We are in the process of configuring Kubectl to manage our cluster in Azure Kubernetes Service - kubectl

1.Can we get azure kubectl(exe/bin) as downloadable link instead of installing it using command line 'az aks install-cli' or can I use the kubectl from kuberenetes?
2.Is there any azure-cli command to change the default location of kubeconfig file, As by default it is pointing to '.kube\config' in windows ?
Example : Instead of using '--kubeconfig' flag like 'kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig D:\config' can we able to change the default location ?

you can use the default kubernetes CLI (kubectl) and you can get credentials with the Azure CLI az aks get-credentials --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --name <AKS_CLUSTER_NAME> or over the Azure portal UI.
You can use the flag --kubeconfig=<PATH> or you can overwrite the default value of the variable KUBECONFIG that is pointing to $HOME/.kube/config with KUBECONFIG=<PATH>.
export KUBECONFIG=D:\config


Error `executable aws not found` with kubectl config defined by `aws eks update-kubeconfig`

I defined my KUBECONFIG for the AWS EKS cluster:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region eu-west-1 --name yb-demo
but got the following error when using kubectl:
Use "kubectl <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
Use "kubectl options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
[opc#C eks]$ kubectl get sc
Unable to connect to the server: getting credentials: exec: executable aws not found
It looks like you are trying to use a client-go credential plugin that is not installed.
To learn more about this feature, consult the documentation available at:
You can also append your custom aws cli installation path to the $PATH variable in ~/.bash_profile: export PATH=$PATH:<path to aws cli program directory>. This way you do not need to sed the kubeconfig file every time you add an EKS cluster. Also you will be able to use aws command at the command prompt without specifying full path to the program for every execution.
I had this problem when installing kubectx on Ubuntu Linux via a Snap package. It does not seem to be able to access the AWS CLI then. I worked around the issue by removing the Snap package and just using the shell scripts instead.
It seems that in ~/.kube/config the command: aws doesn't use the PATH environment and doesn't find it. Here is how to change it to the full path:
sed -e "/command: aws/s?aws?$(which aws)?" -i ~/.kube/config

Can you access the Airflow CLI within Google Cloud Composer?

I'm aware that many of the common Airflow management commands are made available through the gcloud CLI. However, I'm troubleshooting some DAG scheduling and would like to use the schedule and next_execution commands directly on the cluster.
Is there an easy way to do this?
It's possible to access the full Airflow CLI by using kubectl exec to SSH into Composer pods. To do so, obtain the name of the GKE cluster associated with your environment, and get cluster credentials for it:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --zone=$ZONE
Then, use kubectl to check for the Composer namespace, and then find a pod and SSH to it:
kubectl get namespaces | grep composer
kubectl get pods --namespace=$NAMESPACE | grep airflow
kubectl exec -it --namespace=$NAMESPACE $POD_NAME -- bash
From within a pod, you can use airflow with any command supported by that version of Airflow. However, it should also be noted that this also provides full access to commands that can make your environment permanently unusable (such as resetdb), so they should be used with care.

Location of /home/airflow

I have specified 3 nodes when creating a cloud composer environment. I tried to connect to worker nodes via SSH but I am not able to find airflow directory in /home. So where exactly is it located?
Cloud Composer runs Airflow on GKE, so you won't find data directly on any of the host GCE instances. Instead, Airflow processes are run within Kubernetes-managed containers, which either mount or sync data to the /home/airflow directory. To find the directory you will need to look within a running container.
Since each environment stores its Airflow data in a GCS bucket, you can alternatively inspect files by using Cloud Console or gsutil. If you really want to view /home/airflow with a shell, you can use kubectl exec which allows you to run commands/open a shell on any pod/container in the Kubernetes cluster. For example:
# Obtain the name of the Composer environment's GKE cluster
$ gcloud composer environments describe $ENV_NAME
# Fetch Kubernetes credentials for that cluster
$ gcloud container cluster get-credentials $GKE_CLUSTER_NAME
Once you have Kubernetes credentials, you can list running pods and SSH into them:
# List running pods
$ kubectl get pods
# SSH into a pod
$ kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME bash
airflow-worker-a93j$ ls /home/airflow

