sending the verification code to the SMS and not to the application - telegram-api

is it possible to define how the verification code will be sent when calling the LoginUserIfNeeded method? I need to send it via SMS and not to the application.

Telegram servers decide by themselves through which method to send the code initially.
However if the user did not receive the code (eventually after a given timeout), he can request the code to be sent through an alternative method:
In WTelegramClient, this is done by returning an empty string for "verification_code" (typically, only on the first try)
You should probably first check through which medium Telegram sent the code:
The client.OnUpdate event receives a Auth_SentCode object specifying details (type) about the transmitted verification code. Then you can decide to reply the empty string only if it was transmitted through a medium you don't have access to.
You can check via the Auth_SentCode.next_type field which method will be used to send the code on the next try. (and you can possibly reply an empty verification_code again to try yet another method)
Additionally, on the call to LoginUserIfNeeded you can pass a CodeSettings instance which offer some limited options about the enabled methods for sending of the code.


Webservice with always in memory object with queue

I have a function to give recommendations to users. This function need to make a lot of calcs to start, but after start it use the already calculed matrix on memory. After this, any other calc that is made, "fills" the object in memory to continuous learning.
My intention is to use this function to website users, but the response need to come from the same "object" in memory and need to be sequential by request because it is not thread safe.
How is the best way to get this working? My first idea was use signalr so the user dont need to wait to response and a queue to send the requests to objects. But how the signalr can receive the response for this specific request?
The entire flow is:
User enter on a page.
A javascript will call a service with the user ID and actual page.
The server will queue the ID an page.
The service will be calculating the results for each request on queue and sending responses.
The server will "receive" the response and send back to client.
The main problem is that I dont see a way to the service receive the response to send back to client until it is complete, without need to be looping in queues.
If you are going to use SignalR, I would suggest using a hub method to accept these potentially long running requests from the client. By doing so it should be obvious "how the signalr can receive the response for this specific request".
You should be able to queue your calculations from inside your hub method where you will have access to the caller's connection id (via the Context.ConnectionId property).
If you can await the results of your queued operation inside of the hub method you queue from, you can then simply return the result from your hub method and SignalR will flow the result back to the calling JavaScript. You can also use Clients.Caller.... to send the result back.
If you go this route I suggest you use async/await instead of blocking request threads waiting for your long-running calculations to complete.
If you can't process your calculation results from the same method you queued the calculation from, you still have options. Just be sure to queue the caller's connection id and a request id along with the calculation to be processed.
Then, you can process the results of all your calculations from outside of your hub using GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext:
private IHubContext _context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<MyHub>()
// Call ProcessResults whenever results are ready to send back to the client
public void ProcessResults(string connectionId, uint requestId, MyResult result)
// Presumably there's JS code mapping request id's to results
// if you can have multiple ongoing requests per client
_context.Clients.Client(connectionId).receiveResult(requestId, result);

How to ensure that a Text Message was sent via JMS succesfull?

i have wrote a Text Message Sender Program via JMS with C++ following.
tibems_status status = TIBEMS_OK;
status = tibemsMsgProducer_SendToDestination(
m_tMsg );
Suppose status == 0, this means only that Function has worked succesfull. It doesn't mean that my Text Message was sent succesfull
How can I ensure that my Message was sent succesfull? Should I get a ID or Acknowledge from JMS Queue back?
It depends on the Message Delivery Mode.
When a PERSISTENT message is sent, the tibemsMsgProducer_SendToDestination call will wait for the EMS server to reply with a confirmation.
When a NON_PERSISTENT message is sent, the tibemsMsgProducer_SendToDestination call may or may not wait for a confirmation depending on if authorization is enabled and the npsend_check_mode setting. See the EMS docs (linked above) for specific details.
Lastly, when a RELIABLE_DELIVERY message is sent, the tibemsMsgProducer_SendToDestination call does not wait for a confirmation and will only fail if the connection to the EMS server is lost.
However, even in the situations where a confirmation is sent, this is only confirmation that the EMS server has received the message. It does not confirm that the message was received and processed by the message consumer. EMS Monitoring Messages can be used to determine if the message was acknowledged by the consumer.
The message monitoring topics are in the form $sys.monitor.<D>.<E>.<destination>, where <D> matches Q|q|T|t, <E> matches s|r|a|p|\* and <destination> is the name of the destination. For instance to monitor for message acknowledgment for the queue named beterman, your program would subscribe to $sys.monitor.q.a.beterman (or $sys.monitor.Q.a.beterman if you want a copy of the message that was acknowledged).
The monitoring messages contain many properties, including the msg_id, source_name and target_name. You can use that information to correlate it back to the message you sent.
Otherwise, the simpler option is to use a tibemsMsgRequestor instead of a tibemsMsgProducer. tibemsMsgRequestor_Request will send the message and wait for a reply from the recipient. In this case you are best to use RELIABLE_DELIVERY and NO_ACKNOWLEDGE to remove all the confirmation and acknowledgement messages between the producer and the EMS server and the EMS server and the consumer.
However, if you do go down the tibemsMsgRequestor route, then you may also want to consider simply using a HTTP request instead, with a load balancer in place of the EMS server. Architecturally there isn't much difference between the two options (EMS uses persistent TCP connections, HTTP doesn't)
Producer -> EMS Server -> ConsumerA
-> ConsumerB
Client -> Load Balancer -> ServerA
-> ServerB
But with HTTP you have clear semantics for each of the methods. GET is safe (does not change state), PUT and DELETE are idempotent (multiple identical requests should have the same effect as a single request), and POST is non-idempotent (it causes a change in server state each time it is performed), etc. You also have well defined status codes. If you're using tibemsMsgRequestor you'll need to create bespoke semantics and response status, which will require extra effort to create, maintain and to train the other developers in your team on.
Also, it far easier to find developers with HTTP skills than EMS skills and it's far easier to find information HTTP that EMS, so the tibemsMsgRequestor option will make recruiting more difficult and problem solving issues more difficult.
Because of this HTTP is a better option IMO, for request-reply or for when you want to ensure that that the message sent was processed successfully.

