segmentation fault after linking c++ file with asm file [duplicate] - c++

I am currently learning x86 assembly. Something is not clear to me still however when using the stack for function calls. I understand that the call instruction will involve pushing the return address on the stack and then load the program counter with the address of the function to call. The ret instruction will load this address back to the program counter.
My confusion is, does it matter when the ret instruction is called within the procedure/function? Will it always find the correct return address stored on the stack, or must the stack pointer be currently pointing to where the return address was stored? If that's the case, can't we just use push and pop instead of call and ret?
For example, the code below could be the first on entering the function , if we push different registers on the stack, must the ret instruction only be called after the registers are popped in the reverse order so that after the pop %ebp instruction , the stack pointer will point to the correct place on the stack where the return address is, or will it still find it regardless where it is called? Thanks in advance
push %ebp
mov %ebp, %esp
//push other registers
//pop other registers
mov %esp, %ebp
(could ret instruction go here for example and still pop the correct return address?)
pop %ebp

You must leave the stack and non-volatile registers as you found them. The calling function has no clue what you might have done with them otherwise - the calling function will simply continue to its next instruction after ret. Only ret after you're done cleaning up.
ret will always look to the top of the stack for its return address and will pop it into EIP. If the ret is a "far" return then it will also pop the code segment into the CS register (which would also have been pushed by call for a "far" call). Since these are the first things pushed by call, they must be the last things popped by ret. Otherwise you'll end up reting somewhere undefined.

The CPU has no idea what is function/etc... The ret instruction will fetch value from memory pointed to by esp a jump there. For example you can do things like (to illustrate the CPU is not interested into how you structurally organize your source code):
; slow alternative to "jmp continue_there_address"
push continue_there_address
Also you don't need to restore the registers from stack, (not even restore them to the original registers), as long as esp points to the return address when ret is executed, it will be used:
call SomeFunction
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
add esp,8 ; forget about last 2 push
pop ecx ; ecx = original eax
ret ; returns back after call
If your function should be interoperable from other parts of code, you may still want to store/restore the registers as required by the calling convention of the platform you are programming for, so from the caller point of view you will not modify some register value which should be preserved, etc... but none of that bothers CPU and executing instruction ret, the CPU just loads value from stack ([esp]), and jumps there.
Also when the return address is stored to stack, it does not differ from other values pushed to stack in any way, all of them are just values written in memory, so the ret has no chance to somehow find "return address" in stack and skip "values", for CPU the values in memory look the same, each 32 bit value is that, 32 bit value. Whether it was stored by call, push, mov, or something else, doesn't matter, that information (origin of value) is not stored, only value.
If that's the case, can't we just use push and pop instead of call and ret?
You can certainly push preferred return address into stack (my first example). But you can't do pop eip, there's no such instruction. Actually that's what ret does, so pop eip is effectively the same thing, but no x86 assembly programmer use such mnemonics, and the opcode differs from other pop instructions. You can of course pop the return address into different register, like eax, and then do jmp eax, to have slow ret alternative (modifying also eax).
That said, the complex modern x86 CPUs do keep some track of call/ret pairings (to predict where the next ret will return, so it can prefetch the code ahead quickly), so if you will use one of those alternative non-standard ways, at some point the CPU will realize it's prediction system for return address is off the real state, and it will have to drop all those caches/preloads and re-fetch everything from real eip value, so you may pay performance penalty for confusing it.

In the example code, if the return was done before pop %ebp, it would attempt to return to the "address" that was in ebp at the start of the function, which would be the wrong address to return to.


