How to fix Internal Server Error (500) AWS Issue - amazon-web-services

this quite weird happen to our server and this happen last week ago and I don't know where this issue came from, The testing procedure that we do is to check in localhost if this module part is working well and check each task if works well. The conclusion of our test is working on the local side. However on our staging and production side some of the api is not working and based on our observation this is on the AWS problem issue.
First Testing Process :
What we did right now is to check the Idle timeout of load balancer.
From 60 we increase it by 4000 as testing process if this will work but on our testing process still same issue.
Second Testing Process:
To check again each api if working well and all our api is working well.


ChromeOS errors in GCP Logging

I'm seeing errors in StackDriver logging for my Compute instance. The logs are showing repeated issues every hour, creating a lot of noise. I have a Spring Boot API deployed in a container to a VM in Compute Engine using latest stable version of Container OS.
I'm relatively new to GCP and don't understand what is causing this issue, searches have come up empty so far.
Failed to call method: org.chromium.SessionManagerInterface.RetrieveActiveSessions: object_path= /org/chromium/SessionManager: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.chromium.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
CallMethodAndBlockWithTimeout(...): Domain=dbus, Code=org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown, Message=The name org.chromium.SessionManager was not provided by any .service file
Error calling D-Bus proxy call to interface '/org/chromium/SessionManager': The name org.chromium.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
The same 3 lines are repeating every hour. Anyone aware of what might be causing this or how to fix/suppress these?
I looked into this error, and as per my findings:
The error message that you have been receiving is a manifestation of Chrome to reliably exit shortly after starting up.
The UI’s job (which encompasses Chrome, the session_manager and the window manager) gets shut down by upstart because of it's thrashing, and when the test tries to restart the session_manager, the session_manager cannot communicate it over to the D-Bus.
The crash collection software in Container OS was originally for Chromebooks (The laptop using Chrome browser). So the code typically expects Chrome and some other related software on the system.
However, Container OS is a server OS, and does not have Chrome. So if Chrome is missing, the software will report some errors. They are actually not real failures, just some verbose error messages.
Overall, It is safe to ignore these logs and continue using your VM Instances.
Hope this helps.

Suddenly scheduled tasks are not running in coldfusion 8

I am using Coldfusion MX8 server and one of the scheduled task was running from 2 years but now suddenly from 01/12/2014 scheduled tasks are not running. When i browsed the file in browser then the file is running successfully without error.
I am not sure is there any updatation or license expiration problem. I am aware that mid of this year Adobe closed the support for coldfusion 8.
The first most common problem of this problem is external to the server. When you say you browsed to the file and it worked in a browser, it is very important to know if that test was performed on the server desktop. Knowing that you can browse to the file from your desktop or laptop is of small value.
The most common source of issues like this is a change in the DNS or network stack that is interfereing with resolution. For example, if the internal DNS serving your DMZ suddenly starts serving the "external" address - suddenly your server can't browse to your domain. Or if the IP served by the server for the domain in question goes from being to some other IP that the server can't acces correctly due to reverse proxy or LB or some other rule. Finally, sometimes the Apache or IIS is altered so that an IP that previously was serviced ( being the most common example) now does not respond.
If it is something intrinsic to the scheduler service then Frank's advice is pretty good - especially look for "proxy schduler" entries in the log - they can give you good clues. I would also log results of a scheduled task to a file. Then check the file. If it exists then your scheduled tasks ARE running - they are just not succeeding. Good luck!
I've seen the cf scheduling service crash in CF8. The rest of CF is unaffected.
Have you tried restarting the server?
Here are your concerns:
Your File (works since you tested it manually).
Your Scheduled Task (failed).
Your Coldfusion Application (Service) (any changes here)?
Your Server (what about here).
To test your problem create a duplicate task and schedule it. Leave the other one in place (maybe set your new one to run earlier). Use the same file too. See if it completes.
If it doesn't then you have a larger problem. Since the Coldfusion Server sits atop of the JVM there could be something happening there. Things just don't stop working unless something got corrupted or you got compromised. If you hardened your server by rearranging/renaming the file structure to make it more secure...It would break your task.
So going back: if your test schedule works then determine what is different between the two. Note you have logging capabilities. Logging abilities for CF8
If you are not directly incharge of maintaining this server, then I would recommend asking around and see if there was recent maintenance, if so, what was done to the server?

