Generate Refresh Token for a GCP OAuth 2.0 Client ID - google-cloud-platform

I am trying to access to an API that uses OAuth2 authentication with the Refresh Token grant.
So, to request this API, I need a Client Id, a Client Secret and a Refresh Token.
Using, I created a new OAuth 2.0 Client ID, which gives me a Client Id and a Client Secret.
But I struggle generating a Refresh Token.
By looking at this article, it looks like I need to execute the following POST query :
curl -X POST -d "code=[CODE]&client_id=[CLIENT_ID]&client_secret=[CLIENT_SECRET]&redirect_uri=[REDIRECT_URI]&grant_type=authorization_code"
To retrieve the CODE parameter, I need to do another call to this URL :[SCOPE]&access_type=offline&include_granted_scopes=true&response_type=code&redirect_uri=[REDIRECT_URI]&client_id=[CLIENT_ID]
This call opens the Google login page.
However, I don't know how to log in with an OAuth 2.0 Client ID. I don't have an email linked to these credentials.
Am I following the correct steps to retrieve a Refresh Token in my use case, and if so, what am I missing here ?


How to implement refresh token in django-oauth-toolkit? I'm able to get access_token but the refresh token isn't coming with it

I'm using django-oauth-toolkit with djangorestframework where our partner user will register their application and get application credentials (client id and client secret) which then used to get access token that can be used further to get our server resources. Upto now I'm able to convert those form based application registration process and other apis through rest. But while I hit for access_token only access token with expire are coming as response. Refresh token also supposed to come along the access token but it's not. What I'm missing here...
Below is the sample api response for access_token
And the oauth2 settings
FYI: I'm using Client type as "Confidential" and Authorization grant type as "Client Credentials"
Findings: This may be helpful for others
There is no need for refresh token for grant type client credentials.
Further descriptions RFC doc ; grant type client credentials

why oauth 2.0 client id expired automatically?

Execute compute engine
api(GET{project}/zones/{zone}/instances/{resourceId}) with oauth 2.0 client id.
I created an OAuth2.0 client ID and got access_token and refresh_token based on the steps on this site.
Obtaining OAuth 2.0 access tokens
Refreshing an access token (offline access)
I can execute api with access_token which was refreshed.
after 3days, run this step again,
response was
{ "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Token has been expired or revoked." }
why expired refresh_token?
A token that you can use to obtain a new access token. Refresh tokens are valid until the user revokes access. Again, this field is only present in this response if you set the access_type parameter to offline in the initial request to Google's authorization server.
There are a lot of things which can cause a refresh token to expire.
you are using a gmail scope and the user changed their password.
it has not been used in six months.
the user has revoked your access in their google account.
If the user runs your app you get a refresh token, if they run it again you get a different refresh token, you can do this up to 50 times and get new refresh tokens and they will all work after number 50 the first one will expire. Make sure you are always saving the most resent refresh token.
your app is currently in testing and has not been set to published and has not been though the verification process.
Documentation link for expiration

Sending email (Office 365) using postman without logging in from browser

I would like to send an email on behalf of a user using Postman (Office 365). I have the email id and password of that account. After doing some research, I have found that I need to login, using a browser, to get the authorization code and then I can perform the next steps from Postman (getting the access token and using the Microsoft Graph Explorer) to send the email.
I would like to get the authorization code using Postman (not browser). I tried and got the following error (which is what should come the way I have requested the API)-
In short, I want to send email from Graph API using a REST client like Postman (right from authorization to sending email). Is this possible?
(I have already read these documents but did not help me get there-
Accessing Microsoft Graph API without using login page
Automatically Log-In To Office 365
Yes, it is very possible, in fact, you can use all of the Microsoft Graph API from Postman or any other program which can make HTTP requests.
All you need to do is to get access token to use in your requests to the Graph API, and there at least 4 ways which allow you to do so without user interaction. But the process requires some preparation since you need to create an OAuth App in order to be able to use the Graph API.
Since I had to do the same myself and it wasn't easy to collect all the bits of information necessary, I've written a full guide on this subject including Postman examples:
Getting Access Token for Microsoft Graph Using OAuth REST API
In large you need to do the following steps:
Register OAuth App
Configuring App Permission
Use one of the following flows, depending on the information you have:
Flow 1: Get Access Token from Client Credentials (Client credentials Grant)
Flow 2 – Get Access Token From Client & User Credentials (Resource Owner Credentials Grant)
Flow 3 – Get Access Token From Refresh Token (Refresh Token Grant)
Flow 4 – Get Access Token From Another Access Token (On-Behalf-Of Grant)
Use the access token in requests to Microsoft Graph API
All of those steps are explained in the article.

