How do I use system("chcp 936") in my dialog based project? - c++

The code below is supposed to convert a wstring "!" to a string and output it,
setlocale(LC_ALL, "Chinese_China.936");
//system("chcp 936");
std::wstring ws = L"!";
string as((ws.length()) * sizeof(wchar_t), '-');
auto rs = wcstombs((char*)as.c_str(), ws.c_str(), as.length());
cout << rs << ":" << as << endl;
If you run it without system("chcp 936");, the converted string is "£¡" rather than "!". If with system("chcp 936");, the result is correct in a console project.
But on my Dialog based project, system("chcp 936")is useless, even if it's workable, I can't use it, because it would popup a console.
PS: the IDE is Visual Studio 2019, and my source code is stored as in UTF-8 with signature.
My operation system language is English and language for non-unicode programs is English (United States).
Edit: it's interesting, even with "en-US" locale, "!" can be converted to an ASCII "!".
But I don't get where "£¡" I got in the dialog based project.

There are two distinct points to considere with locales:
you must tell the program what charset should be used when converting unicode characters to plain bytes (this is the role for setlocale)
you must tell the terminal what charset it should render (this is the role for chcp in Windows console)
The first point depends on the language and optionaly libraries that you use in your program (here the C++ language and Standard Library)
The second point depends on the console application and underlying system. Windows console uses chcp, and you will find in that other post how you can configure xterm in a Unix-like system.

I found out the cause, the wstring-to-string conversion is no problem, the problem was I used CA2T to convert the Chinese punctuation mark and it failed. So it showed "£¡" in the UI finally.
By means of mbstowcs, the counterpart of wcstombs, it would work.


C++ output Unicode in variable

I'm trying to output a string containing unicode characters, which is received with a curl call. Therefore, I'm looking for something similar to u8 and L options for literal strings, but than applicable for variables. E.g.:
const char *s = u8"\u0444";
However, since I have a string containing unicode characters, such as:
mit freundlichen Grüßen
When I want to print this string with:
cout << UnicodeString << endl;
it outputs:
mit freundlichen Gr??en
When I use wcout, it returns me:
mit freundlichen Gren
What am I doing wrong and how can I achieve the correct output. I return the output with RapidJSON, which returns the string as:
mit freundlichen Gr��en
Important to note, the application is a CGI running on Ubuntu, replying on browser requests
If you are on Windows, what I would suggest is using Unicode UTF-16 at the Windows boundary.
It seems to me that on Windows with Visual C++ (at least up to VS2015) std::cout cannot output UTF-8-encoded-text, but std::wcout correctly outputs UTF-16-encoded text.
This compilable code snippet correctly outputs your string containing German characters:
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);
// ü : U+00FC
// ß : U+00DF
const wchar_t * text = L"mit freundlichen Gr\u00FC\u00DFen";
std::wcout << text << L'\n';
Note the use of a UTF-16-encoded wchar_t string.
On a more general note, I would suggest you using the UTF-8 encoding (and for example storing text in std::strings) in your cross-platform C++ portions of code, and convert to UTF-16-encoded text at the Windows boundary.
To convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16 you can use Windows APIs like MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte. These are C APIs, that can be safely and conveniently wrapped in C++ code (more details can be found in this MSDN article, and you can find compilable C++ code here on GitHub).
On my system the following produces the correct output. Try it on your system. I am confident that it will produce similar results.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string s="mit freundlichen Grüßen";
cout << s << endl;
return 0;
If it is ok, then this points to the web transfer not being 8-bit clean.
containing unicode characters
You forgot to specify which unicode encoding does the string contain. There is the "narrow" UTF-8, which can be stored in a std::string and printed using std::cout, as well as wider variants, which can't. It is crucial to know which encoding you're dealing with. For the remainder of my answer, I'm going to assume you want to use UTF-8.
When I want to print this string with:
cout << UnicodeString << endl;
Important to note, the application is a CGI running on Ubuntu, replying on browser requests
The concerns here are slightly different from printing onto a terminal.
You need to set the Content-Type response header appropriately or else the client cannot know how to interpret the response. For example Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8.
You still need to make sure that the source string is in fact the correct encoding corresponding to the header. See the old answer below for overview.
The browser has to support the encoding. Most modern browsers have had support for UTF-8 a long time now.
Answer regarding printing to terminal:
Assuming that
UnicodeString indeed contains an UTF-8 encoded string
and that the terminal uses UTF-8 encoding
and the font that the terminal uses has the graphemes that you use
the above should work.
it outputs:
mit freundlichen Gr??en
Then it appears that at least one of the above assumptions don't hold.
Whether 1. is true, you can verify by inspecting the numeric value of each code unit separately and comparing it to what you would expect of UTF-8. If 1. isn't true, then you need to figure out what encoding does the string actually use, and either convert the encoding, or configure the terminal to use that encoding.
The terminal typically, but not necessarily, uses the system native encoding. The first step of figuring out what encoding your terminal / system uses is to figure out what terminal / system you are using in the first place. The details are probably in a manual.
If the terminal doesn't use UTF-8, then you need to convert the UFT-8 string within your program into the character encoding that the terminal does use - unless that encoding doesn't have the graphemes that you want to print. Unfortunately, the standard library doesn't provide arbitrary character encoding conversion support (there is some support for converting between narrow and wide unicode, but even that support is deprecated). You can find the unicode standard here, although I would like to point out that using an existing conversion implementation can save a lot of work.
In the case the character encoding of the terminal doesn't have the needed grapehemes - or if you don't want to implement encoding conversion - is to re-configure the terminal to use UTF-8. If the terminal / system can be configured to use UTF-8, there should be details in the manual.
You should be able to test if the font itself has the required graphemes simply by typing the characters into the terminal and see if they show as they should - although, this test will also fail if the terminal encoding does not have the graphemes, so check that first. Manual of your terminal should explain how to change the font, should it be necessary. That said, I would expect üß to exist in most fonts.

