Integral of 1D array in Fortran - fortran

The task is to write the code for calculating integral of the polynomial function. the function id displayed in the image I attached. I wrote the code and it compiled and the answer came out. However, it is completely different with the analytical solution. The code:
program rectangularApproximation
write(*,*) "Input values of a ,b and eps"
read(*,*) a,b,eps
1 continue
do i=1,n
do i=1,n
if (abs(sprev-snext)<eps) then
write(*,*) snext,n
end if
goto 1
write(*,*) s
real function f(x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x
integer :: i
real, dimension(8) :: numbers
numbers = (/1,3,1,4,2,3,0,1 /)
do i = 1,8
f = f + numbers(i) * x**(numbers(i))
end do
end function
The result obtained by running the code is 588189248 (the interval (a,b) is (1,2) and i chose epsillon=0.001) Analytical solution is following :
The answer of analytical solution is 169.256 . What could have gone wrong in my code?

Your polynomial code is wrong:
do i = 1,8
f = f + numbers(i) * x**(numbers(i))
end do
That should be
do i = 1,8
f = f + numbers(i) * x**i
end do


Dummy argument not agreeing with actual argument when passing function

I'm trying to implement Newton's method but I'm getting a confusing error message. In my code you'll see I called external with f1 and f2 which I assumes tells the computer to look for the function but it's treating them as variables based on the error message. I've read the stack overflow posts similar to my issue but none of the solutions seem to work. I've tried with and without the external but the issue still persists. Hoping someone could see what I'm missing.
implicit none
subroutine solve(f1,f2,x0,n, EPSILON)
implicit none
real(kind = 2), external:: f1, f2
real (kind = 2), intent(in):: x0, EPSILON
real (kind = 2):: x
integer, intent(in):: n
integer:: iteration
x = x0
do while (abs(f1(x))>EPSILON)
iteration = iteration + 1
print*, iteration, x, f1(x)
x = x - (f1(x)/f2(x))
if (iteration >= n) then
print*, "No Convergence"
end if
end do
print*, iteration, x
end subroutine solve
end module newton
Program Lab10
use newton
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 1000 ! maximum iteration
real(kind = 2), parameter :: EPSILON = 1.d-3
real(kind = 2):: x0, x
x0 = 3.0d0
call solve(f(x),fp(x),x0,n, EPSILON)
real (kind = 2) function f(x) ! this is f(x)
implicit none
real (kind = 2), intent(in)::x
f = x**2.0d0-1.0d0
end function f
real (kind = 2) function fp(x) ! This is f'(x)
implicit none
real (kind = 2), intent(in)::x
fp = 2.0d0*x
end function fp
end program Lab10```
You seem to be passing function results to your subroutine and not the functions themselves. Remove (x) when calling solve() and the problem will be resolved. But more importantly, this code is a prime example of how to not program in Fortran. The attribute external is deprecated and you better provide an explicit interface. In addition, what is the meaning of kind = 2. Gfortran does not even comprehend it. Even if it comprehends the kind, it is not portable. Here is a correct portable modern implementation of the code,
module newton
use iso_fortran_env, only: RK => real64
implicit none
abstract interface
pure function f_proc(x) result(result)
import RK
real(RK), intent(in) :: x
real(RK) :: result
end function f_proc
end interface
subroutine solve(f1,f2,x0,n, EPSILON)
procedure(f_proc) :: f1, f2
real(RK), intent(in) :: x0, EPSILON
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(RK) :: x
integer :: iteration
x = x0
do while (abs(f1(x))>EPSILON)
iteration = iteration + 1
print*, iteration, x, f1(x)
x = x - (f1(x)/f2(x))
if (iteration >= n) then
print*, "No Convergence"
end if
end do
print*, iteration, x
end subroutine solve
end module newton
Program Lab10
use newton
integer, parameter :: n = 1000 ! maximum iteration
real(RK), parameter :: EPSILON = 1.e-3_RK
real(RK) :: x0, x
x0 = 3._RK
call solve(f,fp,x0,n, EPSILON)
pure function f(x) result(result) ! this is f(x)
real (RK), intent(in) :: x
real (RK) :: result
result = x**2 - 1._RK
end function f
pure function fp(x) result(result) ! This is f'(x)
real (RK), intent(in) :: x
real (RK) :: result
result = 2 * x
end function fp
end program Lab10
If you expect to pass nonpure functions to the subroutine solve(), then remove the pure attribute. Note the use of real64 to declare 64-bit (double precision) real kind. Also notice how I have used _RK suffix to assign 64-bit precision to real constants. Also, notice I changed the exponents from real to integer as it is multiplication is more efficient than exponentiation computationally. I hope this answer serves more than merely the solution to Lab10.