Strange apache lag in requests

I have an Apache2 and Django (mod_wsgi) setup that provides a RESTful API. I have a set of automated tests for this, that executes ~1000 API requests (pure http GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) in sequential order.
The problem is, for every 80 requests or so, I get a strange lag/timeout for exactly 5s or 10s. See timestamp examples here:
Request 1: 2013-08-30T03:49:20.915
Response 1: 2013-08-30T03:49:30.940
Request 2: 2013-08-30T03:50:32.559
Response 2: 2013-08-30T03:50:37.597
I can't figure out why this happens. I have an apache config with KeepAlive Off (recommended setup setting for Django) but otherwise standard install for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
I'm running the tests from the same server where the webserver is, I first thought this was some kind of DNS cache thing, but I've added the hostname I'm requesting to /etc/hosts but the problem persists.
The system is idle and have lots of cpu and mem when this lag/timeouts happens.
The lag is not specific to a certain request (URL), it seems kinda random.
Considering that it's always exactly to the millisecond 5s or 10s, it feels like this is some specific setting somewhere causing this.
In case it provides some insight, watch my talk from PyCon US.
The talk deals with things like process churn and startup costs. One thing you shouldn't do is set maximum requests if you don't really need it.
Also consider trying New Relic to help diagnose where the issue is. That will save a lot of guessing if it is a web application of backend service infrastructure issue.
As far as seeing how such monitoring can help, watch another one of my PyCon talks.
This was a DNS issue, adding the domainname I used locally to /etc/hosts actually solved the problem. I just hadn't reboot the server for the changes to take effect, thought restarting networking would take care of that, but apparently not.

Service blocks windows startup

We have automatically started service which in some cases spends a lot of the time loading necessary data, let's say 10 minutes. During this time it works as expected (processing some huge data files required to start). I report the progess by C++ SetServiceStatus function, it is working fine.
This service is not dependent on anything and has only one dependency which is again our own service. It is started after those 10 minutes, it needs the first "server" service to be fully running to accept the requests.
I thought that windows would start all other automatic services (in less then 10 minutes as usually) and then start working normally but system is completely blocked during startup (i can't login to computer or ping the computer) until this one specific service is started (reports SERVICE_RUNNING by SetServiceStatus). When out service completely starts, the other missing system services (required for network, remote desktop, whatever, it's quite random) are also started. Is this normal behaviour? Why are non-depending processes (as remote desktop, network connections, etc.) waiting for this process? Am I missing something?
I tried to add some dependencies to postpone the startup of my service but I ended up with many dependencies and behaviour still somehow random (as order of services is random). Sometimes I was able to login but for example Start button started working only after those 10 minutes when my service was started. I am not sure what is "the last service" to depend on and what services to include to my depend-list and on some computers this services can be disabled and it can bring new problems... so I don't like this solution very much.
Another option was Delayed start option for our service. This should start service when all other automatic services are running. Well, this works fine, windows boots, computer running and responding, our service is started, but the performance is very bad, many times slower than usually, it seems that delayed started services have much lower priority or something like that.
My only current solution is to report to system that my service is running (by SetServiceStatus function), but to continue loading (this works, I tested it). But then we have problem with our dependent service as it needs to be started when the first one is really ready. It can be solved but I still wonder how is this possible and if there is something I could use to keep the current state of automatic started service which reports "started" when it is really fully started and prepared to work. Thanks for any ideas.
Set SERVICE_RUNNING as soon as possible, and then continue processing in background. Make your other service resilient to the first service being in a running state, but not yet ready to service.
The longer the service is in the starting state the more problems we get from different windows versions.

BizTalkServerIsolatedHost disappeared from one server in multi-server group

Afternoon all,
We have a group of four BizTalk servers: two orchestration hosts and two adapter hosts. We have a number of orchestrations exposed as web services, and for the purposes of this question, it is important to note that these web services are hosted on the adapter servers, and run under the BizTalkServerIsolatedHost host instance.
This morning, we started seeing odd errors on both of the adapter servers when SOAP calls came into the web services, like this:
The Messaging Engine failed to
register the adapter for “SOAP” for
the receive location blahblahblah.
Please verify that the receive
location exists, and that the isolated
adapter runs under an account that has
access to the BizTalk databases.
We restarted IIS on both servers, which fixed the errors on ONE server, but the other server continued to fail. The errors continued after a reboot as well.
After chasing our tails for a while, we eventually discovered that the BizTalkServerIsolatedHost host instance on the still-failing server was gone. Just... gone. These applications have been in production for months. Everything had been working swimmingly through the morning, until this just happened.
I don't want to muddy the waters, because I think the problems are unrelated, but in the interest of providing enough information, this problem exactly coincided with a problem in our load-balancing network hardware. The load balancer, which provides a single URL to consumers, and round-robins between the two adapter servers, just stopped working. This problem has not been resolved, so I don't know what happened, but it certainly made troubleshooting more interesting...
So, I have two questions:
Has anyone seen this before, where a host instance disappears?
We cannot find anything in the event viewer or anywhere else that says the host instance was deleted. Is this logged somewhere?