Procmail to process a forwarded email

I want to process incoming forwarded emails received by procmail to grab the subject and recipient of the forwarded (child) email.
For example:
UserA receives an email from UserB
UserA forwards that email to the email server
email server receives the email and extracts UserB's email address
Is there an approach or recipe that performs this task? Or do I have to regex my way through the body of the main email?
By request, I will offer boundary conditions. Email clients of the 'UserA group' are Gmail and Outlook. All users sending in English. The 'UserB' is an automated agent under my control.
One of my servers ('User B') sends automated emails to my users ('UserA') who are supposed to forward the email to a second server for processing (to confirm they received the automated email).
I assume, then, that there are no consistent headers for forwarding and that I am needing to regex my way through the email to extract the data I need.
(This isn't really a proper answer, but I cannot use formatting in comments, so here goes.)
Depends on what you mean by "forwards". If you mean "uses the 'Forward' button in a sane email client" it could come out as an attachment (possibly with a content-transfer-encoding which needs to be decoded in order to access it) or an in-line copy of the original message as a textual body; or if you mean "uses the 'Forward' button in a broken email client, such as anything from Mordor Redmond" there are a number of possible additional complications. Technically, some clients might also "forward" by adding a "Resent-to:" header and otherwise just resending the original message verbatim. Or in some modern clients, you could drag the message over into the composition pane of a new empty message, and make it appear as an attachment to the new message, possibly with user control of the containing message's content-type and encoding, and the attachment's.
Assuming you end up with something like the following ...
From: UserA <>
Subject: VB: Hi
Hey, here is a message I received.
-- User A
---- Ursprungligt meddelande ----
Från: UserB []
Till: UserA
Ämne: Hi
Datum: perjantai 13. lokakuuta 2012 23:45
Here is the original message
-- User B
.... the representation really isn't suitable for automatic processing. You can come up with heuristics such as identifying the "original message" separator and the first (possibly localized and mutilated) "to:" field after the separator, perhaps by requiring all messages to be from a particular version of a particular client with a particular locale setting, but in the general case, this cannot be solved reliably.
(For fun, I constructed an example from a Swedish localization running with Finnish system settings; so the labels from the client are in Swedish, but the system's date is in Finnish.)
If you can edit your question to include an example of a forwarded message and maybe some boundary conditions (it's always from the same user, the version and localization of the client software she uses will not change, etc, perhaps) we can try to take it from there.

Dealing with a web api failure

If I have a web api service (Order Notification) that allows a third party client to call in (they must call in to us, not use pushing to them) periodically (every 10 minutes) and gets new orders it has not yet received, how do I deal with failures?
For example there are 10 new Orders the client has not received since they last called in. The client calls into our Order Notification service. We retrieve the orders we have not sent (10 in this case). We update these 10 Orders as sent and return the response to the client.
However the client did not receive the response (sometime happened after leaving us e.g. http time out or something else).
So now we have a problem where on our side we have marked the orders as sent but the client never received them.
Any thoughts on how to solve this?
Just an idea, can you assign the caller some sort of identifier and when the caller succeeds it replies back saying it has acknowledged the request? The server will never know if something failed on the client side unless the client reports it.
For example, when caller A calls in for the requests it may do something like this:
call -> http://server/requests
server replies back with some xml that contains the result set for this caller along with a unique identifier that it will track to know if that particular call had a response (you can time out this identifier after a reasonable period of time)
when the client gets the request it can call back again
call -> http://server/requestComplete?id=[generatedID]
and the server marks it successful.
Lots of API's require some sort of identification token so it would already lend itself well to this kind of send/ack messaging system.
If you have access to both sides of the system you could create a received request so once the client picking up the data has received it makes a request to the original host telling that it's received successfully.

Web Services design

Company A has async pooling based webservice for notifications. Company B checks for notifications. Every time when it reads new notifications A deletes them from the system. Thus subsequent read requests return only new notifications. There is also requirement for the client B to interrupt the connection if there is no response within 30 sec.
This causes one potential problem: Due to unexpected slowness it is possible for A get the request deleted a notification and send the response back while B is already interrupted the connection. Under this scenario notification gets lost. Now one can argue that the core problem lies within operation realm (the HTTP response must be delivered withing 20 sec ) still on practice it is not always feasible.
How to design B (the client) to avoid this problem?
One way I can see is to do not delete the notifications by A and make B be aware of its state, so that it knows starting from what ID it needs to process notifications, but that presumes that ID will be sequential. Which is controlled by A. Even if B defines its own sequence A still has to be altered to return it back.
Are there any other approaches?
Web services in general are unreliable enough that it's rarely a good idea to make a "read" request serve double-duty as a "delete" request, especially without the client's knowledge. There is just too much risk of a connection dropping or timing out. There is no way to get around this only by modifying the client, because it's the server that is at fault here - the way it's designed is fundamentally unsuited for a web service.
I think you're on the right track with the incrementing IDs idea. The client knows (or can be modified to know) which notifications it's received, so if it can supply the ID of the last message it's received when it polls for notifications, the server should be able to respond based on that ID.
It really seems like Company A's webservice should be synchronous instead of asynchronous. If that is not possible, it may be a good idea to send a "ACK"-like response to a new Company A webservice that indicates a specific notification was received (by Company B) and can be deleted.