Patching llvm-project - llvm

llvm-project says that it does not currently support pull requests and asks one to use
Now, I would like to submit my patch for this file. How would one proceed?

You should start small with something like a typo to get a feel for the submission and code review process. There is the My First Typo Fix doc for this. Also, watch the How to Contribute to LLVM tutorial from the 2019 Developer Meeting. You will also need reviewers. The LLVM Discord channel, git blame and the LLVM code owners can help here. Lastly, or maybe even firstly, you could post an RFC on the LLVM developers email list.


Is there a modification of django framework in the last 24 hours?

We experienced strange behaviour. Especially under chrome, some items are missing. Anyone ?
Which version are you using? You should always pin the version you use, which means that once it's published, it will never change.
The code is open source, you can check yourself from the github repository and there are other more appropriate channels than Stack Overflow, IMO:
The Django weblog, where a post is published each time there is a new release.
The Django users mailing list/google group is another place where you can keep up to date.
PyPI gives you the release history.
Finally, with any open source software, don't be afraid of digging into the source code and see what has changed. Github has a great way of comparing between 2 tags, for instance for the latest 2 1.11.x relases:
There was 2 new bugfix relases published on each 2.1.x and 1.11.x branches yesterday, so if your dependencies aren't pinned, you might have auto-updated, but without further details it's hard to tell you more.

I think the persisted model documentation is gone

I was looking for some information about the function User.destroyAll() which brought me to that page.
Clicking on the link for information about destroyAll sends me to
which seems like the right address, except it's actually the beginning of the documentation and the exact same thing as travelling to that page .
This made me realise that there are no documentation pieces about persisted-model anymore.
Is it a bug? Do you know when this will come back?
Thanks for reading :)
Yeah, you are right. There is documentation for PersistedModel for version one before last but it disappeared in version 3.20.0 So if you need documentation you can use this for version 3.19.3. According to the changelog, there were no changes related to PersistedModel
Update strong-globalize to 4.x (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Update nodemailer to v4.x (Dimitris)
Drop support for Node.js 4.x (Miroslav Bajtoš)

Is libdmtx dead, suggested replacement?

I've been using libdmtx in a project and looking to update to a newer version, but it seems the project hasn't been updated in well over a year. The last update/version was June, 2011. The Git repository shows that the last commit was August, 2011. Finally, the author's web site, which previously promoted libdmtx, Dragonfly Logic, is dead with a 404 Not Found error.
Is there another data matrix library that can meet this criteria?
Open source
Platform-neutral C/C++ (i.e. can build for Windows, POSIX environments)
Encodes/decodes data matrix
Actively maintained
Alternatively, did libdmtx move somewhere else and continue to get maintained somewhere that I'm not aware of?
I can't say that I'll never develop on libdmtx again, but it certainly wouldn't be anytime soon. I simply don't have the spare hours anymore to even keep up with the correspondence, let alone to perform any meaningful development.
So if you wish to fork it, you have my blessing. :)
Unfortunately I'm not aware of any other open source packages that do exactly the same things as libdmtx (which is why I created it in the first place), but I tried to list any similar projects I came across at
Good luck!
As libdmtx is currently unmaintained (I wouldn't say dead, as there are several users of the library) one should have to look at options.
zxing-cpp is a viable alternative. It can code and decode both DataMatrix, QR codes and barcodes. It compiles both on windows and posix, and are open source (Apache 2)
My only complaint about the zxing-cpp library is that is doesn't support dot peen generated data matrix images.
This Github project has revived libdmtx in 2016 with sporadic but ongoing activity since then:
(I am not affiliated with this project, just wanted to add an update to this question after finding it in a search.)

What are the advantages of using chiliproject over redmine?

This question already exists, but it is over one year old now and a lot has probably happened if the documentation is a good judge. There is no documented path to migrate from current redmine (2.1) to chiliproject for example.
Chiliproject is a fork of redmine, but I am unable to decide wherever I should migrate or not. There is no clear path as to how I should do the migrations and how much functionality I might loose.
Is there a way to compare the differences between the two projects? Is it worth to spend the time investigating the migration path?
If you have migrated what is your experience?
I searched StackOverflow for the "redmine vs. chiliproject" question because I am having a lot of trouble with installing plugins of any kind on the newest chiliproject version.
Usually, it looks like everything is working fine until you try to update the settings for the plugin (for example, install the Contact Form plugin and try to change something on http://SERVER:3000/settings?tab=contact_form), the debug log shows that the changes were made in the database, but they changes are never loaded back to the plugin page.
I have not been ale to find any documentation on potential changes to the plugin architecture in ChiliProject that would cause this. The plugin page does not list many plugins that are known to work with ChiliProject 3 either.
TL;DR: If you think that you will have any desire to use any existing plugins to extend the functionality of the program you choose, go with Redmine.

Subversioning System / Changelog and Bugsubmission

I am looking for a small software versioning (changelog) and bug submission system with a web-frontend.
The features I only need is a change-log where users can see what they can expect and a tiny bug-submission system. I don't need the many features SVN offers as software versiong as the project is quite small and I do all development locally.
Any ideas?
It sounds like you'll do just fine coding raw html with your requirements. If you can code in any language, the html you'll need is minimal it'll be easy to pick up in the case that you're not familiar with it.
Although, I do still recommend rethinking your decision not to use SVN. If your project is open source, have a look at Google Code, which offers free source code hosting including bug tracker, SVN repository, release management and wiki. It'll also make your project more discoverable. If it's not open source, you can purchase private hosting on github, but that uses git which is more complicated.
Mantis is probably what you want - web based bug system that's quite nice, fast and simple. It integrates with SVN using a php page you can access using curl from a SVN hook.
We used it as a bug tracker, when the code was committed (with a special regex in the log comment) the files that were changed were added to the mantis bug as a bugnote. I'm not 100% sure of your situation, but it appears at first glance that this kind of arrangement is similar to what you want.