How to calculate several different random numbers from normal dist? using fortran

I have to find 'n' random numbers from a normal distribution given the mean and standard deviation. I have figure out how to get a random number, but when try to loop it to get several different random numbers, it gives me the same number x amount of times?
program prac10
implicit none
real :: mu, sigma
integer :: i
!print*, "mean and stdev?"
!read*, mu, sigma
do i=1, 2 # here is the part I think I am stuck on??
call normal(mu,sigma)
end program
subroutine normal(mu,sigma)
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: n
real :: u, v, z, randnum
real :: mu, sigma
real :: pi=3.141593
print*, randnum
end subroutine
particularly the part where I should be looping/repeating. I used from 1:2, replacing n with 2 for now so that I wouldn't have to input it every time I try to run it
The most important fact is that you must not call RANOM_SEED repeatedly. It is supposed to be called only once.
It is also good to modify the subroutine to generate the number and pass it further. Notice also the change of formatting to make it more readable and the change in the value of pi.
program prac10
implicit none
real :: mu, sigma, x
integer :: i
mu = 1.1
sigma = 0.1
do i = 1, 2
call normal(x,mu,sigma)
print *, x
end do
end program
subroutine normal(randnum,mu,sigma)
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: n
real :: u, v, z, randnum
real :: mu, sigma
real :: pi = acos(-1.0)
z = sqrt(-2*log(u)) * cos(2*pi*v)
randnum = mu + sigma*z
end subroutine

Inaccurate results from Lagrange Interpolation in Fortran

I have written a Fortran program to compute the Lagrange interpolation of two data sets: x,G. I am not able to evaluate the defined function correctly. Please see what I did wrong as while my program runs, the numbers are not at all accurate for the fxn see first two programs (Matlab code) to see actual result). They are provided by the author and are what I am trying to emulate on Fortran:
%% example 1.1 langrange interpolation %(Matlab)
% X : interpolation points
% Y : value of f(X)
% x : points where we want an evaluation of P(x),
% where P is the interpolator polynomial
x = [-1:0.01:1];
X = [-1:0.20:1];
y = 1./(1+25*x.^2);
Y = 1./(1+25*X.^2);
pol = lagrange_interp(X,Y,x)
legend('Lagrange Polynomial','Expected behavior','Data Points');
function polynomial = lagrange_interp(X,Y,x) %(Matlab)
n = length(X);
phi = ones(n,length(x));
polynomial = zeros(1,length(x));
i = 0;
j = 0;
for i = [1:n]
for j = [1:n]
if not(i==j)
phi(i,:) = phi(i,:).*(x-X(j))./(X(i)-X(j));
for i = [1:n]
polynomial = polynomial + Y(i)*phi(i,:);
!Lagrange Interpolation example !(Fortran)
program Lagrange
implicit none
integer:: i
integer, parameter:: n=10
integer, parameter:: z=201
integer, parameter:: z1=11
real, parameter:: delta=.01
real,parameter:: delta2=.20
real, dimension(1:z):: x,G,y,H
real*8, dimension(1:n):: M
real*8, dimension(1:n):: linterp(n)
do i=2,z
end do
print*, "The one-dimensional array x is:", x(1:z)
print*, "The one dimensional array y is", y(1:z)
do i=2,z1
end do
print*,"The other one-dimensional array G is:", G(1:z1)
print*, "Then the one dimensional array H is", H(1:z1)
print*, M(1:n)
end program
!Lagrange interpolation polynomial function !(Fortran)
real*8 function linterp(n)
implicit none
integer,parameter:: n=10
integer, dimension(1:n):: poly,pol
integer:: i, j
do i=1,n
do j=1,n
if (i/=j)then
end if
end do
end do
print*, poly(i,j)
do i=1,n
end do
print*, pol(1:n)
end function