Import manually created K8s cluster into KOps

It's been sometime I've visited all the web pages carrying word "KOps import" but did not find a way to import my manually created K8s cluster. Manually created cluster means "Deployed Infra on AWS using Terraform and Kubernetes using Terraform's provisioner script as Shell script". Now as I see managing the environment manually is a pain, I look forward to move it under KOps. For that I have done the following so far:
Installed aws cli, kubectl and kops in my local machine.
Created KOps user with policies AmazonEC2FullAccess,
AmazonRoute53FullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, IAMFullAccess,
AmazonVPCFullAccess and generated access and secret keys.
Configured credentials using aws configure.
Created S3 bucket to store state.
Set env variables like Region and Cluster name.
Finally, ran kops import command as below:
kops import cluster --region ${REGION} --name ${OLD_NAME}
But encountered below error:
Cluster.kops "jjm-prod-use1-kubernetes" not found
$ kops import cluster --region ${REGION} --name ${OLD_NAME} -v 10
I0131 16:32:12.059651 25683 factory.go:68] state store s3://kops-state-store-jjm
I0131 16:32:13.133145 25683 s3context.go:194] found bucket in region "us-east-1"
I0131 16:32:13.133174 25683 s3fs.go:220] Reading file "s3://kops-state-store-jjm/jjm-prod-use1-kubernetes/config"
Which made me serious about posting this question. Is there any possible way where a K8s cluster created except using kubeup.sh can be brought under the control of KOps ? Please advise.
Note: There's no way I can re-create (destroy and create) the clusters as they are running in production.
EDIT: I know this can be achieved only the cluster was setup using kubeup.sh. But is there any other way ?
That is only possible with cluster bootstrapped via kube-up.sh script as officialy announced in Kops documentation pages. Actually, kube-up.sh has been excluded from the list of supported Kubernetes installation tools for AWS. Although, cluster composed by kube-up.sh provides a lot of customization settings which are specifically applicable to AWS, the initial script uses environmental variables to define these settings. Therefore, I assume that it's quite hard to achieve in your case.

Unable to connect to Google Container Engine

I've updated gcloud to the latest version (159.0.0)
I created a Google Container Engine node, and then followed the instructions in the prompt.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials prod --zone us-west1-b --project myproject
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for prod
kubectl proxy
Unable to connect to the server: error executing access token command
"/Users/me/Code/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud ": exit status
Any idea why is it not able to connect?
You can try to run to see if the config was generated correctly:
kubectl config view
I had a similar issue when trying to run kubectl commands on a new Kubernetes cluster just created on Google Cloud Platform.
The solution for my case was to activate Google Application Default Credentials.
You can find a link below on how to activate it.
Basically, you need to set an environmental variable to the path of the .json with the credentials from GCP
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS -> c:\...\..\..Credentials.json exported from Google Cloud
I found this solution on a kuberenetes github issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/30617
PS: make sure you have also set the environmental variables for:
It looks like the default auth plugin for GKE might be buggy on windows. kubectl is trying to run gcloud to get a token to authenticate to your cluster. If you run kubectl config view you can see the command it tried to run, and run it yourself to see if/why it fails.
As Alexandru said, a workaround is to use Google Application Default Credentials. Actually, gcloud container has built in support for doing this, which you can toggle by setting a property:
gcloud config set container/use_application_default_credentials true
or set environment variable
Using GKE, update the credentials from the "Kubernetes Engine/Cluster" management worked for me.
The cluster line provides "Connect" button that copy the credentials commands into console. And this refresh the used token. And then kubectl works again.
Why my token expired? well, i suppose GCP token are not eternal.
So, the button plays the same command automatically that :
gcloud container clusters get-credentials your-cluster ...