mex file compiled successfuly. DependencyWalker cannot find many of the dlls - c++

I have compiled a mex file using MATLAB. I am having trouble since every time I try to run the code, MATLAB crushes.
I have tried using feval() function with a mexhost in order to separate the processes and debug, following this guide. When I am executing using feval(mh,'functionName',input), all I am getting is:
Invalid C++ MEX-file 'test_c'
However, when I am executing using feval(mh,functionName,input) I am getting an nrhs of size 0.
I have followed throw with this guide and used the DependancyWalker utility to get the following result:
A lot of the DLLs are missing. Even the basic LIBMEX.DLL can't be found. Am I doing something wrong here? How do I debug?

Probably some of MATLAB's folders aren't in your system path variable (%PATH% on Windows).


How can I solve this error in OMNest 5.5.1?

I get the following error:
Exception occurred executing command line.
Cannot run program "C:/OMNEST-5.5.1/samples/enera/lteAdvanced/enera.exe" (in directory "C:\OMNEST-5.5.1\samples\enera\lte"): CreateProcess error=2, The System cannot find the file.
I already built the project many times. I have tried to make a simplier already given example from omnet just to check if this is working. It is working. But if I copy this example in my Project it also doesn't work, so there is sth wrong with my Project file. But it seems to be correct. I just have one Connection and kept it really really simple. But it doesn't work. I have installed Omnest and inet correctly.
The most likely cause is that the EXE file cannot find the omnet++ dynamic libraries it tries the load. And the most likely reason is that you are trying to execute the executable from a CMD prompt instead of from the shell provided by the mingwenv.cmd script.
Everything you do in OMNeT++ (including starting the simulations) must be run from the mingwenv shell.

invalid board header windows

I am trying to process a binary file generated by a PSI DRS4 for work. I tried this using a C++ code given in the src folder of the software used to run the board.
A friend of mine compiled and executed this code on his linux computer just fine. I wanted to adapt this code to windows. I went through the compilation step pretty easily but then when I try to execute it, it just crashes...
After some further investigation, what I understand is that the header(s) cannot be read properly (probably leading to the crash when they're supposed to be used later in the code)
I thus tried to read the file with HexEditor Neo and here is what I get: screenshot binary file Hexeditor
As you see the part after EHEADER becomes unreadable... Is it normal? Has anyone faced this situation before ?

Compiling code too quickly gives errors

I have recently started coding with C++ and I have come across a little source of error which I think requires knowledge about computers that I don't have.
When I write a simple code (in Visual Studio Express 2013), let's say a "Hello World!" example, I Build and Start Without Debugging successfuly.
Then, when I edit my code to print the sum of two numbers for example, I get an error when I try to Build. I get this error:
Error 1 error LNK1168: cannot open c:\users\name\documents\visual
studio 2013\Projects\ConsoleApplication4\Debug\ConsoleApplication4.exe
for writing
But if I wait for a bit and then re-attempt to Build, everything is fine.
I have also noticed this when I use g++ in the standard cmd module; if I try to complile a code under the same name (for the .exe file) I get an Access Denied error, but if I wait a bit I am allowed to do it.
My instincts tell me that the computer still has the .exe file running for a bit after I execute it, and it is not allowing me to overwrite it.
It's because the process is still running and therefore the file is in use and write-locked. It takes Windows a few tempo beats to clean everything up after you've terminated.

Creating R package containing C++ on Windows

My goal is to create a package in R with C++ code: So my questions is how?
I am following the tutorial on creating an R package containing C++ code. The specific code Im trying to compile and package is exactly as described in the tutorial.
R CMD SHLIB seems to be working creating .dll file.
I can load in R using dyn.load() and test it on simulated data (as described in tutorial)
R CMD INSTALL is where the problem begins. I have done two things encountering two different errors supposedly related:
1) The tutorial says the NAMESPACE file is supposed to contain the code:
When it does R CMD INSTALL fail resulting in error:
Error in inDL(x,as.logical(local), as.logical(now),...): unable to
load shared object 'C:/.../libs/i386/XDemo.dll': Loadlibrary failure:
1% is not a valid Win32-program
2) Removing the above mentioned lines in NAMESPACE file will result in installation of package. I can succesfully load it in R but when I try to use the R function that makes a .C() call to the C++ written function I another error:
[[1]] "XDemoAutoC"
Warning message:
In ls(package:newpackage) :
‘package:newpackage’ converted to character string
Error in .C("DemoAutoCor", OutVec = as.double(vector("numeric", OutLength)), :
C symbol name "DemoAutoCor" not in load table
Im running version R2.15.2 on windows 64-bit and using R64 bit.
I read the following post with a similar problem:
Except they mention nothing about the NAMESPACE-matter.
Also I read this post:
Problem with loading compiled c code in R x64 using dyn.load
So I am thinking: that based on the fact that I am able to use dyn.load() in Rx64 means that I have succesfully created x64 .dll. Assuming that the NAMESPACE file is supposed to be left as in the tutorial - hopefully fixing the >>not in load table<< error - this would mean I should focus on fixing problem one. This problem seems to be caused by something related to 32-bit. I have used Dependency Walker on the .dll file but I am not sure how to interpret the results
I really don't have any ideas on how to fix this problem so any suggestion on what to do would be welcome?
I think you are doing it wrong. Two quick suggestions:
Read the Writing R Extensions manual written to explain just this: writing R extensions including those with compiled code
Have a look at Rcpp which makes R and C++ extensions, including package building so much easier. Or so we think. Writing a package is as easy as calling Rcpp.package.skeleton(). The documentation in 1) still help.
That said, if R CMD INSTALL fails you may have some mixup in your $PATH. Never ever mix MinGW and Cygwin. Make sure no Cygwin DLLs are found when you build or call R. Path order matters greatly. See the manual for details.

vlfeat matlab error Attempt to execute SCRIPT vl_imsmooth as a function:

I am trying to use the VLFEAT function vl_imsmooth but matlab gives me an error:
'Attempt to execute SCRIPT vl_imsmooth as a function:'
Why this happens?
Might it be because of some mex files?
Should I recompile the c++ code for vl_feat?
The problem shuold be fixed by copying correct mexw32 or mexw64 file folder from ..\vlfeat\toolbox\mex to ..\vlfeat. In my case my operating system is 64 bit My folder looks like ..\vlfeat\mexw64
You are getting this error because your path ".../vlfeat-0.9.16/toolbox/imop/vl_imsmooth.m"
has a higher precedence than " ...../vlfeat-0.9.16/toolbox/mex/mexa64/vl_imsmooth.mexa64"
so you can simply run
and then navigate the mexa64 path above the imop and you are done !!