Unclassifiable statement in an equation in Fortran

So far my code is working properly except I am now getting a compiler error error like this:
std =std +((x(I) -xbar))**2)
Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)
Here is my code:
program cardata
implicit none
real, dimension(291) :: x
double precision date, odometer, fuel
real :: std=0
real :: xbar=0
open(unit=10, file="car.dat", FOrm="FORMATTED", STATUS="OLD", ACTION="READ")
read(10,*) N
do I=1,N
read(10,*) x(I)
xbar= xbar +x(I)
xbar = xbar/N
DO I =1,N
std =std +((x(I) -xbar))**2
std = SQRT((std / (N - 1)))
print*, 'std deviation:',std
end program cardata
I am fairly new to this, any input will be greatly appreciated.
Count the parentheses.
std =std +((x(I) -xbar))**2)
There are three of these: (
There are four of these: )
Since this is likely a course I will help you how to debug.
Basically start with some write statements... Check your answers...
program cardata
implicit none
read(10,*) N
WRITE(*,*)' I read N as ',N
WRITE(*,*)'XBar starts as ', Xbar
do I=1,N
! was XBAr ever set to start at 0!
xbar= xbar +x(I)
WRITE(*,*)'Syd starts as ',Std
DO I =1,N
std =std +((x(I) -xbar))**2
WRITE(*,*)'Std starts is now ',Std,' and n =',N
! What do we do if N=1 or is Std is negative?
WRITE(*,*)'SQRT(Std)=', SQRT(Std)
std = SQRT((std / (N - 1)))
At some point You will determine that X is a column, and it is the first column. What is the second column? Y?

Prevent changing variables with intent(in)

