Deployment to AWS ECS - amazon-web-services

I am trying to automate the deployment of the AWS ECS and couldn't find much information I could do that and will like to see if there is any advice on what I can explore. Currently, we have an Azure DevOps pipeline that will push the containerized image to the ECR and we will manually create the task definition at ecs and update the service afterwards. Is there anyway that I can automate this with azure devops release?

A bit open ended for a Stackoverflow style question but the short answer is that there are a lot of AWS native alternatives to this. This is an example that implements the blue-green pattern (it can be simplified with a more generic rolling update deployment). If you are new to ECS you probably want to consider using Copilot. This is a entry level blog that hints about how to deploy an application and build a pipeline for it.


AWS ECS run latest task definition

I am trying to have run the lastest task definition image built from GitHub deployment (CD). Seems like on AWS it creates a task definition for example "task-api:1", "task-api:2", on was my cluster is still running task-api: 1 even though there is the latest task as a new image has been built. So far I have to manually stop the old one and start a new one . How can I have it automated?
You must wrap your tasks in a service and use rolling updates for automated deployments.
When the rolling update (ECS) deployment type is used for your service, when a new service deployment is started the Amazon ECS service scheduler replaces the currently running tasks with new tasks.
This is DevOps, so you need a CI/CD pipeline that will do the rolling updates for you. Look at CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline (and CodeCommit if you integrate your code repository in AWS with your CI/CD)
This is a complex topic, but it pays off in the end.
Judging from what you have said in the comments:
I created my task via the AWS console, I am running just the task definition on its own without service plus service with task definition launched via the EC2 not target both of them, so in the task definition JSON file on my Github both repositories they are tied to a revision of a task (could that be a problem?).
It's difficult to understand exactly how you have this set up and it'd probably be a good idea for you to go back and understand the services you are using a little better using the guide you are following or AWS documentation. Pushing a new task definition does not automatically update services to use the new definition.
That said, my guess is that you need to update the service in ECS to use the latest task definition. You can do that in many ways:
Through the console (
Through the CLI (
Through the IaC like the CDK (
This can be automated but you would need to set up a process to automate it.
I would recommend reading some guides on how you could automate deployment and updates using the CDK. Amazon provide a good guide to get you started

What is the best way to set up a CI/CD pipeline on ECS?

There are so many options:
Docker-compose with ECS cli looks the easiest solution
CloudFormation (looks complex!)
I am only interested in setting up a basic ECS docker set-up with ELB and easily updating the Docker image version.
We all love technology here, but we're not all super geniuses when it comes to tech. So I'm looking to keep my set-up as simple as possible. We run Jenkins, 2 NodeJS applications, 2 Java applications in ECS and I know it involves IAM, Security Groups, EBS, ELB, ECS Service/Task, ECS Task Definition, but that already gets complex quickly in CloudFormation.
What are good technologies that will allow us to use Docker, keep things simple and don't require us to be very intelligent to understand our own programming code?
I would suggest you start by trying to setup your pipeline using Terraform. Learning it will give you experience in a non-vendor specific infrastructure as code.
Another possibility is to avoid using CloudFormation directly and prefer using the AWS CDK ( as IaC.
Best regards

AWS CD with CodeDeploy for Docker Images

I have a scenario and looking for feedback and best approaches. We create and build our Docker Images using Azure Devops (VSTS) and push those images to our AWS repository. Now I can deploy those images just fine manually but would like to automate the process in a continual deployment model. Is there an approach to use codepipeline with a build step to just create and zip the imagesdefinitions.json file before it goes to the deploy step?
Or is there an better alternative that I am overlooking.
You can definitely use a build step (eg. CodeBuild) to automate generating your imagedefinitions.json file, there's an example here.
You might also want to look at the recently announced CodeDeploy ECS deployment option. It works a little differently to the ECS deployment action but allows blue/green deployments via CodeDeploy. There's more information in the announcement and blog post.

Does GCP have an Iac tool just like CloudFormation of AWS?

As a big fan of AWS, I think the CloudFormation(CFN) is such a good tool to execute IaC. So I'm interested in if GCP has a similar tool.
Yes, Google Cloud platform provides Deployment Manager to write and provision your Infrastructure as a Code.
If you want can go through this blog to how to get start with Deployment Manager it's as simple as CloudFormation you can code everything in YAML :

NestJS continuous deployment cycle documentation

I'm looking to use NestJS on my next project, but I am slightly put off by the lack of documentation regarding deployment practices and continuous deployment cycles. Ideally I would like to use something like cloud compute to automatically compile my project and deploy it as updates are pushed to a release branch. Anyone have advice regarding that?
It is a very broad question, as there are many ways to implement CI, deployment pipeline, or deployment strategies.
I would suggest you to take a look to developer tools in AWS such as CodePipeline, for pipeline creation and CodeBuild/Jenkins as building services. Take a look at docker container, and look for deployment services like Elastic Beanstalk for single/multicontainer container, ECS, or just CodeDeploy.
I would also suggest you to take a look to AWS Blue/Green deployments white paper, as it also review the different deployment strategies.