Understanding Multibyte/Unicode

I'm just getting back into Programming C++, MFC, Unicode. Lots have changed over the past 20 years.
Code on another project compiled just fine, but had errors when I paste it into my code. It took me 1-1/2 days of wasted time to solve the function call below:
enter code here
CString CFileOperation::ChangeFileName(CString sFileName)
char drive[MAX_PATH], dir[MAX_PATH], name[MAX_PATH], ext[MAX_PATH];
_splitpath_s(sFileName, drive, dir, name, ext); //error
------- other code
After reading help, I changed the CString sFileName to use a cast:
enter code here
_splitpath_s((LPTCSTR)sFileName, drive, dir, name, ext); //error
This created an error too. So then I used GetBuffer() which is really the same as above.
enter code here
char* s = sFileName.GetBuffer(300);
_splitpath_s(s, drive, dir, name, ext); //same error for the 3rd time
At this point I was pretty upset, but finally realized that I needed to change the CString to Ascii (I think because I'm set up as Unicode).
enter code here
CT2A strAscii(sFileName); //convert CString to ascii, for splitpath()
then use strAscii.m_pz in the function _splitpath_s()
This finally worked. So after all this, to make a story short, I need help focusing on:
1. Unicode vs Mulit-Byte (library calls)
2. Variables to uses
I'm willing to purchase another book, please recommend.
Also, is there a way to filter my help on VS2015 so that when I'm on a variable and press F1, it only gives me help for Unicode and ways to convert old code to unicode or convert Mylti-Byte to Unicode.
Hope this is not to confusing, but I have some catching up to do. Be patient if my verbiage is not perfect.
Thanks in advance.
The documentation of _splitpath lists a Unicode (wchar_t based) version _wsplitpath. That's the one you should be using. Don't convert to ASCII or Windows ANSI, that will in general lose information and not produce a valid path when you recombine the pieces.
Modern Windows programming is Unicode based.
A Visual Studio C++ project is Unicode-based by default, in particular it defines the macro symbol UNICODE, which affects the declarations from <windows.h>.
All supported versions of Windows use Unicode internally throughout, and your application should, too. Windows uses UTF-16 encoding.
To make your application Unicode-enabled you need to perform the following steps:
Set up your project's Character Set to "Use Unicode Character Set" (if it's currently set to "Use Multi-Byte Character Set"). This is not strictly required, but it deals with those cases, where you aren't using the Unicode version explicitly.
Use wchar_t (in place of char or TCHAR) for your strings.
Use wide character string literals (L"..." in place of "...").
Use CStringW (in place of CStringA or CString) in an MFC project.
Explicitly call the Unicode version of the CRT (e.g. wcslen in place of strlen or _tcslen).
Explicitly call the Unicode version of any Windows API call where it exists (e.g. CreateWindowExW in place of CreateWindowExA or CreateWindowEx).
Try using _tsplitpath_s and TCHAR.
So the final code looks something like:
CString CFileOperation::ChangeFileName(CString sFileName)
TCHAR drive[MAX_PATH], dir[MAX_PATH], name[MAX_PATH], ext[MAX_PATH];
_tsplitpath_s(sFileName, drive, dir, name, ext); //error
------- other code
This will enable C++ compiler to use the correct character width during build time depending on the project settings

