how do i use tor proxy with my client/server chat app cpp - c++

I have a client/server app, and I want my client to use tor proxy which I've downloaded from the tor website, and connect over that proxy with my server that has an onion address.
I have the code that uses the proxy but the problem is that the server is designed to send an authentication string that needs to be changed in a certain way so that only my clients can be accepted to connect to the server.
but when the proxy checks, if the server is up. my server sends the authentication string to the proxy.
The question is how do I know that is the proxy is checking the server instead of the client from the server's end?
at the server's end, I do nothing but listen and accept the client as if you would do using sockets without a proxy.


using c++ wss server with websocket++ or other c++ websocket lib

I am trying to write a c++ websocket server and have browser/chrome clients connect over websockets, for a multiplayer game. The websocket c++ library I'm using atm is websocketpp or websocket++. I wrote an app that allows clients to connect over ws and localhost, but when I add an ip for the address, connections don't occur at all. Now I think I have to use ssl and wss for ip connection? I tried it and there is some connection activity, but then the handshake times out. Could I be experiencing cross-orgin issues, or what, do i need ssl? I am new to websockets. Could the problem be my ssl certs I made with openssl? I can post code, or if you are familiar with a c++ library to do websockets, what is it? Is this even a possible thing to do?
There could be multiple reasons why it won't connect over ip.
The first is port forwarding. On a local network it's not necessary but running a server over a remote network, portforwarding has to be done. You can just run your server then use a simple port checker (there's many websites for them) to see if a connection can be established.
The other reason could be as you said ssl. If you are running your client on a web host, the host may require a connection to be made over ssl/wss for websockets. If your server isn't running a valid ssl certificate then this could prevent the client from connecting to your server. I know for exampe Github pages requires the server to be running wss or valid ssl certificates on the server side in order for a client connection to be established; however, if you use a custom domain name for Github pages then you can disable the need for ssl.
In order to get valid ssl certificates you would need to register a domain for your ip address then either buy certificates or use free certificates from zerossl or other distributors.
Here is a game I have written which connects to a c++ server which I'm running on my own machine with its own domain with valid ssl certificates and the client is running on github pages with a custom domain I have registered.
It's basically multiplayer minesweeper where the objective is to locate the flags rather than avoid them.

how is the http CONNECT request behaviour?

Recently i started to write a proxy(web debugging) software.
and handled the GET request well.
sometimes i get CONNECT messages from the client, so i connect to the target server and reply the client by "200 Connection Established".
is that it all??
because after it i don't get any messages
from the server or the client.
so i got confused.
I want to know all the steps of https CONNECT message request and responses until an https site(like gets loaded.
Thank you.
The CONNECT request is used to set up a connection tunnel. This is used mainly to allow access to https sites through an http proxy.
The web proxy is expected to set up a proxy connection to the indicated host, and then proxy the traffic between the two connections, until one or the other terminates.
After establishing the connection, you expect to see either the client or the server start sending something to the other. Your proxy code should be prepared, at any time, to receive more data from either the client or the server, to be forwarded to the other party. If not, your proxy is not doing something correctly. It is not your proxy's job to handle https negotiation. Once the connection is established, your proxy must transparently proxy all the data, and it is the client's and the server's task to talk https with each other.

Client connect Server via Http proxy server(Windows c\c++)

We have a C\S model program. And users use client to connect our server. But some company users surf the Internet via HTTP proxy Server(not SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxy server). In this case, we need provide a feature to set the client proxy server(just like some other software). If do so, we should package our original data to Http protocol. So I want to know:
Is the method OK? Or there are some other better method to solve the problem.
If do so, Can our server send data to client initiatively?
Do you know other released software which have the feature to set proxy server how to deal this problem?
That is not how HTTP proxies work. You do not have to re-package your existing data as HTTP. All you need to do is:
connect to the HTTP proxy port, and send it an HTTP CONNECT request specifying the host/IP and port to connect to, eg:
CONNECT hostname:port HTTP/1.0
User-agent: MyApp
If the proxy requires authentication, you can also provide a Proxy-authorization header containing the encoded credentials as needed, eg:
CONNECT hostname:port HTTP/1.0
User-agent: MyApp
Proxy-authorization: basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0
if the proxy accepts the request and is successful in connecting to the requested host, it will send back an HTTP 200 reply, eg:
HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established
Proxy-agent: ProxyApp/1.1
you can now send and receive your data as you were already doing before, and the proxy will pass the data as-is between the client the host in both directions. You do not have to change any code logic other than to establish the proxy connection.
See Tunneling TCP based protocols through Web proxy servers
for more details.
This process is similar to the way other proxy protocols work, like SOCKS. The client connects to the proxy, requests a connection to the server host, and then the client and server pass data back and forth as if the proxy were not present.

How to get a WebSocket server run on aws

I'm developing an iOS app that requires realtime dual-way server/client messaging.
I'm trying to use WebSocket++ to develop a WebSocket server app on an AWS EC2. Have to use C++ because that's the only language I know on the server side.
The problem is I'm a fresh guy on server side development. I have 2 very basic questions:
1, Do I need have to setup an HTTP server like apache/nginx in order to get websocket running?
That is, can websocket app live independently alone?
2, I have now setup an nginx server in case it is a must have, is there any resource that I can refer to to make nginx & websocket work together well?
No, you don't need a Web server, a (reverse) Web proxy or anything to have your C++ WebSocket server talk to WebSocket clients.
Nginx (as HAproxy) supports reverse proxying WebSocket. This can make sense in certain situations, like you want to terminate TLS at the proxy and forward plain WebSocket to your backend server, or you want to load-balance incoming WebSocket connections to multiple backend nodes. However, as said, this isn't required.
No you don't, websocket and socket for an HTTP server are two diffent things.
HTTP server is for the HTTP protocol while there is not protocol defined for websocket, you have to define it yourself typically by the mean of sending/receiving Json message (a stream of character which each side (the server and the client) knows how to read/write).
The goal of websocket is to offer to javascript through HTML5 an easy, light and quick way to communicate through a socket, without websocket you have to do that with web services and in that case you need a http server.
With websocket you can create an html file leveraging html tag and javascript, javascript use client side of websocket to communicate with a C++/websocket server program, and you do not need even a web server, in this scenario you have a "desktop web app" ! (here web term is only because you use html tags)
Same question, same answer, no again ;-)
Good luck, and welcome in the wonderful world of asio !

boost asio client authentication

I have a client server based c++ application which communicates over network (with boost asio) and I am planning to distribute this client application to my customers. My problem is I don't know how to prevent connection request from other applications, that is how can I make sure that only my client application is able to connect to my server. I think there is no way to do this without making the connection, than what is the best way to verify that request is coming from my client?
You can use asio's builtin SSL ability. So, you generating sertificates for each server, and client sertificates. So you can check client sertificate on server at the moment of SSL handshake. As a bonus, your traffic will be encrypted and SSL-secure. Clients can check server is not a fake; server can check clients are authorized.
Yes you have to accept the connection in order to know if it's from your application or not.
You can use a three-way handshake at the connection step:
Client connects to the server The server is sending an specific
value (integer, strings or whatever) to the new client.
The client handles this value, compute a new one with it and sends
the new value to the server.
The server checks if the returned value is correct or not.
The client will have the same compute method as the server. The others applications will not be able to use your service if they returned a bad value.