Understanding the assembly language for if-else in following code [duplicate]

What happens if i say 'call ' instead of jump? Since there is no return statement written, does control just pass over to the next line below, or is it still returned to the line after the call?
mov $0, %eax
jmp two
mov $1, %eax
cmp %eax, $1
call one
mov $10, %eax
The CPU always executes the next instruction in memory, unless a branch instruction sends execution somewhere else.
Labels don't have a width, or any effect on execution. They just allow you to make reference to this address from other places. Execution simply falls through labels, even off the end of your code if you don't avoid that.
If you're familiar with C or other languages that have goto (example), the labels you use to mark places you can goto to work exactly the same as asm labels, and jmp / jcc work exactly like goto or if(EFLAGS_condition) goto. But asm doesn't have special syntax for functions; you have to implement that high-level concept yourself.
If you leave out the ret at the end of a block of code, execution keeps doing and decodes whatever comes next as instructions. (Maybe What would happen if a system executes a part of the file that is zero-padded? if that was the last function in an asm source file, or maybe execution falls into some CRT startup function that eventually returns.)
(In which case you could say that the block you're talking about isn't a function, just part of one, unless it's a bug and a ret or jmp was intended.)
You can (and maybe should) try this yourself in a debugger. Single-step through that code and watch RSP and RIP change. The nice thing about asm is that the total state of the CPU (excluding memory contents) is not very big, so it's possible to watch the entire architectural state in a debugger window. (Well, at least the interesting part that's relevant for user-space integer code, so excluding model-specific registers that the only the OS can tweak, and excluding the FPU and vector registers.)
call and ret aren't "special" (i.e. the CPU doesn't "remember" that it's inside a "function").
They just do exactly what the manual says they do, and it's up to you to use them correctly to implement function calls and returns. (e.g. make sure the stack pointer is pointing at a return address when ret runs.) It's also up to you to get the calling convention correct, and all that stuff. (See the x86 tag wiki.)
There's also nothing special about a label that you jmp to vs. a label that you call. An assembler just assembles bytes into the output file, and remembers where you put label markers. It doesn't truly "know" about functions the way a C compiler does. You can put labels wherever you want, and it doesn't affect the machine code bytes.
Using the .globl one directive would tell the assembler to put an entry in the symbol table so the linker could see it. That would let you define a label that's usable from other files, or even callable from C. But that's just meta-data in the object file and still doesn't put anything between instructions.
Labels are just part of the machinery that you can use in asm to implement the high-level concept of a "function", aka procedure or subroutine: A label for callers to call to, and code that will eventually jump back to a return address the caller passed, one way or another. But not every label is the start of a function. Some are just the tops of loops, or other targets of conditional branches within a function.
Your code would run exactly the same way if you emulated call with an equivalent push of the return address and then a jmp.
mov $1, %eax
# missing ret so we fall through
cmp %eax, $1
# call one # emulate it instead with push+jmp
pushl $.Lreturn_address
jmp one
mov $10, %eax
# fall off into whatever comes next, if it ever reaches here.
Note that this sequence only works in non-PIC code, because the absolute return address is encoded into the push imm32 instruction. In 64-bit code with a spare register available, you can use a RIP-relative lea to get the return address into a register and push that before jumping.
Also note that while architecturally the CPU doesn't "remember" past CALL instructions, real implementations run faster by assuming that call/ret pairs will be matched, and use a return-address predictor to avoid mispredicts on the ret.
Why is RET hard to predict? Because it's an indirect jump to an address stored in memory! It's equivalent to pop %internal_tmp / jmp *%internal_tmp, so you can emulate it that way if you have a spare register to clobber (e.g. rcx is not call-preserved in most calling conventions, and not used for return values). Or if you have a red-zone so values below the stack-pointer are still safe from being asynchronously clobbered (by signal handlers or whatever), you could add $8, %rsp / jmp *-8(%rsp).
Obviously for real use you should just use ret, because it's the most efficient way to do that. I just wanted to point out what it does using multiple simpler instructions. Nothing more, nothing less.
Note that functions can end with a tail-call instead of a ret:
(see this on Godbolt)
int ext_func(int a); // something that the optimizer can't inline
int foo(int a) {
return ext_func(a+a);
# asm output from clang:
add edi, edi
jmp ext_func # TAILCALL
The ret at the end of ext_func will return to foo's caller. foo can use this optimization because it doesn't need to make any modifications to the return value or do any other cleanup.
In the SystemV x86-64 calling convention, the first integer arg is in edi. So this function replaces that with a+a, then jumps to the start of ext_func. On entry to ext_func, everything is in the correct state just like it would be if something had run call ext_func. The stack pointer is pointing to the return address, and the args are where they're supposed to be.
Tail-call optimizations can be done more often in a register-args calling convention than in a 32-bit calling convention that passes args on the stack. You often run into situations where you have a problem because the function you want to tail-call takes more args than the current function, so there isn't room to rewrite our own args into args for the function. (And compilers don't tend to create code that modifies its own args, even though the ABI is very clear that functions own the stack space holding their args and can clobber it if they want.)
In a calling convention where the callee cleans the stack (with ret 8 or something to pop another 8 bytes after the return address), you can only tail-call a function that takes exactly the same number of arg bytes.
Your intuition is correct: the control just passes to the next line below after the function returns.
In your case, after call one, your function will jump to mov $1, %eax and then continue down to cmp %eax, $1 and end up in an infinite loop as you will call one again.
Beyond just an infinite loop, your function will eventually go beyond its memory constraints since a call command writes the current rip (instruction pointer) to the stack. Eventually, you'll overflow the stack.

