I have files encoded with PHP 7.2 + ionCube 10.3 - classloader

I have files encoded with PHP 7.2 + ionCube 10.3
I want to decrypt these files, is there a way online?
These files start with these symbols


Oracle instant client header files are missed

I'm using RedHat OS to build a C++ program that is using OCCI to connect with an Oracle DB.
I had to reinstall everything and I found that my make file is adding the header files from the following path
Which isn't available anymore
The only installation I remember I need is installing oracle-instantclient-basic
I've downloaded the rpm and installed using the command rpm -i ***.rpm
But the folder /usr/include/oracle isn't there
Note: The path /usr/lib/oracle/18.3/client/lib is found and all libraries I use for linking are there (only header files are missed).
This is my installation file
I could investigate and find the solution
The header files are not created by installing oracle-instantclient-basic but you should install oracle-instantclient-devel
/usr/include/oracle/18.3/client64 is the path for 64bit version and the path is /usr/include/oracle/18.3/client for 32bit versions.
All the tools can be downloaded from oracle website

Installing gettext in windows :Can't find msguniq. Make sure you have GNU gettext tools 0.15 or newer installed

I followed the instructor of installing gettext on windows and when I type xgettext --version in my command prompt it says that it has installed. but when I want to run this command: python manage.py makemessages -l "fa"
in my project it says Can't find msguniq. Make sure you have GNU gettext tools 0.15 or newer installed.
I tried so hard but it seems there are no good answers out there
In windows you just need to download :
from here:
enter link description here
and then you need to unzip them and copy all in bin folder of both files into C:\Program Files\gettext-utils\bin
and then you need to go to control panel-> system -> advanced -> environment variables and add this path:C:\Program Files\gettext-utils\bin to path variables.
xx is the version you want to download if you download version 18
you will get an error that some dll file is missing, I suggest to
download version 17
this folder :gettext-utils\bin does not exist and you need to create
resteart your pc before you use gettext
on windows7/windows10 you have to download gettext-iconv-windows , try the following url:
after you download it and install it , close and reopen your CMD , and then try to use your command again .
i hope this helpful

How to Build the Apache APR-Util v1.6.0 Library

I am really struggling with this one. I have downloaded the latest version of each of the following Apache APR products for Windows:
APR v1.6.2
APR-util v1.6.0
APR-iconv v1.2.1
I have extracted the zip files and renamed the directories according to the APR Windows build instructions. Then I opened the apr-util/apr-util.dsw solution within Visual Studio 2017 and performed the required upgrade. When I build, I'm getting a bunch of errors from the apr-util/xml/xml.vcxproj project about missing source files. I have verified that none of the files referenced by the xml project actually exist on disk (or within the zip archive). Those files also don't exist within the Linux source download. Further, all of those files exist in APR-util v1.5.4. In my mind, this leaves only three possibilities:
The version I downloaded is corrupted
Apache released a version that is missing files required to build
There are additional build steps required for this version that are missing from the build instructions
I have verified my download of apr-util against the expected MD5 hash, and even tried downloading from other mirrors to eliminate #1 as a possibility.
This version of apr-util was released 2.5 months ago, so if #2 were the case I expect it would have been fixed by now. Has anyone else successfully built this version of Apache APR?
Based on issue #61379 opened August 3, it appears Apache removed Expat source code from apr-util. There is now an undocumented, additional step to copy the Source/lib directory from the Expat installation to apr-util/xml/expat/lib prior to building.

Can't find the file "create-multi-platform-projects.py"

I downloaded the sdk (3.0a1). According to cocos2d-x guide, I have to run the create-multi-platform-projects.py command in order to create a project, but the script doesn't exist in the package I have downloaded.
The guide says
Note: These instructions are only valid for cocos2d-x v3.0-alpha0 or newer
So I suppose that I have downloaded the right package (windows 8.0 64bit).
The script has been moved to tools/project-creator/ and renamed to create_project.py. You can use the script the same way like
./create_project.py -p MyGame123 -k com.MyCompany.AwesomeGame -l cpp

Compiling the Mega.co.nz C++ sdk in OSX 10.8 with XCode

I installed macports and 5 required libraries and can't get this SDK to compile in a C++ command line application inside XCode.
The 5 libraries are
XCode is generating errors about undefined symbols for architecture x86_64. I started with about 100 but trimmed it down to 22 by correctly importing the libraries and setting the correct header search paths (/opt/local/include). I really want to start playing with this SDK and I'm about at my wits end. There is no support on the site, no repo or version control, just a zip with some source files. Documentation doesn't spell out how the SDK works either.
If you can help I would be forever grateful. The SDK can be found by following this link
If it's still relevant you can check my Mega formulae pull request for Homebrew project.