look at the answers to this question on StackOverflow (especially Yehuda's). You may also find this gist helpful as well.
Try Ember App Kit - maybe it would help you.
I have played a bit with Rails, so for me, creating a rails 3.2 app was the easiest way to achieve this. So if you don't mind using rails as a back-end, I this might suit you.
Perhaps ember-tools could help:
I am novice still I found yeoman and ember-generator useful. In future you might need to add tests , mock rest calls you can easily npm install sinonjs and npm install ic-ajax

Where can I find beginners video tutorials to TDD / UnitTesting using ASP.NET Webforms?

I am very interested in changing the way I tackle applications to integrate TDD / UnitTesting.. But I don't want to go down the MVC route just yet, and would like to see via Video a beginners guide to using TDD.
How you set it up, use it in VS2008 etc...
Dimecasts have some good videos on the subject.
I know you mentioned you don't want to go down the MVC path yet but I think the Asp.Net MVC storefront series is worth a look. The storefront series is focused more on using TDD and design patterns then MVC. I would highly recommend you take a look if you interested in getting started with TDD. A GREAT additional video series can be found here at Tekpub. It is a not free but very cheap for the content you get.