I2C communication between RP2040 and adxl357 accelerometer ( C/C++ SDK ) - c++

I need to communicate via I2C to the adxl357 accelerometer and a few questions have arisen.
Looking at the RP2040 sdk documentation I see that there is a special method to send data to a certain address, such as i2c_write_blocking(). Its arguments include a 7-bit address and the data to be sent. My question is, since the accelerometer needs a Read/Write bit, is it still possible to use this function? Or should I go to the alternative i2c_write_raw_blocking()?
Also, I don't understand the notation of the Read / Write bit, it is reported with R/#W, would that mean that 1 is Read while 0 is write?
Thanks in advance for the help.

I2C addresses have 7 bits: these are sent in the high 7 bits of an 8-bit byte, and remaining bit (the least significant bit) is set to 1 for read, 0 for write.
The reason the documentation says it wants a 7-bit address is because it is telling you that the write function will left-shift the address by one and add a 1, and the read function function will left-shift the address by one and add a 0.
If it didn't tell you this you might pre-shift the address yourself, which would be wrong.


endianness influence in C++ code

I know that this might be a silly question, but I am a newbie C++ developer and I need some clarifications about the endianness.
I have to implement a communication interface that relies on SCTP protocol in order to communicate between two different machines (one ARM based, and the other Intel based).
The aim is to:
encode messages into a stream of bytes to be sent on the socket (I used a vector of uint8_t, and positioned each byte of the different fields -taking care of splitting uint16/32/64 to single bytes- following big-endian convention)
send the bytestream via socket to the receiver (using stcp)
retrieve the stream and parse it in order to fill the message object with the correct elements (represented by header + TV information elements)
I am confused on where I could have problem with the endianness of the underlying architecture of the 2 machines in where the interface will be used.
I think that taking care of splitting objects into single bytes and positioning them using big-endian can preclude that, at the arrival, the stream is represented differently, right? or am I missing something?
Also, I am in doubt about the role of C++ representation of multiple-byte variables, for example:
uint16_t var=0x0123;
//low byte 0x23
uint8_t low = (uint8_t)var;
//hi byte 0x01
uint8_t hi = (uint8_t)(var >> 8);
This piece of code is endianness dependent or not? i.e. if I work on a big-endian machine I suppose that the above code is ok, but if it is little-endian, will I pick up the bytes in different order?
I've searched already for such questions but no one gave me a clear reply, so I have still doubts on this.
Thank you all in advance guys, have a nice day!
This piece of code is endianness dependent or not?
No the code doesn't depend on endianess of the target machine. Bitwise operations work the same way as e.g. mathematical operators do.
They are independent of the internal representation of the numbers.
Though if you're exchanging data over the wire, you need to have a defined byte order known at both sides. Usually that's network byte ordering (i.e. big endian).
The functions of the htonx() ntohx() family will help you do en-/decode the (multibyte) numbers correctly and transparently.
The code you presented is endian-independent, and likely the correct approach for your use case.
What won't work, and is not portable, is code that depends on the memory layout of objects:
// Don't do this!
uint16_t var=0x0123;
auto p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&var);
uint8_t hi = p[0]; // 0x01 or 0x23 (probably!)
uint8_t lo = p[1]; // 0x23 or 0x01 (probably!)
(I've written probably in the comments to show that these are the likely real-world values, rather than anything specified by Standard C++)

How do I use registers and offset addresses?

Currently, I am trying to write a GPIO driver and attempting to wrap my head around a couple of things. After searching the internet, I haven't really found a clear answer to a few questions I have regarding base addresses, registers, and offset addresses.
For the questions below, lets say I have an arbitrary register D1:F0 and an offset address of 10h-13h (32 bits in size). Bit 0 is always 1 and reserved, bits 10:1 is the GPIO base address, and bits 31:11 are reserved and always 0. This register has a default value of 00000001h. Using this information:
1) What is Function Number-to-Root Port Mapping in regards to D1:F0?
2) Does D1:F0 contain a port that would be usable in code?
3) How does the offset address relate to question 1/question 2?
4) The default value of the register has all bits off except the first reserved bit (which should be 1), correct?
Paranoia Check Question: Bits[4:1] means bits 1-4, right?
Thanks in advance guys and gals!
Note: I need to point out that all data, registers, memory addresses, and offsets in this post are arbitrary and in no way reflect data I will be working with/have access to. This is just conceptual and to illustrate a point.
After researching, I've found a few things out:
1) Function Number-to-Root Port Mapping in regards to the example of D1:F0 is a notation that means that the register is on Device 1, Function 0 in regards to the PCH and Bus. A bus device can have multiple "functions" that, for example, could be used by different peripherals.
2) Yes and no. NRP notation gives you, for lack of a better term, a logical mapping of the Bus Device to a function and masks the actual hexadecimal base address and offsets for the register. Processor/Chipset documentation has the physical addresses of where the bus starts, and relates those addresses to NRP notation.
3) The offset address does not relate to the example NRP notation of D1:F0. D1:F0 is just a representation of the base address for the register in regards to the Bus, not an actual register address. You would apply the offset (or offset range) to the base address of the register.
4) Correct.Just used a bit field to verify and wrote it out on paper to verify.
Extra Question: The notation of [Number1:Number2] in regards to bits means bits Number1 through Number2 , reading bits from left to right (High Order to Low Order bit). So, for example, bits [15:4] means bits 4 through 15 for a total of 12 bits.

