Year over year running month total percentage change in power bi - powerbi

I've been struggling with this for a while. I need to calculate running month total percentage change year over year. I got it working but its not getting the running total for the month to do the calculation. By the way this is on the graph. Here are my calculations below:
how graph looks
ImprovementIncidentPercentage = 1 - DIVIDE([CurrYearIncidents],[LastYearIncidents],0)
CurrYearIncidents = CALCULATE(count(VW_RI_INCIDENTONLY_PBI[Incident]),
Filter(VW_RI_INCIDENTONLY_PBI,VW_RI_INCIDENTONLY_PBI[EVENTDATE].[Year] =('newsecondyear'[SecondYearValue])))
LastYearIncidents = CALCULATE(count(VW_RI_INCIDENTONLY_PBI[Incident]),
Filter(VW_RI_INCIDENTONLY_PBI,VW_RI_INCIDENTONLY_PBI[EVENTDATE].[Year] = 'newfirstyear'[FirstYearValue]))
The second and first year value is used as slicers for them to be able to pick two years they want to see the percentage improvement on:
slicers to pick what two years to do percent improvement on
I know something has to change CurrYearIncidents and LastYearIncidents so it does the calculation for running total for the month not the monthly total. I am just not sure how to make it work. Here is the close look at the issue.
show as table graph of error
For January the calculation is correct 1-(10/14) = 28.6%
For February it should be 1-(30/29) but instead it does monthly total for february and doesn't add up january so it does 1-(20/15)
To get accumulation values month over month I use this measure:
Please help!


DAX: Projected sum for all months greater than current month of current year

I have a requirement to filter a sum of projected sales for all months >= current month of the current year and any subsequent years that we have project sales data for.
So for 2023 I'd need the sum of projected sales for only February (the current month) through December 2023 on.
My DAX below accomplishes this accurately for current year OR current month, but I can't seem to filter by both without the results including all prior years. Client wants to see past sales and projected sales in the same visual so I cannot just filter out the prior years.
CURRENT SUM OF SALES = CALCULATE(SUM('Table'[Sales]), FILTER('DateTable', YEAR('DateTable'[Date]) >= YEAR(TODAY())))
Thank you for any help!
First, let me answer your request on writing a DAX that filters all months >= current month of the current year; you should create your date as follow:
Then add it to your measure as follow:
CURRENT SUM OF SALES = CALCULATE(SUM('Table'[Sales]), FILTER('DateTable', 'DateTable'[Date] >= DATE(YEAR(NOW()),MONTH(NOW()),1)))
Second, regarding your concern about your client wanting to see past sales and projected sales in the same visual, you only have to create another measure that shows past sales.
If I understand your table structure correctly, this month's sales value will be updated to the actual value when your ETL refreshes the data next month; if not, please let me know.
If my assumption is valid, you can write Past Sales - measure as follows:
Past Sales = CALCULATE(SUM('Table'[Sales]), FILTER('DateTable', 'DateTable'[Date] < DATE(YEAR(NOW()),MONTH(NOW()),1)))
Then, use both measures in a Line chart with the 'DateTable'[Date] column as the X-axis.
I hope I helped in a way; if so, please mark this as an answer and vote for it :)

calculate an average on a calculated measure in DirectQuery

I'm using Power BI, in directQuery mode for all my tables (other than my date table).
I can't change that.
To simplify, I have a fact table that has an id, a date field and a sales figure (not even using the sales for this question.. just the fact that there is a sale on this date).
The date field relates to my date dimension as you'd expect.
I have created a measure, which is a rolling 2 year count of sales (not sum, just count).
Rolling_year_sales_count = CALCULATE(
DISTINCTCOUNT( fact[sale_id]),
this looks good when I put it on a simple table - its properly counting the rolling year counts.
Now, I want to create a rolling 2 year AVERAGE count.
So the result should show 2 for 1925, 5 for 1926, 8 for 1927... (Add the 2 previous year's rolling counts, and divide by 2)
I tried just including this measure in a new measure that uses SUMMARIZE - but because I am using DirectQuery, I cannot refer to calculated measures in my SUMMARIZE.. Same goes for CALCULATE.
So how can I calculate this average, knowing that I'm in directQuery mode?