Facebook Places Search using Client Token

This page claims that you can access the Places Graph functionality without having a logged-in user:
You make your calls using a Client Token (from the client), and an App Access Token (from the server).
The documentation regarding Client Tokens says:
The client token is an identifier that you can embed into native mobile binaries or desktop apps to identify your app. The client token isn't meant to be a secret identifier because it's embedded in apps.
This sounds like exactly what I want--I am trying to build a website that allows users to search for Facebook places. I need to be able to build the list using an AJAX request from the client side.
I can't for the life of me find any documentation on using the Client Token to make such a request.
Please note that I cannot use an App Token because this will be deployed to a website, and Facebook specifically says not to use App Tokens in that context.
I've tried using the Client Token directly as the access_token, but then I get Invalid OAuth access token.
How can I use the Client Token to make a Places Graph API call directly to Facebook's API from the client's browser?
Note: I realize that I could send the request to my own server, then relay that request from my server to Facebook, but that is not an optimal solution for me.
In case anyone is still struggling with this like I was. You just need to use the appId and client token joined with a pipe. So "appId|clientToken".

Retrieve Facebook profile from Xamarin client

I would like to get basic user information from Facebook after the user has logged in.
I've looked at the documentation in How to: Work with authentication and under the "How to: Retrieve authenticated user information" section, it shows how to do it from the .NET backend code by using an HttpClient to make the call with the AccessToken:
var fbRequestUrl = ""
+ credentials.AccessToken;
Since the mobile client has the accessToken that we get from MobileServices, can the client make the call directly to a Facebook endpoint, or does the client SDK provide us with any built-in functionality?
I've been following the Xamarin.Forms Sport project and the way they get the user information from Google is by hard-coding the Google endpoint and making a call to get the user info.
Note: Xamarin.Forms Sport uses Mobile Services, not Mobile App, so not sure if that makes any difference.
It sounds like you're doing the server-directed login: where you are making a call to your backend to do the login dance with Facebook. In this, your client application is making a GET call to .auth/login/facebook, which opens up a browser or the Web Authentication Broker where you enter your credentials. The end result is you will receive a Zumo access token (different from Facebook access token).
You cannot use the Zumo access token to access Facebook APIs by itself. In the "How To:" you linked, we show you how to use GetAppServiceIdentityAsync from the backend to get the Facebook access token. This is possible because you have stored your Facebook client ID via portal, which is available to the backend.
The advantage of doing auth like this was that you don't have to deploy your Facebook Client Id with your mobile apps. If you wanted to access the Facebook APIs from the client, though, you'll need to get the Facebook token to the client.
Few ways I can suggest:
Call .auth/me from your client. The response will give you a JSON object you can parse that should include the FB token associated with your Zumo token.
Write a custom API with [Authorize] attribute set that will perform GetAppServiceIdentityAsync and respond with the value of the facebook access token. You can then parse the response from your client. This is basically what .auth/me does, but you can write it to give back only your FB access token.
Use the Facebook .NET SDK to do client-directed login. You will get a Facebook token on your client, and then you can use our LoginAsync(Facebook, access_token) method to get a Zumo token so that your client can access both Facebook and your Mobile App backend. The disadvantage, as I mentioned before, is that you'll have to deploy your FB Client ID with your app.