Writing binary data in c++

I am in the process of building an assembler for a rather unusual machine that me and a few other people are building. This machine takes 18 bit instructions, and I am writing the assembler in C++.
I have collected all of the instructions into a vector of 32 bit unsigned integers, none of which is any larger than what can be represented with an 18 bit unsigned number.
However, there does not appear to be any way (as far as I can tell) to output such an unusual number of bits to a binary file in C++, can anyone help me with this.
(I would also be willing to use C's stdio and File structures. However there still does not appear to be any way to output such an arbitrary amount of bits).
Thank you for your help.
Edit: It looks like I didn't specify how the instructions will be stored in memory well enough.
Instructions are contiguous in memory. Say the instructions start at location 0 in memory:
The first instruction will be at 0. The second instruction will be at 18, the third instruction will be at 36, and so on.
There is no gaps, or no padding in the instructions. There can be a few superfluous 0s at the end of the program if needed.
The machine uses big endian instructions. So an instruction stored as 3 should map to: 000000000000000011
Keep an eight-bit accumulator.
Shift bits from the current instruction into to the accumulator until either:
The accumulator is full; or
No bits remain of the current instruction.
Whenever the accumulator is full:
Write its contents to the file and clear it.
Whenever no bits remain of the current instruction:
Move to the next instruction.
When no instructions remain:
Shift zeros into the accumulator until it is full.
Write its contents.
For n instructions, this will leave (8 - 18n mod 8) zero bits after the last instruction.
There are a lot of ways you can achieve the same end result (I am assuming the end result is a tight packing of these 18 bits).
A simple method would be to create a bit-packer class that accepts the 32-bit words, and generates a buffer that packs the 18-bit words from each entry. The class would need to do some bit shifting, but I don't expect it to be particularly difficult. The last byte can have a few zero bits at the end if the original vector length is not a multiple of 4. Once you give all your words to this class, you can get a packed data buffer, and write it to a file.
You could maybe represent your data in a bitset and then write the bitset to a file.
Wouldn't work with fstreams write function, but there is a way that is described here...
The short answer: Your C++ program should output the 18-bit values in the format expected by your unusual machine.
We need more information, specifically, that format that your "unusual machine" expects, or more precisely, the format that your assembler should be outputting. Once you understand what the format of the output that you're generating is, the answer should be straightforward.
One possible format — I'm making things up here — is that we could take two of your 18-bit instructions:
instruction 1 instruction 2 ...
bits → ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR abcdefghijklmnopqr ...
...and write them in an 8-bits/byte file thus:
KLMNOPQR CDEFGHIJ 000000AB klmnopqr cdefghij 000000ab ...
...this is basically arranging the values in "little-endian" form, with 6 zero bits padding the 18-bit values out to 24 bits.
But I'm assuming: the padding, the little-endianness, the number of bits / byte, etc. Without more information, it's hard to say if this answer is even remotely near correct, or if it is exactly what you want.
Another possibility is a tight packing:
ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP QRabcdef ghijklmn opqr0000
ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP abcdefQR ghijklmn 0000opqr
...but I've made assumptions about where the corner cases go here.
Just output them to the file as 32 bit unsigned integers, just as you have in memory, with the endianness that you prefer.
And then, when the loader / eeprom writer / JTAG or whatever method you use to send the code to the machine, for each 32 bit word that is read, just omit the 14 more significant bits and send the real 18 bits to the target.
Unless, of course, you have written a FAT driver for your machine...

C++ : why bool is 8 bits long?

