Google cloud won't let me increase GPU quota until I've used my present quota, which is 0? - google-cloud-platform

Apparently google will not offer support for free trials, so there is no way to get official help on this.
I am trying to set up a free trial version of google cloud, to run a deep learning project on a cloud GPU. After setting up a project, I wish to add a machine learning VM. I go there, and it tells me I need to increase my GPU quota. However, when I follow the 'change quota' link, I can't change the GPU quota, because I am not using my currently available quota (which is 0) ...
Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? The aim for me was to make a guide for my students who will need this resource in a few days. I got it to work on another google account in summer, but need to go through it again on a fresh account, so I can tell my students what it will look like for them. So, I think I'm familiar with most of the steps, but I haven't seen this "service usage history" error before.

Google has restricted few products in free trial. You can upgrade the account during the free trial. Both free trial and paid will be running simultaneously but you will be paying only for restricted products which were not available in free trial. .
The GPUs on Compute Engine are no longer in beta and are shown in free trial. But, you can start machine learning in free trial mode as the quota is 0.
However you can try products which are machine learning based like Auto ML, Vision API, Bigquery(Depending on your project and your needs) as per free tier usage limits. Also check out GPU pricing.

This issue seems to somehow be related to the fact that I have already used the 300 USD on a different google account. I tried it with a colleague who had not used any paid google product before, and it worked just as it should.
So, somehow, either through my credit card info or something else, google cloud knows about the other account.


RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED with Vertex Pipeline by leveraging the free trial on GCP

I am fairly new to GCP and I am playing around with it taking advantage of the free trial.
I would like to run this simple pipeline in Vertex from notebook, but once I run it, I get this error in the very first task. code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, message=The following quota metrics exceed quota limits:, cause=null;
I've looked at the quotas of the error and I have 1 CPU for each available region. Of course I can not edit them, because of the free trial.
I also made these other attempts without success:
Set the CPU limit equal to 1 on the pipeline component;
Use the less powerful machine available (n1-standard-4, which actually uses 4 vCPUs);
Run the pipeline in different regions;
Define and run the pipeline in a completely new project;
Define and run the AutoML pipeline for classification/regression, starting from the available models.
It seems rather strange to me that it is not possible to try this service with free trial, but I don't know how to solve the problem. Any ideas? Thanks
Which regions have you tried? You can check the regions available of the resource in question at the Quotas page within your project. go to "IAM & Admin" > "Quotas" then go find the resource at the search bar:
Another alternative is to request a quota increase, be aware though that there that quota increase request will go though evaluation before getting granted. For more information about conditions about quota you can visit Google's documentation here.

Google Cloud project resources removed after trial periode

I used Google Cloud for 1 year and after that I stopped using it for almost a year.
Now I want to use it again, but the resources (VM'S, Snapshots, etc) are removed by Google. Accordering to Google, all resources will be removed after the trial periode has been exceeded by 30 day's.
Is is possible to file a restore request (whole project, or at least a VM or Snapshot? Paid, or unpaid restore doesn't matter for me.
Please advice.
Thank you.
upgraded my account to a paid account (pay as you go). But still no resources.
Only my project name is visible.
The GCP Free Tier documentation is very clear in this aspect, as it states in the "Recovering data" section:
Recovering Data
Contact Google Billing Support to export any data you stored in GCP services (other than on Compute Engine) during your trial period. Your data and resources are only available for 30 days after the free trial ends.
Maybe a couple days after the 30 days you would still have a chance to request it and have it done, but more than that is very unlikely. This kind of deadlines are in place to protect and free some of the shared resources of GCP.
Your only realistic possibility here is contacting GCP support, explain your situation and hope that something could be recovered, but understand that it's very unlikely.

Cannot Extend GPU Quota on Google Cloud

I am using Google Cloud for development and training of deep neural networks. I've reached the limits of what I can do with CPUs and now need to create and instance with one or more GPUs.
I've followed the instructions from multiple sources. As the instance was being created I received a notification that my quota for my region (us-west1) was zero and to request an increase.
I did so and received the confirmation email within minutes. However, when I then attempted to recreate the instance I was again met with the quota increase error.
I submitted another request (same region) but heard nothing.
I tried in a different region, again requesting a quota increase, but heard nothing. I did this 6 times and -- as you might have guessed -- neither received a confirmation email nor was I able to create my instance.
I tried the hack of using Chrome in Incognito mode, but no joy.
This was an issue a few months ago, at least judging from the S/O and Google forum posts. I would think that by now it would be fixed.
Any help would be much appreciated as I'm totally stuck
NB: Cross-posted to the gce-discussion forum
I think you should contact the Google Cloud Platform Support for this kind of issues.
Open a case asking why your quota increase has not been applied and I am sure they are going to solve this in some days or at least to tell you why your request was declined.
Notice that quoting from the official Documentation "Free Trial accounts do not receive GPU quota by default."
Disclaimer: I work for the Google Cloud Support.

Dialogflow can't create more agent due to gcp quota

i am trying to create another agent in my dialogflow account but i can't because my gcp project limit is reached so i deleted the other useless agent but still the same issue now i tried deleting some project from gcp but still same error persist. how can i increase the quota of my dialogflow agent ?
Thank you
regards saif
Google Cloud Projects that are deleted take 30 days to completely delete. In the meantime, they are counted against your quota.
The limit is in place to make sure people don't abuse the resource or that a wayward process doesn't suddenly create tons of projects. They are reasonable about allocating more.
As the orange box indicates, you can request more projects through that link, which probably goes to In it, be reasonable in your request, and mention that you're experimenting, that this is why you've used up all the projects initially allocated, and that you've already deleted some, but need more to continue your work in the meantime.
While use of the Dialogflow Standard Edition is free, there are limits on the amount of requests that you can make. You must bay Google Cloud Platform resources.

Google Cloud Platform GPU Quotas not always displayed

I am using GCP with several identical projects. For each new project I need a
quota of one GPU (Tesla K80). In order to apply for an increase of my GPU quota, I open the console and navigate to "IAM & Admin" > "Quotas". There I filter for my region (europe-west-1) and look for the "NVidia K80 GPUs" entry.
I have noticed that the Compute Engine APIs only appear after visiting the "Compute Engine" menu at least once. So far so good. However, the option for the GPUs only shows up after a lot of browsing around and switching between projects and revisiting the quotas page. It seems completely random.
Here is an example of two identical projects and the available quota options:
Project "examplestudent02" has the GPU option:
Project "examplestudent03" does not have the GPU option:
I cannot figure out what makes this option appear. Did anyone experience something similar? Is there something that needs to be activated before the GPU quota option appears?
There is a related question on stack overflow. However, the GPU option also does not appear when changing the Quota type to "All quotas" (which is the default anyway). Also going to the quotas page in incognito mode did not help. Lastly, I normally use Chrome, but I also tried logging in with a different browser (Firefox) which also did not help.
The following answer is based on the current scenario as there is no issue with quota display anymore.
To answer to your question, you can go to the quotas page of your console and check your GPU quota from there.
The GPUs are currently listed by the name of NVIDIA K80 GPUs and NVIDIA P100 GPUs (not GPU only). These can be easily filtered out by selecting from Metric column on this page.
If any of these cannot be found then the quota might not have been assigned. To request the GPU quota, you can follow the steps mentioned in this article. Once the request is submitted, it might take 24 to 48 hours to get approved.
That being said, one thing you need to keep in mind that free trial accounts do not receive GPU quota by default. I would also suggest checking the restrictions on instances with GPU to avoid any future issues.
Hope this helps.