How i can compare last week average to todays data in Power BI visual?

I want to show an hourly score for today that refreshes every hour. I built it and it works, but now I want it to compare the hourly average for the last week and if it was higher it shows a red arrow up if lower it shows a green arrow down. I don't have a problem adding the arrows as it's very easy, but I've previously added a column to the query that shows if day = today and then used it as a filter inside the visual to show today's data, so when I try to compare the results the filter also affects the calculation I created:
Measure = calculate(average(rawdata[contacts]),rawdata[Week to Average = 1)
week to average is the column that tells if the week was the previous week is simply if(weekcolumn=weeknum(today())-1,1,0)
Do you know any way i can compare last week average to todays data?
Also visual that i used is a matrix
This is just an idea. So if it is enough to solve the case then ok. If it's not it, then, please, add more info about your data table - a screenshot or sample data. how you calculate your average and what do you mean by average? At least what kind of data you are dealing with is it a sum of some values per day, do you have a different number of values for each day? etc.
measure 1:
averContacts = AVERAGE(rawdata[contacts]) -- no CALCULATE()
measure 2:
avrToday =
,TreatAS({TODAY()}, yourTable[DatesColumn])
measure 3:
aveLastWeek =
VAR prevWeekEnd = TODAY() - WEEKDAY(Today(),2) -- 2 -> Mon-Sun week format
VAR prevWeekStart = prevWeekEnd - 7
VAR DatesLastWeek = CALENDAR(prevWeekStart ,prevWeekEnd)
,TreatAS(DatesLastWeek, yourTable[DatesColumn])
measure for your visual
lastWeek_vs_Today = DIVIDE(avrToday ,aveLastWeek)

Calculate Number Months between 2 dates DAX

I am doing a rolling 12 month avarage over a specifik sum that are a calculated column if that matter? and my count over 12 month returns 355 day?
My sum column is [Volume]
I have a Calendar Table that are set up accordingly to a hierarchy as picture show below and more,
my code for the rolling avarage is,
12M tonnage Avarage =
All my values that i have in my SUM column looks like this,
And my Rolling AVG abowe calculates to this,
After some error searching i find that this piece of code,
Gives me a Distinct Count value of 356. And when build my report to look on Days. My Rolling Average does compute correctly.
BUT, this is not what i want since i want this DAX to return 12 and i cant figure out why is doesnt?

Compare totals for the same partial date range year-over-year in DAX / Power BI

I'm trying to create a table which shows a sum of monthly values for one year compared to the last year's totals (structured as the screenshot below):
Monthly Comparison
However, the caveat I'm dealing with is comparing the most current month, which will always contain partial month data (unless it's the last day of the month), to the same date range of the previous year. In the screenshot I attached, our data for January 2018 only goes through January 22nd. However, it's comparing it to the full month of January from 2017, whereas we want that total to be January 1st - 22nd, 2017: Value That Needs to be Updated.
I've tried messing around with various MTD and cumulative totals, but I can't seem to get the logic to work while keeping the aggregation to the monthly level. Any idea what type of logic needs to used in order to compare year-over-year totals, but only do a partial sum for the same date range of a month that is currently in progress?
Thanks in advance.
In my short example, this seems to work:
Total Sales LY 2 =
VAR MaxDate = EDATE(CALCULATE(MAX(Sales[Date]);ALL(Sales));-12)
[Total Sales];
I calculate Total Sales for the same period last year, with the max of the last available sales date this year.
Total Sales LY = Comparing last year full month (wrong)
Total Sales LY 2 = Comparing last year month, with max of last sales date
PBIX file