c++ Lithuanian language, how to get more than ascii

I am trying to use Lithuanian in my c++ application, but every try is unsuccesfull.
Multi-byte character set is used. I have tryed everything i have tought of, i am new in c++. Never ever tryed to do something in Lithuanian.
Tryed every setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8"); setlocale(LC_ALL, "Lithuanian");...
Researched for 2 hours and didnt found proper examples, solution.
I do have a average sized project which needs Lithuanian translation from database and it cant understand most of "ĄČĘĖĮŠŲŪąčęėįšųū".
Compiler - "Visual studio 2013"
Database - sqlite3.
I cant get simple strings to work(defined myself), and output as Lithuanian to win32 application, even.
In Windows use wide character strings (1UTF-16 encoding, wchar_t type) for internal text handling, and preferably UTF-8 for external text files and networking.
Note that Visual C++ will translate narrow text literals from the source encoding to Windows ANSI, which is a platform-dependent usually single-byte encoding (you can check which one via the GetACP API function), i.e., Visual C++ has the platform-specific Windows ANSI as its narrow C++ execution character set.
But also do note that for an app restricted to non-Windows platforms, i.e. Unix-land, it makes practical sense to do everything in UTF-8, based on char type.
For the database communication you may need to translate to and from the program's internal text representation.
This depends on what the database interface requires, which is not stated.
Example for console output in Windows:
#include <iostream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
auto main() -> int
_setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_WTEXT );
using namespace std;
wcout << L"ĄČĘĖĮŠŲŪąčęėįšųū" << endl;
To make this compile by default with g++, the source code encoding needs to be UTF-8. Then, to make it produce correct results with Visual C++ the source code encoding needs to be UTF-8 with BOM, which happily is also accepted by modern versions of g++. For otherwise the Visual C++ compiler will assume the Windows ANSI encoding and produce an incorrect UTF-16 string.
Not coincidentally this is the default meaning of UTF-8 in Windows, e.g. in the Notepad editor, namely UTF-8 with BOM.
But note that while in Windows the problem is that the main system compiler requires a BOM for UTF-8, in Unix-land the problem is the opposite, that many old tools can't handle the BOM (for example, even MinGW g++ 4.9.1 isn't yet entirely up to speed: it sometimes includes the BOM bytes, then incorrectly interpreted, in error messages).
1) On other platforms wide character text can be encoded in other ways, e.g. with UTF-32. In fact the Windows convention is in direct conflict with the C and C++ standards which require that a single wchar_t should be able to encode any character in the extended character set. However, this requirement was, AFAIK, imposed after Windows adopted UTF-16, so the fault probably lies with the politics of the C and C++ standardization process, not yet another Microsoft'ism.
Complexity of internationalisation
There are several related but distinct topics that can cause mismatches between them, making try and error approach very tedious:
type used for storing strings and chars: windows iuses wchar_t by default, but for most APIs you have also char equivalents functions
character set encoding this defines how the chars stored in the type are to be understood. For exemple unicode (UTF8, UTF16, UTF32), 7 bits ascii, 8 bit ansii. In windows, by default it is UTF16 for wchar_t and ansi/windows for char
locale defines, among other things, the character set asumptions, when processing strings. This permit to use language independent functions like isalpha(i, loc), islower(i, loc), ispunct(i, loc) to find out if a given character is alphanumeric, a lower case alphabetic, or a punctuation, for example to bereak down a user text into words. C++ offers here portable functions.
output codepage or font used to show a character to the user. This assumes that the font used shows the characters using the same character set used in the code internals.
source code encoding. For example your editor could assume an ansi encoding, with windows 1252 character set.
Most typical errors
The problem n°1 is Win32 console output, as unicode is not well supported by the console. But this is not your problem here.