so reading the following question (Correct use of FORTRAN INTENT() for large arrays) I learned that defining a variable with intent(in) isn't enough, since when the variable is passed to another subroutine/function, it can be changed again. So how can I avoid this? In the original thread they talked about putting the subroutine into a module, but that doesn't help for me. For example I want to calculate the determinant of a matrix with a LU-factorization. Therefore I use the Lapack function zgetrf, but however this function alters my input matrix and the compiler don't displays any warnings. So what can I do?
module matHelper
implicit none
subroutine initMat(AA)
real*8 :: u
double complex, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: AA
integer :: row, col, counter
counter = 1
do row=1,size(AA,1)
do col=1,size(AA,2)
AA(row,col)=cmplx(counter ,0)
end do
end do
end subroutine initMat
!subroutine to write a Matrix to file
!Input: AA - double complex matrix
! fid - integer file id
! fname - file name
! stat - integer status =replace[0] or old[1]
subroutine writeMat(AA,fid, fname, stat)
integer :: fid, stat
character(len=*) :: fname
double complex, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: AA
integer :: row, col
character (len=64) :: fmtString
!opening file with given options
if(fid /= 0) then
if(stat == 0) then
open(unit=fid, file=fname, status='replace', &
else if(stat ==1) then
open(unit=fid, file=fname, status='old', &
print*, 'Error while trying to open file with Id', fid
end if
end if
!initializing matrix print format
write(fmtString,'(I0)') size(aa,2)
fmtString = '('// trim(fmtString) //'("{",ES10.3, ",", 1X, ES10.3,"}",:,1X))'
!write(*,*) fmtString
!writing matrix to file by iterating through each row
do row=1,size(aa,1)
write(fid,fmt = fmtString) AA(row,:)
write(fid,*) ''
end subroutine writeMat
!function to calculate the determinant of the input
!Input: AA - double complex matrix
!Output determinantMat - double complex,
! 0 if AA not a square matrix
function determinantMat(AA)
double complex, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: AA
double complex :: determinantMat
integer, dimension(min(size(AA,1),size(AA,2)))&
:: ipiv
integer :: ii, info
!check if not square matrix, then set determinant to 0
if(size(AA,1)/= size(AA,2)) then
determinantMat = 0
end if
!compute LU facotirzation with LAPACK function
call zgetrf(size(AA,1),size(AA,2), AA,size(AA,1), ipiv,info)
if(info /= 0) then
determinantMat = cmplx(0.D0, 0.D0)
end if
determinantMat = cmplx(1.D0, 0.D0)
!determinant of triangular matrix is product of diagonal elements
do ii=1,size(AA,1)
if(ipiv(ii) /= ii) then
!a permutation was done, so a factor of -1
determinantMat = -determinantMat *AA(ii,ii)
!no permutation, so no -1
determinantMat = determinantMat*AA(ii,ii)
end if
end do
end function determinantMat
end module matHelper
!module which stores matrix elements, dimension, trace, determinant
program test
use matHelper
implicit none
double complex, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: AA, BB
integer :: n, fid
fid = 0;
call initMat(AA)
call writeMat(AA,0,' ', 0)
print*, 'Determinante: ',determinantMat(AA) !changes AA
call writeMat(AA,0, ' ', 0)
end program test
PS: I am using the ifort compiler v15.0.3 20150407
I do not have ifort at home, but you may want to try compiling with '-check interfaces' and maybe with '-ipo'. You may need the path to 'zgetrf' for the '-check interfaces' to work, and if that is not source then it may not help.
If you declare 'function determinantMat' as 'PURE FUNCTION determinantMat' then I am pretty sure it would complain because 'zgetrf' is not known to be PURE nor ELEMENTAL. Try ^this stuff^ first.
If LAPACK has a module, then zgetrf could be known to be, or not be, PURE/ELEMENTAL.
I would suggest you add to your compile line:
-check interfaces -ipo
During initial build I like (Take it out for speed once it works):
-check all -warn all
Making a temporary array is one way around it. (I have not compiled this, so it is only a conceptual exemplar.)
PURE FUNCTION determinantMat(AA)
USE LAPACK95 !--New Line--!
IMPLICIT NONE !--New Line--!
double complex, dimension(:,:) , intent(IN ) :: AA
double complex :: determinantMat !<- output
integer, dimension(min(size(AA,1),size(AA,2))) :: ipiv
!!--Next line is new--
double complex, dimension(size(AA,1),size(AA,2)) :: AA_Temp !!<- I have no idea if this will work, you may need an allocatable??
integer :: ii, info
!check if not square matrix, then set determinant to 0
if(size(AA,1)/= size(AA,2)) then
determinantMat = 0
end if
!compute LU factorization with LAPACK function
!!--Next line is new--
AA_Temp = AA !--Initialise AA_Temp to be the same as AA--!
call zgetrf(size(AA_temp,1),size(AA_Temp,2), AA_Temp,size(AA_Temp,1), ipiv,info)
if(info /= 0) then
determinantMat = cmplx(0.D0, 0.D0)
end if
determinantMat = cmplx(1.D0, 0.D0)
!determinant of triangular matrix is product of diagonal elements
do ii=1,size(AA_Temp,1)
if(ipiv(ii) /= ii) then
!a permutation was done, so a factor of -1
determinantMat = -determinantMat *AA_Temp(ii,ii)
!no permutation, so no -1
determinantMat = determinantMat*AA_Temp(ii,ii)
end if
end do
end function determinantMat
With the 'USE LAPACK95' you probably do not need PURE, but if you wanted it to be PURE then you want to explicitly say so.