Does GCP have an Iac tool just like CloudFormation of AWS? - amazon-web-services

As a big fan of AWS, I think the CloudFormation(CFN) is such a good tool to execute IaC. So I'm interested in if GCP has a similar tool.

Yes, Google Cloud platform provides Deployment Manager to write and provision your Infrastructure as a Code.
If you want can go through this blog to how to get start with Deployment Manager it's as simple as CloudFormation you can code everything in YAML :


Deployment to AWS ECS

I am trying to automate the deployment of the AWS ECS and couldn't find much information I could do that and will like to see if there is any advice on what I can explore. Currently, we have an Azure DevOps pipeline that will push the containerized image to the ECR and we will manually create the task definition at ecs and update the service afterwards. Is there anyway that I can automate this with azure devops release?
A bit open ended for a Stackoverflow style question but the short answer is that there are a lot of AWS native alternatives to this. This is an example that implements the blue-green pattern (it can be simplified with a more generic rolling update deployment). If you are new to ECS you probably want to consider using Copilot. This is a entry level blog that hints about how to deploy an application and build a pipeline for it.

What is the best way to set up a CI/CD pipeline on ECS?

There are so many options:
Docker-compose with ECS cli looks the easiest solution
CloudFormation (looks complex!)
I am only interested in setting up a basic ECS docker set-up with ELB and easily updating the Docker image version.
We all love technology here, but we're not all super geniuses when it comes to tech. So I'm looking to keep my set-up as simple as possible. We run Jenkins, 2 NodeJS applications, 2 Java applications in ECS and I know it involves IAM, Security Groups, EBS, ELB, ECS Service/Task, ECS Task Definition, but that already gets complex quickly in CloudFormation.
What are good technologies that will allow us to use Docker, keep things simple and don't require us to be very intelligent to understand our own programming code?
I would suggest you start by trying to setup your pipeline using Terraform. Learning it will give you experience in a non-vendor specific infrastructure as code.
Another possibility is to avoid using CloudFormation directly and prefer using the AWS CDK ( as IaC.
Best regards

Cloudformation/Serverless vs Terraform in AWS

I would like to understand the need of tools like Terraform. When we do have Cloudformation template available and one can create/update all AWS services with that , What is the point in using a service like Terraform.
Please Suggest.
CloudFormation (CFN) and Terraform (CF) are both Infrastructure as Code (IaC) development tools.
However, CFN is only for AWS. You can't use it with Azure, GCP or anything else outside of AWS ecosystem. In contrast, TF is cloud agnostic. You can use it across not only multiple cloud providers, but also to work with non-cloud products, such as docker, various databases and even domino pizza if you want.
So the main advantage of TF is that once you learn it only once, you can apply it to a number of cloud providers. CFN is only useful in AWS, and once you stop using CFN, you have to learn something new to work with other cloud.
There are also difference in how TF and CFN work. Both have their strengths and weekends. For example:
when you deploy using CFN all resources are available to view in one central location in AWS along with template's source code. Whereas with TF there is no such place. If you login to the AWS console, you have no idea what was created by TF, what was the source code used, etc.
TF has loops and complex data structures and condtions, while CFN does not.
CFN has creation policies and update policies, TF has not.
You can control access to CFN using CFN policies and IAM policies. You can't do same with TF as it "lives" outside of AWS.
There are a couple of reasons why you might choose Terraform over CloudFormation:
Vendor Agnostic: There might be a point in the future where you need to migrate your cloud infrastructure. This could be due to several reasons (e.g. costs, regulatory compliance, etc.). With Terraform you are still able to use the same tool to deploy the new infrastructure. With smart use of Terraform modules you can even leave large parts of your infrastucture as code repository in tact.
Support for other tools: This also builds a bit on the previous point, but Terraform can deploy a lot more then just AWS resources. For example, you can use Terraform to orchestrate the deployment of an EC2 machine that is then configured with Ansible. Or you could use Terraform to deploy applications on top of your Kubernetes cluster. While CloudFormation supports custom resources via the creation of custom Lambdas, it is quite a lot of work to maintain.
Wider ecosystem: Due to the Open Source nature of Terraform, there is a huge ecosystem of tools that help you solve all kinds of issues, such as testing the infrastructure as code or building in compliance in a continuous fashion.
Arguably a better language: Personally I think Terraform is a way more suited for Infrastructure as Code then CloudFormation. Terraform has a lot more flexibility build in to the language (HCL) and their module system allows for a lot more composability then what can be achieved in CloudFormation.

Cloudformation template from existing resources or other possibilities to replicate environment

I have created an ec2 instance and configured it as a target behind my load balancer. I want to convert this entire environment as something that can be deployed repeatedly in automation. I have looked at cloudformation but don't know if it can help me with converting this environment to a cloudformation template. Is there any other way to achieve this. If there is an approach outside of Cloudformation, that's fine too.
PS: I am new to AWS and it's capabilities
Have a look at Former2.
Former2 allows you to generate Infrastructure-as-Code outputs from your existing resources within your AWS account.
You need an IaC (Infrastructure as Code) tool. Cloudformation is one of them, but there are plenty others. Terraform, Pulumi or even the AWS CDK.
Look at Infrastructure as Code try AWS CDK, Terraform, you should also look at methods for replacing existing infrastructure. Spinning a fresh set of infrastructure along side the existing one and swapping out in DNS is the most common of approach.

Terraform vs gcloud deployment-manager

I'm facing a choice terraform of gcloud deployment manager.
Both tools provide similar functionality and unfortunately lacks all resources.
For example:
gcloud can create service account (terraform cannot)
terraform can manage DNS record set (gcloud cannot)
and many others ...
Can you recommend one tool over the other?
What do you think, which tool will have a richer set of available resources in long run?
Which solution are you using in your projects?
Someone may say this is not a question you should ask on stackoverflow, but I will answer anyway.
It is possible to combine multiple tools. The primary tool you should run is Terraform. Use Terraform to manage all resources it supports natively, and use external provider to invoke gcloud (or anything else). While it will be not very elegant sometimes it will make the work.
Practically I do same approach to invoke aws-cli in external.
I personally found deployment manager harder to get started with for what I wanted to do. Although I had previous experience with terraform, therefore I may be biased. Terraform for me was easier.
Thats said though, the gcloud command line tool is extremely good and as Anton has said, you can feed that in when you need it via external. Also note, this is what terraform does and has been doing for a long time. They are also quite good in my experience of adding new features etc. Yes Gcloud Deployment Manager might have them first, as its google in house, but terraform would never be far behind.
In the long run terraform may be easier to integrate with other services, and there's always the options of going to other providers. On top of that, you have one configuration format to use. As this is what terraform does, I find the way you structure and work with it very logical and easily understood. Something thats valuable if your going to be sharing and working with other team members.
Deployment Manager is a declarative deployment orchestration tool specifically for Google Cloud Platform. So, if you're all in on Google, or just want to automate your processes on our infrastructure, you can certainly do so with Deployment Manager. Deployment Manager also allows you to integrate with other GCP services such as Identity Access Management. Cross platform alternatives such as Puppet, Chef, and Terraform work across multiple cloud providers. They aren't hosted, and you're ending up setting up your own infrastructure to support those. Cloud Formation from AWS is only structured to work within AWS infrastructure, and it integrates well with AWS services.