Another cause of mismatch is the encoding of your text editor. It might not be unicode, but use a windows code page. In this case, you type "Č", the deditor displays it as such, but editor might use windows 1257 encoding for lithuanian and store 0xC8 in the file. If you then display this literal with a windows unicode function, it will interpret 0xC8 as "latin E grave accent" and print something else, as the right unicode encoding for "Č" is 0x010C !
I can be even worse: the compiler may have its own assumption about character set encoding used and convert your litterals into unicode using false assumptions (it happened to me when I used some exotic code generation switch).
How to do ?
To figure out what goes wront, proceed by elimination:
First, for plain windows, use the native unicode setting. Ok it's UTF16 and wchar_t instead of UTF8 and as thus comes with some drawbacks, but it's native and well supported.
Then use explict unicode coding in litterals, for example TEXT("\u010C") instead of TEXT("Č"). This avoids editor and compiler mismatch.
If it's still not the right character, make sure that your font FULLY supports unicode. The default system font for instance doesn't while most other do. You can easily check with the windows font pannel (WindowKey+R fonts then click on "search char") to display the character table of your font.
Set fonts explicitely in your code
For example, a very tiny experiment :
case WM_PAINT:
hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
auto hf = CreateFont(24, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, L"Times New Roman");
auto hfOld = SelectObject(hdc, hf); // if you comment this out, € and Č won't display
TextOut(hdc, 50, 50, L"Test with éç € \u010C special chars", 30);
SelectObject(hdc, hfOld);
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);

Printing out Korean in console C++

I am having trouble with printing out korean.
I have tried various methods with no avail.
I have tried
cout << "한글" << endl;
wcout << "한글" << endl;
setlocale(LC_ALL, "korean");
and more. But all of those prints "한글".
I am using MinGW compiler, and my OS is windows 7.
P.S Strangely Java prints out Korean fine,
String kor = "한글";
Set the console codepage to utf-8 before printing the text
Since you are using Windows 7 you can use WriteConsoleW which is part of the windows API. #include <windows.h> and try the following code:
DWORD numCharsToWrite = str.length();
LPDWORD numCharsWritten = NULL;
WriteConsoleW(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), str.c_str(), numCharsToWrite, numCharsWritten, NULL);
where str is the is a std::wstring
More on WriteConsoleW:
After having tried other methods this worked for me.
Problem is that there are a lot of places where this could be broken.
Here is answer I've posted some time ago (covers Korean). Answear is for MSVC, but same applies to MinGW (compiler switches are different, locale name may be different).
Here are 5 traps which makes this hard:
Source code encoding. Source has to use encoding which supports all required characters. Nowadays UTF-8 is recommended. It is best to make sure your editor (IDE) is properly configure to enforce source encoding.
You have to inform compiler what is encoding of source file. For gcc it is: -finput-charset=utf-8 (it is default)
Encoding used by executable. You have to define what kind of encoding string literals should be encode in final executable. This encoding should also cover required characters. Here UTF-8 is also the best. Gcc option is -fexec-charset=utf-8
When you run application you have to inform standard library what kind of encoding your string literals are define in or what encoding in program logic is used. So somewhere in your code at beginning of execution you need something like this (here UTF-8 is enforced):
and finally you have to instruct stream what kind of encoding it should use. So for std::cout and std::cin you should set locale which is default for the system:
auto streamLocale = std::locale{""};
// this impacts date/time/floating point formats, so you may want tweak it just to use sepecyfic encoding and use C-loclae for formating
After this everything should work as desired without code which explicitly does conversions.
Since there are 5 places to make mistake, this is reason people have trouble with it and internet is full of "hack" solutions.
Note that if system is not configured for support all needed characters (for example wrong code page is set) then with thsi configuration characters which could not be converted will be replaced with question mark.

