where is the data saved during Django stack development - django

Maybe this is a super silly question. I am new with Django stack web app development.
I am following Django tutorial on MDN. I entered information to the backend database via the admin page. But some error happened later so I had to uninstall pyenv and restart. I wonder if I can find all the information I entered which is not on any project documents. Thanks.

Assuming you're following the tutorial closely and they don't specify a database to store information in, there should be a sqlite3 database in your project file system


How do I prevent my Django Database from being overwritten

Currently I have a Django application running on my personal website from PythonAnywhere.com. When I make updates to the site I login to PythonAnywhere and git pull to update my application. When I do this the data that was entered through the website since the last update gets lost from the database when I update. What can I do to overcome this?
I am currently using the SqlLite version that comes preinstalled with the Django App. This likely could be part of the issue but need some help understanding how to overcome it.
I presume that your Django project is connecting to the SQLite database that gets generated when you create a new project and you are pushing that database in your deployment. That database won't be suitable for production and won't retain your changes, you instead need to setup a database that your application can connect to.
Here is some information on PythonAnywhere about databases:
And the Django documentation:

Google App Engine, Django, CloudSQL and Images

Currently porting some Django projects over to Google App Engine.
I am using Python 2.7, Django 1.4 and Google CloudSQL.
The problem I have is with an Admin driven Gallery.
Handling image upload seems to be a problem, using ImageField I am getting an erorr on mkdir command as GAE wont allow a local write.
I am a little stuck and solutions seem quite confused, I am using CloudSQL due to its compatibility with the old MySQL databases that ran the sites previously.
How can I get the gallery back up and running without local storage? I have been researching use of GAE blobstore, but posts seem quite varied and unhelpful.
You'll have to rewrite ImageField to use the BlobStore instead of files.
A quick google search suggests someone might have already done this:

Push OO or xslt doc to google drive from django

I use pod to generate reports from django. A very smart solution, I enjoy it.
But pod solution required an Open Office (or LibreOffice) installation on client desktop (or server side).
To avoid Open Office software I will hope to send report to google drive as a new (or existing) doc from a django app (or python ...).
Someone would to share expertise with this kind of issue? Else, What would be the steps to publish a google doc from django app?
If your Python app can produce a csv file, you can upload it to Google Docs using the Documents List API and convert it into a Spreadsheet:
Many other file formats can be imported, please check the docs for more details.

Modifying existing Django site

I am completely new to this Django world. I haven't tried it ever before.
Now the problem is as below;
One of my clients was hosting his site somewhere else that I don't know and they built the site using Django. The host company doesn't allow to make any changes on their server, instead they provided the zip file for all the files in the site to me; so that now I can host my client's site.
As I don't know anything about Django, can someone please shed a light where I should start from?
Thanks in advance.
First of all, install Django on the development machine. Start by trying to get the development server run on your machine.
Gather requirements: check the settings.py for installed apps against the default Django settings.py file. See if there are any popular django apps that site depends on. If there are any, then you probably will have to install them, too.
In which format was the database provided? Will you move to another more appropriate format? Python bindings for databases are required too.
Considering the fact that you have inherited this project and probably will need to make some changes, consider installing django-south, so you can easily make changes to the database schema.
If you get the site running properly on your own machine, consider deplyoment. Is there a lot of static content? (if so, consider nginx). Set up apache2 and install the mod_wsgi module. Deploy.
Work your way through the Django tutorial first. Then look into Django Book as has been mentioned. Django IRC channel (#django) on Freenode is also great for help.
Your best bet would be to learn about Django before trying to jump in head first - https://www.djangoproject.com/ contains documentation as well as tutorials on creating Django apps.
Django is fairly easy to setup if you already have the code written. You'll need to install the chosen database and then simply follow the tutorial on the Django website
Django comes with a built-in server so it's very easy to run the website for development without needing Apache, nginx or much else.
I learned using the Django Book. Django is an easy-to-use framework, you should be fine.
Also, in the short-term there's a file called views.py and separate folder containing templates. If you're familiar with MVC (MVT in Django) this contains the views for the site in function form. There's probably (but not always) a folder for templates which contains a lot of the HTML for the site. Just a good starting pointing for basic modifications.
You can perhaps start here. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/
First, find out the django version required by your client. Install that on a server (not a production one), setup apache and mod_wsgi. The zip files may go to a dir which can be included in the mod_wsgi configuration.
Find about the static files and setup apache or any other lightweight webserver to server it.
You may not be a developer, but have a try with the django book. It can give you a good idea how its structured.

Set up an existing Django app on another server

This must, must, must be a duplicate but I can't find the answer either here or on Google.
I have an existing Django app and I want to deploy it on another server.
What are the steps I need to go through to get it running elsewhere, in words of one syllable?
At a minimum, presumably:
create a project on the new server
copy over all my app's files into that project
edit localsettings.py or equivalent with local database settings etc
run python manage.py syncdb to create my database
load fixtures
run tests
Is that it? Are there any unofficial or official instructions for copying an app elsewhere?
The most basic, easy way to do it is:
Set up the server environment so that it matches the current environment as closely as possible. The most important thing is that you're using the same version of Django (obviously). You can run a different database, but it makes porting from the old server to the new server a little more involved. Otherwise, you will just have to adjust your settings to match the new server, if they can't be duplicated (ie, user names, etc).
Copy over your code
Dump your old database structure and data into the new database
Running startproject isn't strictly necessary. Your web server just needs to be configured correctly, to run django with the appropriate settings.py file -- and Django takes it from there.