What is the significance of the LEA instruction "=> 0xb48daed9 <+3479>: lea -0xc(%ebp),%esp"?

Could anyone tell me what is the significance of this assembly instruction:
0xb48daed9 <+3479>: lea -0xc(%ebp),%esp
I am not very comfortable with Assembly instructions. Actually I am getting a SIGABRT in my application and the culprit, it seems, is this particular assembly instruction.
On the mechanical level, the instruction
lea -0xc(%ebp),%esp
adds -0xc (that is: -12) to %ebp and writes the result to %esp.
On the logical level, it allocates a called function's stack frame. I'd expect to see it in a context similar to this:
push %ebp ; save previous base pointer
mov %esp,%ebp ; set %ebp = %esp: old stack pointer is new base pointer
lea -0xc(%ebp),%esp ; allocate 12 bytes for local variables
%ebp and %esp are the stack pointer registers. %ebp points to the base of the stack frame and %esp to its "top" (actually the bottom because the stack grows downward), so the lea instruction moves the stack pointer 12 bytes below the base, staking a claim of 12 bytes for local variables. Doing this after saving the old base pointer and setting the new base pointer to the old stack pointer pushes a new frame of 12 bytes onto the call stack.
It seems unlikely that this instruction itself causes a trap, but in the event of a stack overflow, the allocated stack frame will be invalid and explosions are expected when trying to use it. My suspicion is that you have a runaway recursive function.
Another possibility, as #abligh mentions, is that the stack pointer became corrupted somewhere along the line. This can happen, among other things, if a buffer overflow happens in a stack-allocated buffer so that a previously saved base pointer is overwritten with garbage. Upon return from the function, the garbage is restored in lieu of the overwritten base pointer, and a subsequent function call will not have anything sensible with which to work.
lea -0xc(%ebp),%esp will:
compute the effective address [1] of %ebp - 12, and
store it in %esp
It has been/is used to perform fast arithmetic with memory operands. According to the Intel manual, it may throw an exception if the source operand is not a memory location.
[1] "Effective address", in Intel's parlance, is an offset which is supplied either as a static value or an address computation of the form: Offset = Base + (Index * Scale) + Displacement