In C++, I'm wondering why the bool type is 8 bits long (on my system), where only one bit is enough to hold the boolean value ?
I used to believe it was for performance reasons, but then on a 32 bits or 64 bits machine, where registers are 32 or 64 bits wide, what's the performance advantage ?
Or is it just one of these 'historical' reasons ?
Because every C++ data type must be addressable.
How would you create a pointer to a single bit? You can't. But you can create a pointer to a byte. So a boolean in C++ is typically byte-sized. (It may be larger as well. That's up to the implementation. The main thing is that it must be addressable, so no C++ datatype can be smaller than a byte)
Memory is byte addressable. You cannot address a single bit, without shifting or masking the byte read from memory. I would imagine this is a very large reason.
A boolean type normally follows the smallest unit of addressable memory of the target machine (i.e. usually the 8bits byte).
Access to memory is always in "chunks" (multiple of words, this is for efficiency at the hardware level, bus transactions): a boolean bit cannot be addressed "alone" in most CPU systems. Of course, once the data is contained in a register, there are often specialized instructions to manipulate bits independently.
For this reason, it is quite common to use techniques of "bit packing" in order to increase efficiency in using "boolean" base data types. A technique such as enum (in C) with power of 2 coding is a good example. The same sort of trick is found in most languages.
Updated: Thanks to a excellent discussion, it was brought to my attention that sizeof(char)==1 by definition in C++. Hence, addressing of a "boolean" data type is pretty tied to the smallest unit of addressable memory (reinforces my point).
The answers about 8-bits being the smallest amount of memory that is addressable are correct. However, some languages can use 1-bit for booleans, in a way. I seem to remember Pascal implementing sets as bit strings. That is, for the following set:
{1, 2, 5, 7}
You might have this in memory:
You can, of course, do something similar in C / C++ if you want. (If you're keeping track of a bunch of booleans, it could make sense, but it really depends on the situation.)
I know this is old but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.
If you limit your boolean or data type to one bit then your application is at risk for memory curruption. How do you handle error stats in memory that is only one bit long?
I went to a job interview and one of the statements the program lead said to me was, "When we send the signal to launch a missle we just send a simple one bit on off bit via wireless. Sending one bit is extremelly fast and we need that signal to be as fast as possible."
Well, it was a test to see if I understood the concepts and bits, bytes, and error handling. How easy would it for a bad guy to send out a one bit msg. Or what happens if during transmittion the bit gets flipped the other way.
Some embedded compilers have an int1 type that is used to bit-pack boolean flags (e.g. CCS series of C compilers for Microchip MPU's). Setting, clearing, and testing these variables uses single-instruction bit-level instructions, but the compiler will not permit any other operations (e.g. taking the address of the variable), for the reasons noted in other answers.
Note, however, that std::vector<bool> is allowed to use bit-packing, i.e. to store the bits in smaller units than an ordinary bool. But it is not required.

two AES implementations generated different encryption results

I have an application that uses an opensource "libgcrypt" to encrypt/decrypt a data block (32 bytes). Now I am going to use Microsoft CryptAPI to replace it. My problem is that the libgcrypt and cryptApi approaches generate different ciphertext contents as I use the same AES-256 algoritjm in CFB mode, same key, and same IV, although the ciphertext can be decrypted by their own correspndingly.
Could some tell me what is the problem? Thanks.
Do the two assume different endianness, or assign the bytes in the key/IV in different orders?
If the endianness assumptions are different, you may need to re-order the bytes in the key, IV and/or plaintext to get matching results. For example, if you are supplying bytes in the order abcdefgh, you may need to switch this to 'dcbahgfe' to get things to work.
There is an additional parameter for CFB, namely the "shift amount" at each iteration. The Wikipedia page on CFB has some information. Namely, you encrypt x bits for every block encryption, where x is any value between 1 and the block size (128 for AES). I suspect that in your code, the Microsoft CryptoAPI and libgcrypt do not use the same value for x.
As explained in the documentation for CryptSetKeyParam(), Windows defaults to x=8 (i.e. one byte at a time). This is the KP_MODE_BITS parameter. On the other hand, libgcrypt defaults to x=n for a n-bit block cipher (i.e. x=128 for AES). I am not sure libgcrypt can be convinced to use another value.
i think the problem is with block size .as you said you are using 32 byte as block size make sure if block size of both are same and supports as well .because some of library block size is fixed for Aes as 16 byte .
What is the length of your key and IV?
Are ciphertexts different if the length of opentext is exactly 256 bit?
I have same problem, but with a different library. I noticed one thing in this library; If I pass input byte less than 32 bytes, in that case it's showing me both are the same encrypted data.
Is that what's happening in your case? If so, it means the problem is with the padding mechanism.