Oracle instant client header files are missed - c++

I'm using RedHat OS to build a C++ program that is using OCCI to connect with an Oracle DB.
I had to reinstall everything and I found that my make file is adding the header files from the following path
Which isn't available anymore
The only installation I remember I need is installing oracle-instantclient-basic
I've downloaded the rpm and installed using the command rpm -i ***.rpm
But the folder /usr/include/oracle isn't there
Note: The path /usr/lib/oracle/18.3/client/lib is found and all libraries I use for linking are there (only header files are missed).
This is my installation file

I could investigate and find the solution
The header files are not created by installing oracle-instantclient-basic but you should install oracle-instantclient-devel
/usr/include/oracle/18.3/client64 is the path for 64bit version and the path is /usr/include/oracle/18.3/client for 32bit versions.
All the tools can be downloaded from oracle website


MinGW Installation Manager - Missing devpropdef.h file

I downloaded the MinGW Installation Manager and installed most of the packages available there in trying to find the 'devpropdef.h' file.
This file is needed by the openframeworks library and without it, I cannot compile the most basic project.
This file was listed by one of the contributors in this thread, but I don't know what happened to it.
Does anyone know which package it is in from the MinGW installation manager? Or how I can get my hands on it?
The build of GCC/MinGW-w64 has a very recent version of MinGW-w64 which contains devpropdef.h.

VisualStudio: remote lib headers are not downloaded when working with Suse Enterprise Server 12 SP5

I've got an issue when developing c++ application in Visual Studio using Suse Enterprise Server 12 SP5 distribution as remote build machine. The main problem is caused by libxml2.
Error logs: Errors.img
In the beginning, Visual Studio notified me that it cannot find libxml. I checked directory containing those headers and found out that libxml wasn't downloaded when I tried to load remote headers.
Before SLES, I was working with CentOS without problems. As I understand, Visual Studio loads headers from /usr/lib/, so I compared how those distributions store installed libs. I found out that in CentOS lib files are stored in "/usr/lib" directory, but SLES keep them mostly stored in "/lib or /lib64" directories. So, I downloaded libxml sources from .
NOTE: VS failed when tried to execute "make" command, so I tried just coping “include/libxml” folder from sources to “/usr/lib/ directory”.
After it, Visual Studio downloaded that lib and intellisence has stopped showing error: "Cannot find libxml". But I still get errors of libxml absence: Other errors.img
My question is what are ways to solve this problem? Maybe there exists any way to download /lib/ directory, or install this libxml to /usr/lib at start? Do libxml from CentOS will correctly work in SLES?
Thank you in advance!
After some tries, solution founded.
I installed openSuse instead of SLES, download all necessary libs and successfully get headers. By the way, c++ application which built on openSuse, could launch on SLES without any problem.

Cassandra CPP Driver

Really basic issue. I'm trying to install the Datastax Cassandra C++ driver on my Ubuntu 16.0.4 machine. It really shouldn't be that difficult. I've installed all dependencies using dpkg and installed the cassandra driver deb file. But I can't find (or #include) the cassandra.h file.
$ locate cassandra.h
returns nothing and running
$ locate cassandra*
returns a whole mess of files from cqlsh, the casssandra config files, etc, but no header files for the cpp driver.
Additionally, cassandra-cpp-driver doesn't show up in dpkg -l (though apt-get and dpkg -i say it's already installed).
Any help getting this installed would be appreciated.
DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra is currently not available from the Ubuntu official repository.
There are .deb packages for Ubuntu which are available as mentioned in the DataStax project documentation on github datastax/cpp-driver repository from this location:
If you are using Ubuntu 16.04, the last .deb available are under ubuntu/16.04/cassandra/v2.7.0/.
You will find the cassandra.h file in cassandra-cpp-driver-dev_2.7.0-1_amd64.deb, which you need to download and install with dpkg.
The suffix dev in a Debian or Ubuntu package denotes a package meant for developing programs, containing, in particular, header files.
dpkg -i cassandra-cpp-driver-dev_2.7.0-1_amd64.deb
The header will get installed in the usual location under Linux for header files that your compiler should find without a problem: /usr/include/cassandra.h.
it will also install:
which you will need for static linking and for pkgconfig to work properly.
What you may have installed is cassandra-cpp-driver_2.7.0-1_amd64.deb which contains the that is the shared object (dynamic) library binary file,.. although whatever you installed should indeed come in the result of a dkpg -l query such as:
dpkg -l | grep cassandra
If you installed anything from an unofficial source, I would suggest you uninstall these first, and install the provided .deb for your plaform from the official source.
Follow the documentation's instructions for making your first program with this library.

Can't find the file ""

I downloaded the sdk (3.0a1). According to cocos2d-x guide, I have to run the command in order to create a project, but the script doesn't exist in the package I have downloaded.
The guide says
Note: These instructions are only valid for cocos2d-x v3.0-alpha0 or newer
So I suppose that I have downloaded the right package (windows 8.0 64bit).
The script has been moved to tools/project-creator/ and renamed to You can use the script the same way like
./ -p MyGame123 -k com.MyCompany.AwesomeGame -l cpp

cURLpp installation

I have downloaded, compiled and installed cURLpp.
When I try to compile the example, it says that the headers can't be found (curlpp/curlpp.hpp etc.) but they are present in /usr/local/include. How do I add the library to my project?
I am using Ubuntu 10.04.