Function Prologue and Epilogue in C

I know data in nested function calls go to the Stack.The stack itself implements a step-by-step method for storing and retrieving data from the stack as the functions get called or returns.The name of these methods is most known as Prologue and Epilogue.
I tried with no success to search material on this topic. Do you guys know any resource ( site,video, article ) about how function prologue and epilogue works generally in C ? Or if you can explain would be even better.
P.S : I just want some general view, not too detailed.
There are lots of resources out there that explain this:
Function prologue (Wikipedia)
x86 Disassembly/Calling Conventions (WikiBooks)
Considerations for Writing Prolog/Epilog Code (MSDN)
to name a few.
Basically, as you somewhat described, "the stack" serves several purposes in the execution of a program:
Keeping track of where to return to, when calling a function
Storage of local variables in the context of a function call
Passing arguments from calling function to callee.
The prolouge is what happens at the beginning of a function. Its responsibility is to set up the stack frame of the called function. The epilog is the exact opposite: it is what happens last in a function, and its purpose is to restore the stack frame of the calling (parent) function.
In IA-32 (x86) cdecl, the ebp register is used by the language to keep track of the function's stack frame. The esp register is used by the processor to point to the most recent addition (the top value) on the stack. (In optimized code, using ebp as a frame pointer is optional; other ways of unwinding the stack for exceptions are possible, so there's no actual requirement to spend instructions setting it up.)
The call instruction does two things: First it pushes the return address onto the stack, then it jumps to the function being called. Immediately after the call, esp points to the return address on the stack. (So on function entry, things are set up so a ret could execute to pop that return address back into EIP. The prologue points ESP somewhere else, which is part of why we need an epilogue.)
Then the prologue is executed:
push ebp ; Save the stack-frame base pointer (of the calling function).
mov ebp, esp ; Set the stack-frame base pointer to be the current
; location on the stack.
sub esp, N ; Grow the stack by N bytes to reserve space for local variables
At this point, we have:
ebp + 4: Return address
ebp + 0: Calling function's old ebp value
ebp - 4: (local variables)
The epilog:
mov esp, ebp ; Put the stack pointer back where it was when this function
; was called.
pop ebp ; Restore the calling function's stack frame.
ret ; Return to the calling function.
C Function Call Conventions and the Stack explains well the concept of a call stack
Function prologue briefly explains the assembly code and the hows and whys.
The gen on function perilogues
I am quite late to the party & I am sure that in the last 7 years since the question was asked, you'd have gotten a way clearer understanding of things, that is of course if you chose to pursue the question any further. However, I thought I would still give a shot at especially the why part of the prolog & the epilog.
Also, the accepted answer elegantly & quite simply explains the how of the epilog & the prolog, with good references. I only intend to supplement that answer with the why (at least the logical why) part.
I will quote the below from the accepted answer & try to extend it's explanation.
In IA-32 (x86) cdecl, the ebp register is used by the language to keep
track of the function's stack frame. The esp register is used by the
processor to point to the most recent addition (the top value) on the
The call instruction does two things: First it pushes the return
address onto the stack, then it jumps to the function being called.
Immediately after the call, esp points to the return address on the
The last line in the quote above says immediately after the call, esp points to the return address on the stack.
Why's that?
So let's say that our code that's getting currently executed has the following situation, as shown in the (really badly drawn) diagram below
So our next instruction to be executed is, say at the address 2. This is where the EIP is pointing. The current instruction has a function call (that would internally translate to the assembly call instruction).
Now ideally, because the EIP is pointing to the very next instruction, that would indeed be the next instruction to get executed. But since there's sort of a diversion from the current execution flow path, (that is now expected because of the call) the EIP's value would change. Why? Because now another instruction, that may be somewhere else, say at the address 1234 (or whatever), may need to get executed. But in order to complete the execution flow of the program as was intended by the programmer, after the diversion activities are done, the control must return back to the address 2 as that is what should have been executed next should the diversion have not happened. Let us call this address 2 as the return address in the context of the call that is being made.
Problem 1
So, before the diversion actually happens, the return address, 2, would need to be stored somewhere temporarily.
There could have been many choices of storing it in any of the available registers, or some memory location etc. But for (I believe good reason) it was decided that the return address would be stored onto the stack.
So what needs to be done now is increment the ESP (the stack pointer) such that the top of the stack now points at the next address on the stack. So TOS' (TOS before the increment) which was pointing to the address, say 292, now gets incremented & starts pointing to the address 293. That is where we put our return address 2. So something like this:
So it looks like now we have achieved our goal of temporarily storing the return address somewhere. We should now just go about making the diversion call. And we could. But there's a small problem. During the execution of the called function, the stack pointer, along with the other register values, could be manipulated multiple times.
Problem 2
So, although the return address of ours, is still stored on the stack, at location 293, after the called function finishes off executing, how would the execution flow know that it should now goto 293 & that's where it would find the return address?
So (I believe for good reason again) one of the ways of solving the above problem could be to store the stack address 293 (where the return address is) in a (designated) register called EBP. But then what about the contents of EBP? Would that not be overwritten? Sure, that's a valid point. So let's store the current contents of EBP on to the stack & then store this stack address into EBP. Something like this:
The stack pointer is incremented. The current value of EBP (denoted as EBP'), which is say xxx, is stored onto the top of the stack, i.e. at the address 294. Now that we have taken a backup of the current contents of EBP, we can safely put any other value onto the EBP. So we put the current address of the top of the stack, that is the address 294, in EBP.
With the above strategy in place, we solve for the Problem 2 discussed above. How? So now when the execution flow wants to know where from should it fetch the return address, it would :
first get the value from EBP out and point the ESP to that value. In our case, this would make TOS (top of stack) point to the address 294 (since that is what is stored in EBP).
Then it would restore the previous value of EBP. To do this it would simply take the value at 294 (the TOS), which is xxx (which was actually the older value of EBP), & put it back to EBP.
Then it would decrement the stack pointer to go to the next lower address in the stack which is 293 in our case. Thus finally reaching 293 (see that's what our problem 2 was). That's where it would find the return address, which is 2.
It will finally pop this 2 out into the EIP, that's the instruction that should have ideally been executed should the diversion have not happened, remember.
And the steps that we just saw being performed, with all the jugglery, to store the return address temporarily & then retrieve it is exactly what gets done with the function prolog (before the function call) & the epilog (before the function ret). The how was already answered, we just answered the why as well.
Just an end note: For the sake of brevity, I have not taken care of the fact that the stack addresses may grow the other way round.
Every function has an identical prologue(The starting of function code) and epilogue ( The ending of a function).
Prologue: The structure of Prologue is look like:
push ebp
mov esp,ebp
Epilogue: The structure of Prologue is look like:
More in detail : what is Prologue and Epilogue