printing Unicode characters C++

I'm trying to write a simple command line app to teach myself Japanese, but can't seem to get Unicode characters to print. What am I missing?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
wcout << L"こんにちは世界\n";
wcout << L"Hello World\n"
In this example only "Press any key to continue" is displayed. Tested on Visual C++ 2013.
This is not easy on Windows. Even when you manage to get the text to the Windows console you still need to configure cmd.exe to be able to display Japanese characters.
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "こんにちは世界\n";
This works fine on any system where:
The compiler's source and execution encodings include the characters.
The output device (e.g., the console) expects text in the same encoding as the compiler's execution encoding.
A font with the appropriate characters is available (usually not a problem).
Most platforms these days use UTF-8 by default for all these encodings and so can support the entire Unicode range with code similar to the above. Unfortunately Windows is not one of these platforms.
wcout << L"こんにちは世界\n";
In this line the string literal data is (at compile time) converted from the source encoding to the execution wide encoding and then (at run time) wcout uses the locale it is imbued with to convert the wchar_t data to char data for output. Where things go wrong is that the default locale is only required to support characters from the basic source character set, which doesn't even include all ASCII characters, let alone non-ASCII characters.
So the conversion results in an error, putting wcout into a bad state. The error has to be cleared before wcout will function again, which is why the second print statement does not output anything.
You can work around this for a limited range of characters by imbuing wcout with a locale that will successfully convert the characters. Unfortunately the encoding that is needed to support the entire Unicode range this way is UTF-8; Although Microsoft's implementation of streams supports other multibyte encodings it very specifically does not support UTF-8.
For example:
wcout.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>()));
wcout << L"こんにちは世界\n";
Here wcout will correctly convert the string to UTF-8, and if the output were written to a file instead of the console then the file would contain the correct UTF-8 data. However the Windows console, even though configured here to accept UTF-8 data, simply will not accept UTF-8 data written in this way.
There are a few options:
Avoid the standard library entirely:
WriteConsoleW(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), L"こんにちは世界\n", 8, &n, nullptr);
Use non-standard magical incantation that will break standard code:
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U8TEXT);
std::wcout << L"こんにちは世界\n";
After setting this mode std::cout << "Hello, World"; will crash.
Use a low level IO API along with manual conversion:
#include <codecvt>
#include <locale>
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> convert;
Using any of these methods, cmd.exe will display the correct text to the best of its ability, by which I mean it will display unreadable boxes. Seven little boxes, for the given string.
You can copy the text out of cmd.exe and into notepad.exe or whatever to see the correct glyphs.
There's a whole article about dealing with Unicode in Windows console
Basically, you may implement you own streambuf for std::cout (or std::wcout) in terms of WriteConsoleW and enjoy writing UTF-8 (or whatever Unicode you want) to Windows console without depending on locales, console code pages and even without using wide characters.
It may not look very straightforward, but it's convenient and reusable solution, which is also able to give you a portable utf8-everywhere style user code. Please, don't beat me for my English :)
Or you can change Windows locale to Japanese.