Why is my C++ output not showing in VS Code Terminal (GCC) [closed] - c++

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Trying to get the output of my basic C++ program in VS Code but it's not displaying in terminal
Using the run icon
This is what is being in the terminal Terminal screenshot
However, if I do this, then the output is shown as usual
Using Run tab and debugging
Please let me know what is happening here, I don't understand why it's happening this way but not the other way
Also, I have this extension installed in case it makes a difference Extension

Your source code file is named "full pyramid". This is causing the compiler to try to compile it as two separate files, called "full" and "pyramid". Try naming the file "full_pyramid" instead.


the problem in terminal ( Warning: Debuggee TargetArchitecture not detected, assuming x86_64.) [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I recently installed c++ in vs code and I want to get the "enter image description hereHello World" code in that run, but I ran into a problem that I don't even know where the error is.enter image description here
i update the powershell but did not work

Unable to open an Excel file created using <CFSavecontent> in office 365 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have several spreadsheets that are being generated using <cfsaveContent>. All this while it worked fine, but now that we are moved to office365, those files .XLS cannot be opened anymore. Does someone know of a utility or API to which I can pass the generated file and convert it to a valid Excel format?
Thank you for the help in advance.
I don't know about a utility to convert existing files, but you'll want to start using either cfspreadsheet if you're using ACF or use Apache POI via Java.
We have experienced the same issue. It relates to a security patch in Excel. Make sure your HTML table containing the data in the CFSaveContent is valid html with thead, tbody, ect. That fixed it for us.

C++ generated csv vs Open Office export [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've finished a little application in c++ that parses a table of ~15k records into a .csv file.
The problem I'm having is that a third-party application that's supposed to use this file as source (Magmi) won't recognize the fields from my generated csv. However, if I simply open the same file with Open Office Calc and export it again as a .csv, it works perfectly fine with no other changes whatsoever.
I initially thought this might be a windows CR/LF issue, so I recompiled the application on linux and checked with notepad++ to make sure there's no surplus CR in there, and there isn't. All the line endings are LF.
Can someone please give me a hint as to what am I missing?
It turns out it was a permissions issue that was causing the problem. Since my dev. environment is set on a VM, I was copying the output file into the import folder (never really though to see if the permissions were the cause). The ownership remained with the original user the file originated from, causing it to work when it was exported from Open Office, but failing when I tried to use the original one.
Thanks all.

Dev C++ doesn't display all my outputs [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i just finished my c++ program and everything is working just fine !
The thing is Dev C++ does NOT display all my outputs , but only a number of em , while cropping the others(the first ones) ! If i remove the last cout's , i will get the right outputs ! Any help please to get all my outputs !!?`
If your program writes more lines of output than there are on the screen, the first lines will scroll off the top of the screen. If you remove the last ones, then the first ones won't scroll off the top, and you'll be able to see them.

Google Chart API QR Code don't work [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I try to generate a QR code with the Chart API. This works but when I try to read the QR code it doesn't recognize the text. When I try to read other QR codes it works fine. Here is the test URL: https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=150x150&ch1=Test
The final parameter name is chl not ch1.