Assembler push rdi, pop rdi around function call

What's purpose of push rdi and pop rdi when calling function in C++?
VS2010, x64, debug, no optimizations
int calc()
return 8 + 7;
int calc()
000000013F0B1020 push rdi
return 8 + 7;
000000013F0B1022 mov eax,0Fh
000000013F0B1027 pop rdi
000000013F0B1028 ret
There is no purpose to it. This is a common artifact of unoptimized code. The code generator emits the push edi instruction in anticipation of having to perform an addition. The EDI register must be preserved across function calls. But then, later, figures out that the addition can be performed at compile time.
Getting rid of extraneous code like this requires "peephole optimization". But that optimization isn't enabled in the Debug build. To know what the real code look like, you have to turn on the optimizer, best done by building the Release build. It in fact will completely eliminate the function, you can prevent it from doing so with:
__declspec(noline) int calc()
return 8 + 7;
Which produces in the Release build:
return 8 + 7;
000007F7038E1000 mov eax,0Fh
000007F7038E1005 ret
Have you heard of "caller-save" and "callee-save" registers?
Since your CPU only has a small, finite number of registers, it's usually impossible for caller/called functions to always use different registers. If a caller function and called function both want to use the same register, it means the value in the caller will have to be saved/restored before/after the call.
Saving/restoring register values can be done either by the caller or by the callee -- which one does so is a matter of convention. The benefit of "caller-save" registers is that if the caller knows it won't need the value in register XYZ after the call, it can omit the save/restore operations. The benefit of "callee-save" registers is that if the callee knows it won't modify the value in register XYZ, it can omit the save/restore operations.
I'm guessing that your compiler treats RDI as a callee-save register, but doesn't omit the unnecessary save/restore operations unless you have compiler optimizations turned on. (If someone knows this is incorrect, please post another answer!)
UPDATE: I found an article on x86 calling conventions:
It seems to confirm that with most calling conventions, RDI would be callee-save. This doesn't explain why it isn't pushing and popping all the other callee-save registers. Maybe there is something else going on here.

OCaml calling convention: is this an accurate summary?

I've been trying to find the OCaml calling convention so that I can manually interpret the stack traces that gdb can't parse. Unfortunately, it seems like nothing has ever been written down in English except for general observations. E.g., people will comment on blogs that OCaml passes many arguments in registers. (If there is English documentation somewhere, a link would be much appreciated.)
So I've been trying to puzzle it out from the ocamlopt source. Could anyone confirm the accuracy of these guesses?
And, if I'm right about the first ten arguments being passed in registers, is it just not generally possible to recover the arguments to a function call? In C, the arguments would still be pushed onto the stack somewhere, if only I walk back up to the correct frame. In OCaml, it would seem that callees are free to destroy their callers' arguments.
Register allocation (from /asmcomp/amd64/
For calling into OCaml functions,
The first 10 integer and pointer arguments are passed in the registers rax, rbx, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9, r10 and r11
The first 10 floating-point arguments are passed in the registers xmm0 - xmm9
Additional arguments are pushed onto the stack (leftmost-first-in?), floats and ints and pointers intermixed
The trap pointer (see Exceptions below) is passed in r14
The allocation pointer (presumably for the minor heap as described in this blog post) is passed in r15
The return value is passed back in rax if it is an integer or pointer, and in xmm0 if it is a float
All registers are caller-save?
For calling into C functions, the standard amd64 C convention is used:
The first six integer and pointer arguments are passed in rdi, rsi, rdx, rcs, r8, and r9
The first eight float arguments are passed in xmm0 - xmm7
Additional arguments are pushed onto the stack
The return value is passed back in rax or xmm0
The registers rbx, rbp, and r12 - r15 are callee-save
Return address (from /asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp)
The return address is the first pointer pushed into the call frame, in accordance with amd64 C convention. (I'm guessing the ret instruction assumes this layout.)
Exceptions (from /asmcomp/
The code try (...body...) with (...handler...); ( gets linearized like this:
Lsetuptrap .body
Lbranch .join
Llabel .body
Llabel .join
and then emitted as assembly like this (destinations on the right):
call .body
jmp .join
pushq %r14
movq %rsp, %r14
popq %r14
addq %rsp, 8
Somewhere in the body, there's a linearized opcode Lraise which gets emitted as this exact assembly:
movq %r14, %rsp
popq %r14
Which is really neat! Instead of this setjmp/longjmp business, we create a dummy frame whose return address is the exception handler and whose only local is the previous such dummy frame. The /asmcomp/amd64/ has a comment calling $r14 the "trap pointer" so I'll call this dummy frame the trap frame. When we want to raise an exception, we set the stack pointer to the most recent trap frame, set the trap pointer to the trap frame before that, and then "return" into the exception handler. And I bet if the exception handler can't handle this exception, it just reraises it.
The exception is in %eax.
This is more an answer than a question! The bit I know on this topic, I have learned by looking at the source, just like you, so don't expect further precisions to be much more authoritative than your post.
Yes, I think OCaml uses specialized calling conventions with caller-save registers only. A benefit of this choice is that it simplifies tail-calls: when you jump through a tail-call¹, you don't have to spill or reload any register.
¹: for non-self tail calls, this only works when there are not too much arguments, and therefore we don't need to spill. If stack allocation is needed, the call is turned into a non-tail call.
Note that calling conventions still depends strongly on the target architecture. On x86 for example, a small numbers of globals are used when the registers are exhausted and before spilling on the stack, to preserve tail-calls.
I also agree on "leftmost-first-in": arguments are traversed in order by calling_conventions in, stored in offset order by slot_offset in emit.mlp; they where computed right-to-left, but returned in order, in
Yes, you cannot recover the arguments from a call, as OCaml tries to reuse registers as much as possible, and will thus destroy their content if it is not useful anymore in the remaining of a function. Debuggers have no way to print the arguments, they can only, at a given point in the function, print the variables that are still live, but for that, you would need to modify ocamlopt to dump DWARF code to recover the values.